Curiosity (chp 2)


-Zelo’s pov-

I was woken up by the sound of Eunseok groaning in his sleep, curiously, I walked next to him and leaned in to hear his incoherent mumbles.


Although I was quite surprised that the innocent Eunseok was mumbling this sort of words, but then, it could be a dream about a movie he watched before, so I shrugged it off. Then I took notice how girlish he looked sleeping, grinning mischievously, I took out my phone to take picture of him to sell it to Eunseok’s fandom. Yes this guy seriously have a fandom in this school and in the net, although he might not realize it himself, he might even be more famous than my group *cough*cough*exaggeration*cough* . Anyway I clicked my camera button and it let out a flash, in that instant a hand lashed at my wrist, twisted it causing me to turn my back on Eunseok and have my arm at a painful angle. “Ouch!” I yelled out then, the grip loosened a bit so I had enough space to turn to look at Eunseok, and my eyes met with Eunseok’s cold eyes, but that wasn’t the scary part, the real scary part was the reddened pupils that almost seemed to glow. ‘crap, did I step on a landmine??’ I thought

“uhh….Eunseok, it hurts… I know that you are mad and all, but I have a dancing career ahead of me, so can you please restrain from breaking my wrist and arm??” I nervously said. The almost glowing red eyes turned back in to a normal brown slowly and Eunseok released my hand and started blinking as if he just woke up from a nap.

“helloooo~??? Anybody there??? “I waved my hand in front of his face. “Yoo-hoo!! Eunseok! Yo man, wake up!!!YAH!!!” then Eunseok came back to earth, finally…


-Eunseok’s pov-

I suddenly heard a click during my nightmare and by reflex I reached out for the sound and twisted it so the person’s back would be facing me. Then I heard a familiar ‘ouch’ so I loosened my grip to think whose voice it was, then my eyes were met with frightened Zelo’s eyes. But I couldn’t get out of the nightmare’s trauma yet, so instead of releasing the hand I stared and stared at his eyes, not realizing that my eyes were glowing red. “uhh….Eunseok, it hurts… I know that you are mad and all, but I have a dancing career ahead of me, so can you please restrain from breaking my wrist and arm??” I finally recognized it, this was the voice of Zelo. O.MI.GOSH, how could I??!!! As I tried to think how my situation got to this point, I blinked several times to clear my head and let go of the hand. “helloooo~??? Anybody there??? “I saw something move in front of my face. “Yoo-hoo!! Eunseok! Yo man, wake up!!!YAH!!!” startled, I finally was able to focus back to the real world. Now I could see what has happened, I had nightmare about that place, then Zelo tried to take a picture of me, the sound triggered my reflex, and Zelo now found out about my ability to defend myself. ‘’

“ahahahaha….yo~ Zelo, wassup man!!! Whatcha doing in front of my desk, huh??” I nervously said, and as Zelo was about to speak, the bell rang (phew) and he went back to his seat and woke up Jong up for the class. But I could tell that he was thinking about what happened.

*after class*

The bell rang signaling the end of the class for the day, I gathered up my notebooks and pencils and put them all in my bag. I turned around to walk towards the door but was stopped by Zelo’s tall-dominating aura. I stared at him and he stared at me, sensing the tension between us, Jong up silently snuck out of the class.
“uhhhh, look I’m sorr-“ I got cut off

“Hey, ummm I know it’s quite random, but can you teach me how to fight?!!!” Zelo asked

“……..huh??” I tilted my head confused that he was asking for lessons instead of being angry at me for almost ruining his career

“Well, you see, cuz I’ve been wanting to learn martial arts for a long time, but I never had any time to do so because of my schedules, and if I go to a martial arts class, the females that are there will, ugh it’s horrible to even think about it!!!!So please???I’ll do your homework for the rest of the month!!!” Zelo pleaded with puppy eyes. Too bad it doesn’t work on me

“first of all, no, I will not teach you how to fight because it will ruin your image if you don’t go to an actual licensed class, and no I don’t do martial arts, its called street fighting. When you guys are idols, fighting is something out of the questions unless you are saving a woman being or something, which is quite rare nowadays, and lastly, while you guys fight, if by any chance you get injured, it will be the end of your career, so no I will never, ever teach you to fight” I replied calmly

“Bu-……well…..okay, I understand” Zelo said sulking

“Good, now let’s go back to the dorm to do our homework and eat dinner, I’m hungry.” I said

“okay!!” Zelo said


When zelo and I got to our dorms, jongup had taken a shower and just came out with only his sweatpants and a towel around his neck showing his toned abs, but with his usual smile :D. Himchan and Yongguk was sitting on the sofa watching a war movie, and Daehyun was making popcorn in the kitchen while youngjae was reading a book on the floor. Zelo went to his room and changed into more comfortable clothes and I went to my room to listen to music and do my homework. When I was done, with my homework and came out of the room to grab a snack, I heard music booming through the door in the practice room. So I peaked in to see what was going on, and I saw B.A.P practicing their debut song warrior, smiling to myself, I joined in to dance in the back secretly. The powerful beat and strong vocals were just chocolate to my ears, I loved this kind of hard-core music, I could listen to it all day long. After dancing powerfully to the beat until the end of the song, the rest of the B.A.P collapsed to the ground due to not having much exercise lately. Then they took notice of me standing and staring at them(finally)

“yo, wassup, seems like you guys’ stamina has decreased, huh???” I smirked

“pshh, whachu talking about pretty boy!!by the looks of it, you could blow away if a strong wind came!” youngjae said

“Oh, is that a challenge?” I mused

“you bet” youngjae replied cockily

“and now the dance battle of Eunseok and B.A.P starts, the rules are simple, the music will start from warrior and end at where are you? in time sequel without any rest plus some random songs to free-style, the one who is still standing after all the songs will be able to boss around the losers for a month” jongup stated

“And now, music~start!!!”


After an hour, everyone was sitting in the living room floor except for me who was sitting on the sofa proudly. Obviously B.A.P lost, but some of them went pretty far, considering that they’ve been resting for about a year after their where are you? album released, but that’s not the point, the point is that I won and I could boss around for a month, now that, was sweet. All the things I can make them do!!!. Setting the thoughts aside, I made the rest of the B.A.P go to their room to take a shower and change clothes because we all stank, I also went to my room, made sure to lock my bathroom door and undressed from my sweaty clothes. Finally I could get rid of the chest binding bandages for a while; I swear this thing feels like a baby elephant sitting on top of my chest. I got a towel, turned the water on and got in without waiting for the water to get warm, I liked the cold better than hot, hot was not my thing. After I got out of the shower, I quickly dried myself up and quickly dressed up in my pajamas and got out.

When I got there, no one was out except for me, so I started making dinner. Few moments later, all the boys came down smelling the smell of food. They all huddled besides the boiling hot tteokbokki I made and began to dig in standing in front of the stove. Sheesh, they are all kids..

“Thanks for the meal” everyone yelled

“No prob, but guys let’s eat at the table, I’ve been standing while cooking ya know??my legs hurt”

“psshhhh, Eunseok, be a man!! A real man doesn’t complain!! What will you do if your future girlfriend makes you wait in front of the bathroom for two hours to fix her makeup!!! Think of it as a training and just eat!!!” Himchan said

“Hah, I doubt I’ll have a girlfriend, I don’t need to, and I don’t want to” I snorted

“I’m a girl anyway so why should I?” I murmured under my breath not realizing the one of the members have heard clearly what I said.

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gnatnat #1
this is interesting!