Chapter 9

Lousy Love


"Yah! Park Jimin calm down"
I turn and look and it’s Mr. Bang Shinhyuk PDnim    
"If you’re going to be acting like this then look there’s the door its wide open. I'm not going to deal with this childish behavior. Either you mature up or leave it’s your decision now. This better not happen again. Mostly in front of our boss. You know how bad this makes me look. I hope you and the rest of your members accept that young lady. Got it!?" Mr. Shinhyuk said
"Yes sir. This won't happen again" I say as I bow
"Good. Now get to practice. I will see you guys tomorrow at the press conference." He said as he was walking Mr. Jeong out.

"Yah Jimin you have to keep calm and not let that temper get to you. We love you. Were a family and it wouldn't be the same without you. So just keep calm we don't know if she's going to be permanent or not so just keep things calm and don't over exaggerate and accept her. Put yourself in her shoes imagine how she's feelings. Would you like it if someone was doing the same to you?" Namjoon all of a sudden started to scold me
"No but-
"Okay then don't do something like that again. You’re going to apologize when we get to the dorms got it." Namjoon commanded more than asked
"Alright got it. Let’s just practice" I said and walked to my spot

We spent the whole day practicing. It was around 11:30 pm when they said they were going to let us leave early due to the press conference tomorrow.

We all packed into the van and went straight to the dorm. We decided to actually stop by this nearby market to buy some groceries and something quick to eat. We bought all we needed and went home.

As we were getting out the van the driver suddenly caught our attention.
"Hey guys wait up. I forgot to drop this off earlier. Can you guys give this to the young lady? Thanks."
"Yea sure no problem" Hoseok all of a sudden said taking the luggage and going to the door.
"Thanks. See you all tomorrow" the driver said driving off.
We walk in and we notice the dorm looks different
"Jin did you clean before we left?" Yoongi asked as we walked into the kitchen to leave the bags.
"No I didn't we were in such a rush I forgot to clean. I only cleaned mine and Jimins room." Jin said
“Who left the TV on?!" We heard Taehyung yell from the living room.
We all went to the living room and it was pitch black with only the TV on.
All of a sudden we heard a small groan as if someone was being squished.
"What the hell. Omg I'm so sorry." We heard Taehyung yell.
We all looked over the couch and realized Taehyung just sat on the new member.
"Hey are you okay? Does anything hurt? Want an ice pack?" Mother Jin started asking as he reached out for her hand.
She then got up off the couch and started walking towards me. I started walking back into the hall way and I don't know how but she caught a hold of me and clinged onto my arm.
"Aww she sleep walks." Yoongi started saying in a cute voice.
As all the guys were going gaga over her sleep walking I was freaking out over here. I don't like her I want her off of me.
"Don't wake her up Jimin. Just walk her to her room." Jeongguk said
"What why me I don't even like her. You walk her" I said as I lightly pushed her off.
But since she is sleeping I guess I used a little too much force and she fell back and hit her head on the wall.
She all of a sudden opened her eyes all huge. She looked really scary.
She then started to speak in English. We had no idea what she was saying.
Then Taehyung and Jeongguk went and helped her out.
Namjoon started talking to her. Jeongguk, Taehyung, Namjoon then went upstairs.

"Yah Jimin that was a little mean. You should have just tooken her arm off you not push her." Yoongi said.
"I didn't even fully push her. And either way why is she wearing my clothes?!" I screamed going toward the stairs
"Yah. What are you going to do? Rip them off of her? Come on Jimin stop being so hot headed. You promised" Jin hyung said as he stood in front of the stairs blocking my way.
"Whatever. Let me just go to my room I'm so done with today." I said pushing him off
"She just went back to sleep so guys please don't make that much noise okay. She seems really tired and a little upset. So please best behaviors got it?" Namjoon said as he walked down the stairs and past me.
"You heard right Jimin?" Taehyung said as he followed sounding mad.
"Yea yea goodnight." I said and ran up the stairs.
I went straight to mine and Jin's room. I changed and went to bed

*Next day. 5 Am.*
"Yah Jimin wake up. We have to get ready." Jin said waking me up.
"Ughh okay Got it." I said kicking off the blankets.

We all were done and ready by 5:30 we were all sitting down stairs in the kitchen when we heard light footsteps.
All of a sudden Namjoon, Taehyung and Jeongguk got up and walked to the stairs.
They took about 5 minutes and then came back to the kitchen.
"Guys someone would like to introduce them self. This is Kim Heejoo. She's going to be a dancer, vocalist and female visual to the group. She came from America so she doesn’t know any Korean so that's why that one guy was with her. So if you need to talk to her I'll try my hardest to translate. Okay guys?" Namjoon said as he stepped aside so we could see her.
She was wearing my favorite black sweats and my young America tank top. She then started talking to Namjoon hyung looking a little lost.
"Hoseok where did you leave her luggage she said she wants to change into her clothes and give the clothes she has on back to the owner" Namjoon told us.
"Maybe she shouldn't get others clothes then." I said in an annoyed tone.
"Jimin stop. I left it at the front door I'll get it for her." Hoseok said as he got up from the table.

Hoseok came back with her luggage and helped her take them up to her room. We continued eating and then realized it was already 7. We had to be at the studio by 8 so we all got up and cleaned a little. Well there's nothing to clean the house apparently got cleaned yesterday. We just washed the dishes and started getting our bags ready.

We were done by 7:30 so we decided to go watch some TV as we waited for the van.

We then heard a honk and knew that the van was here. We turned everything off and went outside and started getting into the van.

"Wait what about Heejooshi?" Jeongguk asked.
"Oh that's right hey hold on I'll be right back." Namjoon said as he jumped out the van.

A few minutes later he came back with a backpack in his hands and of course with her right behind him. He helped her get in and she sat in the seat all by herself. She took her backpack from him and took out her phone and put in her earphones.
Wow she's so going to get along with us. I hope she stays like that the whole time until she leaves.

We got to Big Hit building and went in. We saw that the whole inside was being set up and everyone was rushing to things and yelling all over the place. We went straight to our practice room.

As we went in, there were cameras all over the place. I mean we usually have someone from the staff film us so we can upload to our YouTube channel but this is more than usual.

"Great you all came together. I hope there were no problems." Manager Hyung said as he walked over to us.
"Ms. Kim I hope you slept well and I hope the room is to your liking." Manager Hyung started asking.
All of a sudden the man from yesterday popped up from behind him and she got the biggest smile on her face. I guess he's the translator because he went next to her and started to speak English
"She said she loves the dorm. And she said she hopes the members don't mind that she cleaned it up a bit. I wouldn’t say bit but she said just to say a bit." The guy said
"Oh tell her its fine. Were very thankful and I'll try my best to keep it clean. I try to but these kids don't listen." Mother Hoseok started saying
"She said no need to thank her, and she said thanks for the help." He said
"So you’re her translator?" Taehyung asked
"Oh yes sorry so rude of me. I'm Jung JoHee. I'm Heejoo's translator until she learns Korean so I hope you guys can help me out in teaching her." Mr. Jung said
"Don't worry we will. It’s what friends do." Yoongi hyung said
"Mr. Jung can you tell Heejoo she's very pretty." Taehyung said. Pshh of course he would say that, she's not that pretty if you look at her. I don't even know why I thought she was pretty.
As he translated what Taehyung said her expression stayed the same.
If I had to describe her expression, the look in her eyes it would be

Cold as ice

"The young man, Taehyung, would like me to tell you that you are pretty." Mr. Jung said
"Oh okay. Umm tell him I said thanks I guess. “I said.

Mr. Jung turned back around and translated what I said. Why are there so many cameras here? Is it usually like this?

Since last night nothings been going good.

~~I don't remember how but I woke up with 7 faces around me. I was on the ground against the wall. My head started throbbing with pain. Two guys came to my side and helped me up. I would have pushed them off but I couldn't get myself in balance so I just held onto the for support. Then another one came towards me.
"Hey are you okay? Does your head hurt? Want an ice pack or something?" He said. He spoke really good English. He was tall and he had sunglasses on, inside a house. Really now. Well maybe that's his style. I can't judge.
"Ummm no thanks I'm fine. Just a little dizzy and my head hurts a little. What happened I thought I fell asleep on the couch?" I said confused. Cause that’s were I fell asleep at.
"One of the guys didn't see you lying on the couch and accidently sat on you. You got up and started walking towards another member and you clinged onto his arm. I think you were sleep walking. He accidently pushed you and you lost your balance and fell and hit your head on the wall." He explained.
"What? Seriously? I’ve never slept walked. Owww my head" I said grabbing onto it.
"Here lets go up to you room." He said and he signaled the guys who were holding onto me to go help me upstairs.
We went to the second floor and went to the room all the way at the end of the hallway. The empty room.
"This is going to be your room I'm guessing. If there's something you don't like tell us and we will try our best to fix it." The guy said as he opened the door for us.
"Okay thanks. Its fine I like it. Your Namjoon right?" I said. Call me weird but I actually like this group. I have followed them since before they debuted. I'm just going to act like I don't know them so they won't think of me as creepy.
"Yea. How do you know that? Are you a fan?" Namjoon said.
"Aha no. They made me memorize all your names and they gave me a little bit of information on you guys. Don't get me wrong though. I have heard some of your songs there pretty good." I said. That was a good lie good job Heejoo.
"Ahh okay well thanks. So where did you come from?" He said.
"I came from the US. I don't speak Korean yet so the guy that was with me today is going to be my translator so I can communicate with all of you evenly." I said
"Ahh okay Got it." Namjoon said. One of the guys started to talk and I guess Namjoon started to explain what I said.
"He said if you know their names." Namjoon said
"Yea I do. That's Jeongguk and that's Taehyung. There the two younger ones." I said
"Woooo good job" Taehyung said in broken English.
"Ahaha thanks. Umm I don't want to sound rude but I'm a little tired and I would like to sleep a little more." I said
"Oh yea sorry. Goodnight and its nice meeting you Heejoo." Namjoon said as he told the guys to get out.
The next morning there was a light knock at the door and I got up and saw it was Namjoon.
"Hey morning. We have to leave in two hours so get ready. See you downstairs." He said and walked away.
Great having to wake up early just great. What time is it anyways?
I wanted to get changed but I couldn't find my clothes. That's right the driver forgot to drop it off; did he drop it off last night?
I went downstairs and heard noise in the kitchen. Are they eating? Maybe they know where my luggage is at.
All of a sudden Namjoon, Taehyung and Jeongguk came from the hall way and walked towards me.
"Hey everything okay?" Namjoon asked.
"Umm yea. Do you guys happen to know where my luggage is at? The driver was supposed to leave it when he came to drop you guys off. Did he leave it?" I asked
"Yea he did. Let’s go to the kitchen one of the members grabbed it before he got off the car." He said and pulled me into the kitchen.
He started speaking Korean and then pulled me closer so I could see everyone. Then one of the guys sitting down got up and walked past us and then came back with my luggage.
"Thanks Namjoon. I’ll see you in a bit." I said and I was about to reach down for my luggage but the guy that brought them took them. He started walking upstairs and I just followed. He went into my room and left them there and just walked away.
Hmm okay whatever. I started getting all my clothes and putting them away in the closets and drawers. It took me an hour just to do that.
I got a pair of skinny jeans, a white V neck, my leather jacket and my black converse. I took a quick shower dried my hair and straightened it.
By the time I was done I heard a knock on my door. It was Namjoon.
"Hey Heejoo its time to go. Do you have a backpack where you can take an extra pair of clothes to practice in or do you want to borrow one?" He said
"No I have one I left it downstairs in the living room." I said ready to go get it
"Here I’ll go get it. Just get the things you need ready and be right back." Namjoon said going out the door.
I got a pair of grey sweats, a baggy shirt and a few hair ties and my make up bag.
He came back with my backpack I put all my things in it and went downstairs. I put my shoes on and walked out. He took my backpack and got in the car. I got in and sat on the one person seat. I took my backpack from him and got my phone and earphones out.

We got to the building and got out. There was chaos everywhere. People were running yelling and setting things up. We went down to the studio where the managers were at and so was Mr. Jung~~


"So Mr. Jung why are there so many cameras here?" I said
"Oh. After the press conference, they’re going to come down here and film you practicing with the guys and show how well you guys get along." Mr. Jung said.
"Oh fun. Cause were all such great friends" I said in a sarcastic tone
"Hey don't be so negative. Maybe you all will become close friends." Mr. Jung said.
"Yea sure." I said

Maybe with some but I know for a fact me and that one member will never become friends



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Maliha #1
Interesting story
princess2394 #3
Chapter 20: Please update as soon as you can. I really like your story and its one of the best ones I've read about jimin your doing awesome Valeria. Fighting!
kpoppergurl #4
Chapter 20: im a new reader..i so loved this story..
kpoppergurl #5
Chapter 8: im so loving this story..
Chapter 19: New reader ! It's so ughhhh , so sweetttttt ~~~ Omfg , ihope jimin confess at her . Can't wait . And i love this story ! Fighting author-nim !
MsLorainneWu #7
Chapter 19: Omonaa. Waaeeeee. my heaaaarttt. kyaaaa. ♥♥ Thanks for the update authornim! Love lots! ♥♥♥
MsLorainneWu #8
Update soon! T^T
MsLorainneWu #9
Chapter 18: author-nim please update sooonn! T^T U seriously love this story. ♥
MsLorainneWu #10