Chapter 13

Lousy Love

We woke up very early today because we had a full blow schedule. We had a music show today I think I heard it was Show Champion or something like that, afterwards we had a mini interview then a fan sign and afterwards back to the practice room to end the day.
I was one of the very first to wake up so I got ready. The managers told me to not wear any make up and to dress nicely. So I wore a pair of jeans a plain white t-shirt and my red vans. I brushed my hair and did all my restroom necessities.
After I finished all that I cleaned my room and packed my backpack with an extra set of clothes, make up hair brush, tooth brush, charger and headphones. I headed downstairs with all my things and headed towards the kitchen. I saw Jin by the stove cooking. I headed straight to the pantry and packed some snacks to take. As I finished packing, Jin walked over to me and handed me some fruits and a couple of drinks. I just bowed my head and put them in my bag.
I went and sat down on the counter. I saw he had 8 bowls out and realized he also took me into consideration. Should I help him out? But I don't know what he's cooking and how to communicate with him.
I got up and stood next to him. I realized there was a height difference maybe a few inches. He just stared at me and smiled. He has this warm aura that made me feel relaxed. I quickly grabbed the bowl trying to signal him that I wanted to help. He got my signal and handed me some vegetables to cut. And that's how I spent the little minutes of morning I had, cutting vegetables with Jin.
Slowly one by one the guys started to come down and began to whine. Jin quickly served them and sat down to eat I grabbed my backpack and bowl and headed towards the living room when...
All I heard were yells of pain and a slight shove and then someone pulled me away towards the living room.
I wasn't paying attention when walking so when I turned the corner I slammed into someone with the hot bowl of food landing on them. They started to yell in pain because all the hot food landed on him. He shoved me and started to yell at me when someone pushed him out of the way and took me to the living room.
"Thanks Taehyung." I said as he sat me down on the couch.
He just smiled at me and then left to go back to check on the chaos.
From the living room I could hear rustling and yelling. I got up and went back to the kitchen to see what was going on.
I saw Jimin in the middle of the room being surrounded by Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok. I saw Taehyung and Jeongguk sitting at the table with their heads bowed down. As I walking in more, Jimin and I locked eyes and I could see all hell was rising in his mind. He was covered in food and his hands slowly started to ball into fists. He then broke away from the guys and walked, no more like ran towards me. He then pushed me against the wall and pinned me there. Anger rose into me and I tried pushing him off me but he was stronger than me. I heard all the guys get up and run towards us. Jimin then started to yell in my face and that did it for me, with all the strength in me I pushed him off and the next thing I did brought everyone to shock even myself.
And with that he stepped back and I knew he was in pain because I was too. My hand immediately started to sting as I stepped away from him, I didn't let it show but it was burning and I saw the tears build up in his eyes. As I kept walking back I looked him dead in the eyes and without hesitation I said "Don't you EVER and I repeat EVER put a hand on me" and stormed off to my room to get my shoes.
As I went back stairs all I heard was silence in the kitchen I knew they were still in there but they were quite. I walked past them and into the living room I grabbed my bag and took my phone out and called the only person that could save me at this moment
Ring. Ring. Ring.
"Hello Heejoo good morning. Sorry for not returning yesterday I had some things to take care of and lost track of time." Mr. Jung said as he picked up.
"Its okay don't worry about it. I need you to come pick me up right now. I don't want to be here anymore." I said in a calm tone.
"Miss what happened? Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Are you hurt anywhere?" Mr. Jung kept asking.
"I'm fine. I just don't want to be here please come quick." I answered back.
"Okay I'm on my way" he said and hung up on me.
I grabbed my backpack and shoes and started to head towards the door. As I put on my shoes I heard someone behind me.
"Hey Heejoo where are you going? Manager hyung is one his way." Namjoon said as he got closer.
"Mr. Jung is going to pick me up; he's going to take me to the music show. I'll meet you guy over there." I said as I reached for the door knob.
"Heejoo please don't. There's going to be a lot of reporters there to watch us go in together. We need to be together as a group. Please ignore what just happened and let it go." He said almost pleading me.
"Look Namjoon I know. But I can't stand being anywhere near him. I don't know what either one of us is capable of doing so I don't want to make this look bad on you guys so just for today let me go alone. If reporters ask I'll give them an explanation. So bye." I said and walked out before he tried to convince me to stay.
I walked out to the curb and waited for Mr. Jung. I got my phone and earphones and listened to music. I saw I had text messages.
[2 New Messages]
From: Sierra Unnie
Message: Heejoo! Today's the day. Me and Kathy are getting together to watch the live broadcast! I can't wait to see how amazing you’re going to be. I love you best friend. See you soon.
To: Sierra Unnie
Message: Unnie thank you I miss you and love you too. Thanks for the support. Can't wait to see you guys again.
From: Kathy~~
Message: Heejoo~~~ Omg you debut today I'm so excited I think even more than you. Sierra and I will watch the live broadcast. We will root for you even from home. We miss you and love you. See you real soon.
To: Kathy~~
Message: Hi Kathy. Thank you for the support I miss you too and love you too. Hope to see you guys real soon too.
As I finished texting back, Mr. Jung pulled up and I got in. We were quite for a while and then Mr. Jung broke the silence.
"Heejoo what happened? Did they try to hurt you or anything like that? If they did please tell me so we can get you out if here and report them." Mr. Jung said
"They didn't hurt me it's just me and that guy got into another encounter." I said
"Did he try to hurt you or put you down? Heejoo please don't lie to me" he said in a kind of angry yet calm tone.
"I accidentally spilled my food on him and thing went from there. That's all that happened. I wanted to get out of there before I caused more problems." I said trying to calm him down.
"Okay I'll believe you. So are you ready for today?" He said changing the subject
"Umm yea I guess. My friends back home told me they are going to watch the live broadcast so I'm only nervous for that. I want to impress them and everyone and prove I deserve their respect and support."
"Well you will do amazing so don't be nervous and just have fun. Enough of this talk let's start your lesson. Did you happen to bring your folder?" Mr. Jung asked all happily.
"Yea I always have it in my bag" I said taking out my folder full of assignments and activities to learn Korean.
The rest of the drive he lectured me and made me speak as much Korean as I could. We soon arrived at the broadcast station and went right in. It was full of people just running around with different outfits, makeup and other accessories. It was in a way overwhelming and such.
We went to the dressing rooms and waited for the rest of the members to get here. Just a few minutes later they arrived with the managers and the managers rushed to me and Mr. Jung. They started to talk to Mr. Jung and I only understood bits of it. I’m pretty sure they were asking about this morning and are now talking about the schedule.
"Heejoo" I heard and all of a sudden someone hugged me. This person was taller than me, he smelled good, and he was in a good mood. I pushed him off me and saw a bright faced Taehyung. All the members then came one by one and hugged me. I just stood there and stared at them in disbelief.
"Heejoo the managers here we're telling me that you can't go in the dressing room." Mr. Jung said interrupting my thoughts
"What do mean? Where am I supposed to get ready?" I asked confused.
"Well thing is these dressing rooms are for guys only, you’re going to have to go down the hall to the girls’ one. They already have a small area set up for you. I will be going with you so don't worry." He said and then turned around to talk to the managers again.
Well that's cool I get to be in a room full of girls. Great just freaking great.
"Mr. Jung can we go now. I don't want to be here." I said interrupting him. I didn't really want to be anywhere near Jimin or else I don't know what else would happen.
"Oh okay well let's get going. Are you going to say bye?" 
"No. I'll see them on stage." I said and started to walk away.
We entered the girl’s dressing room and the room was really big. It was divided by removable walls to make small cubicles. We walked forward and I saw many idols just staring at me. I guess they don't know who I am which is good. Some girls would smile at me and some just gave me the dirtiest looks ever. Girls are the most vicious creatures ever. We then got led to one little area that had a sign that said BTS.
"Okay this is your area. Your outfits are in there. In about 20 minutes we are going to head out for the dry rehearsal." He said as we entered the small room.
As we entered, there were 2 women sitting there on their phones. There was a small table and mirror set up, on the table there was makeup, hair brushes straightners, blow dryers and curlers. On one corner there was a rack with three outfits set up and on the floor there was three different pair of shoes. Since they were removable walls, the top was open and if you looked to the right you can see a huge TV. All of a sudden one of the ladies got up and pulled me to a chair. She sat me down and started to brush my hair out. The other one went to the rack and started to set clothes up that matched.
"Heejoo do you need anything?" Mr. Jung asked.
“No. Umm what exactly are they going to do to me?" I asked kind of worried.
"They are going to straighten your hair and some light makeup for now and they want you to change into that." He said pointing towards the lady who was now holding up a complete outfit. It was a pair of bright red jeans, a white shirt that had letters in red and some white shoes with red shoelaces.
As she finished my hair and makeup I got up and went towards the rack that had my outfit. Mr. Jung stepped out with the two ladies and he instructed me to change quickly. I changed and walked out.
"Wow Miss Heejoo you look beautiful as always. Now let's go meet up with the rest of the members for that rehearsal." Mr. Jung said as I walked out and led me towards the exit.
As we walked towards the boys’ dressing room, I went over my lines in the song. They only gave me two lines and it was from the chorus. My only worry was that I wouldn't pronounce them correctly or that I would forget the lines. We reached the dressing room and Mr. Jung walked in signaling me that I could come in. As I walked in I was welcomed by different cologne smells and sweat. It was a bit messier than the girl’s dressing room. We kept walking and I got stared at by multiple guys, some stared hoping to make eye contact, others looked me up and down and others whistled patted each other's backs and shoved each other. I ignored them and kept walking until I saw the BTS sign and walked into the room. They were all messing around while some lady was filming them. The room then fell silent as I walked in. I went and stood next to Mr. Jung. As I looked at them, they were all wearing red and white, their hair and makeup done.
"Hey Heejoo" Namjoon said walking to me.
"Hi Namjoon." I said.
"We're filming one of our videos that we do to keep fans entertained do you want to join us?" He asked with puppy eyes
"Umm maybe later. Sorry" I said which disappointed him a little
"It’s okay. So are you ready? I'm so hyped up." He said with a really big smile.
"Yea I am. Just a little nervous but mostly excited." I said with a small smile.
"It's okay to be nervous. And if you forget your lines don't worry we will help you out so don't worry we have your back." He said and gave me a small pat on the back.
For the next 15 minutes we talked about random things and about the group’s goals and dreams.
Manger then came in and told us we had to go. We all walked out and headed towards the exit when a couple of guys stood I front of us. They were really tall and were really cute.
One of them approached Namjoon and they started to talk then the others began to talk to each other. They all laughed and joked and then we left. We arrived at the stage and the stage staff handed us mics and headsets. They then directed us to the stage and we set up.
Our first run three was horrible. I have never been this nervous in my life. I made mistakes left and right. I couldn't get the steps right, my mind was thinking of the lyrics while my body the dance moves. I kept mispronouncing the words and I would now and then run into someone.
"Yo Heejoo are you okay? If you want we can talk to the hyungs and you don't have to perform today. It's okay with us." Namjoon said patting my back.
"No it's fine I'm going to do this and leave an incredible first impression." I said pushing his hand off me and going to my spot.
"Okay but if not just tell me." He said and went to his spot too.
As the music started I put all my heart into this. I hit every move and note and got all the lyrics right. When we finished all the guys applauded me. We got off stage and went straight to the dressing rooms. The ladies started doing my hair and makeup while chatting away. Mr. Jung kept giving me positive comments but I completely blocked him and every noise out. I have to do good on this performance and not make a fool of myself. I can't let anyone especially Jimin make fun of me and say I don't deserve this spot. I know out of everyone he's going to be the one to give me crap and make me feel like I don't serve to be here and try to make me drop this group. That's never going to happen.
"5 minutes" some lady shouted behind us. We were backstage waiting to go on stage to perform. We had our headsets on and were ready to go on. I stood all the way in the back going over my lines and going over the dance routine.
"Hey you’re the new member huh?" I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to see a tall guy looked about 20ish he had orange-reddish hair and he looked like a Korean American. It looks like he came from the states too because his English was really good and didn't have that much of an accent. He had a mahogany colored shirt and pants.
"Yea. Um who are you?" I asked as I looked him up and down looking at all his features.
"Oh sorry how rude of me. I'm Mark Tuan. "


You guys BTS is in Cali. I live in Cali to think were only a few hours away well yea enjoy lovelies 

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Maliha #1
Interesting story
princess2394 #3
Chapter 20: Please update as soon as you can. I really like your story and its one of the best ones I've read about jimin your doing awesome Valeria. Fighting!
kpoppergurl #4
Chapter 20: im a new reader..i so loved this story..
kpoppergurl #5
Chapter 8: im so loving this story..
Chapter 19: New reader ! It's so ughhhh , so sweetttttt ~~~ Omfg , ihope jimin confess at her . Can't wait . And i love this story ! Fighting author-nim !
MsLorainneWu #7
Chapter 19: Omonaa. Waaeeeee. my heaaaarttt. kyaaaa. ♥♥ Thanks for the update authornim! Love lots! ♥♥♥
MsLorainneWu #8
Update soon! T^T
MsLorainneWu #9
Chapter 18: author-nim please update sooonn! T^T U seriously love this story. ♥
MsLorainneWu #10