Becoming Teen Top's Assistant Manager ~

I'm Teen Top's Manager ? But I'm a Secret Assassin !

Your POV

"Boss, what mission do you have for me this time?" I asked.

"_______-ah, I have a new target for you!" the boss smirked and winked.

I shuddered. The boss is such a creepy pedo at times. LOL. "Yes boss? Who is it?"

"Your next target... Is L.Joe."

I gasped. "Lee Byunghun?! From Teen Top?"

"You know him?" the assassin boss asked suspiciously.

"N-No... His band is just really famous." I explained.

"OH. I SEE. One more thing, _______-sshi. I'm gonna give you a vacation. So you have 6 months to kill the guy, arasso? Do anything you want these 6 months."

"Thank you sir! But... Why do you want to kill him?"

"NO QUESTIONS _____. Just do as I say."

"Arasso boss! I will not let you down!" I smirked and walked out of his 'office'.


3rd person POV

You went outside, and stared at the beautiful blue sky. 'Mom... Dad... How are you guys doing...? I miss you... Don't worry, I WILL figure out who killed you guys and get revenge...'

You were on the sidewalk, walking around aimlessly. "6 months huh? What should I do...?" You spoke aloud.

"You wanna be my assistant?" A voice asked out of nowhere.

You turned around immediately, and came face to face with a middle aged dude.

"Huh?" You raised an eyebrow.

"You said you wanted something to do for 6 months, right? You can be my assistant." The man smiled.

"BWOH?! NO WAY CREEPER, buh bye." You scoffed and started to walk away.

"Wait! Don't you know me? I'm Teen Top's manager!" The man whispered/shouted.

Your head snapped back to look at him again. "Say what?"

The man smiled. "Yeah. I am. Heres my card." he showed his business card to you. "But I need a pretty young lady to be my assistant, because those Teen Top boys are just too energetic all the time. I can't keep up! Damn I'm getting old!" the guy shouted in frustration.

You giggled slightly. "Okay, I'm willing to do it. Do I get paid?"

"Of course! Come! I'll let you meet Teen Top right now!" the manager exclaimed, walking in the other direction.

You were still suspicious of this random guy who claimed to be Teen Top's manager, but you shrugged it off. Whatever, you're the secret assassin, not him. You could just kill him if he does anything bad.

"Wait, aren't you worried that I might be some stalker fan?" You raised an eyebrow.

The manager shook his head. "No. I'm pretty sure you're not. I trust you."

"Why'd you choose me?"

He shrugged. " You just seem like... The one. That'll change everything."

You smirked. 'This is going to be interesting.' You thought. 'Might as well have some fun with them before I kill their rapper.'

~At Teen Top's dorm!~


"We're here~!" the manager sing songed. "Come in!"

You hesitated for a second, then took of your shoes and walked in.

And there they were. Teen Top. Who were all sitting on the sofa eating popcorn and watching tv like lazy bums. =______=

You sighed. This was totally not what you expected.

"BOYS! Come meet my new assistant!" The manager yelled, and Teen Top all came rushing over.

"WOW, SHE'S SO PRETTY~" Ricky gushed.

You blushed at the compliment. "Thanks..."

"Anyways, introduce yourself, assistant." the manager urged.

You smiled slightly. "Hi, my name is _______, 16 years old. Nice to meet you all!"

"16?! When's your birthday?" Ricky asked.

"November 17, 1995."

"BWWOOOOHHH?!" everyone shouted. "SHES YOUNGER THAN ALL OF US! EVEN CHANGJO AND RICKY! We are supposed to listen to her orders?" Chunji's jaw dropped.

"Yes." the manager said sternly. "I hope she can control you wild beasts."

"TWIN!" Changjo suddenly squealed and hugged you tight, while you froze in place.

"Huh...?" You said in confusion.

"You're only one day younger than me! So you're gonna be my twin from now on!" Changjo smiled.

"... Okay..."

Your POV

Geez, these boys are weird. Hugging right after we met? Not a good sign. Whatever. At least i'm lucky enough to actually meet them.

"Introduce yourselves to ________-ah." the manager commanded.

"Annyeonghaseyo, we are Teen Top!"

"I'm the leader CAP!"

"Power vocal Chunji~"

"Emotional voice Niel!"

"Lovely Ricky~"

"Dancing Boy Changjo!"

".... L.Joe."

"Yah, L.Joe-ah, why are you being so cold?" Chunji asked.

L.Joe shrugged, and walked away. I clenched my fists. The nerve of this guy...! So irritating... It'll be fun... To watch his face as I kill him. I snickered silently.

"Don't worry _______ ! L.Joe hyung is always like that to strangers! The only people he opens up to is us! He'll stop acting cold once he gets to know you better, so don't worry!" Ricky reassured.

I smiled. Ricky seems pretty nice. "Okay."

"OH, one more thing. For the 6 months as my assistant, you have to live in the Teen Top dorm." the manager said calmly.

"WAIT WHAAAAAAATTT?!?!" Everyone shouted, including L.Joe.

"You have to, if you want the job." the manager shrugged.

"B-But, I'm a girl!" I protested.

"...So? We have an empty room for you to use... It's not like you are sharing a room with someone, calm down." the manager rolled his eyes.

"YOU-" I was about to spaz at him, but Chunji cut me off.

"Its okay _______ ! We'll have fun these 6 months!" Chunji hugged me tight.

I smiled at Chunji, and glared at the manager. "Fine."

"YAAAAAY!" Everyone cheered, except L.Joe.

I rolled my eyes. Who cares. It's better not to get too close to him anyways.

"Have fun guys!" the manager waved as he walked out the door.

I smiled at the boys in front of me. I can already tell that this is gonna be the most interesting 6 months of my life...

Let the roller coaster ride begin.


A/N: OMO! First chapter! :DD How was it? ^^

THE FUN STARTS HEEEERRREEEE! <333 Many interesting things will happen next chappie~ KEKEKEKEKE >DD

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ChunjiLover #1
Chapter 18: Wow this is good update soon :D
Chapter 18: WHAT IN THE WORLD.... What about the mission?
Chapter 8: LOL. Hyung's too chicken.