Maknae's day out~

I'm Teen Top's Manager ? But I'm a Secret Assassin !

@slowbutsure: hehe, welcome! :D and yuupp, Changjo and his twin, haha x)

@Hiyori: YUP, RICKY . <33

@IceCreamLover: I want $ from Ricky too, aha! x)

@nehakpoplover4ever: I know right TT_TT don't kill L.Joe, _______-ah! D: and yeahyeahyeah, Chunji's ninja skills :DD Yup, ChunJoe share a room, haha xD

@jayceedongwoon: I KNOW RIGGHHTTT! they should just get married already, LOL!

@minreenji: ChunJoe <3 and OMIGOSH, SORRY. LOL, i really like the suspense mode, haha xD

@Turtle-Mei: Thank yooou! And yup, Changjo's your twinnie~ <33 and what do you mean by pretend? haha :DD

@jasarana16: another updateeee! <33

@joanna_MAgic: KEKEKE, yeaaaah, Teen Top are sneaky eavesdroppers, haha :D


Thank you for all the comments everyone! Silent readers, comment! :D


~Back to L.Joe and ______~

Your POV

"U-Us alone?" I stuttered. He's not actually asking me out, is he?

"Um, well, sure we can go alone, but i was thinking we could go with the guys? I mean, we're all friends, right?" L.Joe grinned.

My heart sank. "O-Oh. Okay. Maybe."

"Tell me when you wanna, Kay?" he pinched my cheeks.

"Okay." I smiled back.

~The next morning (well, afternoon, it was 1pm)~

3rd Person POV

"Gooooooooddd moooorrrniiinnggg __________~!" Chunji rushed up to hug you.

"More like afternoon. You sure sleep a lot _________-ah." CAP chuckled.

"No oppa, i just slept really late last night, and Uh, Chunji oppa, good morning? Wow, somebody's having a good day." You chuckled.

Just then, L.Joe came down too, rubbing his eyes. "L.JOEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!" Chunji let go of you and ran over and hugged L.Joe tightly.

"Ack. C-Chunji. Can't breathe..." L.Joe choked out.

Chunji giggled. "Sorry."

"Soooo, how you lovers doing today?" Ricky smirked.

"Me and Chunji?! ChunJoe?!" L.Joe rolled his eyes. "That's fan service Ricky."

"No! He meant as in you and __________!" CAP shouted.

"Errrr.... What?" You raised an eyebrow.

"You guys... aren't a couple?" Changjo asked.

"No...?" L.Joe was confused.

"Why were you in ________'s room last night?" Niel blurted out.

"We were just talking..." you laughed.

"O-Oh..." Chunji's head lowered.

"HA! PAY UP LOSERS!" CAP and Changjo waves their hands.

"YOU GUYS BET ON US?!" L.Joe's jaw dropped.

"Yeah." Chunji shrugged.


"Yeah. But I lost." Chunji grimaced as he passed $20 to both CAP and Changjo. Ricky and Niel did the same.

"Pst, Ricky, are we still going with the plan?" Chunji asked.

"Yeah." Ricky chuckled.

"Hey _________-ah!" Ricky came over to you. "Yeah, what is it, Ricky?"

"Wanna go grocery shopping with me?" Ricky blinked innocently.

You laughed at his cuteness. "Sure!" you nodded.

"I wanna come too!" Changjo waved his hand frantically.

"Okay!" Ricky chuckled.

"I wanna come!" L.Joe pouted.

"Sorry, maknae's day out hyung." Changjo stuck his tongue out.

"Can I eat first?" you pouted.

"No! Change your clothes and let's go! We'll treat you!" Ricky insisted.



~Grocery shopping~

"Guys, what do we needa buy?" You asked, as you guys were walking towards the supermarket.

"CAP hyung gave us a whole list of stuff to buy!" Changjo dug in his pockets for a while, and found a piece of paper with CAP's hand writing on it.

"So, should we stop at the meat shop, vegetable&&fruit shop, fish shop, bakery, or the convience store for snacks?" Ricky asked.

"W-Woah... So many shops!" you exclaimed in shock. "Why can't we just go to a supermarket that sells everything?"

"Well, it's really far, since we're walking..." Ricky explained.


"We aren't all billionares like you, ________-ah." Ricky ruffled your hair gently.

"Right. Sorry." you laughed. "So which one are we going to first?"

"Um... Vegetable & fruit shop." Changjo looked through the list. "We needa buy a lot of vegetables and fruits...

"OMO! Can we buy some potatoes?!" You jumped up and down. "I love potatoes!" you squealed. "OH! And strawberries!"

"Haha, okay kiddo." Changjo ruffled your hair.

"Yahh, I'm not a kid! I'm only one day younger than you oppa!" You pouted cutely.

"HEY! How come you rarely call me oppa, but you always call Changjo oppa?!" Ricky whined.

"Because Changjo oppa is more mature than Ricky~" You teased.

"Yah, I'm older than you two! Call me oppa!" Ricky pouted.

"Nope." You giggled.

"GAAHH! the Ricky monster will come and get yoouu!" Ricky growled.

"What the heck?!" you giggled as he chased you down the sidewalk.

"Yaaah, what are you idiots doing? Everyone's staring!" Changjo ran after you two, laughing.

"CALL ME OPPA!" Ricky finally caught you, and hugged you tight, almost suffocating you.

"Yah, stop!" you said in between giggles. "Ricky oppa, stop!"

"Not until you call - wait what?" Ricky blinked.

"Ricky oppa, let go of me!" you puffed your cheeks out.

"WOOOOTTT! you called me oppa!" Ricky let go of you, cheering.

"Im pretty sure I called you oppa before... You just don't remember." You stuck my tongue out.

"Really? Whatever, you better call me oppa everytime starting from now!" Ricky urged.

"Okay, okay."

"Guys? Can we go in the market now?" Changjo rolled his eyes at you and Ricky's childish behavior.

"YEAAH! potatoes, here we comeeeeee!"

~After buying vegetables&fruit~

"Geez Ricky oppa. If I wasn't here today, all the vegetables you guys bought would have been moldy." You wrinkled your nose.

Ricky grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, I just grab the first one I see. At least I didn't want to buy a watermelon! Unlike SOMEBODY! cough cough Changjo!"

"Yeah Changjo oppa, how were we supposed to carry a watermelon home?!"

"Oh, we're at the meat shop guys." Changjo changed the subject quickly and pointed at the sign.

"YAYAYAYAYAY! time to buy meat!" Ricky exclaimed.


~After the meat shop~

"G-Guys? Why'd you buy so much extra meat?" your jaw dropped.

"So we can have a BBQ!" Changjo cheered.

"OMGOMGOMG ITS THE SEAFOOD SHOP! I wanna eat crabs!" Ricky gasped.

"OMG I WANT CRABS TOO!" you cheered along with Ricky.

"Kay, let's just skip the fish and buy crabs instead then!" Changjo laughed. "Aigooo, why do I feel like the hyung?"

~After crabs, LOL!~

"Whats next? bakery, or convience store?" You asked.

"Bakery... Then the convience store last." Ricky had a twinkle in his eyes.

"Yup! Cuz we are gonna buy LOADS of snacks!" Changjo high fived Ricky.

"Dont you guys ever worry about growing fat?" you raised an eyebrow.

"Naaawww, performing burns a lot of calories." Ricky chuckled.

~20 minutes later~


Changjo was carrying the bags full of vegetables and fruit, and the crabs. Ricky was carrying all the meat, and you were carrying all the bread and cakes and pastries they bought. Even though your bag was probably super light compared to theirs, remember, you're not that strong physically.

"Sorry." The maknae's grinned sheepishly.

"Ugh, and there's still the snacks and milk and stuff. WE ARE TAKING A CAB HOME, NO MATTER WHAT YOU GUYS SAY." You commanded.

"Yea ma'am!" Changjo laughed.

"CONVIENCE STOREEEE!" Ricky ran in, and started running around.

"Yah! RICKY! come here!" you ordered.

Ricky obeyed, and you chuckled. The boys were too innocent. You three walked into the convience store together, and looked in every aisle.

"OMG I WANT POCKY!" you exclaimed, and grabbed 3 boxes.

"I want strawberry milk, banana milk, chocolate milk, regular milk, yogurt, coconut milk..." Ricky mumbled as he grabbed every flavor of milk there is.

You and Changjo laughed. "Ricky, you remind me of Taemin hyung from SHINee."

"Well, I wanna grow taller!" Ricky pouted.

"I want these chips, omg, these cookies, blah blah..." Changjo grabbed everything he wanted.

After raiding the convience store and buying almost every snack there is, we finally came to the cashier. It was an old woman, and she was laughing at you 3.

You blushed, embarrased. "Yah, guys! Control yourselves, the ajumma is laughing at us..."

The 3 of you bowed. "Sorry."

The old lady chuckled. "It's okay. It's nice to see such lively and lovely kids these days. I'll give you guys a discount !"

Our faces lit up. "Thank you!"

She turned to you. "Are you their older sister?"

"NO! I'm the oldest!" Ricky protested.

"Really! You look the youngest!" the old lady chuckled.

"No ajumma. We're all just good friends. He," you pointed to Ricky, who was on the right, "Is the oldest. He," you pointed to Changjo, who was on your left, "Is the second oldest, and I'm the youngest. We were all born in the same year though."

"Wow, your maturity levels are certainly, reversed." the lady laughed.

"Yeah. Thanks again ajumma! Bye!" you guys waved as we walked out the door.

"Aishhhhhh! CALL A TAXI!" You screamed. "My arms are falling off!"

"Okayokay _________-ah." The maknaes laughed.



"L.Jooooooeeeeee~" Chunji came into our room and glomped onto me.

I sighed. "What is it, Chunji?"

"Can I ask you a few questions?" he smirked.

"Uh, sure?" why was he being so... Creepy today?

"What do you think about _________?" He snickered.


~Grocery shopping team~

3rd person POV

"Achoo!" you sneezed, and sniffled.

"Someone's talking about ________~!" Ricky smirked.

"Nawww, who would talk about me?" you laughed.

"Oh, you have no idea."


A/N: LOL, what is Chunji gonna ask L.Joe? :DD

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ChunjiLover #1
Chapter 18: Wow this is good update soon :D
Chapter 18: WHAT IN THE WORLD.... What about the mission?
Chapter 8: LOL. Hyung's too chicken.