
Fiance in two weeks




It was a monday afternoon and Huang ZiTao wondered by himself why it was in his nature to be kind and helpful. Not that it was a bad thing, but sometimes, he catches himself being used by others, especially by a certain someone in the form of his best friend. If it wasn't for his best friend, he wouldn't be standing at a deserted neighborhood right now. If it wasn't for his best friend, he wouldn't have gone through all the trouble of trying to find a place he's never been before in his whole life. If it wasn't for his best friend, he wouldn't have to suffer all the way to the other side of Seoul. If it wasn't for his best friend, he would be at home, trying to get some homework done or watch some movies, series and whatever there was to watch or simply lazy around.

It had taken him approximately 5 hours, 45 minutes and 15-16 seconds to arrive at the destined place. Tao was tired, hungry and beyond annoyed. He hugged the small wrapped box closer to his chest suddenly feeling uneasy. He'd never been out that far. The furthest he went would either be the public library or the mall, but never that far away from home. And right now, he was at some place he definitely had no idea it actually existed.

Upon arriving at the said address he'd given the taxi driver, Tao found himself standing infront of a big mansion. It didn't take him long to conclude that he was at the right address, since it was the only humongous building one couldn't miss when passing the neighborhood. His friend had after all told him that it was the only big house he could find in the neighborhood.

He whistled to himself as he waited for the door to be opened. When he was politely greeted by a young and handsome butler, he was led through the beautiful marbled corridor, heading straight to what he supposed was the office of the owner of the house.

"Here is young master's office. You can simply knock and tell him what you're here for, but don't take too much of his time. He's a busy man, you know," the young butler said with an impish smile.

"Thank you. Don't worry. I will be quick," Tao assured the other.

A quick wave to Tao and he was left alone, again. He heaved a sigh and suddenly wondered why he was even nervous to begin with. It wasn't as if he was the one responsible for whatever was going to happen. He was simply there, because he was nice enough to play delivery man for his best friend.

"Here goes nothing," Tao muttered to himself.

And with that, he knocked three times on the door, then waited patiently for an invitation, Tao looked around curiously. It was very clean and deserted, save from a couple of portraits and random antique stuff. Other than that, the corridor almost looked empty. Rich people either didn't know what to do with that much space or they simply didn't like the house to be decorated.

A dull "come in" interrupted Tao's thoughts and he suddenly remembered the mission he had to accomplish. He straightened his back and carefully opened the door. The first thing which caught his eyes was an empty space. Tao was confused. Where was the owner of the house? Carefully peeking around, he finally found the said owner all the way behind a big mahogany desk on the far left end of the room. That was odd. Why would someone build an office that big? And it was almost close to empty. What do rich people actually do with such a big office, if the only thing they were going to put were a desk and occasionally a bookcase and maybe sofas.

Shrugging his questions away, Tao carefully made his way to the owner of the mansion. Scratching the back of his head, Tao suddenly didn't know how to start explaining his presence. He then decided that introducing himself would be a first step to opening a conversation.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Wu... I am Hu-," Tao started, but the rest of his words were halted by the owner's words.

"Get me coffee," a deep, almost husky voice surprised Tao.

What? Tao looked around, wondering by himself who the words were actually directed to. Seeing no one else than himself, he asked himself if the other was actually ordering him to make coffee.

"Excuse me?," Tao asked.

"You heard me. Coffee, black, no sugar,"

The other still hadn't lifted his head up since Tao's entrance in his office. How rude! He didn't even greet politely!

"There is no coffee," Tao decided to reply, still waiting for the man to look up.

"Yes, there is. It's somewhere in the room,"

Tao gaped flabbergasted at the other. This man was beyond rude! Slowly he started developing disapproving feelings towards his best friend's soon-to-be-fiance. Once he got back home, he was sure going to make sure his best friend reconsider about his choice of selecting a fiance, even if it was for business reasons his best friend had to get married with this man in front of him. He was about to make his comment when the other spoke up.

"Come on, where is my coffee? I can't wait all day long,"


"I don't have time for your comments or whatsoever. Just hurry up with my coffee,"

Swallowing his comment, Tao looked around the room. Finally having found another table on the far right end, he made his way over to the table and prepared coffee, as ordered by the stranger slash best friend's fiance. When he was finished, he made sure not to spill the coffee and placed the cup in front of the other.

"Ahem. As I wan-,"

Tao's words were once again interrupted by the other.

"Get me cookies,"


This time, Tao couldn't supress his exclamation. And finally, the other looked up. Those piercing dark eyes locked onto his own slanted ones. Tao almost stopped breathing. Everything screamed 'mayday! mayday! watch out!'. The other almost had eyes that could kill. He visibly gulped.

"I don't like to repeat myself. This is going to be the first time I will do it. Now... Get. Me. My. Cookies,"

"Eep! Al-alright...," 

Tao squeaked out and quickly hurried away. He made his way out of the office and tried to remember his way to the front door. Maybe he could find the friendly butler there. 

Almost ten minutes passed and Tao hadn't found anyone and was sure he was lost in the big mansion. Why the heck was he running again? Oh, right... the owner wanted some damn cookies! Tao snorted in himself and turned to the left to only bump into a solid body. Before his could hit the floor, he was pulled back by a cute and handsome guy.

"Woah... are you alright?," 

Tao nodded.

"Hmm, you are new here?,"

"No... actually I am trying to find the kitchen," Tao explained.

"The kitchen is all the way on the other side of the house. What are you doing looking for the kitchen over here?," the stranger asked.

"Uhm, you see... I am here to actually do something, but the... I believe face owner of the house ordered for cookies and yeah, seeing that I am lost in the big house, I am sure he is going to have my head if I don't find him some cookies," Tao sighed.

"Hahaha... you mean Kris? Hm, it's time for his cookies yes. He always wants his cookies around four. I am Luhan by the way, his brother. What's yours?,"

"Tao. Huang Zitao... but you can call me Tao," Tao finally smiled, happy to have found someone actually unintentionally saving him from getting even more lost in the big mansion.

"Tao... come on, I'll show you the way to the kitchen,"


It didn't take long for them to finally arrive at the kitchen and Tao was relieved that his work was almost done. Once the cook got orders from Luhan to bake cookies, Luhan finally took the time to get to know Tao.

"So, what are you doing here? I don't see you in maids clothes, so you must be a visitor," Luhan started.

"Yes, a visitor to a certain fiance," Tao muttered.

Luhan's eyes lit up brightly at the mention of 'fiance'. He clapped his hands happily.

"Oh, you must be the fiance! Oh my, you really look handsome. More handsome than I'd thought. And you actually met Kris already. I thought you guys were going to meet when dad is going to have his birthday party next week. I was really looking forward to it. But, seeing you here now... I actually am happy to have met you!," 

Luhan was so excited, Tao didn't even get a chance to correct the other's mistake. Before Tao could say anything else, the cook brought the cookies and Luhan had already latched onto him like a koala.

"Let's go to ge's office. The cookies should be served warmly," Luhan said.

Tao was quickly pulled out of the chair and was practically dragged to the said office. He somehow felt like he was in deep . This Luhan had actually thought that he was the fiance of the impolite ! He would rather die than having that man as his fiance!

"Uhm, Luhan... I am no-," Tao tried to explain, but was interrupted by the other. Why does he get interrupted all the time? He couldn't even finish one sentence without being interrupted by another person.

"Ge! Your fiance is here with your cookies!," Luhan exclaimed once he opened the door.

"No... no... I am not...," Tao sputtered out.

"Nonsense. Don't be shy... it's ok I call you brother-in-law, right?," Luhan turned to look at Tao with his big doe eyes, which Tao found himself he couldn't resist.

"Brother-in-law it is!," Luhan exclaimed.

"Maybe one day wouldn't hurt" Tap thought to himself. Luhan looked so happy to actually meet someone new. "I'll tell them later after the cookies"

"Ge! Have fun with your cookies!," Luhan exclaimed and he was gone with the wind.

Tao sweatdropped at the now closed door. That was really weird. He turned to look at the man called, Kris, looking at him.

"Uhm... here are your cookies," Tao announced and put the plate with cookies on the desk. 


Tao shifted uncomfortably on his two feet when he suddenly remembered why he was actually there. He had to give a present to his best friend's fiance and then go away. But, the sudden orders he got, had actually interrupted his plans. He quickly grabbed the once abandoned gift and placed it next to the plate of cookies.

"Uhm... here's a gift for you... and uh, I have to actually tell you something," Tao started awkwardly.

"Hm... Not bad," Kris nodded once. "I approve,"

Tao blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice.

"Ex-excuse me?," Tao managed to choke out.

"Are you deaf or dumb? I just told you I don't like to repeat myself and it means you just got my approval," Kris almost snarled.

"Uhm.. you got it all wrong. I am not who you think I am...," Tao said, panic rising in his body.

"What do you mean? Are you trying to avoid this marriage?," Kris wondered.

"Uhm... yes... no... argh... it's not that!," Tao cried out frustrated.

"Then... you agreed. We both approve of each other," Kris confirmed.

Tao shook both his hands in front of him frantically. "No, no, no...,"

"If I've given my approval, you can't defy me. I don't tolerate it when my fiance talks back. Now, if you have nothing more to say, you can go now. However I expect you tomorrow at exactly the same time here,"

And with that Kris paid no attention anymore to the other. Tao stood shocked there, still not comprehending the other's words yet. Was the other for real? The other didn't seem like he was joking, so... he was...mistaken by the other...


Oh ! He was in deep ! His best friend was going to kill him when he hears whatever happened while he was at the Wu's mansion. He groaned in frustration. Where was lady luck when he needed her? He really needed a miracle to save himself from this mistake, which he hadn't made in the first place. How was he going to explain everything to his best friend? What a bad monday to start the week with.








Aaahhh... don't know what I'd typed in this first chapter. I kind of feel it , but anyways... maybe I'll do some editing later. Hope you guys will enjoy reading this :) Give some Taoris love :)


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Chapter 15: Its soooo cutttee!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Greyson #2
Chapter 15: Did you know? The word "SEQUEL" does exist.
So please!!! I-,, no... WE WANT A SEQUEL!!! This story is so cute and I effin' love it!! Flashback 2 and 3 made me squel like a retarded teenage girl!! Taoris feels~
Greyson #3
Chapter 14: OMG!! Finally! The KRIS who doesnt even believe in Love had finally said those 3 effin' words!!
Greyson #4
Chapter 7: Oh fudge! I wish i could have a boyfriend like Kris though his a bit scary but at the same time, sweet.



hippychick #6
Chapter 15: awesomeeee <3
Chapter 15: hay baby boooooo.. will you make any sequel???? i want to read about their marriage and after it.. it's gonna be fun.. the jealousy, overprotective, possessiveness and their growing love.. please consider it >< buing buing...
Chapter 15: reread it again, my taoris feels came back lOl
mifky91 #9
Chapter 15: Nice plot. :)

I hope kris would be more lenient with tao. And i also wonder about how luhan and sehun were betrothed to each other. There must be a behind story. Lol.

I enjoyed reading this very much ^_^