Next Friday

Fiance in two weeks




Kris was anxious. He hadn't seen the other for a day already and was starting to get worried. Or it was more like he'd been worried since that day Tao had stormed out of his house. He knew he had been a jerk and he really wanted to apologize, but the latter never returned. He did go back to Tao's house, but found the other wasn't there either. He tried calling, but no one answered. Out of frustration he had sent out a private investigator to go look for Tao to only hear the news that Tao had been with a friend for the rest of the day. After the private investigator assured him that Tao was safe and well with a close friend, he then finally calmed down and told the latter to go home and stop his investigation.

He twirled his pen, trying to focus on his work and yet his brains seemed to be on strike for that particular day. His mind was full and yet empty at the same time. He knew he should be busy with his work, but strange enough, that Friday he simply didn't want to do any working at all. He just couldn't concentrate. Besides, everything had been going well with the company lately, so why not take a break for once? In any other circumstances, he would've shoved off that ridiculous idea of taking a break. Time was money, so there was no time for him to take a break. But, today was different.

It was around 12.30 PM when his secretary called him, giving him a notice that he was needed back home by his parents. He had asked the reason as to why he was suddenly called back home, but his secretary could only tell him that it was something important which couldn't be delayed. After giving his orders to his secretary, he then logged off his computer and headed out of the company.

The drive back home didn't take too long and before he knew it, he was at the front door of his house. Kris had wondered why the hell he was expected all of a sudden during a work day and especially during his working hours. He'd made it explicit that he was not to be disturbed by anyone, and that included: not even his parents. But the sudden demand for his appearance was uncalled for... at least to him. He thought whatever they wanted to say to him could wait until he was finished at the company.

Kris stepped out of the car and made his way over to his house. Not bothering to acknowledge his butler, he headed straight to the living-room where he knew his parents would be seated. Where else would they meet him anyway? The moment his eyes settled on the two familiar figures, sitting on the couch, he cleared his throat, announcing his arrival.

Both his parents turned to look at him. His father, a tall and imposing man with almost the same face as him, merely gave a nod. His mother on the other hand, still beautiful and elegant as ever, managed to produce a smile. Kris stood at the entrance of the living-room a little bit awkwardly, not knowing what to say to them. It has been almost a year since he'd actually met his parents face to face (save from that day his father suddenly visited him at the company). Both of them were always flying here and there and Kris never knew when he'd ever see them. It was after a lot of disappointments, he finally learned not to get his hopes up too high. Even though, they were quite strict towards him when he was younger, he'd learned to accept that. He'd learned that they weren't people who liked to show affection, but somehow, somewhere, he secretly hoped they could show him some. But alas, that never happened.

"Kris! You are here," 

His mother was the first one to break the silence. Kris gave a polite bow and carefully made his way over to his parents. His parents must've seen the question he'd been dying to know the answer to, in his eyes, because the next thing he knew his father already opened his mouth to tell him why he was there in the first place.

"A friend of mine has asked me to set up a meeting with your mom and your fiance. He wants to call off the wedding,"

Kris blinked a few times, letting his father's words sink in. When he finally realized what his father had just said, he grew wary of the fact that his parents might blame him for the sudden cancellation of the wedding. What had happened? Why would his fiance want to call it off? He didn't know.

"Did you, by any chance, do something that might have stirred up this sudden... unexpected decision?," his father questioned, not looking pleased at all.

"I have no idea as to why the wedding should be called off," Kris finally managed to say. He was even surprised that his voice was even this calm.

"Your fiance is going to be here any minute. So, unless you don't want us to be angry with you, you better give us some good explanation and start talking now,"

Kris didn't reply. He kept quiet, not even knowing what to say. He didn't know what to say. He was clueless as to whatever his fiance might have told his father. How was he going to explain to his father that he wasn't even aware of the other's decision? He knew that his father's business partners were dear to him and if he blew it up, his father would have his head and then his brother. Possibly. And Kris couldn't let that happen.

"Ahem... I am sure that there must be a misunderstanding. I don't think I understand what is actually going on here, because I was never told that the wedding is going to be cancelled personally," Kris said, choosing his words carefully.

"He is your fiance! How can you not know?," his father raised his voice.

Before Kris could even say anything to defend himself, they were interrupted by the butler announcing that they had a guest. Their previous discussion stilled as all three watched the newcomer enter the living-room.


Tao swallowed nervously. He started cursing himself. What the hell was he doing here again? He wasn't ready! He wasn't prepared to meet these so called "future-in-laws". After knowing what the purpose was of this 'arranged marriage', he wasn't sure if the Wu's would just simply accept his decision. In his eyes, they were all intimidating, just like Kris! The moment he saw the Wu's, he immediately wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in there. All in all, he felt like he was a sudden nervous wreck.

That morning, he'd practiced hard on making his speech and everything went well until he stood at the front doorsteps. The moment he was led in, his mind totally went blank. All courage left him and he was standing there, feeling so small under their piercing gazes.

"G-good afternoon... Mr... Mrs... Wu... and Kr-Kris...," Tao greeted politely.

He was met with a two second silence. Tao suddenly felt like he was going to throw up any minute. Under their scrutiny, Tao could feel himself becoming smaller and smaller. It was as if he was some kind of object only to be gawked at. The room was becoming smaller and it suffocated him. Everything started getting warmer and warmer around him. They were making him feel uneasy and he felt like running away immediately.

It was when Kris finally got up to approach him, that he got himself back together. He had to remind himself a couple of times that he had to be strong for himself. This was finally the day, the time to cut off all ties with this so called relationship. Tao cleared his throat as he looked at everything but the Wu's.

"Tao? What is going on?," Kris asked the minute he was standing next to Tao. "Why do you want to call off the wedding?,"

Tao didn't answer. He knew he should've recorded everything and let the tape do all the talking. Now he was just standing there like a cat caught his tongue!

"Now, now, now... Kris... why don't you let our guest sit first?," Mrs. Wu suddenly said as she gave her son a pointed glare.

Before Tao could even protest, he was already dragged by the taller one and sat next to Mrs. Wu. And the next thing he knew, he felt himself admiring the lady who sat next to him. Woah... Mrs. Wu was a really beautiful lady and very elegant too. Her skin was flawless and smooth. (That must be where Kris got his perfect skin). She didn't even look like someone who has reached the age of forty. And her choice of fashion was very simple and yet eye catching. Even though she wasn't wearing anything too extravagant, to show off her status, the simple yellow sunny dress that she was wearing made her look like someone who held a lot of power. Just like Kris.

"You must be Tao... I've heard a lot from your father. Oh! I am so glad to finally meet you!," Mrs. Wu flashed him a bright smile and Tao felt himself getting weak all over again. It was that same damn smile he hated and yet liked at the same time. The smile that Kris gave him a couple of times. The smile that always makes him flustered.

"Uhm... I... I am... pleased to meet you too... Mrs. Wu," Tao croaked out. 

"So, tell me... how is school? I bet you are doing great. I heard from your father that you are a bright kid. A bright student with straight A's. He must be really proud of you. I would too if you were my son. Someone who knows responsibility. Not that I am saying that my son doesn't have. He has, he is only a little bit shy...,"

And Tao had his eyes widened in surprise when she suddenly leaned closer to whisper that last sentence to him. What the hell? He'd never expected Mrs. Wu to be... such an easy person to talk to.

If Tao thought he could break out the bad news that day, he was sure having a hard time doing that. To be honest, he didn't even get the chance to bring up the topic of him wanting to break the 'wedding'. 

Mrs. Wu had kept talking and talking about lots of things, Tao himself couldn't make out anymore what she was talking about in the first place. And every time he wanted to interrupt, he just didn't get the chance to do that. He just thought it was rude to cut someone off like that. And Mrs. Wu seemed to be such a nice lady to him that he couldn't bring it over his heart to cut her off midway.

"Okay, that's enough honey," Mr. Wu finally said.

Mrs. Wu stopped immediately and it was as if she suddenly realized that she wasn't the only one in the room with him. Thank Mr. Wu that he managed to make his wife stop talking. Not that it was a bad thing. No... it was just... Tao really wanted to just break down the news and head home, not bothering about them anymore.

"I believe, Mr. Huang here has something to say to us," Mr. Wu didn't beat around the bushes. He was stern and hostile, unlike his wife.

To Tao, he kind of looked a bit scary. The man didn't even smile when he first entered the living-room. Mr. Wu was tall and must have been a very handsome man if it wasn't for the deep linings on his forehead due to a lot of frowning and stress. And to finish it off, the white hair that adorned the small face made everything complete. The man who was Kris' father looked very intimidating. And it made him think of Kris. Again. Tao shuddered involuntarily.

He'd never thought he'd see an exact same copy of Kris in another man. That showed him that both of them were Kris' parents. No denial in that. But, now that Mr. Wu had brought him back to square one, Tao suddenly felt all nervous again.

How was he going to break it out to them? He had this feeling that they were going to hate him forever! Why didn't he just agree with his father and marry Kris? Why make things hard for himself? R-ight... he was doing it for himself. Standing up for himself and taking his own decisions in life.

"Ahem... uh... I... I... just wanted to say... that I'd like to cancel... the wedding... Uhm... I wish to have my decision respected as to why I don't want to continue this wedding,"

Tao hit himself mentally. He could've done better than that. But, at that moment, he really couldn't think of a greater way to tell them that he didn't want to continue the wedding. If only his best was there to support him. He groaned in misery. He so at this.

"Why would you want to do that?," Kris asked, still sitting next to Tao. 

"Uhm... I... it's not my choice... I mean... I thought... if I ever love someone and that someone loves me back... then I can tie myself with that person. And this... is something that I haven't chosen for myself. I can't do something I don't like,"

"You are saying that you don't like me?," Kris asked.

Tao didn't reply. Did he not like the other? He was sure he had some feelings towards the other. But that was not something very strong enough to make him want to stay with the other, right? After Sehun told him everything, about the whole setup, he'd felt angry, disappointed and betrayed. So, the least he wanted at the moment is get even more entangled in a web of lies. Everything had been a lie from the start.


"Are you... really rejecting... my baby?," Mrs. Wu asked.

Tears started to form in those beautiful eyes and Tao suddenly felt guilt eating him. In order to be happy, he hurt someone else unintentionally. He really didn't mean it that way, but he just couldn't explain why he didn't want to be with the other. If only they could understand and let him go.  

"Mrs. Wu... don't get me wrong... I-,"

Before Tao could even say something to make up to Mrs. Wu, he was pulled up from his seat and dragged away hashly. Kris had his upper right arm in a death grip and dragging him to god knows where. When Tao remembered the very same room he'd been forced into a few days ago, his eyes widened in horror. Not again.


Ignoring the pathetic whimper from the smaller one, Kris hauled the other into his room. He was slowly growing out of his patience. He'd never thought he had to take such drastic measures, but the other left him no choice. Once he had Tao forced into his room, he forcefully locked his door and almost threw the other on the bed none too gently. Seeing the scrunched up face from the other, Kris knew the other hadn't recovered from the pain yet. And he almost felt sorry for the other, but he quickly pushed that feeling away. There was no time for that.

"What do you think you are doing, huh? Are you trying to get us both in trouble?!." Kris almost shouted.

"What do you mean what I am doing? I am trying to save myself from an unwanted marriage! And in what kind of trouble can we get, huh? The only trouble we're going to get, is not having any business deals with each other anymore," Tao defended himself.

"Do you even know what you are doing?,"

"If I didn't I wouldn't be here in the first place!,"

"Do you know how much we both are going to lose in this battle?,"

"No and frankly I don't care!,"


Kris had a hard time to refrain himself from hitting the other. The itch to smack the other on the face was close on his fingertips. He'd never thought the other was so selfish! In his whole life, he'd always managed to see through every one person he'd met and whatever lied behind the mask they were wearing. But, this time... meeting this person, he'd thought he'd made a good decision, but he guessed he was wrong then. All of them were hypocrites. All of them have a hidden intention. And Kris suddenly realized he'd let his guard down for this one and only person he'd thought was different. And he loathed the idea that he was wrong in this situation.

"You are such a selfish !," Kris almost seethed out.

Tao's eyes widened in surprise. What in the world? Selfish? How was he selfish? He didn't understand. And to be honest, he didn't understand the other at all since the beginning. Another reason for him to not be with someone like Kris. He felt himself getting angry and got up from the bed to stand in front of the other. 

"Don't you even dare call me that if you don't even know me well enough. If you want to use that word, then that word suits you better than me," Tao said in a dangerous tone.

"I can call you whatever I want!," Kris barked.

If it were under different circumstances, people would've thought that both were just having a lover's quarrel, but sadly it wasn't. Both boys stood there, nose almost touching, seething in anger and ready to lash out any minute. It was just a matter of time before one of them actually broke the tension.


He moved away and took a step behind. Tao didn't know why he did that, but something inside him told him to just break off the argument and say whatever he wanted to say and leave. He was to do that in the first place anyway. Besides, what was the point in arguing with someone like Kris? Tao knew that the other would eventually have his way to make him change his mind. But this time, he was not going to let that happen. He wasn't going to let the other order him around this last time.

"Look... all I am saying is that... I don't want this marriage. I am so sure that both of our parents are going to gain whatever stuff they have promised each other, but I am not going to sit here and let people order me around and do whatever they want with my life. I don't want my life to be like this. I don't want decisions made for me. I want to be the one to make the decisions," Tao said, much more quietly this time. "I don't know about you... as far as I've seen, this marriage is important for you and your family... just because it benefits you guys more, I guess and you are agreeing to it... because... of business... not... love,"

It took a minute or two for Kris to realize what the other had meant. Without telling the other, Tao had even managed to see through him. Had seen that he was just doing things... because of his father's business. Not something of his own. In practically his whole life, everything was decided for him. He had no say in anything. And even though he wanted to say something, there was always a catch and that was...

Kris shook his thoughts away. He really needed some time to think about whatever had just happened in his house. He really had to calm down and think clearly. 

"Think about it. And... can you please do me a favor? Tell your parents that I really didn't mean to hurt them...," Tao paused. "I'll be leaving now,"


Kris stood frozen in his room. Not ready to move from his spot. It was as if he had suddenly turned into a statue. Everything that had happened earlier played in his head. When it came to a stop, it replayed again and again. That night, Kris refused to have dinner with his parents and didn't even bother to take a shower before falling down on his bed in exhaustion. It was close to midnight when he finally succumbed to the darkness and let his mind drift of to sleep.






OMG! OMG! What the hell did I type in this chappie?? Angsty? Sheesh... this is such a lame, crap chappie. I am so sorry guys... I hope to make the next chapter a better one! Ugh >_<


Oh, I've maybe added something more in my summary, because I suddenly found out I am totally heading a different course and that is not supposed to happen, but it's already too late to change everything, so...


Anyways, I hope you guys have enjoyed reading this story for so far. I am really running out of ideas to write, so that's why it had take a much longer time than I'd expected to update a chappie... :( mianhe


But do feel free to comment and tell me what you think of the story. Thank you very much and see you guys soo. Subscribe, upvote and comment please! Thank you

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Chapter 15: Its soooo cutttee!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Greyson #2
Chapter 15: Did you know? The word "SEQUEL" does exist.
So please!!! I-,, no... WE WANT A SEQUEL!!! This story is so cute and I effin' love it!! Flashback 2 and 3 made me squel like a retarded teenage girl!! Taoris feels~
Greyson #3
Chapter 14: OMG!! Finally! The KRIS who doesnt even believe in Love had finally said those 3 effin' words!!
Greyson #4
Chapter 7: Oh fudge! I wish i could have a boyfriend like Kris though his a bit scary but at the same time, sweet.



hippychick #6
Chapter 15: awesomeeee <3
Chapter 15: hay baby boooooo.. will you make any sequel???? i want to read about their marriage and after it.. it's gonna be fun.. the jealousy, overprotective, possessiveness and their growing love.. please consider it >< buing buing...
Chapter 15: reread it again, my taoris feels came back lOl
mifky91 #9
Chapter 15: Nice plot. :)

I hope kris would be more lenient with tao. And i also wonder about how luhan and sehun were betrothed to each other. There must be a behind story. Lol.

I enjoyed reading this very much ^_^