presents and laughter (chp 11)


I woke up to the sounds of the birds chirping and the sunshine through the window curtains. I sleepily sat up from my bed and stared at the wall for a while. Then I came to realize that I did not wake up to the sound of the alarm clock.... Am I late for school?!!!!! I stood up abruptly and checked my phone. It read Saturday. I sighed in relief and went back to the bed with a thump. I groaned, I forgot about my back. I turned over to my belly and hugged my pillow, wanting to fall asleep again. Sadly, it never did, so I unwillingly got up and took a shower, washing off dried blood from my back. After that, I applied new set of bandages and ointments. I threw the bloody bandages to the trash can on my room and put on a pair of shorts and a black T-shirt, went out the doors and headed to the kitchen, where Zelo was poking his head inside the fridge.

I tapped his shoulder "what's there to eat??" I asked

"Gah! You scared me!!!!" He jolted and hit his head on the fridge

"Owwww" he groaned and rubbed his head

"Sorry, so what's in there?" I asked

"Few pieces of green leaves and a can of tuna" he replied

"Oh, I guess it's time to go grocery shopping again" I stated

"I guess so, can we get snacks?!" He asked with eyes that no fangirl should ever see, because they will faint or die of nosebleed

I stared at him "that doesn't work on me" I replied, causing him to sulk

"But only one or two should be okay" I said, making Zelo grin ear to ear

"Let's go!!!" He yelled, tugging me

"Lemme go see if Himchan wants to come too" I said

"I'll wait outside" he said

I knocked on the door to Himchan's room

"Come in" Himchan said, so I went in

"Hey, wanna go grocery shop? Zelo and I are going" I said

"Okay, let me just get my hat and sunglasses" he said

"Don't let Zelo forget his either" he said

"Zelo! Don't forget your disguise props!!" I yelled out the door

"Okay~" Zelo replied

"Let's go! I'm ready!" Himchan said

When we reached the grocery store, Zelo went running towards the snack isle.

"Can we get pepero?!!!!" He shone brightly

"Get me one too!" I yelled

"Gotcha~" he sang

"Let's go to beauty department, I'm running low on BB cream" Himchan said

"You're not even in front of camera, why do you need them?" I asked

"I have to take care of my skin you know" he said shrugging

"well then, let's go get some real food" I said, rolling the cart

"Okay, here's the plan, Himchan, you go to vegetable section to get lettuce and apples after that, you can go get your BB cream, Zelo, you go to bakery section to get bread, I'll go to dairy section to get eggs, milk and also meat, we meet at the cashier after ten minutes, capish?" I asked, and they all nodded

"Now, disperse!!!" I yelled, and they all went on their own way

"Eggs eggs eggs....ah, there it is" I said and put it in the cart

"Milk~ 20%low fat milk, soy milk, high on calcium, healthy for bones~" I sang while looking for milk

"Should I get big one??? Or small one??? Hmmmm what to choose what to choose" I sang in front of the milk section, and suddenly I heard a chuckle. So I looked to the source of the sound and glared. As soon as my gaze met his, he turned away rapidly. That's what I thought, hah! I finally made a decision to get a gallon regular milk, and rolled away to the meat heaven. I grabbed chicken and pork, and happily went to the cashier

"Meat~ meat~ so juicy and tender, other creature's flesh that is so tasty and yummy~" I sang again

"Eunseok, can you please stop singing? That song really disturbs me" Zelo said

"Shut up junhong" I said

"Let's go before fans discover us" Himchan said, paying for the grocery

"Well, that's why I called Zelo  junhong" I said as we grabbed the bags of food 

"Kyaaaa~ it's B.A.P!!!!" A girl yelled out

"Crap, RUN!!!!" I said, grabbing all other bags, the others sprinted after me. While running, I took a peek back, and I saw no one chasing after us. I skidded to a halt and rested my hands on my knees

"Ughhh my age is catching up to me" I groaned out

"You're only seventeen" Himchan said

"My back'a killing me ya know" I said, then a hand slapped me back, it really hurt, it's only been two days, and my injury still hasn't healed fully yet

"Put some more muscles into that back of yours" Zelo said

"How? Is it even possible?" I asked

"Stop talking nonsense and let's get back to the dorms" Himchan said

"Okay Hyung" both Zelo and I murmured, but never ended our bickering until we had food shoved into our mouth by annoyed Daehyun during our breakfast.

"Wow hyung, this is the first time you have ever shared your food with someone else" I said, with my mouth full of chicken

"Stop talking and eat" Daehyun said

"Yum" Zelo said

After our breakfast, we all got to the living room to watch a movie until a doorbell interrupted us. Youngjae got up and opened the door for our visitor to come in

"Hey manager-hyung" Yongguk greeted

"Wassup? How's it going for everyone?!? I haven't seen you guys for a while. How is school?" He asked

"We're doing great actually, come and sit down" Himchan said

"Well, today I came to discuss about your upcoming comeback preparation." He said while getting a can of soda from the pantry

"Ah, I've been writing more lyrics ya know" Yongguk said

"Good, because comeback won't be far away. Ah Eunseok, I didn't notice you there, sorry" Manager-hyung said

"It's fine, don't mind me" I said, waving my hand

As the conversation went on, I got bored so I whispered to Jongup that I'll be in my room and quietly snuck out

When I got to my room, I took off my top and threw the bandages away, the blood almost stopped. That's a good thing, but the injury has yet to heal, it barely closed up and I had to be careful to not open them up again. Suddenly, a thought occurred to me that the guy who laughed at my song was kind of familiar. I saw him somewhere, but I couldn't pinpoint exactly where... Shrugging off the thought, I re-bandaged my back and went to my closet to grab a black t-shirt to wear.

I was reading a book when I heard some footsteps approach, not much longer, I heard someone knock my door

"Come in" I said, turning the page. 

Jongup peeked in "hey, during summer break, are you free?" 

"Summer break??? Ahhh break is coming soon, huh. Yeah, I'm free, got nothing to do except my part time job on weekends, why?" I asked

"Well, our schedule will resume right after the summer starts and I was wondering if you wanted to tag along, manager hyung approved" he said

"Sure, why not" I said, after thinking for a second. This could be used as an advantage, I smirked. Jongup grinned and went out the door, letting me mind my own business. But as soon as Jongup left, my phone rang

"Hello?" I asked

"Eunseok, I need your help!!!" Jungmin said in panic

"Jungmin?!!! What happened? Where are you?" I abruptly stood up

"At the club! Come quick!!" As soon as he said that, I bolted out the door with my black hoodie and my mask

"Eunseok? Where are you going?" Jongup asked, startled because I came out of the room in a hurry 

"What about lunch??" Daehyun asked

"I'll call back, don't worry about me" I yelled

I ran as quick as I could. I couldn't let anything happen to Jungmin, whether it was a matter over a scrape or something grave as death, he was my family, my only family. My worries were eating me alive, 'what is something really and happened?' He rarely called me for help unless it was a dire situation. I ran quicker and quicker not letting a single second to be wasted in catching my breath. I ran in straight through the door, panting heavily, only to be greeted by Jungmin, Kris(the bartender), and other staff members surrounding a table with cake and boxes wrapped with ribbons and balloons.

"Happy birthday!!!" They chorused

My expression turned from serious to surprised then a angry frown

"You...... I ran here from the dorm to the club. Do you even know how fast you have to run in order to arrive this distance in this short period of time?!!!" I yelled out

"I was worried!!! I thought that something happened to you!!!! moron!!!" I hit him in his gut and he doubled over, coughing

"Hey, hey, sorry it was the only thing that could move your lazy , I couldn't think of anything else" Jungmin said laughing and coughing at the same time 

I sighed in relief and frustration

"I'll kill you if you do something like this again" I growled 

"Okay, now let's open up these presents of yours" Kris pushed my back towards the table. I winced inwardly, but allowed nothing to appear outside

"Open mine first!!!" The janitor, who I remembered to be named Timothy said. 

"You didn't have to get me anything, it was probably really hard to get anything from small pay you get from Jungmin huh?" I asked

"Hey!!! I believe I give out appropriate amount of pay to each and every worker I have!!!!" Jungmin yelled in protest

"I was kidding" I laughed

The present from Timothy was a cross necklace. I put it on and grinned to him

"Open mine next!!!" Kris said, pushing a box with baby pink wrapper and red ribbon

"What am I? A girl?" I asked

"No~ but it will be useful for you in the future" he said

"By the way, I heard you got kissed by a lady recently" Kris said

"Please do not bring that up. I don't want to remember it" I pleaded. 

I removed the wrappers to see a box of...... Condoms?!!!!!! I immediately grabbed a lighter from the bar and set it on fire and threw it away on the trash can 

"Noooooo!!!! Do you know how expensive that was?!!! It was one of the high quality ones!!!!" He whined

"Kris, do you wish to be fired?" Jungmin asked

"No sir!!!!!!" Kris said

"Then I suggest you get your mind our of the gutter" he said

"Yes sir!!!!!!" Kris said

I sighed and opened a box with black wrappers, 

"Ah, that's mine" Jungmin said

Inside, was a rectangular metal keychain with a black cross

"Push that black cross" Jungmin said

As soon as I pushed it, a hidden knife flipped out

"Very useful, as I thought, you know  my style, thank you" I smiled

After many jokes and laughter, I bid farewell to the employees and went to Jungmin's office

"You know that today is not my birthday. Why did you do it?" I asked

"It is, you don't remember??" Jungmin said

"What do you mean?"


I sat lazily on the sofa watching TV and eating potato chips when Jungmin sat next to me

"Eunseok, it has been already three years since I met you, but you never told me your birthday, when is it?" Jungmin asked 

"I don't know" I replied munching on a chip

"Wait, what??? What do you mean by you don't know your birthday?" Jungmin asked, snatching the bag of chip away from my hand

"Hey, give that back!" I yelled and snatched it back

"I never knew my birthday, I grew up without one, it doesn't bother me anyways" I answered

"No!!!! I will not let your soul to be deprived of birthday cakes and presents!!!! From now on, today will be your birthday!!!" Jungmin declared

"Says who?" I asked

"Says your guardian, now let's go put some nummy frosting and cakes into that thin body of yours" Jungmin said, while dragging my arms

-flashback end-

"Well, how could I remember my birthday if it was decided for me in less than a second?!!! I didn't even have time to register what was happening while you were dragging me to a cake shop!!!" I said

"Remember it from now on, there should be no problem, right?" Jungmin said, smiling

"Fine, thanks for the party anyways, I have to leave now, my friends will be probably worried for me since I left in such a hurry" I said, waving my hand

"Bye~ wait, you have the day off today because your other part time job called and they want you to come at midnight for your shift" Jungmin said, and I signaled ok sign with my fingers and left the building.
I was greeted by Zelo when I arrived to the dorm

"Did you eat?" He asked

"Yeah, I had cake" I said

"Cheesecake?!!!!" Daehyun's voice came from his room

"It was a regular chocolate cake!!!!" I yelled back

"Cake is not supposed to be a meal, eat healthy!" Zelo said

"Meh" I shrugged 

"By the way, why did you leave in such a hurry?" Zelo asked

"Ahhh it turned out to be nothing important, don't worry about it" I said

"I see. By the way, Jongup said that he wants you to help him with a math problem, he's in his room right now" Zelo said, pointing towards Jongup's room

"Okay" I replied. Once I got to Jongup's room, I knocked and entered without waiting for permission. Jongup was on his seat with his laptop on.

"I thought you needed help with math" I asked, sitting on his bed

"Ah, yeah, but that was a lie" Jongup said

"Well, why did you call me then?" I asked cocking my head slightly 

"Well, I have this girl in my mind..." 

"You have a crush?!!!!" I exclaimed

"Jongup is growing up!!!!" I beamed

"Sooooo, what's her name?? Who's the lucky girl???" I nudged him

"Well....I think her name is Aubree, I'm not really sure" he replied

"Wait, so you have a crush on someone you don't even know?!!" I yelled

"I only had a glimpse of her!!!!" He replied throwing his hands up in the air

"Psh, this is getting boring, I'm leaving" I said while getting up from his bed to leave 

"Wait, don't go out yet!!!" Jongup stopped me by grabbing on my arm

"Why?" I asked

"Ummm help me with a dance move I'm struggling with" he stuttered

"You are better at dancing than me" I said frowning

"Help me with my English!!!" He said

"How'd you know I spoke English?" I asked astonished

"Wait, you know how to speak English?!!!" Jongup asked

"No I don't!!!What's this all about?!!!" I exclaimed

"Just!!! Whatever you do, do not leave my room!" He yelled

I turned the doorknob slightly, daring Jongup to stop me, which he hesitated in doing so, so I turned the doorknob completely and opened the door.... And I saw...

"Happy birthday!!!!" The rest of B.A.P members and Manager-hyung was standing there with balloons in his hand. Then suddenly, Daehyun came with a white blob in his hand and splashed it on my face.

"What......." Is what I could manage saying until everyone burst out laughing

"You should see the face you're making right now!!!! Film it!!! Film it!!" Youngjae laughed while searching for his phone

I swiped the cheesecake from my face, grabbed the victim closest to me and shoved the cheesecake to that person's face. The unlucky victim turned out to be Yongguk, 

"Opps" I said

he then grabbed the rest of the cheesecake and threw it to Daehyun who did nothing but gobble up the cheesecake

"Yum" was what he said

We all laughed at Daehyun's appetite for cheesecake 

"By the way, Jongup, you at stalling time" Zelo said

"Really? A crush???" Himchan said

"I had to do something!!!" Jongup said on defense

"Well, open up the presents we got you!" Yongguk said, wiping the cheesecake off his face

Yongguk handed me a rectangular box, he gave me the newest shoes from his favorite brand company

"This cost a fortune!!! How did you get it?!!" I asked 

" I have connections" he grinned

"Open mine!!!!" Zelo said, shoving a flat long box. Zelo gave me a skateboard with skull embedded on it, black and gray color covered the overall surface and there were hints of red here and there

"This.....this is beautiful!!! A masterpiece!!!!" I almost cried from its beauty

"I designed it, don't let it go to waste" Zelo warned

"I will" I replied

"Here's mine" a box with blue ribbon was thrown to me by Himchan. He gave me a makeup kit

"Wait.... A makeup kit??" I asked raising my eyebrows

"Yeah, you're a woman, so you should decorate yourself a bit" he said

"I know I'm feminine, but don't confuse my gender with my looks hyung" I replied

"I was kidding!!! That's not your real present, it's this one" he said, throwing a leather bracelet at me

"That's much better" I said nodding, satisfied

"Here's one from me!" Jongup said, putting something on my neck, instantly, my hands reached up for it, only to be greeted by a set of headphones

"Stop using the cheap earphones and start listening music in better quality" he said, grinning

"Daehyun, what did you get him?" Jongup said

"Well, I got him the cheesecake, but well, you know what happened to it" he said, shrugging

"Ah" we all nodded in comprehension 

"Here you go, a book about life and death from me" Youngjae said, handing me a book. Thanks, I replied although I will never read it

"And lastly, from me" Manager-hyung said, handing me a piece of paper

"Oh, you didn't have to get anything for me" I said

"You have been friends with B.A.P for a long time and took care of them, it's natural for me to be grateful to you, don't think it's a burden and just accept it" he said

"Thank you" I said

"VIP backstage pass for all B.A.P concerts??" I read the paper

"Yep, whether it's mnet countdown, or private concert, if B.A.P's involved, you can have access anywhere" he replied

"That way, you can meet pretty noonas" Zelo said

"Hahah! Thanks!!! I'll keep in mind" I said laughing

"But how did you guys know that today was my birthday?" I asked

"From what I remember, I haven't told you guys my birthday yet" I thought out loud

"We got a call yesterday from your dad" Yongguk said

"My dad???.... I don't have a dad....." I muttered my imaginary beard

"He called himself your dad though" Yongguk said

".....ah" it must've been Jungmin who called them

"Wait.... What do you mean you don't have a dad???" Zelo asked

"Zelo, you're not supposed to ask that so bluntly!" Daehyun scolded

"Opps" he shrugged his shoulders

"I guess I forgot to mention that I was an orphan?" I asked

"Actually we don't know anything about you except from what we've seen and observed during the time we are using the same dorm" Yongguk said

"So you guys don't know anything about my background?? And yet you guys let me stay at the same dorm as yours? When you're a celebrity??? I could've been a stalker!!!" I exclaimed

"Of course we did a background check on you, but it was clean, so we didn't see any problem" manager hyung said

"You dont seem that bad to me" Youngjae said

"You all need to be on your guard, be careful on whom you trust" I said sighing

"Is that out of experience??" Daehyun asked

"Curiosity killed the cat" I replied smiling sweetly, which emphasized the meaning behind the sentence. 

The rest of the party resumed without a problem except that we broke a base while having another dance competition; and I was genuinely having fun, which was rare nowadays. Manager hyung left after the sun set and we all settled in for the night. I felt like that I could trust them. But for their safety, I hope that they do not trust me in return. 

It was ten minutes before midnight.
I listened to the sounds in the dorm. I was able to hear the electrical buzz from the computers and the fridge, but other than that, nothing else made a sound. I got up from my bed, threw on black pants and a black zip-up hoodie along with my mask. I took out a metal box hidden behind my desk and opened it, revealing few daggers and a gun fully loaded and an extra case of other set of bullets. The daggers got swiftly hidden in my combat boots, my sleeve and my back, the necklace with wire was already hanging from my neck, another dagger inside the bandages that wrapped up my now healing back. Lastly, I grabbed the gun and put it under my armpit into its holster, and zipped up the hoodie securely.

I slid the metal case back to its original position and sneaked out the door. In the hallways, I stopped by each member's room to make sure they were in deep sleep. Their breathing were slow and even, good. Adjusting the mask on securely, I went back to my room and opened the window to check out the perimeter. The front door couldn't be used because there was security camera running 24/7. I jumped from the window and landed safely without letting a sound escape, then ran towards my warehouse. Crossing the alleyways and going through shortcuts, I finally arrived at my destination, but something struck me unusual, I saw that the light was seeping through the cracks in the windows, which meant that someone was already inside. I crept up towards the door and opened the lock with ease and silence. 

A male in his thirties, with a dark navy uniform on was sitting on my sofa with his laptop on, he was clicking on something which I assumed was my job details, but this guy was too into the screen to notice me, my personality wouldn't allow this golden opportunity to pass by. So I crept up behind him and leaned in

"Watching , Matt?" I blew in his ear

"Holy Snap!!!!" He jumped off the couch, grabbing the ear I blew on. The expression on his face was priceless, I tried holding my laughter but failed, I snorted. And the man glare at me

"Sorry Matt, I just had to do that, it's fun teasing you" I held my hands up in surrender

"Anyway, your job today, is in this file, a long term assignment" he said as handing me a folder with a stern face. I opened the folder and saw a face of a man in his thirties with short cropped hair dyed in dark brown with small eyes and very tanned skin. Then on next page, I saw very familiar face, then the next and the next. Confused, I looked up

"The job required someone who could be around the victims without any suspicion, and you are the best for this job" he said 

"Well yeah, I LIVE with them" I replied

"The man on the first page is a suspect for sending threat letters to the victims on the following page, his face got captured on the security camera located on the front door of the victim's dormitory" he stated 

"Your job is to protect them from the harm's way and report back to me each week until the culprit is caught, undertood?" He asked

"Yes, yes stop with being so formal, it doesn't suit you" I waved at him, and he slouched down in the couch with a grin on his face

"Now your assignment for tonight" he began and I smirked, eager to carry out the duty with pleasure


(A/N) how was it??? This was the longest chapter I have ever written. Do you guys like the fillers??? Action will begin soon :) don't forget to comment and subscribe~

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gnatnat #1
this is interesting!