When the road gets rough don't give up. You are strong.

The Guide to Happiness ☺

Greetings, my darlings. Hehe, it's me, Michiko253! Lately, I've noticed my lovely co-author Sandy16, has been writing many chapters now. It's not that I don't like her doing so, I do~ as well as my other co-author Snowwhite. I love you both, thank you for your support and for helping me. I couldn't have done this on my own. *smiles*

Shall we begin? Let's go!

Now, tell me. Do you ever feel like life is just horrible, painful, cruel, difficult or just dreadful? I'm sure some of you have felt that way, yes? Sometimes, you feel like you have the worst day ever, don't you? I know I have. Don't be discouraged, dear. Shall I give you a few examples?

Let's just say bullying for example. I honestly don't know what is up with people and bullying others. Especially at school. Students tend to bully other students for God knows why. I'm against it. It's horrible. To tell you the truth, I've never been bullied...unless if having to be called: "Annoying" and having friends not wanting to be your friend anymore "bullying" I don't really think it was.

I never cried about it. But, I did get annoyed and I honestly didn't care. I knew who my real friends were. However, after a year later, I became friends with them again and put aside that year and forgave them. I mean honestly, life can truly at times.

I wanted to tell you guys that I experienced that my sixth grade year. I was okay, though, so don't worry about me. I worry about you all, okay? Back to bullying - I think it's sad, honestly. Especially the bullies themselves and the problems they cause.

I just want you all to know, that we're here for you okay? Don't be shy to open up. After all, I told you all what happened to me in sixth grade, right? I know, bullies can call you such harsh, horrible, untrue names. They can also reject you and do mean things to you. Things like:

"You're worthless." "No one wants you, get out of here." "What are you looking at, freak?"  and so many other horrible things. What saddens me the most is those victims, the kids that are getting bullied. But what is the most saddening of all is when they commit suicide. Please, please, please don't ever, EVER think that is the only option to get rid of the pain.

The problem you're dealing with, it is only temporary, alright? Suicide is a permanent solution to that temporary problem. There are people who care about you, and the last thing they would like to see is your body in a coffin. Don't ever think for a second about suicide okay? It isn't worth it, you have a long life ahead of you.

Besides bullying, I know there are family problems that frustrate you too, yes? I dealt with one and it's just irritating and I don't like it. But now it's better. Those problems are temporary too. Sometimes, life comes with dreadful things, but they don't last forever, you have to keep calm and get past them alright? Life is not always the best, but it's not always the worst either.

You just have to learn to accept whatever life throws at you. Think of it...as a test. A test to see if you can be able to deal with difficult situations and be happy, okay? Whatever problem you have, or if you just have a bad day and want to talk about it, talk with me or my co-authors. We would love to listen okay?

I love you guys, always remember that you're amazing. Until then, ♥Michiko253!

P.S. I can't end this chapter without some meaningful pictures. :D

I really like this one, don't you? Hehe.

This one is really nice too.

Always stay positive, okay? Being negative won't get you anywhere, it'll just make you frustrated and cause you to do things that you wish you hadn't later on. Look forward to the next chapters and so on! Thank you for reading and subscribing. Please spread the word about us to your friends or whoever you think needs a little encouragement. But don't forget about yourself, you can't just make others around you happy, it's very important that you're happy too~! ♥ Lot's of love!

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Hello lovelies~ our apologies for the lack of updates~ but I hope you all have had a great new year! Look forward for our updates soon ^^


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QStella #1
Chapter 8: ....... Wow! Amazingly wow!
Hello, dear authors, may i just ask if some of you own a tumblr website? Because I own an advice blog on tumblr and I'm currently looking for admins who'll help me run the site. Sorry to bother you and thank you xx
Chapter 14: I know
far distant love is hard
I don't believe in love
death is sure to come
u did the right thing
u shouldn't regret it.
no one told u he will die
jazzmine1 #4
Team of The guide of Happiness,

we need to talk!
there is a mysterious girl who need our help!
and we have to help her, ut its private chat so on other sns, not on AFF!
Chapter 11: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


don't have words to say.

*burst into tears*
Thanks, alot guys you are really amazing.
I talked to my mum and she is agree, and she said, if you don't like that guy we wont force you,.