
Fiance in two weeks




"Tell me once again why I am your friend?," Baekhyun said in a matter of fact tone. He was currently looking down at the sleeping Tao in front of him. It was early and they had another half hour before the coffeeshop opened. Half hour earlier Baekhyun found Tao almost looking at him like a zombie and felt sympathetic enough to let the other take a short nap on one of the vacant coffee tables.

"I am cute, sweet, pitiful, irresistable and y as hell you can't resist to be one," Tao muttered loud enough for the other to hear him earning a silent chuckle.

"R-ight... you are. But that doesn't mean I should always be this nice to you and have your chores done by only me...," Baekhyun commented thoughtfully.

"Of course you should. You are, after all, my friend," Tao replied immediately raising a pointed finger at Baekhyun, his head still on the table with both his eyes shut.

"Hahaha... I am going to get some things ready while you have some shut eye. Howl when you need help,"



Half hour later

Tao forced himself to get up and got ready to take his spot behind the cashregister. Customers were slowly filling in and Tao could barely think about sleep. At least it did help prevent him from thinking about yesterday's happenings and keep him busy for a while. Better being busy than having to fall asleep during his working hours and have his boss run after him with a broom threatening to fire him if he dared to fall asleep behind the counter.

"Good morning, welcome to- eeks!! What are you doing here?," Tao almost screamed out in a shrill voice.

In front of him stood none other than a certain tall lad he'd been having trouble running away from, but still ended up meeting at the most unexpected time of the day and place. Tao waited for the other to reply, but was surprised he got nothing in response at all. The other just looked at him before going over to one of the vacant chairs, occupying the whole table for himself. What the hell?! The other was literally portraying himself as if he owned the ing coffee shop.

Tao watched intensely as Baekhyun went over to Kris. After a couple of words were exchanged, Tao frowned when he saw Baekhyun turning around and making his way over towards him. Baekhyun had a somewhat amused look on his face and Tao feared for the worse. Whatever was going to come out of Baekhyun equaled bad news.

"Tao... I like him. You should make him my friend too," Baekhyun said.

"Wh-what?," Tao blurted out in confusion, his mouth hanging open, to only get it shut by Baekhyun gently.

"You are going to eat flies and why you look so surprised?," Baekhyun commented.

"What did you two say to each other? What did he want?," Tao asked.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out. Anyways, back to work, my lovely... there are customers waiting. You don't want the boss to kill you, right?," Baekhyun said in a sing sang voice.

"I'll get you later," Tao threatened shaking an angry fist at a smirking Baekhyun.

He seriously wanted to know what Baekhyun and Kris had said to each other. It was too bad he suddenly had lots of customers waiting in queue in front of him, otherwise he would've forced it out of Baekhyun. Even if it meant literally forcing the other to reveal whatever the two were actually hiding from him. A couple of minutes later, Tao thought Kris would leave the coffee shop, but was surprised to find the other was still sitting there, comfortably reading a newspaper (where did Kris get that, anyway?).

It was almost his break and Tao was literally ticking off the minutes until he was freed from his spot behind the counter. When the pointer of the clock struck 12, Tao evacuated himself to the occupied table.


"What are you doing here?," Tao asked promptly, not caring if he sounded rude at the moment.

"That's no way to greet your fiance," Kris tutted.

"Che. You are not my fiance! And I asked you a question, you should answer. It's impolite when you don't," Tao almost snapped back in defense.

A chuckle.


And then...


THAT smile.




Tao felt his legs suddenly give away and he quickly sagged down on the free chair. He daren't trust himself keeping his balance in front of the other. Why did the other had that effect on him? It was as if he was suddenly put under a spell and Tao didn't like it one bit. Nuh uh, not even one bit. He had to get as far away as possible, while he still could. But first, he wanted to kow what Baekhyun and Kris had said to each other earlier.


"I am meeting someone," Kris answered.


Tao raised an eyebrow. Then why would Kris sit there until god knows what time it was.


"Okay, nevermind. All I want to know is what you and Baekhyun were talking about earlier," Tao demanded.

"That is none of your business," Kris replied.

"If it's about me, then it's MY business," Tao replied.

"You are so stubborn,"

"Good for you to know,"

"And feisty,"


"Nothing. Just commenting,"

"Thanks for the comments,"


Kris chuckled as he looked at Tao. The other looked cute with those puffed up cheeks. It made him almost want to pinch the other. But he had to resist that thought, because he was sure not going let others see him do things they would have never thought he was able to do.


"I am still waiting for your answer," Tao said.

"Let's just say that... time will tell when you will get to know the news. For now... I'm hungry. Make me some food," Kris said all of a sudden.



An hour later

Tao was standing alone in the most biggest, whitest and amazing kitchen he'd ever seen. The kitchen was almost the size of his living-room and probably even bigger. It can even serve as a master bedroom. Who would want to have such a big kitchen? It's not as if it was a restaurant or hotel that such a big kitchen was needed, right?

Tao shrugged the thought away and looked around, a bit lost and lonely. All the kitchen staff were ushered away, under the pretense that they just were lucky to have a free day for once and should take advantage to the fullest. Of course, they were all happy to get this almost never given chance in their lives. After all, their master had given out the order and they had no choice but to obey.


"Arrogant jerk!," Tao screamed out after a few minutes of pondering.

He wished he could just take one of the kitchen knives and stab the other in the heart, so he wouldn't have to see the other again. But then again, Tao wasn't that much of a sadist to do that. He was secretly too chicken to do such horrid things. He had lots of goals in front of him and wanted to achieve them while he was alive and he wasn't going to throw his life away just because of someone that arrogant like Wu Kris. 


"I hope you'll choke to death you stupid, demanding jerk!," Tao screamed to no one in particular, as he continued to stab the poor food in front of him.

It had taken him almost a half hour to think of something to make for the other. He really didn't know the other that good enough to make something the other might liked, so he decided to do with something he'd always wanted to try. Pasta. It was his first try and he wasn't sure if it was going to succeed, but screw that. He wasn't going to bother whether or not the other was going to like it. Whatever he was going to make, the other should at least be grateful, even if it was a teeny bit.


"I hope you don't mean me," a voice suddenly interrupted Tao's troubled thoughts.

Tao almost dropped the spoon he had in his hands and whipped his head around to look at an amused looking Luhan. He gave a curt nod and then started pouting. Tao paused his actions as he gave Luhan a helpless look.

"What's with that face?," Luhan asked while leaning on his elbows on the kitchen counter looking at a pouting Tao.

"I'm being abused mentally and physically as a slave here," Tao said.


Luhan suddenly looked interested at Tao, who nodded excessively in response that Luhan feared the other's head would come off any minute if the other continued to nod with that incredible speed.


"Your brother actually ordered me to make him food, because he is hungry and all his kitchen people are sent away, leaving me to do all the dirty work by myself! And I don't know what he likes to eat and I am not one to cook very delicious... I mean, I can cook, don't know if it's really delicious, but if it's edible then that is enough for me, but he demanded it should be extravagant," Tao exclaimed out dramatically with both his hands in the air.

"I am sure he didn't mean to sound like that. He may want to taste your cooking and let you cook more often for him. You are after all, his fiance," Luhan explained with a chuckle.

"Then why does he have to send them away. At least I could use some help," Tao pouted.

"He'd appreciate it more coming from you alone,"


Tao didn't know how to reply. He didn't know what to say actually. He was sure those words were not meant for him, but someone else... and it kind of hurt to know that. How he wished someone would actually appreciate him and meant it too.

"Don't worry, Tao. Kris will definitely like your cooking, just give him a chance," Luhan said.

"Hyung, can you do me a favor and help me?," Tao pleaded.

"No can do. This is all on you, brother-in-law," Luhan declined with a big innocent smile as he stood up straight to leave the kitchen.


Tao stabbed the food. Again. Harder this time. He took back his words. Luhan wasn't that nice as he'd thought. The other was a devil in disguise. Pretending to be an angel, but was actually the wolf in sheep's clothings himself. He thought the other would help him with making dinner, but didn't expect to be rejected just like that. It was the first time someone actually refused to help him. Never in his life had he encountered someone like Luhan. Heck, even Baekhyun helped him out during times when he needed someone's help. So, Tao decided Luhan would not be in his top 3 of friends. Not until the other had proven himself to be a true worthy friend.


"Continue to do that and the bowl will have a hole,"

"Good, that way we both can have take outs," Tao responded immediately.


Kris suddenly burst out laughing. Tao frowned. The deep vibrating sound almost sent shivers through his spine. It sounded... y. How could someone even laugh like that? How could someone even laugh as y as Kris? That should be forbidden on the planet! All people will die of a heart attack if not, then they would die of the iness oozing out of the other.

"Am I that funny?," Tao pouted.

Suddenly he was taken by surprise when he felt big hands cupping his face. He looked straight into a pool of warm filled black orbs and felt something boil in his insides. Everything felt hot all of a sudden. He didn't even notice he was holding his breath himself and thought he could drown in those eyes. It drug him further into a world of nothing, but himself and the other.

"You are adorable," A thumb brushed his left cheek softly for a few seconds as if savoring the moment and the touch to his cheeks.


And then the feeling was gone. Tao blinked. What just happened? One moment, he felt as if he was in cloud nine and the next moment, he was standing there looking at the other's infamous face. Was it just his imagination or was it real? Did the other just showed some teeny weeny affection towards him? Tao didn't know and decided to push the feeling away for the moment.

"When is food ready?,"

"Uh... err... I think... soon?,"

Tao turned away from the other, hoping the other wouldn't notice how uncomfortable he felt all of a sudden. His whole body shivered involuntarily and Tao hated that feeling. It gave off how weak he was to the other's touch. He couldn't have that. He should be strong and not sensitive to these incredible and unexpected touches. It was bad enough he was mistaken as the other's fiance. If the other found out that he wasn't who the other thought he was, he was sure all hell would break lose. And he would have loads to pay.











Kyaaa~ finally an update! Phew. Am working on the next chapter. Hope I can update it soon, but I won't promise. I keep getting writer's block, so please don't mind me updating this slow... like a snail...

I just want to write a good story for myself and for my loyal readers. Please comment, subscribe and upvote.

Thank you for having patience with me and welcome new subbies! Hope you will enjoy my story. Do feel free to read my other stories :)





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Chapter 15: Its soooo cutttee!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Greyson #2
Chapter 15: Did you know? The word "SEQUEL" does exist.
So please!!! I-,, no... WE WANT A SEQUEL!!! This story is so cute and I effin' love it!! Flashback 2 and 3 made me squel like a retarded teenage girl!! Taoris feels~
Greyson #3
Chapter 14: OMG!! Finally! The KRIS who doesnt even believe in Love had finally said those 3 effin' words!!
Greyson #4
Chapter 7: Oh fudge! I wish i could have a boyfriend like Kris though his a bit scary but at the same time, sweet.



hippychick #6
Chapter 15: awesomeeee <3
Chapter 15: hay baby boooooo.. will you make any sequel???? i want to read about their marriage and after it.. it's gonna be fun.. the jealousy, overprotective, possessiveness and their growing love.. please consider it >< buing buing...
Chapter 15: reread it again, my taoris feels came back lOl
mifky91 #9
Chapter 15: Nice plot. :)

I hope kris would be more lenient with tao. And i also wonder about how luhan and sehun were betrothed to each other. There must be a behind story. Lol.

I enjoyed reading this very much ^_^