Weak Point

Somehow Minhye had survived the first day being in school with her subject, Taehyung. There was one thing bothering her though, she couldn’t make her heart relax when she was around him. Instead she found herself avoiding him.

Minhye lay in her bed staring up at the ceiling, an arm lazily thrown over her head with a small pout on her lips. “This has never happened before. Why is it now? You can’t keep doing this you have to get the job done.” She thought the events of yesterday playing through her mind’s eye. Upset she turned to her side all at once a soft knock sounded at her door. “Can I come in?” Sehun said, his words sounding a little muffled with the door between them. “Yeah.” Minhye sighed, sitting up on her bed. “What’s wrong? Are you already having trouble with your assignment? You haven’t even gone down to eat your breakfast.” Sehun questioned as he walked in. “Nothing’s wrong. It’s just…you know what this assignment does have its difficulties.” Minhye said fishing through her thoughts carefully because she didn’t know how she was going to go about with this one. She had hit the lowest of the lowest, but she wouldn’t admit to it because she couldn’t stay focused with this assignment in hand. “Well I say you should get ready for school and we’ll talk about it on your way out that is if you’re still going.” Sehun said looking at the watch on his wrist.

“What?!” Minhye exclaimed surprised turning to look at the time. She almost flew out of the bed when she noticed the time. “No not again.” She sighed going through her closet to put on her school uniform when she remembered Sehun was still in her room. “Get out! Get out!” She hurried. “Oh yeah sorry.” He said immediately turning around and leaving the room closing the door right behind him. It only took Minhye a couple seconds to get ready, but when she was she zoomed downstairs grabbing her school bag and leaving to school before she could be late.

If possible she ran faster to school than the other day and arrived in class just as the bell rang their instructor walking in right behind her. “Minhye please take your seat.” She said and Minhye nodded her head and went over to her seat only then to be reminded of why she was dreading going to school. There he was perfect chestnut colored hair probably soft to the touch and her jaw almost dropped to floor as he flashed her his bright smile. Minhye nodded her head pursing her lips into a small smile as she took her seat beside him. “Okay this is going to be hard.” She thought as she turned her full attention to the front of the classroom. All the while she could feel the heat Taehyung’s body emitted or maybe it was all in her head.

“Well I have to start this mission and the sooner I finish the better.” She thought as the class carried on. She was too busy in her thoughts as the teacher taught her lessons to the class. “Okay, so I’ll do just that. What the mission asks for me to do. I’ll get close to Taehyung. No better maybe I could just follow him and find out stuff without needing to get close.” She thought as she turned to face him. Instead of making a move she found herself staring at his facial features, engraving his face into her mind’s eye.

Nothing ever scared Minhye, but for some reason this new feeling she felt was scaring every brave bone inside of her.

“Is something wrong?” Taehyung asked taking Minhye out of her thoughts. She could feel the heat rise up to her face. “Sorry, I-I thought…” but as Minhye spoke all of a sudden the bell, sounded off saving her in the nick of time. “Oh sorry I gotta go.” She finished grabbing her belongings and dashing out the door, before Taehyung could stop her or anyone else for that matter.


Minhye hid at the end of the hall deciding on one thing as she came to a stop, she was going to start moving forward with her mission instead of staying behind. Because of her feelings she was scared to get close to Taehyung, although she wouldn’t admit it. So from now on she was going to keep her distance. “I’ll follow him and pick up the information like that. I don’t have to get close to him. I’m a pro at being stealthy anyways.” She thought as she waited for her subject to start making a move. She was intent on following him and that’s exactly what she wanted to do. She wasn’t going to waste any more time figuring out what to do. She had enough of that already and she was very upset with herself for that reason.

She waited patiently and when he, her subject: Taehyung, stepped out of the classroom she followed suit. Stealthily she maneuvered her way through the crowd always staying hidden and with her expertise staying on the down low, she was never seen. They were on their break so she knew he would go with his group and sure enough he did.

They were all outside on the rooftop and somehow Minhye was able to stay unseen even there. She hid behind one of the vents a small distance away from them. She took a quick look only to confirm the information she had so far. There were seven of them including her subject and standing out on the end of the rooftop behind some pillars she counted them off.

“Okay from the other folder I had,

that’s Kim Seokjin widely known as Jin. He was the one standing tall a serious face masked on his features. He was the quiet one that seemed shy, but it was just an act. He was the tech specialist.

Next to him should be Min Yoongi known by Suga. He is able to talk himself out of any kind of trouble.

Sitting on a chair with his elbows on his knees, he seemed to have something on his mind and most definitely he was Kim Namjoon his known name Rap Monster. The one in command. The one that tells them, the should and should not.

Then stretching off on the side had to be Park Jimin he went by his own name. He came up with the best plans so they never show up without knowledge.

Standing next to my subject was Jeon Jeongguk the youngest one, who preferred to go by Jungkook. He has the brains and helps in whichever way he can.

Then there was Kim Taehyung, my subject, but among his friends he was V.

That was the info on the folder…” she thought, scratching the top of her head still in her thoughts.

They had begun their conversation and to Minhye this was worthy information. “So V what do you think you’ll do? You think…” Rap Monster asked, but as he spoke Minhye found herself a little distracted. She felt like she was forgetting something or someone.

Minhye furrowed her brow and slowly recounted again, “No there’s just six of them, there should be seven. Where’s the other one? And why did it take me so long to find out?” she thought as she listened. Upset now that she had to miss the first part. When all of a sudden someone opened the door from behind her. Minhye mentally smacked the upside of her head. “Last but not least Jung Hoseok AKA J-hope, the missing puzzle. The one that literally saves them from trouble or in my case…being heard.” Minhye sighed as she turned around to answer to his calls.

“Hey aren’t you Minhye?” He asked a wide grin on his face. Minhye nodded her head hesitantly as she thought of some way to save herself at the moment. “What brings you here?” he asked tilting his head as a look of confusion slowly appeared on his face the others having heard the noise already making their way over. “Actually, I came here because…” she said as her eyes landed on a very familiar green notebook on the ground beside her. Glancing quickly to see where his attention was and the others still coming over, she used the little time she had and stepped forward moving a small stick on the ground that somehow ended up pushing the notebook up off the ground. Minhye quickly caught it in her hands without any of them seeing and raised the notebook up all as she spoke, “…I accidentally got Taehyung’s notebook by accident and thought I should return it.” Minhye said nodding her head slightly. “Oh.” J-hope said nodding his head as if that was a pretty reasonable explanation.

Before Minhye could think of handing Taehyung his notebook and scurrying off, J-hope squinted his eyes, “Hey why don’t you call him V like everyone else does?” he asked dropping his hands to his side, “because V is just a letter in the alphabet and Taehyung sounds better as a name than V.” Minhye said before she could even stop herself, her eyes opening wide when she realized what she just said. “Ugh, If you could please give this to him I’ll be off.” She said bowing her head as she quickly handed the notebook to J-hope and went off before the others could even reach their spot.

“What happened?” Rap Monster asked as soon as they reached the spot. “Minhye was just here and this is V’s.” J-hope said smiling. “Ooo you know what I think she has a thing for you V.” he added.

“Hm, what makes you say that? Because I don’t think so. She keeps avoiding me or it seems like it.” Taehyung pouted slightly as he scratched the top of his head thinking to see if he could see what J-hope was saying. “She came all the way here to give you this and it’s a good thing too. Isn’t that the notebook you used for BAP or what was it your brother had you take notes of?” J-hope said tilting his head a little to the side. “That doesn’t say anything though, she gave it to you not me. This notebook oh yeah it does and it was notes for the gang stuff you have them in here too like everyone else.” Taehyung answered stuffing the notebook back in his school bag. “Hey you shouldn’t carry that around in school it would be bad if it fell into the wrong hands and I think J-hopes right about the girl. I could see as we came here that she was blushing and if they were talking about you…, but no girls for anyone. It’d be better that way we have to stay focused at least for the time being.” Rap Monster said as he scolded Taehyung for taking the notebook not really being serious with his words.

The others started off retreating from the spot, but Taehyung was left deep in his thoughts until Jungkook came back. “Come on we’re leaving you up here all alone.” He said, grabbing Taehyung’s arm and pulling him along with him so they could catch up with the others.

Minhye couldn’t stop beating herself up over the incident for the rest of the day. While sitting in her last class at the end of the day she had her head lazily on her palm staring blankly at the front of the class as their teacher gave the class a lecture.

“Ugh, how could I have forgotten there were seven of them? I almost got caught and that green book even though I see Taehyung with it every day he never uses it. Never mind that I almost got caught…” she thought blowing her bangs from her face as she sat up straight. “Minhye is there something you want to say?” her teacher asked pausing in his lecture, crossing his arms sternly.

“Huh? Oh no everything’s okay.” Minhye said slightly sinking in her chair. “Ring bell, ring.” She said mentally staring up at the clock as the teacher went back to his lecture.

It felt like ages, but when the bell finally rang Minhye was the first one out. She went over to her locker putting in her combo as many fellow classmates passed by in the hall. When she opened her locker she felt someone extremely close disturbing her privacy. “What do you want?” she said annoyed as she turned around only to be shocked in return.

Standing in front of her was Taehyung. He placed his left hand meters away from her face and firmly on the lockers beside her as he leaned in closer. Minhye’s breath hitched and all the words in her vocabulary completely erased from her mind. Only one thought ran through her mind as he leaned in closer. “He’s going to kiss me…”

Minhye shut her eyes as he got closer, feeling flustered, confused and hot.

Taehyung on the other hand had a satisfied smirk on his face as he got closer stopping only when their faces were mere meters away. He could see the tint of red on Minhye’s cheeks. “They were right.” He thought liking the thought.

Then he scooted away and brushed some of Minhye’s hair to the side. “You had something.” He said giving her a small smile. Minhye opened her eyes completely disappointed, but she couldn’t stop herself. Her feelings were at their peak, before Taehyung could move any further she stepped forward and locked their lips together.

It’s what Taehyung got her craving and she wasn’t going to let him leave without a small taste.

Although surprised at first, Taehyung found himself kissing her back. Minhye was the first to pull away from their passionate kiss a little out of breath. Shocked at what she had done.

She quickly grabbed her belonging and closed her locker, turning back to the still silent Taehyung. “Um I gotta go bye.” She said quickly scurrying from the scene very embarrassed and if she was beating herself up before she was arguing with herself even more now.

“What have I done?” she thought as she went home. Terrified at the whole incident. “I-I I can’t tell anyone about this? How am I going to school after that?” she thought when she finally got home. Slowly she walked up to her room a long frown on her face as she went in her room and threw herself in bed.

“Any progress…” Sehun was saying coming into her room without knocking. “Get out! Get out! Sehun!” she yelled throwing a pillow at the door. Sehun immediately left the room before anything else happened.

“I guess you’re still having trouble. Hmm maybe you need some help because this is an important one. We need the info fast. Maybe I can tell the head chief about this.” Sehun thought as he went off leaving to the headquarters with that in thought.

AN: I felt bad for taking so long so I'm giving you guys a part of the second chapter and when I finish it I'll probs have chapter 3 too and so everyone knows I'll try to update every friday okay. Okay it's been updated hope you enjoy. :) I know its sort of moving slowly, but thats how it'll be in the beginning later the action begins okay. Okay till next time kk ^^

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epikdark #1
Chapter 9: OMG I WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE THIS UPDATE THANKS! :) this story is so interesting i am in love hahah
Chapter 8: finaly an update

your fanfic is getting better & I like this kind of action & mystery fic :)
Chapter 6: Ahhh, poor Baekhyun Dx wow this just gets more complicated. I love it. ouo I hope Taehyung forgives her soon! Update soon~ ^^
epikdark #4
Chapter 6: Just found this story! It's so addictive, I love it!
Chapter 5: Omfg cliffhangerrr! Dx what happened to Baek? ;; this is so angsty i love it ;w; anyhoos, update soon! ^^
Chapter 4: Omfg the poor girl ;~; the father is so cruel ;; asdfghjkl she only has Baekhyun now and omfg her own brother didn't care about her either! I'm actually so pissed at that OTL agency over family? Really? Ah, anyways, update soon~
Chapter 4: how could her own father do that to her ;_;
Chapter 2: Ohhh i didn't realise chapter 2 was updated. LOL, things make much more sense now! xD
Chapter 3: Omfg their interaction in this chapter is perfect ;AAA; now i'm really curious on what's 'evil' about Taehyung and BTS. Mm. This gives me this sort of thrill and i love it LOL omg.
Chapter 3: a;sdk f i wonder how the bts members don't even recognize her O.o