You beside me
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       Kris was once again submerged in his thoughts. This time they were entirely focused on Tao. A discussion with his mother that took place a few days ago left him in this state. She was right, but he didn't know if they were ready.



       Kris was at his old house to pick up some things that he forgot, but needed now. Tao was not with him as he was hanging out with Sehun and Kai, and Kris totally respected that Tao wanted to spend some time with his best friends. Although he kind of missed Tao and his hugs. Okay his kisses as well.


      “Krissy dear, when are you planning to propose to Tao?”


      “I told you to stop calling me by that na- what? What are you talking about?” Kris asked bewildered.


      “Your proposal to Tao you silly thing. Did you forgot that the two of you have to get married?”


      “But... But I thought that it's okay to take it slow and get to know one each other. That was why we are living together, to accommodate and so...”


      “Yes, that was the idea at the beginning, but Kris, it's been months since then. And you already are together and like each other. So why not?”


      And Kris had no answer to that. So the discussion ended there and he went home to his boyfriend. No. To his soon-to-be husband. He  really needed to get used to this. All in due time.



      “Kris?” Tao's sweet voice resonated through the house. He was home so Kris pushed all the thoughts back once again and decide to wait a little more before asking Tao what he thought about the situation. He went to greet his lover with a kiss.




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Chapter 24: Seriously i didn't expected the accident tho...it just came like ...like...like that!!! Btw...love this story
APandakookie #2
Chapter 24: such a cute story! I enjoyed reading it
TalkativeChibiko #3
Chapter 24: Cute story ! You really scared me with the accident though. I was not expecting it at all !
Chapter 24: Cute haha
Will there be an epilogue?
Chapter 24: Love this story ♥♡♥
lvkldt #6
Chapter 24: aishhh i loved it, i was so surprised and scared when the accident happened but now there together forever and getting married~ i loved it xD
kennocha #7
Chapter 24: They're going to be together for eternity now! Perfect :D
Chapter 24: YUSSS!
Chapter 24: Thaank you for such a lovely and adorable thing ;) I've really enjoyed it ♡