Debuts & Favors

Where I Belong
The others were already seated around a table, Kikwang and Junhyung quietly discussing something with Doojoon. Yoseob and a boy named Dongwoon were playing a game with their fingers and slapping each other’s hands every few seconds. Hyunseung froze just inside the doorway, staring at them all with large eyes that gave away far too much evidence of his nerves. 
Were they eliminating him without even letting him audition for a group?! Why were Yoseob and the others here? Were all of them being eliminated from the trainee program? 
“Yah, hyung, over here!” 
Hyunseung’s attention was drawn from his uneasy thoughts to Yoseob. The younger boy was positively writhing in excitement in his seat, gesturing quickly for Hyunseung to sit beside him. Doojoon put a gentle but restraining hand on his shoulder and Yoseob’s eager wriggling calmed somewhat, but it was obvious that he wouldn’t be able to hold still.
Following Yoseob’s insistent gesturing, he slowly moved to sit in the final chair and focused his gaze intently on the manager. 
“Are we in trouble?” Kikwang asked, startling Hyunseung in his seat as the doe-eyed boy heard him speak.
The manager who’d come to find Hyunseung didn’t bother to take a seat, standing by the end of the table instead. He shook his head and looked at Kikwang. “The company has decided that the six of you will debut as a group.”
Dongwoon fell out of his chair.
Twenty minutes later as they all slowly meandered out of the room, Hyunseung was still in a bit of a daze. He was going to debut. For real. No eliminations, no “I’m sorry Hyunseung, but you aren’t the right fit” or “You don’t have what it takes”. 
He was really debuting.
“Um, hyung?” 
The voice startled him out of his dazed shuffling, and Hyunseung turned curious eyes onto the speaker. “Mm?”
Dongwoon rubbed the back of his neck a little uncertainly and waited while the others drifted down the hall with the manager, Yoseob bouncing happily beside Doojoon. When they were out of earshot he turned his attention back onto Hyunseung. “I have a favor to ask, hyung…”


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Chapter 27: Still rereading this story on 2018.^^
89_junseung #2
Chapter 28: Yep! Just finished another round of this sweet Junseung. Thanks, author-nim!
89_junseung #3
Chapter 27: I just can't control the Junseung feels. Just finished rereading. Haha. Talk about obsession. I don't want this to end.
89_junseung #4
Chapter 28: Wow. Just wow. This made me believe in Junseung more. Haha. Thank you so much for this amazing fic. Will be rereading this.
Sekitani #5
It was sooooo good !! It was my first time reading a beast fic and wow it was so great !

Really good job authornim!
miyui-chan #6
Chapter 5: nice, i really like it. c:
Chapter 28: Awww this was really cute
I trully enjoyed readig it. I hope you cintinue writing, be it junseung or other pairing you may like. You're talented. :)
Chapter 27: awwwww why does it ended already....
i just like this fic soooo much and i enjoy the entire plot
i enjoy every chapie too...
this is sooooooo good....
i've just developed my junseung feeling and i glad i read this one
Chapter 22: i'm addicted to this....
gosh...the interaction seemed sooooo real...
Keyq1998 #10
Chapter 28: love it!<3