Next Sunday (End)

Fiance in two weeks





"You look like ,"


"Couldn't sleep?,"





Luhan sighed, already feeling pity for the other. He had heard what happened and hadn't expected the sudden news would have such an impact on his brother. After all, his brother was harsh, cold, heartless and knew nothing about love and was good in every one of them except the last one mentioned earlier.

Even though Luhan himself had limited knowledge of love, he still knew what it was to fall in love. And had been trying to tell his brother before, but his stubborn brother just didn't want to listen or at least admit that he was in love. So, the sight in front of Luhan was the result of his brother not listening to his wise words. And here his brother was, sitting in the kitchen, with his head rested on his folded arms.

"What happened?," Luhan asked.

He waited and waited. Getting no response from the other, Luhan wondered if his brother had just died a natural death. Why did it take so long for his brother to reply? Knowing his brother, the latter would always have an answer ready. Kris would always speak in his defense. And then, Luhan did one thing he had always done to get the other's attention. He leaned closer to Kris' ear and blew, very hard.

"Gyah!! Argh!! Luhan!!,"


Luhan had pulled away, right in time before he was eaten and swallowed by his brother's angry outburst. A venomous glare was sent to him, but he did not care at least one bit, because he finally got his brother's undivided attention. His brother was awake now. Luhan merely sat opposite his brother, giving the other an innocent, angelic smile. He could almost read his brother's thoughts saying:"You little evil thing... don't give me that innocent look, because you are definitely not and are an angel in disguise anyone who comes in touch with you should be aware and stay far away from you,"

"Leave me alone," Kris snapped in annoyance.

"Nope," emphasizing the "P".


Kris rolled his eyes before turning away from his little brother and continued to mope. Hoping the other would just leave him alone in his own world, he tucked his head away in his folded arms. But he did not get to do that in peace, because the next thing he knew, he was suddenly dragged away forcefully to god knew where and didn't care at the moment. His life .



"What are we doing here?," 

It was the first thing Kris had said since he was forcefully dumped in the car and had no clue where they were going or whatsoever. When their car stopped in front of the familiar house he'd only left yesterday, Kris had to open his mouth and pop the question. He really didn't feel like going in that building again, after the rejection that is. Yes, rejection. Rejection of all time in his whole life.

"We are going to take your fiance," Luhan answered bluntly as he got out of the car.

"Ex-fiance. He broke it off, Luhan," Kris blurted out.

"And you are going to mend it,"

"Why am I the one who should do that? He's the one who started it,"

"Doesn't matter. You have no choice now. Now, let's go,"


Kris crossed his arms, looking away from the other as he stayed seated in the carseat. He was going no where and not even Luhan could get him out of the car. Or couldn't the other?


A series of colorful curses and threats broke a quiet Sunday morning, waking up sleeping dogs and people who wanted to lazy some more in bed, but couldn't in the end. And it would have woken up the death too if there was a cemetery nearby. Luhan had taken no for an answer and managed to haul Kris' sorry out of the car and forcing him straight to their destined house. Kris never knew Luhan was that strong. He made a mental note to never underestimate his little brother again. Who knew what the shorter one was capable of.

"What in the world is going on?," a sleepy Tao mumbled as he held the door open.

"Let us in first, then we'll talk," Luhan said, not letting go of his brother, who was trying to desperately escape his evil clutches.

He had hooked an arm around Kris neck, making the other unable to pull away. despite both brothers having quite a height difference, it didn't bother Luhan at all. It was rather Kris suffering from lack of oxygen and a almost flexible bended spine. Luhan had him almost bended backwards in a weird way people might even start to think that Luhan was close to choking the taller one to death.

Tao nodded tiredly and wondered where his panda plushie went before closing the door. It was too early for him to wake up and to be in his right mind after yesterday's happening. He hadn't planned on being waken up by anyone, much less Luhan (more) and Kris. Sagging down on his loveseat, barely keeping his eyes open, Tao then decided to just close them and sleep some more. He'll deal with them when he deemed it was time to be up.

"He's sleeping," Kris commented.


"I'll go sleep too,"


"Aww, come on... I didn't even have a shut eye yesterday!," Kris glared at his brother.

"Ok, fine. Let's go to sleep then,"

And sleeping they did. The old grandfather clock ticked by slowly, unaware by the occupants of the house. It was a Sunday morning after all, and no one in their right mind would wake up early on a Sunday morning. Not even the three who were in Tao's living-room. It's a day to rest, a day to lazy around, a day to have for oneself.


Kris jolted awake. He didn't know what woke him up, but he was suddenly wide awake. Not recognizing his surroundings, he had to take a minute time to remember what had happened. Oh, r-ight! Luhan. That evil brother of his had dragged him down to Tao's house and here he was, sitting or was it lying on the couch in Tao's house.

He got up from the couch and looked around. Luhan was no where in sight and Tao had somehow managed to curl himself to fit in the uncomfortable looking loveseat. How the other managed to tuck those long limbs in, Kris certainly had no idea and really didn't want to know either. He knew, if it were him, he'd already die from cramp. He really didn't wish for that to happen to Tao.

And the next thing he knew, his long legs had taken him to the other and he slowly and carefully brought an arm under the other's legs and scooped the sleeping figure up, trying hard not to jostle the other awake. Putting the other in a much more comfortable position, Kris finally felt at ease. Tao looked so peaceful and tired. Did the other have a hard time falling asleep too? Maybe he didn't. Tao was the one who had ended their relationship! Or was it not even a relationship to begin with? Kris really didn't know anymore. 

Kris watched the other sleep some more. The latter was a beauty, Kris noticed and suddenly wondered why he hadn't noticed that earlier. Sure he knew the other was good looking, the first time he met the other, but he never actually paid close attention to every curve or lines of the other's features. But looking at the other sleeping in front of him made Kris feel... odd. Almost content... or was it... happy? Something was going on with him and he had not a slightest idea what it was. His fingers suddenly itched to touch the sleeping face, wanting to know how it felt, how the other's skin would feel under his touch. 


He hadn't even noticed he'd murmured that out loud as he carefully caressed the other's fair skin. It felt perfect. Kris loved it and almost wished he could feel that soft skin every day and if possible every time. He swallowed a lump crawling up his throat. The sudden urge to kiss the other became unbearable. Oh, how he wanted to feel those attractive lips on his own and taste them. And on impulse he leaned in closer to the other, he really couldn't resist anymore. He had to feel those lucious lips. He had to taste every line and savor it.

It felt like heaven! He was in the stars! The taste of Tao's lips exceeded his expectations and he willed it to continue. He was quite enjoying it, but a sudden flash of light startled him and he quickly pulled away from the sleeping figure. Turning to look at the cause of the interruption, he noticed his evil brother, Luhan, standing there, looking at him with a smug look as he took a couple of pictures as what he knew, blackmail material for future purposes.



"Delete that,"

"Make me,"

"You little-,"


"Mhrm... wha? What's... going on?,"


Both Luhan and Kris froze at the new voice. Tao had probably woken up by their short commotion and couldn't stay in the land of the slumber anymore. He blinked away the sleep as he tried to comprehend what was going on around him. Why were Kris and Luhan there, standing in his living-room? He didn't quite remember letting them inside the house. Then again, it could've been himself letting them in, Tao wasn't sure anymore. Everything was possible.

Tao got up from his stretched out position and rubbed his eyes a few times, willing the sleep to go away. When he deemed himself fully awake enough, he looked at Kris then at Luhan and then back at Kris again. Ugh! The other was there again, but this time armed with a one-man army.

"What are you guys doing here?,"

Both Luhan and Kris spoke at the same time. Luhan's "We're here to come and whisk you away" and Kris' "Not my idea. It's that stupid brother of mine who wanted to come here" clashed, making Tao confuse at whatever they were trying to tell him. When both the Wu brothers got no response from Tao, they tried to say something again, at the same time.

"Okay! Hush, both of you. My head hurts, I am not in the mood to actually be awaken this early and I understand nothing whatsoever you both want to tell me. So, Luhan ge... what did you say?," Tao decided to step in and make both of them stop talking.

"Uh... oh, yeah... we've come here to fetch you to come with us to your new house," Luhan said.

"Fetch? Me? New house? Ok, maybe you don't know yet... I am not marrying this person here," Tao jerked his thumb over to Kris who felt offended to be accused like that.

"Well of course you are,"

"Errr... ok... Kris... I believe your brother didn't understand what I just said... so care to tell him whatever I've told you yesterday?,"

"He knows. He's just being a jerk," Kris replied.

"Hey! I am trying to help you both, you !," Luhan protested.


After a good five minutes of argument between the Wu brothers, Tao decided to break the fight and held onto Kris before the latter could throttle his little brother to death. He had never expected this from both Luhan and Kris. And to be honest, he was quite amused of their behaviour and it was kind of cute too. When the two finally were brought to calm down, Tao decided to make some breakfast and have them talk over breakfast about their sudden visit on a Sunday morning.

"So... you are telling me...,"Tao pointed at himself,"... that he...," his finger turned to point at Kris,"... still wants me to be his fiance slash life time partner,"

"That's correct,"

"And despite me breaking off this whole thingy... you two still go on with it?,"

"Yes, you get it...," Luhan nodded happily.

Tao bit his lower lip. He wasn't sure what to say. Sure he did still have those feelings for Kris, but did the other really want to be with him and not for the money? Even though Luhan had tried to convince him (with a picture at which he flushed a shade of deep red) that Kris had feelings for him, but was too chicken to tell him. This was going to be hard. He scratched the back of his head as both Luhan and Kris waited for his answer.

"Hmm... I don't know what to say," Tao drawled out.

"Ugh! Just marry this idiot for god's sake! You both are driving me crazy! What is so hard to be together, huh?! Is you and my brother getting together this hard? Ugh! I hate you both! And if you two don't make up, I'll continue to hate you both till death!," Luhan suddenly seethed, making both Tao and Kris blink at his outburst.

Usually, Luhan would take matters with a cool mind and never had he even raised his voice to anyone, especially not to his brother. But, he had had enough! He's had enough of his brother's slow and dumb mind and Tao's insistence of breaking up with someone he actually loved, but was too blind to even notice much less admit it. Why he was surrounded by idiots he didn't know.

After he'd decided to leave matters in their hands, Luhan had not even bothered to stay at Tao's house anymore and left by himself, muttering something along the line that he had better things to do, like go on a secret date with someone, at which both Tao and Kris didn't even understand. It took a full two minutes for the silence to return in the house, before the two were left alone once again.

"Ahem... uh... your brother... has quite... a mood today," Tao started.

"Mhm... didn't know he had it in him," Kris nodded in agreement.


Silence fell upon them once again. Neither of them knew what to say to the other and opted to stay quiet instead. It was beyond awkward and Tao wished he could do something about it. Nothing seemed to come out of his mouth and cracking his brains didn't help either. He ended up with a slight headache instead.

"It's getting... late... I think I am... going to take my leave... since... uh...," Kris suddenly said and was ready to get up. "I won't be disturbing you then,"

"No! Wait!,"

Tao's sudden exclamation startled both of them and he suddenly felt his cheeks flush. What the hell? Why did he want the other to stay? There was no use for Kris to stay in his house anymore. And yet, he had to open his mouth and make the other stop from leaving. Stupid idiot!

"I... uh... err... you want... coffee?,"

Tao hit himself mentally. What the hell? Coffee? Was that all he could say? Offer the other coffee? He seriously wanted to bury himself six feet down and never get up again. Of all things he could say, asking the other if he wanted coffee was the last thing he'd expected from himself.


Tao's eyes widened in surprise. He watched Kris reclaim the seat he'd previous occupied and his heart skipped a beat. That smile. That god awful, y smile. The one which always manages to make his legs go weak, make his heart beat faster, make him fall in love all over again. He swallowed uncomfortably as he turned away quickly. He had to for he feared he was going to do something stupid and might regret later on. He had only one life and he'd rather treasure it than have it go wasted in one go because of his stupidity.

It didn't take long before Tao was finished making coffee for the other. He was kind of used to it already. Both he and Kris were wrapped up in silence again. Neither of the two spoke to each other and frankly they needn't. The awkward silence from earlier was replaced with a much more comfortable one.

"So... what do you usually do on a Sunday?," Kris decided to ask. He'd just finished drinking his coffee and had clearly no idea why he wanted to ask the other out.

"I just sleep and sometimes go to my friend. Why?,"

"Do you want to hang out with me?,"

Was he really asking Tao out on a date? Yes, he was and he was hoping the other would agree. 

"Hmm... ok... I guess," Tao had no idea why he'd just agreed to go out with Kris, they weren't actually an item, but then again, maybe they could just go out as friends?


A half hour later, they found themselves walking down the street of Seoul, heading to one of the biggest and busiest shopping city in South-Korea. Their shopping frenzy had led them to carrying almost ten shopping bags altogether, each of them contained either hats or clothes or shoes and eventually accessories. Luckily, Kris had his driver take the bags from them so they could head down to the amusement park. They went on every ride they thought would be fun and even managed to take some pictures in a random photobooth for memory's sake.

Five hours later, both Kris and Tao ended up at a nice restaurant, waiting for their orders to be served. The restaurant wasn't too high classed and was well visited by customers. It was Tao's idea to try and have a taste since he felt Kris should get to know how it would feel to not eat in a fancy restaurant for once. 

"What do you think?," Tao asked.

"Hmmm... this will do," Kris nodded back with a satisfied smile.

"Great! You won't regret this," 

Tao flashed him a big smile for the nth time that day. It was surprisingly contagious and somehow he wished Tao would continue to smile at him like that. He was starting to sound really cheesy now and that was all Tao's doing, of course without the other actually knowing. How he wished they could stay like that forever. Kris knew that after that night, both of them would part ways and go back to their old life. If Tao really wanted to end everything, then Kris had no choice but to let go. 

"Uhm... Kris...," 

Kris looked up at the other who was fidgeting nervously on the chair. After a few minutes, Tao decided to speak up and Kris almost feared the latter was going to say something he might not like. He really didn't want their day to end up destroyed by a couple of words.

"I... errr... how should I put this...," Tao heaved a sigh before continuing:"...uhm... I've been... or this question has been bugging me... for quite some time today,"

Kris waited for the other to continue.

"... do... you know where... what we're actually doing?,"

Kris deadpanned. Seriously? Of all the things Tao could ask, he'd ask something like that? That was maybe the last thing on the list.

"We are simply going out, hanging out together," Kris answered blankly.

"No... yes... no... I mean... I technically broke off the engagement and all... shouldn't we be going along and continue with our own... stuff? I know it sounds stupid and all... but I really don't know what we... have... are...,"

"Did you enjoy?,"

Nod. Nod.

"Would you like a possible repeat of today's... hang out?,"

A pause and then a careful nod.

"Then, you can see it as... we are friends,"

"But... friends aren't supposed to be like this and I shouldn't have this... weird thing for a friend," Tao said almost in whisper.

Kris' eyes widened in realization. Did his ears just heard right? Or was it just his imagination?

"Wait... are... you...?,"

"I... I think... I... actually might li-... have feelings for you and I mean really, really... happy feelings. I feel happy to be with you. You make me happy and smile and... I don't know... not me," Tao stammered out in frustration.

"Then... would you... like to stay with me?,"

For a moment, Kris feared the other might retreat and run away from the reality and after getting no response for approximately two minutes, Kris decided to just give up his hope for something that might not happen any time soon or might not happen ever. And then came the almost inaudible 'yes' close to his ears. He had to blink a few times and pinch himself hard to believe what he'd just heard. Was he hallucinating? Was he dreaming?

"I... I'd love that," Tao said.

Kris couldn't have been more happier than that moment. He was beyond ecstatic! He was... he was... delighted! And the next thing he knew, Kris had enveloped him in a bear hug, showering him with countless feathery kisses which earned them odd looks and a very flushed Tao.

"Oh... thank you so much, Tao...," Kris said happily, his arms still wrapped tightly around the other.

"But... do you really love me?," Tao suddenly asked uncertainty dancing in his dark orbs.

Kris didn't reply and just pulled the other for a second kiss that day. But this time the kiss was different. It was deeper and sweet, it explained everything Kris couldn't even express with words. When Tao kissed back timidly, Kris felt his inside explode in happiness. He really fell in love this time and didn't regret it one bit.

"I love you, Tao," Kris whispered earning a sincere smile from the shorter one.









Finally an update! Woohoo!! The story is coming to an end though. I am working on an epilogue which will be up sometime this week, I think. I don't know yet. But, for now... I hope you will enjoy this chapter and look forward to the epilogue!

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Chapter 15: Its soooo cutttee!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Greyson #2
Chapter 15: Did you know? The word "SEQUEL" does exist.
So please!!! I-,, no... WE WANT A SEQUEL!!! This story is so cute and I effin' love it!! Flashback 2 and 3 made me squel like a retarded teenage girl!! Taoris feels~
Greyson #3
Chapter 14: OMG!! Finally! The KRIS who doesnt even believe in Love had finally said those 3 effin' words!!
Greyson #4
Chapter 7: Oh fudge! I wish i could have a boyfriend like Kris though his a bit scary but at the same time, sweet.



hippychick #6
Chapter 15: awesomeeee <3
Chapter 15: hay baby boooooo.. will you make any sequel???? i want to read about their marriage and after it.. it's gonna be fun.. the jealousy, overprotective, possessiveness and their growing love.. please consider it >< buing buing...
Chapter 15: reread it again, my taoris feels came back lOl
mifky91 #9
Chapter 15: Nice plot. :)

I hope kris would be more lenient with tao. And i also wonder about how luhan and sehun were betrothed to each other. There must be a behind story. Lol.

I enjoyed reading this very much ^_^