Our Little Project, For Us And For You

The Guide to Happiness ☺

(this chapter was written a while back and we just realized it's not updated, our apologies!)

Hello everyone, it's Sandy16 speaking! My co-author Michiko253  and I have decided to do a little "project" because it sounds fun and we hope that you guys will cooperate with us and enjoy. In my Sociology class we were asked to write an essay about our personalities, of course we were given tests about our personalities and so I've updated one of the tests, it's actually the most important test and you guys can check it out on my blog if you want. Here's the link for it (http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/813058). Of course you guys are not going to write any essays, unless you want to, but you guys are going to describe yourselves like me and Ari are doing. You don't have to do it the way we did it, especially mine, because mine was for a grade >< so all of you may do it however you'd like. It's up to you. We hope to know you better ^^ thank you for reading. Let's start with mine~ 

“My Personality” (Sandy16)

          When I asked people to describe me, they usually described me as a friendly and loving person. I like to talk to people and make new friends; I like to help others out as much as I can, if I can. According to the personality types handout, I am considered be an Introvert, Structured, and Intuitive. First of all, as the Introvert personality states, I see myself as a quiet and shy person, I prefer to work alone; I tend to keep my feelings to myself, and I generally reach decisions slowly and after careful thought. This is really true because I prefer to be alone most of the time and I like to keep a lot of things, if not, everything to myself. As the Structured personality states, I am orderly, organized, and systematic, I like to finish one project before starting another; Once I make a decision I tend to stick with it, and I am also comfortable with routine.  This describes me really well because I am a person that like to be organized and does not like to be messy whatsoever. Additionally, as the Intuitive personality states, I like solving new problems, I am impatient with details but don’t mind complicated situations; I enjoy learning new skills more than using them, and I rely on my imagination more than on what I see and hear to come up with solutions. This also is very true because I am a person that likes problem solving and I tend to use my imagination to come up with great solutions.

          Referring to the first ever personality quiz that we took, I tried my best picking only one answer from each question because more than one answer from a lot of questions apply to me. I picked the most accurate answers out of each question and I had a score of 34 which indicates that others see me as sensible, cautious, careful, and practical. They see me as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who’s extremely loyal to friends I do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know me realize it takes a lot to shake my trust in my friends, but equally that it takes me a long time to get over it if that trust is ever broken.  This is mostly true because I do make friends easily and they tend to stick around by my side for a pretty long time. I am a very sensitive and fragile person that will try my best to be loyal to everyone around me, but I don’t really expect that same treatment because I know that there are a lot of betrayals in this world and not everyone can be loyal.      ­­­

            According to another personality test we took, I am a person that puts family first. This is true because I consider my family as number one because they’re the ones who raised me and took care of me ever since I was able to take a breath in this world. In addition, according to the same test, I am considered a tricky person, I consider this true sometimes because I love to play pranks on people all the times so I plan everything to be perfect. I am also described as deep, in a way, this is true because if people wants to really know me, then it would take them months and maybe even years to figure out what type of person I am.                  

            I am a very honest person, I like to be straightforward and get to the point. I am also independent, I like to solve all my problems on my own without asking anyone for help except if I can’t handle the problem alone. I love all my friends and family, I usually put people before me no matter the condition. I don’t like to be selfish, but sometimes people need to be selfish to be able to survive certain things. In my opinion, I can be a very cold person when needed, I will be mean to a person who was mean to me, but I would also try to no be disrespectful at all times. I don’t like to brag about anything, and I also don’t like when others brag about themselves; it’s really annoying. I have an open mind yet it takes people centuries to figure me out, I like to be a great comfort in peoples’ lives because that makes me feel safe and secure for some reason. I love helping out people with everything and anything really, I hate having no solution to any type of problem.

            I am the first born in my family, so according to the birth order, my bad feeling is guilt. I do feel a lot of guilt if I lie to anyone about the smallest thing, that’s why I always tell the truth so I won’t have to carry this feeling with me everywhere. My survival strategies are placating and covering up, this is very true because I am a really calm person and I would try my best to cover up as fast as I can if anything or anyone hurt me. I really feel loss in love sometimes, and that’s not only a relationship love, it could be any type of love such as family love or friends' love. My sense of justice is that people should get what they deserve, I believe that because everyone is equal, we’re all human and we all have the same types of feelings, same body structure, same brain shape, so why shouldn’t everyone be equal? My thought pattern is research, this is true because I always research something if I’m really curious about it and really want to know what it is if no one knows the answers I’m looking for. My emotional expression is flat, I tend to not show people my real emotions because I’d rather keep it to myself most of the times. My nature of humor is teasing, I love teasing people about anything and everything as long as they’re not hurt by it, and if I notice that they’re hurt, I apologize and clear things out with them. My relational is fears others may be offended, placater, I don’t like when people get mad or sad because of me so I tend to not say any offending things to them even if it’s just playing. My child within is abandoned , I feel like that sometimes because I am the first born and not the only child. My blind spots are own thoughts, feelings, desires, this is also true because, as I said before, I tend to keep everything to myself. Social contributions are discoveries, information, dreams, these things are true because I like to discover new things, search for new information and dream a lot. My expression of love is agreement because a relationship, friendship, or a family-ship are always best when people agree on most things, but it’s also good to disagree on some things as well. My most common phrase is “I don’t know” I use this a lot if I want to get away from something or if I really don’t know what’s being talked about.

          I recently asked one of my closest friends to describe me because I don’t really know how to describe myself as much as others do. She said “Suhair is quite an amazing person. She is very caring, loving, sincere, strong and bright. If you're intelligent enough, you can see that she's legit with you. Even though she has gone through many, many hardships, she is able to get past those hurdles, but some of them may take longer to hurdle over than others. Suhair also has such a big heart and she is very forgiving and would rather take a peaceful route to settle things when they may come out of hand. She's also very funny and can easily make you smile or laugh...well that's my opinion since it can differentiate amongst other people who also know her. All in all, she's a lovely, wonderful friend that is just like a rainbow. She can brighten up your whole day in just a snap of a finger if you're someone she dearly cares about. She's fragile, yet strong, sweet and graceful. She's Suhair.” She said it, not me.

          A lot of people describe me as sincere; they describe me as friendly and the person to turn to when they’re happy, sad, mad, or just anything. A lot of people trust me because I am a loyal person that will hold a secret if someone asks me to. I love being trusted because it shows me that people care about my opinion and not just want to add another number into their friend list. I love being myself because there’s only one me in this world and I should appreciate that and live my life without any regrets or fears.  People should treasure their personalities because, even if they don’t realize it, it’s gold and one of a kind.


I hope you guys enjoyed, and I really hope that you guys will do it too^^ 

Love you all, until next time~ Sandy16 <3

Hello, Michiko253 speaking! It's been quite a while since we've updated, yes? Please accept our sincere apologies, life has kept us quite busy. But I hope you all have been having a great year so far! ^^ Well, wasn't Sandy16's personality explanation quite deep? I think it was, it completely baffled me but delighted me as well. Anyways, I suppose it is my turn now yes? Where shall I begin? Well, I unfortunately won't be taking any tests, I will just be telling you from my perspective, enjoy! We really, really hope you all will open up and tell us more about you all, we want to be friends with you all and have our shoulders out there for any of you to lean on when you need to most ^^

To begin, I feel as if my personality is quite unique. I don't consider myself an introvert, nor an extrovert but in between since it all just depends on my mood. Some adjectives that people have described me as in the past is sweet, nice, and caring. I do see myself as a sweet person because one has told me that no matter the situation I "always have the right words to say" and that always delights me because it's just the person I am. The nice part is mostly true as well, since I'm amiable when you get to know me, I wouldn't harm you in any way if you were to say hello to me. Although I can be pretty harsh with my words at time, due to the fact that I'm honest with how I feel, and if one infuriates me, a tornado of unpleasant words may spew out of me. I guess it's because certain things are able to annoy me, and other times people need a reality check done to them in a blunt form, because of their ignorance with failed approaches attempted in the past.

Despite that, I'm really a caring person that does my best to cheer people up in any way, shape or form and just listen to what they have to say. Whether it be something minor like a paper cut, to their day, or even obstacles in their life. That's an aspect many people enjoy from me because I listen to them and really engage in the conversation to let them know that I"m actually acknowledging them. Apart from that, I can be witty too and tease a lot, like Sandy16 does. I usually have remarks and jokes that people teasingly roll their eyes at or groan at me, but what can I say. I love laughing, so I'll make others laugh too, since it's one of the best medicines to intangible wounds.

I guess I'll go into more depth about being in between an introvert and an extrovert. Let's begin with the introvert part. I enjoy being a conservative person that will hardly ever tell my major hardships in life, because I tend to get over them on my own, since I've accumulated a strong mentality over the years. Don't get me wrong, I may tell my closest of friends, but most of the time, I don't really explain or vent about it to anyone, because I just like being independent- to an extent. Especially my alone time which I cherish a lot, because I get to relax and do the things I want to do in life. It gives me a sense of freedom, and to really ruminate over everything.

There's a side of me that's also outgoing, because I enjoy making new friends. For instance, I'll see a classmate in the hall and I'd just smile and greet them with a hello, and they'll respond back. I usually do that to numerous people,  but lately I've been lethargic with my crazy schedule lately. In addition, I enjoy trying out new things and going on adventures with my friends. It's so enjoyable to talk about life with people you care about, while doing something fun like rollerblading and then eating out somewhere. Other than that, there's nothing really yanking me to one end, because I'm everywhere (not literally) but you get what I mean.

I'm also the oldest child in the family and that gives me a sense of responsibility. Responsibility to do well with life and to be a good role model to my younger sibling. Sometimes I find it stressful, but other times it excites me. My family is so very important to me, and so are my friends. I'm the type of person who would lend a hand to help in anyway possible and treat one well. To add on, I'm a messy person who always has to reorganize and declutter the messes I make. I have so many aspirations and I don't let anything really tear me down. I do get hurt and upset, but I hurdle over them pretty quickly, since I'm not one to mourn or dwell on things that really bring me down to the pit.

There's also this drive in me to succeed and do really well, but procrastination gets the best of me at times. My personality is interesting since I can be sweet, yet feisty, caring but blunt, weak but primarily strong (mentality wise), open yet closed.


We have much appreciation for your continual support with this story of ours, oh yeah, I said ours, since it's yours too! Have a wonderful weekend!

I must also say that I've changed my username from Michiko253 to Chocochip-Ari. In case you're like "WHO IS THIS STRANGER, YOU'RE NOT MICHIKO253, GTFO" LOL, best wishes!


I'll have to fix some things on here when I have time, so please bare with me and tell us what you think of this chapter!  

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Hello lovelies~ our apologies for the lack of updates~ but I hope you all have had a great new year! Look forward for our updates soon ^^


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QStella #1
Chapter 8: ....... Wow! Amazingly wow!
Hello, dear authors, may i just ask if some of you own a tumblr website? Because I own an advice blog on tumblr and I'm currently looking for admins who'll help me run the site. Sorry to bother you and thank you xx
Chapter 14: I know
far distant love is hard
I don't believe in love
death is sure to come
u did the right thing
u shouldn't regret it.
no one told u he will die
jazzmine1 #4
Team of The guide of Happiness,

we need to talk!
there is a mysterious girl who need our help!
and we have to help her, ut its private chat so on other sns, not on AFF!
Chapter 11: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


don't have words to say.

*burst into tears*
Thanks, alot guys you are really amazing.
I talked to my mum and she is agree, and she said, if you don't like that guy we wont force you,.