Keeping Each Other's Company

Eternal Promise

"You know what, I think my parents will go overseas for months."

Baekhyun turned to look at Chanyeol, blinking.

"Is it for more work?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yeah. Well, I'm used to it. It's not like this is the first time." Chanyeol chuckled dryly.

"... I could keep you company."

Chanyeol raised a brow as he looked at Baekhyun, but smiling at the end.

"If you don't mind then, sure- wait, did you mean staying over here, or just... you know, accompanying me?"

"Well... Both would work." Baekhyun nodded, smiling warmly at Chanyeol; the smile he always loves.

Chanyeol ruffled Baekhyun's hair as he smiled. "Thank you, Baekhyunnie."

"You're welcome, Chanyeol." Baekhyun smiled back.

It was raining harshly that day, and Baekhyun had forgotten to bring an umbrella. With Chanyeol happened to be called in by a teacher, he told Baekhyun to go straight to his house first and told him not to wait for him because it'll rain soon, which unfortunately, has began pouring the moment he stepped outside. So, he has to go at a library near their school and wait for the rain to stop pouring. Baekhyun could only sigh helplessly.

"Excuse me? Do you need an umbrella?"

A man's voice offered from behind. As Baekhyun about to turn his head towards the source of the voice, his mouth was roughly covered by a piece of fabric with chloroform, causing his nerves to sleep before he could even shout for help.

Fortunately for him, Chanyeol was running home that time, passing by the library. His eyes widen as soon as he saw Baekhyun being taken away. He ran as fast as he could to give the kidnappers a chase.

"Baekhyun! Dammit!" He shouted.

Even though it's futile to chase a car, he never would want to give up. If he give up, then he would lose Baekhyun forever. He can't let that happen.

The car stopped right after those men saw Chanyeol running after them.

Chanyeol could do nothing but gasp immediately after he saw them getting out of the car with bats on their hands, preparing to beat him up.

'Oh . I'm in such deep trouble.' He thought.

The lad struggled not to get hit. He was desperate. He can't get himself hit by those things or it'll be over for him and Baekhyun. So he charged through those men in black suits, trying to knock them down.

By the time Chanyeol was fighting back, Baekhyun's conciousness came. He blinked slowly trying to get his bearings and remember what just happened. The older one was shocked to see Chanyeol fighting against many men. He could see him bleeding. 'Ugh. I need to help him!' Baekhyun immediately thought, coming out of the car.

Chanyeol spotted Baekhyun coming out of the car telling him to get back because it's dangerous.

"Baekhyun, get back! Don't come out!"

The last man that was standing, immediately swung his bat towards Chanyeol's head.

"No! Chanyeol, look out!" Baekhyun warned, but seeing as it's too late to warn him, he rashly gets out of the car and ran towards Chanyeol with what strength he had left, letting himself got smacked in the head. Baekhyun falls unconciously.

Seeing that, the man runs away, afraid that they will call the police immediately.

But Chanyeol stood there for a few seconds, with his eyes wide in horror as he sees the sight of Baekhyun with his head bleeding, lying there.

Without anymore seconds to waste, he carried Baekhyun on his arms, murmuring him words to "hang on" even though Baekhyun probably can't hear him.

It was all terrifying for Chanyeol.

He doesn't care how drenched or how messy he is, all he cares about now is the boy in his arms; Byun Baekhyun. When he reached the hospital, he desperately asked the nurse to take Baekhyun to one of the hospital room and quickly treat him.

"Please! Please do something about Baekhyun. I..."

"Please calm down, sir. We will do our best to treat him. Do you need to be treated too? Because-"

"No... No, never mind me. Please treat Baekhyun. I don't care of what happens to me!

"Understood. Please wait outside for the time being, sir."

Right now, Chanyeol could only wait outside, fiddling with his fingers nervously as he waits for the doctor to say anything about Baekhyun. He's dead worried.

'Why am I so stupid?! If I hadn't been that careless, Baekhyun wouldn't have...! He wouldn't have to go through all of this... Damn it!' He ruffled his hair in frustration, hanging his head low.

As he keep blaming for himself, the doctor comes out of the room. Chanyeol immediately shot his head back up and stood up, waiting for him to say anything at all.

"... He can't remember anything."

Chanyeol froze, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"But odd, that he only remembers the name 'Chanyeol'. That is you, correct?"

The moment he heard the statement, Chanyeol thought he would explode or something. He can't contain his excitement. He's happy, even though Baekhyun lost his memories, he could at least still remember him. He thanked God for it.

"Ah, yes. I'm Park Chanyeol!" He said immediately.

"Well, you could come inside and talk to him. He's awake." The doctor smiled at him.

Chanyeol beamed, immediately rushing inside to see Baekhyun. He was lying at the hospital bed with a bunch of hospital devices stuck to Baekhyun's body. It hurts Chanyeol seeing Baekhyun that way.

"Baekhyun..." He whispered as he approached Baekhyun.

His eyes lit up slowly, looking at Chanyeol. "I-Is that... you... Chanyeol...?"

"Baekhyunnie, do you still remember me?"

Baekhyun nodded weakly, even though he don't know what Chanyeol was talking about; he didn't remember anything after all.

Chanyeol felt relief wash over him, taking Baekhyun's hand to his.

"Don't worry, Baekhyun. I'm here. There's no need to be scared anymore."

Days passed with Baekhyun unable to come to school. Chanyeol will always visit him everyday after school to keep him company. As truth had been spoken, it is true that Baekhyun didn't remember anything. He didn't remember his friends- their friends. Chanyeol bet if he told Kyungsoo about it, he'll come running and crying while Baekhyun would just freeze, not knowing what to say to assure this "stranger" that he's fine. Chanyeol thought it was the for the best not telling anyone at the moment.

"Chanyeol..." Baekhyun called weakly.

"Yeah? What is it, Baekhyunnie?"

"What happened... yesterday? I... can't remember anything..."

Chanyeol looked up towards Baekhyun, can't bring himself to actually tell him what happened.

"Uhm... Well, I'll... I'll explain it to you once you recovered, okay? I don't want the trauma to cause bad things to you and your memory more..." Chanyeol explained.

"I see... Alright then..." Baekhyun smiled at him, Chanyeol replied with a grin.

The younger fiddled with his finger for a while before striking a conversation.

"So, I guess instead of you offering to coming over to my house to keep me company, it's me who actually keep you company, huh?" He teased Baekhyun, chuckling slightly.

Baekhyun blinked. "Did I... say that?"

"Oh, yeah... You don't remember that, do you?"

"I'm... I'm sorry, Chanyeol..."

"What are you apologizing for? You're not at fault. It's..." He trailed off, wanting to blame himself but it'd cause Baekhyun to ask why would it be his fault. It's better that Baekhyun doesn't remember the horror of the experience anymore.

"It's...?" Baekhyun asked curiously because Chanyeol had trailed off.

"I-it's nothing! What's important now, is that you're safe and sound. And that you're still alive." Chanyeol grasped Baekhyun's hand, squeezing it lightly. 'Yeah, you're safe. There's no need to worry anymore, I'll be by your side anytime. I will protect you at any cost, Baekhyunnie...'

Everytime Chanyeol visited Baekhyun, he'd always smile because he's always been lonely at the hospital most of the time, waiting for Chanyeol to get to the hospital from school. It's odd that he remembered nothing but Chanyeol. Is he that precious to Baekhyun? He could never recall his memories except for Chanyeol. The name Park Chanyeol, his face, his smile, his voice, his facial expression, the way his eye twitch. He shook his head lightly at the thought. When he gets out of the hospital, he will search back for his memories.

Just as he thought about Chanyeol, Baekhyun heard a soft rapping on the door. "Baekhyunnie? It's me, Chanyeol."

"O-oh, you can come in, Chanyeol... There's no need to knock." Baekhyun replied.

Chanyeol opened the door, poking his head inside. "Hey. Good afternoon, Baekhyunnie!" He grinned.

"Good afternoon. How's school?" Baekhyun smiled warmly.

"It was boring as usual." He sighed, but chuckling after. "Because Baekhyun wasn't there. It feels empty."

Baekhyun could feel his cheek burning slightly, red in embarassment. "I-I see... I'm sorry I can't go to school..."

"What? No, no! It's okay! Don't apologize so much." Chanyeol laughed.

"I promise to go to school once I recovered, okay?" Baekhyun beamed, holding out his pinky.

Chanyeol held out his pinky, intertwining theirs as Baekhyun made the promise.

Baekhyun shivered slightly, feeling the chills even though the window and the door to his hospital room was shut tight.

"Baekhyun, are you okay? Are you cold?"

"Umm... A little..." Baekhyun's voice trembled, shivering with the cold.

"Oh, do you want me to make you something hot to drink? Or I'll just get more blanket so you won't-"

"N-No... Just stay here, Chanyeol..." Baekhyun muttered, searching for Chanyeol's hand.

"Baekhyun..." He looked at Baekhyun sadly, the older looked like a lost puppy who needs protection. Seeing that really hurts Chanyeol. Baekhyun couldn't recall the horror experience, but he could probably feel the cold atmosphere where the bat smacked his head so hard. He held his hand. "I'm here, Baekhyun. I'm here." He whispered.

"There's no need to be so scared anymore. I'll always be at your side, okay?" Chanyeol assured, pulling him into his embrace as Baekhyun sobbed quietly.

"I'll always be here to keep you company. I'll protect you, so there's nothing to worry about. You're safe."

I managed to write this one-I think longer- in a hurry. I'm in such a pinch lately because I'm busy.

So, yeah. Subscribe! And comments needed, to be honest. Haha. Thank you for dropping by to read it.

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NEvelyn #1
Chapter 10: Chanyeol sure is a great boyfriend! I'm curious of those guys that keep trying to take baekhyun away -_- like wth...
mrpag3 #2
Chapter 7: Omo, this is too cute! My gosh Chanyeol is such a great boyfriend hehe
Chapter 5: Aww, they kissed ;; i wonder what will be baekhyun's reaction if his memories are getting back. ouo
Chapter 1: awhhh sho sweet <3 great fic ^^
Chapter 3: Chanbaek and their never ending friendship is just-- ;A;
HELL YEAH I FOUND YOU REN. Going to read this after taking a shower \o/