The Troublemaker

The Elites Academy

(Jay Park POV)


"Aish...what the heck has my lil sister got herself into? Zeana Park, you'll never learn will ya? One trouble settled, and here you are now trying to create one huge mess again! And these things just keeps on repeating! It's like deja vu to me, don't you know that? Aish...what can I do to change you, sis?" I wondered to myself as I felt troubled for her while I was waiting for my turn to perform.

(Kim Nara's POV)

"Kim Hyun Jun in 5!" someone shouted.

"NARA! You better stay in this room and don't go wandering around!" my brother warned me.

"Nehh!" I replied with a 'you-are-sucha-boring-brother face'.

After 5 minutes passed, and there's no one in the room, I secretly popped my head out to see if there's anyone around so that I can make my escape.

(Zeana's POV)

I came out from my car and was shocked at how many fangirls turned up. I then saw a passageway guarded by two big-sized bodyguards. Then, I had an idea to sneak in through that passage. I ran towards the bodyguards. 

"QUICK, QUICK! There's an idol being bashed by girl fans over there! He's going to be dead! The girl fans are so ferocious! QUICK! Save him!" I exclaimed while pointing to them where the girl fans are. 

The two of them quickly ran there and then I sneaked in.

(No one POV)

"BAM!" Zeana & Nara bumped into each other, causing Zeana's white-striped heels to break, and Nara's hair ruined.

(Nara's dialog is in purple)

(Zeana's in pink)

"Hey, watch where you're going!"

"Well, sorry! I didn't mean to do it on purpose! It's not my fault in the first place!"


Hey guys! Just a short author's note: This is our first fanfic! So, we do hope we'll get lots of support from all of you! If you think the story is dragging, we apologise, we'll start to think of a better idea for the next few chapters. We have 2 chapters done already, and we're planning to post it up...BUT, only if all of you comment! Haha! Comment ok! Tell us what you think of our story so far? So that we know that we do have interested readers out there! & also, please don't be silent readers ok, COMMENT, COMMENT & COMMENT :)

And lastly, the male leads are coming up pretty soon! Not to forget romantic couples, love scenes, comedies & not to forget conflicts. SO COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE, PEOPLE! :)

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MangoKittyCat #1
So far so good
ElitesAcad #2
Hey! Thanks for the comment & support! We'll update soon, don't worry! Don't forget to keep reading ;)