Writing Away ✏

The Guide to Happiness ☺

It's the feelings that can be felt in your heart. Love, hate, regret, pain, sorrow, happiness and many, many more. Emotions can be kept inside, locked away so no one can see them. Or they can be seen by your actions and how you express them. Sometimes, they can be jumbled up. Words, actions, thoughts...there's so many ways to express how you're feeling. In a way, they can also shape you. It can strengthen you, weaken you or break you. Feelings, they can affect you. They can cause you to do many things. Emotions are like books that can easily get thrown at you when you're unaware.

Time is precious. Oh so very, precious. Cherish them as if they were part of you. Memories, time is involved with the process of memories. Time can fly right before your eyes. But memories, they are there forever...unless you choose to dump them for your own reasonings. However, it can also kill. It can devour many things right before your eyes. Tick, tock the clock is ticking.

It's one of the most wonderful things. That warm, comforting feeling in your heart. The feeling that can instantly etch a grin across your face. It can last for a while, or disappear quickly. Nonetheless, it's such a beautiful sight to see- happiness. Happiness within people rather than pain within people. In a way...peace inside your heart. Even if it is only for a fragment of time.

Trust is like a broken mirror, when you piece it back together you can still see through the cracks. It can be simple to gain and lose. But difficult to attain if you've lost it. It means much more than money. Also, it is a form of exchange between two people as their friendship may grow. Be wise with your decisions and think before your actions. I simply say that because you will be filled with much regret if someone loses their trust in you, trust me.

People may tell you not to do this or that. Whether you choose to do something or not is simply your choice. But, beware of any decision you make because anything could happen, anything could go wrong. One bad choice can cause pain- to you or others and can afflict much damage whatsoever. Sometimes, it's the opposite. Sometimes a choice can be for the better. Don't be careless, think thoroughly about the pros and cons before coming up with a conclusion about your choice.

Life is important. You're important. Yes, there are times when there is wonderful and delightful times, but there is also horrible and dreadful times as well. However, you shouldn't let major events in your life affect you in a negative way. Be positive. Live life to the fullest and cherish the great times. Learn and become stronger through the rough times too. Smile, you're amazing and you are meant to live because your were born into this world. Life is like a present that you should be grateful for.


Greetings, my lovelies~

I just wanted to share this all with you because I wrote these when I was feeling quite down, and it made me feel much more better. If you ever feel upset, you can always come and find Sandy16, or myself (Michiko253) and chat with us. Even if we're not on, feel free to PM, add us, etc. ^^ We'll reply asap. The moral of this chapter is to write how you feel down to let out all of your emotions so you'll feel better. Listening to music as well is also a pointer ^^

Plus, if you write it on a piece of paper or more, and write how you feel down, once you're done you can tear up the paper into bits and pieces as well, then recycle ^^

I love you all, lovelies~

Until then, ♥Michiko253

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Hello lovelies~ our apologies for the lack of updates~ but I hope you all have had a great new year! Look forward for our updates soon ^^


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QStella #1
Chapter 8: ....... Wow! Amazingly wow!
Hello, dear authors, may i just ask if some of you own a tumblr website? Because I own an advice blog on tumblr and I'm currently looking for admins who'll help me run the site. Sorry to bother you and thank you xx
Chapter 14: I know
far distant love is hard
I don't believe in love
death is sure to come
u did the right thing
u shouldn't regret it.
no one told u he will die
jazzmine1 #4
Team of The guide of Happiness,

we need to talk!
there is a mysterious girl who need our help!
and we have to help her, ut its private chat so on other sns, not on AFF!
Chapter 11: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


don't have words to say.

*burst into tears*
Thanks, alot guys you are really amazing.
I talked to my mum and she is agree, and she said, if you don't like that guy we wont force you,.