
Fiance in two weeks




Beep. Beep. Beep.

The beeping sound of an alarm clock rang through the bedroom and brought Tao back to reality. His head hurt like a . It was as if someone had just let a brick fall on his head. Groaning loudly, he dragged his tired body out of his bed to start his daily routine. Even though he really didn't want to go to work, he had no choice. He had to work hard to get his money and pay his monthly rent and other stuff, and staying in bed would not get him his money.

To be honest, he hadn't had a good night's sleep at all. All because of a certain person. He couldn't help but think about the encounter with his best friend's fiance. He had this thought bothering him the whole night, keeping him away from dreamland. He did try to close his eyes and tune everything out, but it didn't work. He'd tried everything to fall asleep but to no avail. All in all, it was a very restless night and he only managed to fall asleep around four in the morning. And by the time his body finally fell asleep he had to wake up already. Clearly, yesterday's happenings had taken a lot of his energy.


"You look like the world had turned its back against you," his co-worker, Byun Baekhyun, commented the moment Tao stepped into the coffeeshop.

"Urgh. Don't remind me, Baek," Tao muttered loud enough for the other to hear.

A chuckle.

"Here. Have a cup of fresh coffee. It'll keep you awake,"

Tao gave a nod in appreciation as he chucked down the cup of coffee to only spit it right out, crying in pain.

"Like I said... fresh," Baekhyun smirked, patting or more like slapping Tao on the back with no pity at all.

Tao started fanning his burnt tongue and glared at his co-worker slash friend. The other shrugged innocently at him. Tao suddenly wondered why he and Baekhyun were friends. For all he knew, a friend was to help him and ease some of his pain, but this one seemed to add more than ease his pain. He suddenly didn't want to be friends with Baekhyun anymore.

"You're... making... me... feel... even... worse," Tao commented through his burnt tongue,

"Well, what worse could there be in this beautiful world?," Baekhyun questioned.

"A good night's sleep," Tao snorted making Baekhyun chuckle in amusement.

"Go get some shut eye in the back. I'll cover for you for an hour and no more," Baekhyun offered, wiggling his finger at Tao and was promptly glomped by a fake teary eyed Tao.

Tao took back his thoughts. This friend was indeed a good friend and the other had just offered him some extra sleeping time and he could ask nothing more than that. And even though Baekhyun could sometimes inflict some pain on him, literally, Tao always manages to forgive the other one way or another.

"Oohh, thankyouthankyouthankyou, thank you very much Baekhyun! I love you, you know that? I can kiss you right now!," Tao cried out dramatically.

"Ergh... no, thank you. You can save that for someone else. I'd like to keep myself clean," Baekhyun declined with a scrunched up face, trying to push the clingy friend away.

"Still! You are my other best friend!,"

"Yeah, yeah. I know... Now let go," Baekhyun ordered sternly.



Tao pointed at a random spot, successfully distracting Baekhyun's attention. Baekhyun whipped his head to the left and was suddenly caught off surprise by Tao.

"Chu~ Mwuah!,"

Tao had quickly pecked Baekhyun on the right cheek before skipping away to the back of the coffeeshop ignoring the other.


Baekhyun was left standing there with a hand covering his, what he deemed, soiled cheek.

Like Tao had promised, he took a one hour nap before starting his shift, It was close to 9.30 when the coffeeshop started to fill with customers. Breakfasts were ordered and served in a blink on an eye and before Tao knew it, it was already time for his break. A much need break in his opinion. He was currently munching on his sandwich when he got a phonecall.

"Tao! Where the hell are you?!," a familiar voice rang through the phone.

Tao almost choked on his food. ! He'd completely forgotten to call his best friend that morning to tell him that important thing, all thanks to the restless sleep he had yesterday. And since he'd completely forgotten about his best friend, or more like he was too busy to even text his best friend, he had to remind himself to talk to his best friend fast.

"Sehun! Where the hell were you?," Tao shot back. "I've been trying to call you last night!,"

A pause.

"Oh... I've been... busy. Anyhow... you still haven't answered my question,"

"I am at work, coffeeshop. Another hour and a half before my shift ends and I am off to my other job, obviously," Tao replied.

"Ok, ok."

"Why? I don't think you just called to ask me something stupid like this. I know you better than anyone," Tao asked.

"Oh, because I just found out you called a couple of times and I didn't pick up yesterday. So I was worried that something might have happened to you," Sehun stated.

Tao rolled his eyes at the other's reply as he started to munch on his sandwich again.

"Anyways, did you guys meet?," Sehun asked.

"Oh, right. We met and-," Tao wanted to tell what had happened but was rudely interrupted by the other.

"He's cute, right? He is just an amazing person! I'd never thought I'd end up with someone so so special like him. Tell me, what do you think of him? He could make a great partner for me right, right? You approve of us, right?," 

An enthusiastic Sehun started blabbering before Tao could say anything further. Tao frowned at his phone. It was the first time Sehun sounded this happy. Something really good must have happened and apparantly it had something to do with the other's fiance. Speaking of fiance, Tao wanted to voice his opinion about Sehun's fiance, but he didn't even get the chance to do that. Finally he gave up trying to interrupt the other for the nth time and just let Sehun do the talking. For all he knew, Sehun could never be stopped when he started sprouting out all gibberish, which Tao couldn't half understand and yet he could make out what Sehun was trying to tell him at the same time. Maybe he could save it for later and tell Sehun about yesterday's incident when he was finished with his night shift at his second job.


"Tao! Your break is over! Get your back here!,"

Tao cringed at his boss' voice. There were times he really wished his boss could be somewhat lenient on him, but sadly, that wasn't going to happen any time soon. Throwing his last piece of sandwich away, he made his way back to the front of the coffeeshop, his appetite lost already. By the time Tao's shift ended, he finally felt relieved and clocked out. 

The moment he stepped out of the coffeeshop, Tao quickly hurried to the busstop and managed to catch an oncoming bus. It took him almost fifteen minutes to arrive at his destination and another ten minutes run before he made it on time for his second job for the day. When he finally arrived at the restaurant, he skidded to a stop and almost fell face first if it wasn't for a tall lad holding him steady by his right arm.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Watch out before you break those pretty and y limbs of yours,"

Tao chuckled.

"Thanks Chanyeol," he thanked the other as he found his balance again.

"Why do you always hurry from one place to another?," Chanyeol asked.

"Money. I need to survive, you know," Tao replied with a shrug and quickly changed into his work uniform.

Chanyeol nodded a couple of times. He understood what Tao meant with that. Waiting for Tao to finish changing, both boys then exited the changing room to take their respective spot in the restaurant. 

For the rest of the day, all Tao did was serve their customers and completely forgot the last words his best friend's fiance had ordered him. He had a busy day after all. When it was finally closing time, Chanyeol offered him a ride home and Tao happily accepted it. 

"Thanks buddy," Tao thanked the other as he got out of the car.

"Anytime, bud," 

Tao waved his friend off as he proceeded to make his way to his house never noticing a dark figure sitting in front of his porch. The jingling of his keys caught the silhouette's attention and before Tao could do anything, he was suddenly jumped by the stranger. 

"Yah! Who was that?,"

Tao let out a not so manly scream and was about to lash out to the other, but managed to stop right on time when a familiar face came into view.

"Sehun! You scared the out of me! Are you trying to kill me?!," Tao screeched out angrily and made a move to lunge at the other, but missed. Sehun had moved away swiftly before Tao could made a grab for his throat.

"Sorry... but who was that?," Sehun asked again, giving Tao a not so amused look.

"Chanyeol. My co-worker and friend. Why? What's wrong with him? You jealous?," Tao asked raising an elegant eyebrow at Sehun.

Sehun didn't reply as he gave Tao a look before backing off. He heaved a sigh before asking another question. "You two are only co-workers and normal friends, right? Nothing more than that, right?,"

"Yes, Sehun. Chanyeol and I are only friends and co-workers. Nothing more, nothing less," Tao sighed out exasperatedly. What has gotten into Sehun suddenly?

"Really, really?,"

"Yes. Really, REALLY,"


Tao eyed the other before opening his front door and taking off his shoes. He was followed by Sehun closely who did the same. 

"What are you doing here anyway?," Tao asked as he pulled off his jacket.

"Nothing. You are not going to lie to me, right?," Sehun couldn't help but be a pest again.

"Argh! Sehun, you are driving me crazy! We are best friends since we were in diapers. Why would I want to lie to you about Chanyeol?!," Tao cried out in frustration. 

"Nothing. Just want to make sure. As long as you still live a bachelor life, then I am satisfied," Sehun said.

Tao sweatdropped. "Why would you want that?," 

"I just want you to be, otherwise h-... nevermind," Sehun waved it away as he slumped down on the couch.

Tao heaved a tired sigh. Odd. He thought his best friend was acting kind of weird all of a sudden. Suddenly remembering the mission he had to complete, Tao quickly took a seat next to Sehun. He only hoped he wouldn't get interrupted again. He really wanted to make an end to all the misery he had gone through last night.

"Sehun, I got to tell you something. Yesterday... your fiance... he-,"

And once again Tao was cut off his words.

"He is amazing right? Cute if you ask me. He has those sparkly eyes...," Sehun started all over again.

Tao sighed in defeat. Someone really hated his guts. He couldn't even finish one sentence without getting interrupted again and again. He sometimes wondered why people liked to do that when he was on the verge of trying to say something important, really important.

He tried to stiffle a yawn as he tuned out Sehun's voice. He was exhausted and all he wanted to do at that moment was just take a hot shower and then crawl inside his fluffy blanket and fall asleep. A much earned sleep was what he needed for all he cared.




"Kris? Are you alright? You seemed troubled," Luhan asked as he took a seat opposite his brother at the bar table.

Luhan watched his brother took a slow sip from his can of coke and waited patiently for the other to reply. He knew his brother well enough to let the other finish first what he has been doing before getting a reaction from the other.

"I am not troubled. Just trying to enjoy my break," Kris replied as he set down his can of coke.

"Oh come on, Kris. You can't fool me. Are you upset he didn't come?," Luhan asked promptly.

A pause. Kris heaved a sigh.

"I don't know. I thought he'd listen to me,"

"Well, I guess you kind of have to get used to someone not listening to you?," Luhan opted.

Kris gave Luhan a glare.

"I can't do that. He's my fiance and he has to know his place," Kris said coldly.

Luhan sighed. "See, that's why everyone runs away from you. They are scared of you. Don't scare this one away. He seems really nice and I like him already," Luhan explained.

"Am I that scary?,"

Luhan gave him an obvious look.

"Great. Just great," Kris sighed.

"You better make up before dad finds out you've scared another one away again. You know how he gets when he hears from his business partners this and that about you from their child and what not,"

Kris groaned out loudly. Luhan patted him sympathetically on the shoulder.

"Loosen up a bit and have fun. This is not so bad as it seems,"

"Says the one who doesn't object to someone managing your life including your love life,"

Luhan only smiled at Kris. He wanted to tell Kris so much more, but for the time being, his brother had enough stress already and he really didn't want his brother to suffocate anytime soon.









OMG! This is just a lame chapter. Couldn't come up with something good. Hopefully I can do better with the next chapter. I wanted to give a view of Tao's personal life a bit, so you people won't get confused by reading little bits about Tao here and there. I will try to do better next time. Please have some patience with me and enjoy reading then. Please do comment, so I know what you people think of my fanfics :) Thank you very much for subscribing and do look forward to more. Upvotes are welcome and new subbies too. I welcome all of you.


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Chapter 15: Its soooo cutttee!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Greyson #2
Chapter 15: Did you know? The word "SEQUEL" does exist.
So please!!! I-,, no... WE WANT A SEQUEL!!! This story is so cute and I effin' love it!! Flashback 2 and 3 made me squel like a retarded teenage girl!! Taoris feels~
Greyson #3
Chapter 14: OMG!! Finally! The KRIS who doesnt even believe in Love had finally said those 3 effin' words!!
Greyson #4
Chapter 7: Oh fudge! I wish i could have a boyfriend like Kris though his a bit scary but at the same time, sweet.



hippychick #6
Chapter 15: awesomeeee <3
Chapter 15: hay baby boooooo.. will you make any sequel???? i want to read about their marriage and after it.. it's gonna be fun.. the jealousy, overprotective, possessiveness and their growing love.. please consider it >< buing buing...
Chapter 15: reread it again, my taoris feels came back lOl
mifky91 #9
Chapter 15: Nice plot. :)

I hope kris would be more lenient with tao. And i also wonder about how luhan and sehun were betrothed to each other. There must be a behind story. Lol.

I enjoyed reading this very much ^_^