Next Monday

Fiance in two weeks




Baekhyun waved a hand in front of Tao's face and frowned when he was once again ignored. He humphed and did one thing he knew was going to make the other notice him. He inched closer to Tao and yet stayed far enough for safety for himself and kneaded the soft flesh on Tao's face. And that resulted in him almost getting a punch in the face and a broken neck.

"Yah! Baekhyun! That hurt!," Tao screeched out as he rubbed his abused cheek while sending the shorter one a deathly glare.

"I had to get your attention!," Baekhyun defended as he held onto a chair, he'd pulled out in his haste to protect himself from getting knocked down by the other.

"You could've called me or something," Tao huffed.

"Tried. Lots of times and yet you decide to pretend I am air," 

"You didn't try hard enough,"

"Yah! You little punk! Come here so I can abuse you more!,"

Baekhyun, now annoyed, moved the chair aside and leaped onto the other. Tao did the first thing that came into his mind; he defended himself and reacted purely in reflex. Everything went so fast, both were surprised themselves and the next thing they knew, both landed on the floor with Baekhyun on top of Tao, both groaning in pain by the sudden impact. Tao who had realized just in time that his friend would get hurt by his back flip (which he did purely by reflex), had managed to flip their position so fast so the other would be saved from connecting with the marbled floor.

"Ugh... that hurt," Baekhyun groaned while trying to get back his senses which had been knocked out of him.

"I second that...," Tao added.

"Next time... don't surprise me like that," Baekhyun said.

"I'll try... but I won't promise... force of habit...,"

As both lads were trying to recover from the sudden occurence, hoping nothing was broken, they never noticed two pairs of legs standing at the entrance of the coffeeshop. It was when one of them decided to announce their arrival, then both Baekhyun and Tao finally realized where they were and in what kind of position they were currently in.

"What are you two doing?,"

Both Baekhyun and Tao snapped their heads to the source of the voice. And they were met with a familiar pair, who they had never thought would appear during their work hours. Chanyeol and Sehun. A series of comical acts were displayed as they tried to untangle themselves and get up from the floor at the same time, but they ended up getting knotted together instead. If the situation wasn't that serious, both friends would have cracked up that instant, but sadly it wasn't. When they finally managed to free themselves from each other, they both stood as far away as they could. Because the glare that was sent to them promised nothing good for both of them.

"Chan... Chanyeol... I can explain...," Tao started as he made attempts to close the distance between him and his taller friend.

"We'll do the explaining after I hear this pipsqueak out," Chanyeol snarled earning a 'meep' from Baekhyun, who ran over to hide behind Tao immediately.

Tao felt bad for whatever was going to happen to both of his friends. He'd never thought Chanyeol would get this mad. Sure Chanyeol could get angry, but never on him or Baekhyun. This was the very first time he'd seen Chanyeol spit out fire. The moment he saw Chanyeol coming over to them with those long legs, Tao moved backwards, pushing Baekhyun along with him. They were so going to be toast.

"Look... Chanyeol... listen, please... nothing happened... we... just slipped," Tao tried to explain but Chanyeol's angry eyes were trained on the one hiding behind him. The taller one was not listening to him.

"Yeah... n-nothing... hap-happened," Baekhyun stammered out and his back hid the solid wall.

Both he and Tao were trapped. They couldn't go anywhere now and with Chanyeol advancing onto them, they barely had time to escape their trapped position. Before Tao could even do anything to protect his smaller friend, he was yanked away with such force he'd never thought Chanyeol possessed and almost fell face first if it wasn't for strong arms preventing his fall. He swallowed a lump in his throat when he saw the angry look Sehun was giving him. Great. Now his other best friend was angry too.

"Chan... Chanyeol... we... can-," 

Whatever Baekhyun was about to say was cut off rudely by Chanyeol closing the gap between them. Chanyeol had Baekhyun pinned against the wall, totally cutting off any possible escape routes. A short struggle came from Baekhyun who tried to push off the taller giant, but Chanyeol wouldn't have any of it. 

"Let go!," Baekhyun demanded.

"Make me!," 

"You idiot! Let go or I'll kick you in th-mmppfhhh!,"

All words coming from Baekhyun were once again cut off by Chanyeol sealing his small lips with a demanding kiss. Chanyeol made sure the kiss would go through that thick skull of the shorter one, so the latter would know where he belonged. He had to make sure Baekhyun would know who he belonged to. And it didn't matter to Chanyeol whether or not Baekhyun would like it that their current affection was displayed in public. All the better for Chanyeol to be honest. That way, others would know who Baekhyun belonged to and they should know not to mess around with his belonging.

This went on for quite a few minutes before both parted from each other to regain their breaths. Chanyeol still hadn't let go of the shorter one and wasn't going to do that any time sooner. 

"Now... explain," Chanyeol demanded with a hoarse voice, making Baekhyun shudder involuntarily.

Getting nothing in response, Chanyeol could feel his pent up anger taking its toll. Turning on his heels, he brushed passed Tao and Sehun and didn't even spare a single glance, tugging the now dazed looking Baekhyun along with him roughly. When the glassed door finally closed behind the two retreating figure, Tao finally felt himself breathing normal again.

What the hell was that? Why did Chanyeol overreact? Did he have to be that harsh on Baekhyun? Nothing happened between him and Baekhyun! He sighed and prayed nothing bad would happen to his friend. What a way to start the week with. His thoughts were interrupted by a presence clearing his voice next to him and Tao suddenly remembered his best friend still standing there next to him.

"Uh... Sehun ah... what are you guys doing here?,"

Turning to look at his best friend, Tao almost recoiled in fear. Sehun had the most angriest looking face Tao had ever seen. He was even afraid he might end up dead one day. What the hell was going on with Chanyeol and Sehun? Both of them appear unannounced and were both giving the looks that could kill any one at the spot. What wrong did he and Baekhyun do? And it was not as if they were actually a pair. They were good friends, who happened to have fallen in a not-so-innocent position, all by accident.

"Mind explaining what just happened?," Sehun demanded crossing his arms.

"Sheesh... we both slipped and fell. Nothing happened after that. What are you guys thinking anyway?," Tao cried out exasperately while throwing his hands up in the air.

"Didn't look like that to me,"

"Ugh... you are impossible. I am going to work!,"

Tao huffed as he stormed away, getting ready to open the shop. He had no time to argue with his unreasonable best friend at the moment, who wouldn't even understand what he had just said. He had already explained and the other just didn't want to understand. When did Sehun become like this? He made a mental note to degrade Sehun on his friends list, one of these days if the latter happened to be such a nuisance again.

"You go away and leave me alone," Tao ordered without looking at Sehun.

However the other decided quite the opposite and followed Tao to the cash register. He started nagging the other and didn't bother with the weird looks he got from the customers. It didn't bother him as much as coming over to the shop and finding his best friend with someone on top. He had to make sure Tao would promise and not get himself in such inappropiate situations in the near future. Sehun had his reasons for making Tao do as he wished. And if Tao didn't want to make that promise, Sehun might as well force the other in doing so.


Biting on his nails, Tao felt himself worrying about Baekhyun since the other had left or more like dragged away by his other friend that morning. And Tao couldn't help but wonder if he should just give a call and talk to Chanyeol. Explain to the other what the cause was of the sudden position Chanyeol and Sehun had seen. Chanyeol would understand, right? Tao doubted now. The other surely wouldn't hurt Baekhyun, right? Tao didn't know anymore. After the sudden explosion of Chanyeol's anger, Tao wasn't sure what the other was capable of doing anymore and he sure didn't want to make things worse than they already were.

After Chanyeol and Baekhyun's leave, Tao didn't get a single peace time since his best friend took it upon himself to reprimand him for whatever had happened and blah blah blah. What was up with Sehun anyway? Why did Sehun have to get so worked up over something like that just like Chanyeol? He had already told his best friend there was nothing going on between him and Baekhyun. And Sehun actually made him swear to never get too near to either Baekhyun or Chanyeol (even if they were just friends), because Sehun wanted him still innocent and pure. What the hell?! Since when did Sehun become a worried mother hen?

"Oh my god, Sehun! Can't you just leave me alone already? I have to work, you know," Tao cried out tiredly.

"No. Not until you make me believe you won't pull out that like this morning," Sehun demanded still following Tao like a hawk breathing down his neck.

"My boss is going to come in any minute and if he sees you being a pest during work hours, he's going to fire me. Have a little pity on me," Tao pleaded.

"No he won't,"

"How'd you know?,"

"I do. So, promise me that you wo-,"

"Alright! Alright! I promise! I promise to never get as close as to one centimeter near anyone in the form of Baekhyun or Chanyeol-,"

"And any other guys,"

"-and any other guys-," Tao repeated after the other.

"Until I approve,"

"-until the almighty Oh Sehun approve. Happy?!," Tao bit out sarcastically.

Sehun gave a firm and satisfied nod and decided he'd tormented Tao enough already. Leaving Tao alone in the coffeeshop, he decided to go have some bubble tea. Tao could finally breathe, now with the other gone and leaving him alone in the coffeeshop.


Tao almost yanked his hair in frustration. That Sehun was going to be the death of him one day. He was sure the other would keep him forever a lone for the rest of his life. What ever did he do in his past to have to suffer like this? His best friend was supposed to be a helping hand, but no~ his best friend decided to differ and be a pest. What a best friend he had. 

Once his shift ended, Tao clocked out and made his way over to his second job. Usually he would go over with a contented feeling, but today, he actually felt something uneasy making its way inside his body. Fearing the worst, he was close to calling in sick, but he had no choice. He needed the money for his tuition and his daily bases and paying his monthly rent. He couldn't let something like this bother him. If Chanyeol decided to hate him, then so let him be. Tao was too tired to fight back after he got a peek of what Chanyeol would look like when the latter was mad.

Swallowing a few times, Tao took a breath before entering the restaurant. Everything was quiet. No one in sight. Not even Chanyeol. Maybe Tao would be lucky today and Chanyeol had decided to stay out of sight for that night. He couldn't blame the other though. The lad had after all been not himself in the morning and Tao wasn't sure if Chanyeol had calmed down after that. Turning left and right, Tao cautiously entered the changing room and quickly donned on his uniform and settled down on one of the empty chairs in the restaurant. He waited and waited. No Chanyeol to be seen and Tao wondered if Chanyeol really did decide to take the night off.

Usually he'd meet a wide grinning Chanyeol and they would start chattering away until customers filled in the place, but that monday night, not one single person entered the restaurant, leaving Tao sitting inside alone. He sighed for the umpteenth time as he thought back at whatever happened that morning. He really wondered if Baekhyun was alright and decided to send a text message. After waiting for a full ten minutes and still no reply, Tao feared the worst. Chanyeol must've eaten the other by now, cut the other in pieces and barbequed his smaller friend out of rage. He pinked away an invisible tear thinking he should go find another new friend, when the windchime jingled, signalling for someone entering the restaurant. Tao quickly got up to greet his customers and willed his worried thoughts to go away.

He quickly went back into his position and welcomed the customers. Taking their orders and serving them, he made sure not to think or worry about anything anymore. Tao knew he had to focus, because he couldn't afford to make a mistake and have his manager breathing down his neck. He'd rather not have someone else angry at him too.

It was close to eight PM when the restaurant slowly filled in with customers. Tao didn't even get the chance to worry about his friend anymore, since the restaurant got busy and busy. He didn't even think about what had happened to him and was actually glad he had his hands full. Keeping himself busy was the best medicine for preventing him from worrying about other things. He decided to worry about those things later. It was best to worry about those things once he got back home.

And before Tao knew it, his shift was over and he was sent off by his manager. Checking his phone for any text messages Baekhyun might sent back, he found nothing instead. Frowning at his phone, Tao then decided to call his friend. He tried calling a few times but every call went straight to voicemail and Tao feared the worst then. Something must've happened to Baekhyun and he couldn't even do anything about it.

Just when he was about to turn the corner, he smacked into a solid body, almost sending him colliding with the pavement. Luckily, Tao was fast enough to regain his balance and was surprised to find no one other than Sehun standing in front of him.

"Sehun! What the hell are you doing standing here in the middle of a walking path?!," Tao asked increduously.

"Nothing," Sehun replied.

"Sheesh... don't just go blocking someone's path. You know, you could've hurt somebody," Tao said.

"Well, no one got hurt. Let's go," Sehun replied curtly.

And with that, Tao found himself dragged away by Sehun to the direction of his house. Whatever was going on with Sehun, Tao had totally no clue and thought it was weird for Sehun to show up in front of him like this. Why was Sehun even there? Tao tried asking the other, but he got no reply from the other. After trying a couple of times, Tao decided to just give up and leave it up to Sehun to tell whenever he wanted.

It was when both Tao and Sehun were sitting on Tao's couch then Sehun finally opened his mouth to ask Tao the one thing he'd dreaded for a while.

"Tao... have you been... hiding something from me?," Sehun asked looking straight into Tao's surprised eyes.

Everything stopped working in Tao's mind. He was caught off guard by the sudden question (which he should've expected), Tao didn't even know what to say to the other. Did Sehun find out his secret? But how? When did Sehun find out? Or, the other must've sensed something already and decided to confront him with it now. He bit his lower lip as he tried to come up with a proper answer, but nothing came into mind. How was he going to tell the other? He wanted to write it down, so he wouldn't have to face the other, but Sehun had decided to come forward with it himself.


"Uhm... I... don't understand," Tao finally decided to say.

"Hm? Tao, you've changed... I've noticed that since this morning. You usually tell me everything. Whatever happened to that, Tao? You don't tell me anything anymore," Sehun explained, his face softened a little bit. "This morning, I thought you were... having a thing... with that Baekhyun. You didn't tell me you were that close to him,"

"Wait? What? What is this all about, Sehun?," Tao was totally taken aback by the other's answer.

Tao thought this had to do with him cheating on his friend with his fiance, but he didn't think this had to do with Baekhyun? Did Sehun actually think he had something with Baekhyun? Eeww! That was so so wrong!

"Okay... let me get this straight. You go over to my work place just to find me and Baekhyun like that and you decided, Baekhyun and I have a thing for each other. You come to the conclusion that I hide this relationship with Baekhyun from you and all of a sudden you think I have changed because of that?," Tao summed up looking at Sehun seriously.

"Well, you never really told me you were close to Baekhyun,"

"And why is that your concern?,"

"It's my concern, because you are my best friend...," Sehun paused and Tao waited for more to follow, but the other didn't finish. It was as if Sehun was holding back something and didn't think it was the right time to tell him. Tao sighed. He was saved for now then. But he swore to tell the truth one day, one of those days.

"You silly...," Tao couldn't help but chuckle. "Baekhyun is my friend and we are only just friends. Nothing more, so take that dirty thought out of your mind and do not worry your pretty head with Baekhyun, ok? Chanyeol and Baekhyun are actually the ones who are a pair and both of them happened to be my friends. That's it, I promise,"

Sehun looked at Tao warily and then decided to believe the words. Tao wouldn't lie to him. He knew the other too good enough to know when the other was lying. And if Tao promised that he wasn't in anyway related, save from being friends with Chanyeol and Baekhyun, then Sehun just had to believe the other.

"Ok," Sehun finally replied.

"Come here,"

Tao pulled the other in a brotherly hug, assuring the other that he was still single as ever and that he'd let Sehun approve to whoever the other deemed was good enough for him.

"You better keep your words, because I know who is best for my best friend!," Sehun said with determination in his voice.

Tao tried to not roll his eyes at the comment, but he did it anyway. Sometimes, he just couldn't understand Sehun and his logic. Maybe, that was what made Sehun his best friend. Tao wasn't so sure anymore.








Yay! Another update for my lovely readers! Thank you for being patient with me. Hopefully you guys have enjoyed your Christmas holidays! I didn't enjoy too much since I actually had more of a wet Christmas instead of dry. But, I enjoyed typing this fanfiction and updating it for my lovely readers!

Please, do leave some comment, so I can see where I need to work more on. Thank you all for subscribing and commenting. Love you all <3

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Chapter 15: Its soooo cutttee!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Greyson #2
Chapter 15: Did you know? The word "SEQUEL" does exist.
So please!!! I-,, no... WE WANT A SEQUEL!!! This story is so cute and I effin' love it!! Flashback 2 and 3 made me squel like a retarded teenage girl!! Taoris feels~
Greyson #3
Chapter 14: OMG!! Finally! The KRIS who doesnt even believe in Love had finally said those 3 effin' words!!
Greyson #4
Chapter 7: Oh fudge! I wish i could have a boyfriend like Kris though his a bit scary but at the same time, sweet.



hippychick #6
Chapter 15: awesomeeee <3
Chapter 15: hay baby boooooo.. will you make any sequel???? i want to read about their marriage and after it.. it's gonna be fun.. the jealousy, overprotective, possessiveness and their growing love.. please consider it >< buing buing...
Chapter 15: reread it again, my taoris feels came back lOl
mifky91 #9
Chapter 15: Nice plot. :)

I hope kris would be more lenient with tao. And i also wonder about how luhan and sehun were betrothed to each other. There must be a behind story. Lol.

I enjoyed reading this very much ^_^