You beside me
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            After their friends left (with lots of whining coming from Kai, of course), the couple started cleaning the kitchen. When it got to washing dishes they agreed to do it together, Tao washing them and Kris whipping them with a towel. A short bubble war erupted when Tao gesticulated while talking and got bubble on Kris’ face. Kris couldn’t let go of the chance so he attacked back. The smiles on their faces were priceless. Pure happiness emanated from them. If someone saw them, they wouldn’t have any problem in declaring them a happy couple in the honeymoon phase. It was blissful to them too, because even if the whole marriage thing wouldn’t work between them, they got an important friend in their life.




            Morning came with the blink of an eye. At least that’s how Kris saw it. The delicious smell coming from the kitchen told him that Tao was already up. So he dragged his body to the bathroom to get ready. Their date couldn’t wait. Especially after Tao made the first step and asked him out. It seems that the little seductive demon that Kris saw the first time in Tao is still there, deep inside the said boy. And Kris would really like to see all the sides of Tao. But that could wait. They had enough time.


            Entering the kitchen he saw Tao scooping some fried eggs and putting them on a plate. Not wanting to scare the younger one he cleared him throat in order to make his presence known. Tao turned to see him and smiled, putting the plate on the table and telling him to eat.


            After they eat, they left the house, excited to get on with their date. They

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Chapter 24: Seriously i didn't expected the accident tho...it just came like ...like...like that!!! Btw...love this story
APandakookie #2
Chapter 24: such a cute story! I enjoyed reading it
TalkativeChibiko #3
Chapter 24: Cute story ! You really scared me with the accident though. I was not expecting it at all !
Chapter 24: Cute haha
Will there be an epilogue?
Chapter 24: Love this story ♥♡♥
lvkldt #6
Chapter 24: aishhh i loved it, i was so surprised and scared when the accident happened but now there together forever and getting married~ i loved it xD
kennocha #7
Chapter 24: They're going to be together for eternity now! Perfect :D
Chapter 24: YUSSS!
Chapter 24: Thaank you for such a lovely and adorable thing ;) I've really enjoyed it ♡