Conquering The Impossible

Eternal Promise

They spent Christmas Eve with dinner, keeping each other's company. They talked about almost trivial things but nonetheless, enjoying the company they had for each other. Baekhyun would laugh whenever Chanyeol told him a joke, or a story of his failure, only to help Baekhyun recalled some of those memories they had spent together. Though unfortunately, Baekhyun would recall none. Chanyeol never once pitied Baekhyun for losing his memories because he's already guilty as charged. He's the one who was too weak to protect Baekhyun, causing all of the troubles and hardships-

He almost jumped on his bed, hearing a soft rap on his bedroom door. Chanyeol wondered who it was, but a faint, soft voice was heard soon after.

"Chanyeol... Are you awake?"


"Ah, yeah. Wait, I'll open the door for you." He got up, opening the door for Baekhyun. The other smiled at him warmly. "What's up, Baek? Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Uhm, I..." He trailed off, looking at the ground.

"H-Hey, what's wrong? If you don't feel well-"

"I... I think I had a nightmare. I can't sleep... C-can I sleep with you...?"

Chanyeol felt a blush crept onto his cheeks. He shook his head immediately to shake off the thoughts that might come onto his mind.

"Yeah, sure. Come on inside." Baekhyun beamed, stepping in soon after Chanyeol made way for him.

Baekhyun sat at the edge of the bed, waiting for Chanyeol.

Chanyeol plopped himself to bed, feeling tired. He just smiled at Baekhyun, patting the empty space next to him and gestured Baekhyun to lay himself next to him.

Baekhyun laid himself next to Chanyeol, tucking himself inside the blanket.

The two of them now staring at each other.

Both of them flushed, but neither of them pulled their gaze away. Eventually, they just laughed it off.

"Aren't you gonna sleep, Chanyeol?"

"I'm not sleepy anymore, now that you woke me up." He joked.

"Did I disturb your sleep? I'm sorry." Baekhyun pouted.

"Nah, it's okay. I won't feel lonely anymore now that you're here with me."

Baekhyun chuckled. "I'm glad."

So the both of them drift to sleep.

What surprised Chanyeol wasn't how he had been able to wake up early; but him waking up, face-to-face with Baekhyun and arms wrapped around the petite boy. He blushed a rather darker shade of red, though struggling not to move so much or Baekhyun would wake up soon. 

But eventually, Chanyeol cracked a smile. Seeing his peaceful face when he's asleep, nothing makes him happier. He felt that as long as Baekhyun is safe, it's all that matters to him, he's relieved.

Baekhyun squirmed off of Chanyeol's embrace, turning his body to the opposite of Chanyeol. This is his chance to get up from bed. He quickly got off from bed, making his way to the door quietly. As he closed the door to his room, he sighed in relief that he didn't make Baekhyun awake.

Much to Chanyeol's surprise, the sound of the phone ringing filled the quiet hallway, startling him. He mentally cursed whoever is calling him at this time of the day. Honestly, he wasn't even a morning person, how could he have woke up this early? Chanyeol quickly made his way downstairs, picking up the phone.


"Hey, Chanyeol Hyung. You awake?"

Chanyeol groaned, rubbing his nape frustratedly.

"Eh, it's you."

Jongin, on the other hand, chuckled.

"Hey, Hyung. Looks like I woke you up?"

"What does it sound like?" Chanyeol snorted, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, hey, sorry I called you early! But we got a plan."

"A plan?"

"Yeah, you know, get together with Baekhyun and help him regain his memories?"

"Are you planning to come by again?"

"Nah. Instead we're gonna invite you guys here. Then we could hang out again! We didn't get to talk that much yesterday, so I thought it might be a good idea. How's that sound?" Jongin explained.

"Well, I have to ask Baekhyun for that first." Chanyeol stated.

"Ahhh, really? Is he up yet?"

"No, but he'll probably be up in a minute."

"I see. Well, just text me if he said yes, then. I'll be waiting, Hyung. Take good care of Baekhyun Hyung for me, okay!"

"Yeah, I will. And, geez, you're so loud in the morning, man. You're going to wake the neighbours up."

Jongin laughed at the statement. "Well, see you later, Hyung!"

Chanyeol hung up, smiling at the thought of their friends who cares so much for Baekhyun.

The both of them set in on the table for breakfast. Chanyeol had cooked because he woke up earlier than Baekhyun. At first Baekhyun had pouted, saying that he should be the one doing that for Chanyeol, but the taller man shook his head. At the very least, this is what Chanyeol could do to repay Baekhyun.

"So, so, what plans do we have for today?" Baekhyun asked.

Chanyeol looked up at him, blinking his eyes. "Oh, I almost forgot. Jongin called earlier. He asked me whether or not do you want to hang out with them."

Baekhyun's surprised face was immediately replaced with a smile. "I'd love to!"

Chanyeol grinned. "Alright. I'll text Jongin and we'll head there immediately."

After a few hours of preparing themselves, they headed for Jongin's house. Chanyeol texted him the "okay" and Jongin immediately responded to him. His dongsaeng must be really happy to be able see Baekhyun, despite his loss of memories.

What surprised him, is that he saw a black limousine suddenly parked in front of Chanyeol and Baekhyun when they almost reach Jongin's house just a few more feet. A sudden realization sunk in Chanyeol's mind.

'Those guys... Those black suit men.'

He narrowed his eyes, trying to hide Baekhyun behind him.

Baekhyun was scared stiff, not daring to move an inch. "C-Chanyeol..." Was all he could mutter.

"Don't worry, Baekhyun. Stay behind me." Chanyeol calmly responded, his voice sharp.

Damn it.

"Damn, they're so late." Kris shook his head in disbelief.

"Well, can't blame 'em. We made the plan just now. It must've collided with what plans they already had." Lay responded.

Jongin sighed. "Do you think I might've interrupted on their plans...?"

"Nah, they already said the okay. I don't think Chanyeol would really agree if he thinks he's forced." Luhan said, trying to assure Jongin.

"Yeah, but-" Sehun trailed off as he opened the curtain.

"What's wrong, Sehuna?" Chen asked, confused.

"Guys... Guys, look!" Sehun pointed out, frantically. The 10 of them widens their eyes in horror, shocked.

"We gotta hurry!" With that, Jongin immediately ran out of the house, followed by the others.

'... What should I do? I can't fight here. Not now! Not when there's Baekhyun.' Chanyeol frustratedly thought, keeping Baekhyun behind of him. Baekhyun could only tug on Chanyeol's jacket, shivering in fright. He would sometimes open his eyes to see if Chanyeol was still there or not.

"You fricks! Get away from them!"

A sound was heard. When everyone turned their attention to the voice, Chanyeol, instead, took this opportunity to knock them out. Baekhyun stayed away only so that he doesn't get in Chanyeol's way. Their friends immediately stepped in.

"You looked like you're in a pinch, Hyung."

"Talk about being cocky." Chanyeol rolled his eyes to Jongin's statement. "Is Baekhyun alright?!"

"Don't worry. Luhan and Sehun got him safe." Kris nodded.

"So, let's kick these guys' , shall we?!" Xiumin shouted, smirking.

They fought all out to their heart's content.

Bruises scarred their face soon after the fight ended. Chanyeol had the worse bruises. Baekhyun immediately ran to him, hugging Chanyeol with all his might. The petite boy pulled away, worries filling his face.

"Chanyeol, a-are you okay...? Are you hurt? I'll go and treat your wounds for you!"

Chanyeol smiled lightly. "I'm alright... Baekhyun, are you alright? You shouldn't worry about me."

"I-I'm fine... You're the one I should worry about, you know. You're worrying me. Jongin-ah, do you have medication I could use to treat Chanyeol?" Baekhyun turned to Jongin, asking worriedly.

"I sure do, Hyung. Let's go inside to my house, okay?" Jongin nodded firmly.

After Baekhyun helped Chanyeol inside to one of Jongin's room, he got some of the medication Jongin had at his request. Whenever Baekhyun applied the medication to Chanyeol's face, he would flinch and grimaces in pain. It hurts Baekhyun to see him that way, but it's the least Baekhyun could do.

"Ow!" Chanyeol screamed.

"I'm sorry, Chanyeol. Just a little bit more, okay."

Chanyeol growled, letting Baekhyun finish.

"There." Baekhyun smiled as he was done.

"Ugh, it hurts..." Chanyeol groaned lightly.

"Do you want me to get you something warm to drink?"

"Just a bit..."

"Alright, wait a moment." Baekhyun stood up, walking out to the kitchen.

He heard some conversation between Baekhyun and Jongin outside before someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, Hyung. It's me."

Jongin came in with a smile plastered on his face.

He approached Chanyeol, sitting on the chair beside of the bed. "How're you feeling?"

"Not that worse." He chuckled, earning a grin from Jongin.

"Sehun was the one who saw the fight."

Chanyeol raised a brow.

"If he didn't see it, I wouldn't wanna think about what would happen to the both of you." Jongin sighed.

"... I'm scared." Chanyeol muttered.

Jongin shot his head up, looking at Chanyeol with surprise. He waited for his hyung to continue.

"I'm scared to think I won't be able to protect Baekhyun."


"I thought I failed already- and I did fail. I made him experienced the horror, even though he doesn't remember. He might return to his usual, happy self. But it hurts me that he can't actually remember anything, I..." Chanyeol trailed off, clenching his fist. Tears almost formed on his eyes.

Jongin stood up, patting his shoulder. Chanyeol looked up to see a smiling Jongin.

"Hyung, you didn't fail. There's nothing impossible. Even if there is, we could always conquer them. Together. You're not alone. We're here for you, and so is Baekhyun Hyung. He is here for you too." He grinned.

Chanyeol widen his eyes, lips curved upwards. "... Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Jongin."

"Anytime, Hyung." Jongin grinned, nodding his head and left the room.

Baekhyun came with a cup of hot chocolate in his hands.

"Here you go, Chanyeol. I'm sorry it took so long." Baekhyun smiled apologetically.

"There's no need to apologize, Baekhyun. Thank you." Chanyeol nodded, smiling.

The older settled himself in the chair beside him.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. That's thanks to you." Chanyeol grinned.

Baekhyun smiled in return. "That's good."

A silence soon filled the room. Both with thoughts. Both with questions.

"Hey..." Chanyeol finally spoke up.

"What is it, Chanyeol?"

"Do you remember- uhm, no, what I meant is, do you feel like you've gotten through this before? You know, like a de javu?" Chanyeol asked, rubbing his nape. He wasn't sure if the question would really make sense.

Baekhyun thought for a while before looking back up at Chanyeol.

"... I don't. I'm sorry, but I don't remember anything..." He bit his lips, feeling guilty washed over him.

Chanyeol took Baekhyun's hand onto his, smiling to assure him. "It's okay. I'm glad that you don't remember anything about it anymore. I just wish that you could recall all of the memories except for that one. Don't worry about it anymore, alright?"

Baekhyun smiled a bit, nodding. "Alright. Thank you, Chanyeol, for saving my life."

"You saved mine first. It's only natural that I repay you."

And Baekhyun would never get what that statement means.

"Sadly, though, with Chanyeol Hyung and his body like that, we couldn't do a proper celebration." Jongin said.

"What celebration? You never told me about a celebration before." Chanyeol sighed, shaking his head.

"It's a celebration for Baekhyun for being released from the hospital, of course." Luhan smiled.

"He's only temporarily released, though." Chanyeol mentally facepalmed.

"But, hey, that's better than nothing!" Chen interrupted, cheerily.

Baekhyun smiled. "Thanks, guys."

"Heh. No problem." Xiumin responded.

"It's good that you got better." Tao replied.

Chanyeol smiled slightly. He's glad to have great friends like them.

They returned to their rooms Jongin had prepared to take a rest soon after they're finished. Chanyeol needed his rest anyway, so they decided to call it a night. Baekhyun helped Chanyeol settling in on his bed. His injuries haven't healed that much so it would be painful for Chanyeol to have tucked himself to bed.

"Hey, Chanyeol." Baekhyun softly called.

"Yeah? What is it?" Chanyeol looked up at the older.

"Do you think... I'll be able to bring back my memories?"

The question took Chanyeol aback. He wasn't sure of how to respond, but Jongin's words earlier hit him.

He smiled. "Of course, you will. We'll always be here to help you."

"Really...?" Baekhyun asked again, as if not convinced.

"Yes, of course. There's no need to worry, Baek. I heard from a certain someone that you could always conquer the impossible." Chanyeol smiled, sitting on his bed, pulling Baekhyun who was standing onto his embrace.

Baekhyun smiled, he feels safe. Being on Chanyeol's arms just felt right. It's like everything would turn up fine.

"Don't you ever worry about anything. I'm always here. I'll always be here. Everyone will." Chanyeol assured, pulling away. He smiled gently at the petite boy.

The older nodded, smiling as a reply.

He leaned to the younger, giving him a kiss on the forehead. Chanyeol, surprised, widening his eyes.

"Good night, Chanyeol. Sleep well." Baekhyun caressed Chanyeol's cheek.

He grimaced a bit, but struggles to hold it.

Chanyeol pressed Baekhyun's smaller hand with his palm, holding it tightly, hoping that he would never let go.

"Good night, Baekhyun."

With that, Baekhyun closed the gap and their lips met.

kshjdkfjsgldjukfgsdjf A late update because my internet had been acting up. I'm glad it's fixed now.

Anyways, a certain someone asked for a longer update, so, here it is.

coughs. Enjoy reading. And comments and subscribe would be appreciated. Thanks for dropping by to read it!

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NEvelyn #1
Chapter 10: Chanyeol sure is a great boyfriend! I'm curious of those guys that keep trying to take baekhyun away -_- like wth...
mrpag3 #2
Chapter 7: Omo, this is too cute! My gosh Chanyeol is such a great boyfriend hehe
Chapter 5: Aww, they kissed ;; i wonder what will be baekhyun's reaction if his memories are getting back. ouo
Chapter 1: awhhh sho sweet <3 great fic ^^
Chapter 3: Chanbaek and their never ending friendship is just-- ;A;
HELL YEAH I FOUND YOU REN. Going to read this after taking a shower \o/