
Fiance in two weeks
Tao was once again surprised to find Kris standing in front of him at the coffee shop. He thought he was seeing things due to lack of a good night's sleep, but the ordering rich voice he was almost used to now, proved to be quite the opposite.
"A cup of coffee. Black, no sugar," Kris ordered.
"Err... okay...,"
Tao took the order as he eyed the other. What the hell was Kris doing at his workplace again? Why did the other even show up there? Or did the other just happened to be there on his way to work and decided to stop for a cup of coffee? But then again, the guy was rich enough to have a coffee machine for himself, why bother buy outside? It was not as if coffee made outside differed from the coffee made at his own home. Or did he by any chance-
"And I want YOU to make it,"
Tao blinked rapidly, taken aback by the demand. Why was the other suddenly demanding exclusively for him to make the coffee? Tao was so sure now that he was being abused as a modern slave. He knew it! He knew it since yesterday when the other sent off his kitchen staff and Tao suddenly feared that Kris would even go further and order him around even at his working place. It was bad enough he was getting ordered outside working hours and now it was getting even more worse with getting ordered around during working hours.
He was about to say something, but made it just in time to swallow his words. He remembered the first time he asked for the other to repeat, to only get reminded the other didn't like to repeat himself. And after yesterday, Tao knew better than to talk back. The other had his ways of making him shut up and he was so not looking forward to getting surprised by the other's unexpected actions. He huffed albeit in annoyance as he obeyed. Better keep quiet for now or else his boss would come out and demand some explanation he wasn't even ready to give yet.
"Baekhyun, can you take over for me for a minute. I have to serve a certain customer," Tao said leaving a curious looking Baekhyun behind.
"Your coffee. Black, no sugar, sir," Tao said professionally, placing the cup down in front of the other.
The other hummed in response and proceeded to take a sip out of the cup. He took a moment to taste the coffee and then looked at Tao, who looked right back at him unabashed. Tao was patiently waiting for whatever Kris would say.
"What are your plans for tomorrow?," Kris asked.
"Work," Tao replied simply.
"Take the day off," Kris ordered, placing the cup of coffee on the table.
"No can do,"
"Yes can do," Baekhyun's voice suddenly interrupted.
Tao's head snapped to the direction of the voice, sending a warning glare to his friend slash co-worker. Wasn't the other supposed to stand behind the counter? Why was Baekhyun standing there eavesdropping openly on his conversation? And it was rude to even listen on someone else's conversation.
"Take him all you want. He's free by the way, so he can go," Baekhyun revealed to Kris before turning to look at Tao and said:"Tao, go have some fun for once in your life. Don't let your life whither away like this. There are fun things to do outside and you should learn to enjoy some free time too. Take my example and you will know what I mean," 
"Baekhyun, I don't need you to tell me that and besides... what's wrong with working? I work hard to earn my money. I can always enjoy some other time," Tao replied.
"Not if you marry him. You'd be freed from all the burden," Baekhyun said.
"What? What do you mean? What kind of burden?," Tao was confused.
Both Baekhyun and Tao were having their own moment, leaving their customer sitting there quietly. They had a sudden staring contest when Kris decided to break those two apart.
"Good it's settled then... tomorrow, my house 3 PM," Kris said as he got up and pulled out a couple of bills to put it on the table. He left without even waiting for Tao to get a say in his decision. 
Baekhyun waved at Kris with a big smile and all Tao could do was gaped at Kris. The other had done it once again. Deciding on something without him getting to make his own decision. Why was it always like that? Why was it he never get to say anything and the other deciding for him and yet he let the other off that easily? He had to admit he had not put too much of a fight whenever he was near the taller one. And Tao didn't know why he felt that weird tingly feeling whenever the other dominated him. Was he going crazy? Tao didn't know and hoped he could just push that feeling away.
"Arrghh!! He's driving me crazy!," Tao suddenly burst out close to yanking all of his hairs.
He couldn't believe what just happened. When will all this madness end? Ever since he met the other that faithful day, there hasn't been one day without the other taking orders and him having to follow them every time like a damn dog and Tao was close to getting enough of all of it. It was enough already. He didn't want to ordered around again. He wasn't a dog!
"What's wrong Tao?," Baekhyun asked confused at Tao's sudden outburst.
"You just sent me to the lion's den, that's what is wrong. How could you even tell him I am free tomorrow?," Tao huffed and then pouted, crossing his arms like a child. Baekhyun couldn't help but chuckle at Tao's childishness. He found Tao to be cute at some times and just wanted to pinch Tao's cheeks, but he was of course not going to let the other know that or else Tao would wushu his .
"Well, technically you are and if you were going to say you weren't, then you'd be lying to him. And lying is something bad...," Baekhyun said with an impish smile.
"Lying can be good too," Tao defended himself nontheless.
"Not to him,"
"Why do you even side with him? You are my friend, you should side with me. And besides you don't even know him," Tao cried out jutting out his lower lip at Baekhyun.
"Oh no no no, Tao. I do know him. Remember we talked to each other yesterday... so technically, we know each other," Baekhyun explained his logic wagging a finger at Tao's pouting face.
"Ugh... you are impossible too," Tao groaned and turned away from Baekhyun to make his way over to the counter, leaving a confused looking Baekhyun standing there like a kicked puppy.
Two hours later
Tao was biting his nails nervously as he stared off in space. He's been sitting like that for almost five minutes, not even moving one inch when Chanyeol decided to bring him back to the present. He'd never seen Tao that engrossed in his own thoughts; the other didn't even acknowledge him when he walked in. It was really rare to find Tao staring off in space like that. And Chanyeol knew there was something bothering the other, but Tao just didn't want to take the first step to say something.
"So... a penny for your thoughts?," Chanyeol started shaking Tao out of his reverie.
"Aah, Chanyeol ah... sorry... I would give you one if I were rich, but I happened to need that penny desperatedly... so maybe some other time," Tao replied with a half hearted smile.
"Aahh... I see. I will let you keep your word. So what is up? Care to share?,"
A pause.
"Chanyeol, what would you do if someone suddenly demands you to take the day off just for the sake of the other?,"
"Do I know the other party?,"
"Yeah... well... sort of,"
"Then depends on. If the person is worth it, then why not... if not... then decline... easy," Chanyeol said.
"But what if you are torn in between your duties and you know...," Tao's words trailed off, but Chanyeol somehow understood.
"Well, sometimes... you just have to offer and making offers can sometimes be good too. Who knows what good it'll bring you. You'll never know when you don't try," Chanyeol stated with a half hearted shrug.
Tao let Chanyeol's words process in his head. Maybe his friend was right. Who knows he might have some luck this time and he'd actually enter a full path of prosperity. Even though he might not have that much back then, because he wasn't from a higher society, he was slowly working hard on starting to build his own haven. One he could one day say was all worth it and the result of his hard work.
"Thanks, buddy," Tao gave the other a genuine smile for the first time that day.
"Anytime, baby... anytime," Chanyeol ruffled Tao's hair affectionately.
"So... how are things going between you and... you know... my diva friend?," Tao suddenly asked feeling all relieved from his stress from earlier.
"Eehh... not getting much out of him," Chanyeol hung his head in disappointment.
"Hmm... maybe I should have some talk with him. He had after all put me deeper in the mess," Tao cracked his knuckles evilly, scaring Chanyeol a little bit.
"Uh... you don't plan on breaking anything do you... because I'd like to have my baby unscatched, breathing alive and standing or walking as y as ever,"
"Ahahaha... no no no... I will never hurt Baekhyun. He's a good friend I can never do such thing to him. I just want to scare him a little bit,"
"Phew... I was afraid you were going to wushu that y of my Baekkie...," Chanyeol breathed out dramatically.
"I'll wushu that y of him when I am still alive tomorrow. Let's get back to work,"

And with that, Tao proceeded with his work for the rest of the night. The fearful thought of whatever could befall on him the next day, hadn't even entered his head anymore. He was too busy to think too much for the rest of the night. And with the help of Chanyeol's words, Tao suddenly felt relieved and less stressed then.

"So... What do you plan on doing tomorrow?," Luhan asked as he played with his glass of red wine leisurely.
He had been told what had happened to Kris earlier and was quite amused at his brother's actions and decisions. He had never seen his brother acting like that. It was quite funny to see Kris out of character. His brother was, after all, a well known strict, cold and pragmatic businessman who never let his emotions overwhelm him or take the better of him. Luhan had to give credit to the other for being that strong and he loved his brother for that. If it weren't for his brother, their father's business would have never became that famous and they would have never been living that luxury life they were living at the moment.
"He's coming over," Kris merely replied as he typed away on his laptop. Pale and slim fingers were dancing on top of the keys in an almost monotonous rhythm.
"And what are you going to do?," Luhan pressed further. Leave it to his brother to give one short answer to one question asked. 
"Don't know yet,"
"Kris... you do know you have to talk more when you want to get to know someone," Luhan stated suddenly, halting Kris' actions for a moment.
"Besides... it is really not that bad to show some emotions sometimes. You don't have to hide behind that business-mask of yours. It's ok to let yourself go, you know...," Luhan gave Kris a pointed look.
"It's not that easy Luhan. I am not you. I don't need to show any emotions. Emotions are just going to lead to yourself making mistakes and I'd rather not have history repeat itself and you know that," Kris said as he continued where he'd paused earlier.
Luhan heaved a sigh. Kris was right, but he really didn't want his brother to become emotionless because of the family's business. He'd seen his brother grow up almost like a robot pressured by their father and he feared that one day, Kris would break down and regret everything later. He, on the other hand, had been off better than his brother to not have to suffer the same fate as Kris, but that didn't mean he had a fairytale-like life. He, himself had been going through other hardships on his own.
"That is so you, ge. Just don't not do something you are going to regret later,"
Kris looked at Luhan confused. What did Luhan mean by those words. He'd, for as long as he knew, never regrette anything in his life. He was thankful and grateful for whatever he'd gotten and he wasn't going to ask for more. Why would he regret something he wasn't going to do?
"You'll understand one day, you'll understand one day," Luhan only said as he took another sip from his drink.
"When is the final date?," Kris decided to ask Luhan.
"Hmm... dad hadn't told me anything yet. I guess, maybe after a few weeks... give or take," Luhan replied. "At least, it's right after yours, just like how he wants it"
Kris only hummed in response.
"Don't stay up too long. Tomorrow is a long day and by the way... you told him he was free tomorrow, so you too should be free and that means, you are not to work tomorrow. If I catch you, then I am seriously going to let you suffer," Luhan threatened.
"As if I am scared of you," Kris snorted in a mocking tone.
"Oh, sure you will...," 
Kris watched his little brother walk out of his study and suddenly wondered where Luhan had learned to threaten him. It was usually him doing the threatening and not the other way around. Must have been him who gave off the bad example. Kris made a mental note to watch out whatever he was going to say or do  in the near future for he feared Luhan would learn from him and use his own tactics on him.
Glancing at his clock, he noticed it was already late at night and he deemed it time to get some really much deserved sleep. Stretching out leisurely, Kris got up and popped a few joints before going to take a quick hot shower. His body was tense and he seriously thought he needed a good massage. Maybe he should let his secretary make an appointment for him at a massagesalon. After his quick shower, the clock already struck 1 in the morning and Kris was finally tucked in bed peacefully. Sleep didn't take long to come for Kris for he had been busy all day and hadn't rested since he'd started on a new project. It was even beyond his imagination how he'd managed to juggle time between his work and his fiance, but Kris knew he could handle both of them and was sure he was going to succeed in both of them. But for now, he would like to pretend he was the only one on earth not having any worries at all.
I know this is a boring chapter, but I hope to have a better one for the next chapter, please do have some patience with me.
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ps. Please excuse any typos or mistakes... haven't been really reading through the whole chapter actually. Feel lazy for doing it tbh.
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Chapter 15: Its soooo cutttee!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Greyson #2
Chapter 15: Did you know? The word "SEQUEL" does exist.
So please!!! I-,, no... WE WANT A SEQUEL!!! This story is so cute and I effin' love it!! Flashback 2 and 3 made me squel like a retarded teenage girl!! Taoris feels~
Greyson #3
Chapter 14: OMG!! Finally! The KRIS who doesnt even believe in Love had finally said those 3 effin' words!!
Greyson #4
Chapter 7: Oh fudge! I wish i could have a boyfriend like Kris though his a bit scary but at the same time, sweet.



hippychick #6
Chapter 15: awesomeeee <3
Chapter 15: hay baby boooooo.. will you make any sequel???? i want to read about their marriage and after it.. it's gonna be fun.. the jealousy, overprotective, possessiveness and their growing love.. please consider it >< buing buing...
Chapter 15: reread it again, my taoris feels came back lOl
mifky91 #9
Chapter 15: Nice plot. :)

I hope kris would be more lenient with tao. And i also wonder about how luhan and sehun were betrothed to each other. There must be a behind story. Lol.

I enjoyed reading this very much ^_^