By Your Side Eternally

Eternal Promise

"Hey, why are you crying?"

The petite turned to see a slightly taller little boy.

"I..." The boy kept sniffing, trying to wipe his tears away.

"What's wrong? Are you lost?" He patted his head.

The smaller boy nodded.

"Ah! Then let's go find your parents!" The taller boy exclaimed, smiling widely.

"H-How...?" The petite boy managed to say in between his choked sobs.

"Well..." He scratched the back of his head, thinking hard.

"... You don't know how...?"

".. .Actually, no."

There was a long silence before the smaller boy giggled.

"Y-Yah. What was that for?!" The taller boy half-shouted, turning red in embarassment.

"Nothing. You're just really funny is all." The smaller boy cracked a small smile.

"You were just crying and now all of a sudden you laughed at me." He sighed, rubbing his nape. "Eh, but I'm glad you're not crying anymore!" The taller boy let out a chuckle.

The petite boy smiled gently.

"So, you live in this neighborhood?"

"Well, yeah. But it's a bit far from here... I can't remember."

"Ah. Then, what should we do now?"

"Uhm... I'll just wait until someone comes, then."

"What?" The taller boy turned at the petite boy with wide eyes. "What if no one will come for you?"

"I... I don't know... I'll just wait."

"Then I'll stay with you."

The smaller boy froze, turning his head to look at the slightly taller boy who grinned.

He smiled eventually. "Alright... Thank you."

After a few hours, with a few small talks between each other, a bright smile appears on the petite boy's lips.

"Oh, is that your mother?" The taller boy grinned.

The smaller boy nodded, smiling.

"Well, then, great!" He chuckled. "Then, I'll see you some other time, uhm..."

"Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun."

The smaller boy extended his hand with a smile. The taller boy extended his too, grinning brightly.

"Park Chanyeol. It's nice to meet you, Baekhyun!"

"It's nice to meet you too, Chanyeol! And, um..."

"What is it?"

"Thank you, for being by my side." He smiled brightly.

"Chanyeol. Hey, Chanyeol, wake up."

Chanyeol groaned lightly, turning only to see a bright smile from a certain someone.

"Yah, Park Chanyeol. Wake up. You'll miss breakfast."

"Later, Baek..." He mumbled half-asleep. "I'm tired..."

Baekhyun pouted, putting both hands on his hips.

Somehow if he won't wake up, he'll have to resort to using aegyo.

"Chanyeol-ah~" Baekhyun whined cutely, pouting.

Chanyeol, being the one that can't actually stand aegyo, immediately sat up on his bed. He could only sigh, ruffling his hair in frustration. "Alright, alright, I'm up. Sheesh." He shaked his head lightly.

Baekhyun chuckled, smiling proudly. "Now, I'm gonna bring you breakfast. Wait here, okay?"

"Right... Whatever you say, Baek." Chanyeol sighed, but eventually pulling the corner of his lips to a smile.

It feels peaceful whenever Baekhyun is there, Chanyeol admitted.

Being able to talk to him.

Being able to hear him laugh.

Being able to see him smile.

Being able to hear his voice.

And not having to see him in the hospital temporarily.

It somehow washed away all of his worries, and it reassures him.

"Chanyeol, go finish your food. Why are you daydreaming at such an early time like this?"

"I wasn't daydreaming. I was just thinking about things." Chanyeol shaked his head, smiling.

"Yeah, sure you weren't." Baekhyun only rolled his eyes, chuckling.

Both of them stayed in silence for a while.

It was not that of an awkward or tense silence, it's a comfortable, peaceful silence. With each other's company.

They would like nothing more than for this moment to last longer.

"Hyung, you should go out with Baekhyun Hyung, you know."

He choked. "What?"

"I don't mean, ask him on a date or anything yet. Wow, chill, Hyung." Jongin let out a chuckle. Chanyeol mentally facepalmed.

"Do you mean like, take him out on a stroll or something?"

"Yeah. Well, since you recovered that fast. I thought Baekhyun Hyung might be bored just having to take care of you, stuck in my house."

"You got a point. But, what if something like yesterday happens again?"

Jongin was left silent, looking down on his feet.

"Hah. Should I send you a bodyguard like Kris Hyung?" Jongin joked, smiling.

Chanyeol chuckled. "Nah, there's no need to. I'm up for a fight anytime, but, I'm not sure if I could handle them."

"We should snuck Kris Hyung to follow you, then."


"It's settled, then! He should follow you everywhere." Jongin beamed.

"Wait, I never said-"

"Shush, Hyung. It's for the greater good."

"Listen, Jongin, I-"

"No, no. No arguments needed Hyung. That's that."

Chanyeol sighed loudly, massaging the bridge of his nose. "Geez, Kim Jongin. I could take care of myself, you know. Look, what if I'll just call or send him a signal or something when I'm in trouble? I'm not fond of being followed anywhere I go, it'll just make me much more insecure."

Jongin shaked his head, sighing in return. "You stubborn Hyung. Alright, then. But, take care, and make sure you take good care of Baekhyun Hyung, okay, Chanyeol Hyung?"

Chanyeol grinned, ruffling his hair, "Roger that, little dongsaeng."

After talking it over with Jongin, Chanyeol decided to leave his house with Baekhyun to take a stroll to the city. They haven't been gone to the crowded city in such a long time. They live in down in the neighbourhood that's peaceful and quiet. The city was noisy, filled with cars, and their engine's noises. It's just so hard to imagine what it's like living in the city.

"Chanyeol-ah, what are we gonna do in the city?" Baekhyun tilted his head, looking at the other curiously.

"Nothing. Well, just take a stroll, or something." Chanyeol smiled.

"Take a stroll? Hmm... That would be nice." Baekhyun beamed, smiling brightly.

"So, you better hold my hand tightly, or else you'll get lost."

Baekhyun chuckled. "I will, Park Chanyeol!" He grabbed Chanyeol's hand, squeezing it lightly.

Chanyeol patted Baekhyun's head with his other free hand, smiling brightly.

A few hours had spent by them going shopping groceries, and malls. Keeping each other's company, hand-to-hand, smiling. Both of them felt really happy that day.

"Yah, Byun Baekhyun, don't wander around too far." Chanyeol smiled.

"I won't, I won't!" Baekhyun skipped away from Chanyeol, eventually disappearing in the wave of crowd on the streets.

Chanyeol widens his eyes. He looked around frantically. No signs of Baekhyun anymore.

"Ah, ." He ran after him, diving in to the crowd, frantically searching for him.

No. He can't lose him anymore.

He became scared.

The memories of him getting lost when he was childhood was slowly coming back to him. His old phobia.

And when he turned back, there's just no sign of Chanyeol.

Like he just disappeared; while Baekhyun was swallowed in the crowds.

"Chanyeol? Chanyeol...?"

Baekhyun looked around frantically, trying to find Chanyeol.

As he was about to run, someone caught him in the wrist, pulling him backwards.

At first he tried to squirm off of the grip, but the familiar touch told him otherwise.

Chanyeol had hugged him from behind, not letting him go.


"Don't worry. Shush. There's no need to be scared. I didn't leave you."

Baekhyun instinctively hold Chanyeol's arms close, not bothering with anything else, he let out a silent sob.

"Don't cry, Baekhyun. I found you already. I won't go anywhere. I'll always stay by your side." Chanyeol comforted, pulling Baekhyun close.

Baekhyun nodded softly, letting them stay close for a while in the middle of the crowd; only listening to each other's breathing.

All Chanyeol could do is just hold him close. Seeing him frightened like that tore his heart, but who could blame him? The phobia must be eating on him, even though he probably doesn't remember anything.

"... Chanyeol...?" Baekhyun called softly.

"Yes, Baekhyun?"

"... Thank you, for being by my side." Baekhyun managed a small, gentle smile.

Chanyeol smiled, patting Baekhyun's head gently.

"Let's go home, Baekhyun-ah."

screams I managed to update. cries.

coughs. Okay, so, here's another update.

Sorry for being late.

Here's a little chanbaek for you guys.

Thanks for the comments; subscribe, and for dropping by to read it!

cr: owner.

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NEvelyn #1
Chapter 10: Chanyeol sure is a great boyfriend! I'm curious of those guys that keep trying to take baekhyun away -_- like wth...
mrpag3 #2
Chapter 7: Omo, this is too cute! My gosh Chanyeol is such a great boyfriend hehe
Chapter 5: Aww, they kissed ;; i wonder what will be baekhyun's reaction if his memories are getting back. ouo
Chapter 1: awhhh sho sweet <3 great fic ^^
Chapter 3: Chanbaek and their never ending friendship is just-- ;A;
HELL YEAH I FOUND YOU REN. Going to read this after taking a shower \o/