My Boyfriend

The Elites Academy


Just as we were about to look up, Kevin screamed causing the rest of the members to check out what was happening. Usually, Kevin would scream like that if he saw a huge roach or something, but this time, it's not a roach.
The other members were watching us with their bulging eyes and dropped jaws. Yet, Dongho's hands were still on mine since he was sliding the ring onto my finger. I didn't know why we were still in that position even after Kevin's high pitch screaming! We were rooted to the ground. I guess we were just stunned and didn't know what to do. Suddenly I came back to my nerves and I realized what was going on. I then budge Dongho with my arms, hinting him to tell them we're not together and it was all a misunderstanding. Dongho then started stuttering,
"Err,'re not...together! We...we...were...err..." 
"IT'S A FRIENDSHIP RING! HE GAVE IT TO ME FOR OUR TWO YEARS FRIENDSHIP! It was a misunderstanding, Kevin." I told them myself since Dongho was taking FOREVER to finish off one WORD. -.-
"Err...yeah...whatever she said." Dongho told his hyungs.
"LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE! I don't believe it! That's bull! Come on, you think we're too dumb enough to know about this, Shin Dongho?" Kevin shrugged.
"YEAH! I still remember that night before you went to sleep, and you told me that you had feelings for Nara cause she's so different and awesome unlike other girls. Guys, he told me that while we were watching some drama in the living room that night, when you guys had already went in to bed." Soohyun said.
My jaws dropped.
"HYUNG! SHE'S HERE! DON'T SAY THAT OUT LOUD! PLEASE!" Dongho begged his hyung.
"Oops, sorry! It slipped out! Come on guys, let's head back to practice, we've got a lot to do! And Dongho, make it official. Make it simple for her okay? Stop making her confused! Look at her now! She looks like a dinosaur at an exhibition museum whose jaws dropped and couldn't go up back again. Haha!" Soohyun said.
Dongho glared at him with the don't-talk-bad-about-Nara face.
"Oops, sorry! Haha! Just make it quick, we'll be waiting for you inside." Soohyun ended the conversation and pushed the other members back to the practice room.
The other members still had their jaws dropped and shocked faces on them. Same with me. I still had my jaws dropped.
"Err, Nara. About what my hyung said..."
"ARE YOU SERIOUS, SHIN DONGHO!?" I cutted his sentence. 
"OUT WITH IT. You know how furious I get when I'm impatient. Don't act like you knew me just yesterday." I budged him.
"FINE. I have feelings for you actually and because you treat and call me 'bestfriend' therefore I can't confess to you my feelings towards you but I really like and I have been thinking and spending too much time in my room every night thinking on how I should tell you and everytime when I've decided to confess to you I just don't have the courage to do so." Dongho said in full breath. Gosh, he really likes doing that habit of his. -.-
He gasped for air and finished his sentence, "And I've always hoped you could read and see my heart that I don't only treat you as my bestfriend. I hope we can be together, for eternity." 
My jaw dropped again. I couldn't imagine how my face looked like but I know that I looked like a confused bimbo at that time when he confessed to me. All I could do was smile. Well, he's not that bad either. I mean, he's nice, playful, funny, sometimes childish but hey, doesn't that make him a fun person to be with? Unlike some guys who just likes to act cool in front of girls, that's boring, and bull.
"Well, I guess we can give it a try. :) " I replied to him.
Dongho looked so happy at that time. That was the first time I saw his smile so wide that it can nearly touch his ears, okay no, that's fake. It's just that his smile looked so happy that I've never seen that smile of his before okay. Dongho slowly stretched his arms out in front of him and grabbed my shoulder and pulled me in for a hug. He hugged me tightly and I could feel him shivering. I placed my arms around his waist. And I know that he has never hugged a girl before, that might be the reason why he's shivering, he could have been nervous.
"So I guess this ring is meant to be our couple ring, huh?"
Haha, how cute is my boyfriend?
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MangoKittyCat #1
So far so good
ElitesAcad #2
Hey! Thanks for the comment & support! We'll update soon, don't worry! Don't forget to keep reading ;)