Enter Kai

One of My Husbands

"Wow look at the clouds. So beautiful right?", Baekhyun said as he held JC's hand. "Yep. It's great honey. But it's so hot.", she said whining. The two were out for a walk at the park, spending quality time together. "Honey, sunlight is good for you.", he said laughing. "You think anything I don't like is good for me. Sun, exercise, vegetables!", she whined more. " Well that's why you have me, to help you make those decisions.", he said kissing her cheek. As they continued the walk, people passing by would greet them and bow. They would bow back and make light conversation. "So handsome.", an old woman said as she squeezed Baekhyun's cheeks. "All of these older women love you. I see I'm going to have to watch you carefully.", JC teased. "Well I do really like older women.", Baekhyun said staring upwards. He then turned to his pouting girlfriend. "Oh relax, I'm only kidding.",he said. "I almost feel sort of bad for leaving Chanyeol today.", he began to say. "He's fine. After work, he has practice with his band, so he couldn't be here anyway. Besides, it was his idea for us to spend this time together.", she explained. The two really hadn't had any alone time since the day of the ceremony a week ago, so they decided to spend the day strolling around town and talking. 

"So how do your friends feel about all of this?",JC asked Baekhyun. "Well my bestfriend friend Kyungsoo is more excited than anyone and is all of a sudden head over heels for you.", he said chuckling. "Well he can come visit whenever he likes once you move into the palace." "Speaking of that, when are we moving in?", he asked. "Soon. Maybe within the next week or so. Whenever you're ready love muffin.", she said tapping his nose. "Hey, how would you like to spend some time with me at the university today. I have to go pick something up from one of my classmates so we can just hang out there." "That'd be great.Let's go." The two made their way to the university and were welcomed graciously by all who passed. "Everyone is staring at us.", Baekhyun said laughing a little through his teeth. "It's because you are famous now babe. You'll get use to it.", she said gripping his hand tighter. "Here we are. Now I have to warn you, this guy is a friend, but he's sort of a .", he warned her as they came upon his classmates dorm room. "Don't worry, I can handle him. Now come on.", she said pulling him to the door. They rang the door bell until a handsome guy swung the door open. 
"What the-. I thought you would be alone. Why didn't you tell me?", his friend said. The boy just kept bowing to JC for not greeting her properly. Her and Baekhyun giggled to each other about the apologetic boy. "Kris,you can stop apologizing. That kind of stuff doesn't bother her, does it honey?" "Not at all.", she laughed. "So nice place you have here Kris.", she said. "Well I do my best. I stay here with my roommate Taemin. "Taemin,get out here!", Kris shouted out. There was a loud bump followed by the sight of a boy stumbling out. "Geez Kris what the hell. I was studying. You should have-", he started then stopped. He bowed about three times. "Hi there. I'm Taemin. I didn't know you would be with our dear Baekhyun today princess." "Nice to meet you Taemin. And just call me JC.", she said totally smitten with the boys' adorableness  "So JC would you like a tour of the place? I just had my bedroom remodeled. Shall we start in there?", Kris said linking arms with her. "No thanks. She's not interested.", Baekhyun snapped. "Fine, but my offer still stands if she changes her mind." Kris said giving JC a wink. "Really Kris? Did you really just try that?",Taemin asked. The older just shrugged and laughed it off. "Well ill just take the assignment and we'll be on our way." Baekhyun said. "We have things to do right babe?", he said. At first JC looked confused until she caught on. " Oh yea, right right. Sooo much to do.", she said nodding. Baekhyun and Kris went to get the assignment and JC and Taemin stayed in the living room. His phone began to ring. "Where are you? Right now? Ok, I'll unlock the door." That was my cousin. He'll be joining us in a couple of minutes.", he said unlocking the door. The two began talking then they heard footsteps. The door pushed open and revealed a well built, tan skinned guy. "I see you actually unlocked the door this time. Thanks cuz.", he said not noticing JC sitting there. As he turned back around, he saw her. "Pr-Pri-Prin...", he stuttered. "JC this is my cousin Kai. Kai this is,well you already know who she is.", Taemin said laughing. "Kai? That's a unique name.",she said. "It's uh, my middle name. My real name is Jongin, but I prefer to go by Kai.", he explained. "I understand. Like how my name is Jeannette Claire but I just like to go by JC." "Yea,exactly.",he said staring. "So are you ready to go? Kai? Kai?", Taemin said hitting his cousins back. "Go? Go where?", he said still staring. "To go work out. Remember that's why you came here.", Taemin reminded him. "Right right. Let's go then. Nice meeting you JC.", Kai said. "Take care Mr. Jongin.", she said. He normally hated to be called that, but it was something about how she said it. He gave her a smirk and walked out, ily biting his bottom lip. "It was great meeting you. I hope to see you soon.",Taemin said going out of the door. 
Baekhyun and Kris finally returned. "Sorry for the wait my love. Where's Taemin?",Baekhyun asked. "Oh he left with his cousin Kai.", she said. "Oh ok. He's a nice kid.", Baekhyun said. "Yep. Pretty popular too. Even girls here on campus know him and he's still in high in school.", Kris said. "Yep. Well we had better get going. See you later Kris.", Baekhyun said holding JC by the waist. "Ok. Well it was nice meeting you JC. And feel free to drop by anytime, with or without Baekhyun.",Kris said winking. "KRIS!" "Calm down Baekhyun.I'm only joking. I'll see you two later."
"Ah that guy doesn't know when to stop.", Baekhyun said. "Calm down honey. It's ok. By the way I did notice how you were getting upset with him for flirting. It was kind of cute.", she said as she stopped walking and pinched his cheeks. "Well he can't talk to my woman that way.", he said. "Did you just say your woman? I have never heard you talk like that before. You should keep it up though. It kind of .", she whispered in his ear. Baekhyun began to blush. "Ah look at you. I try to be y with you, but you end up looking so cute. Why do you do this to me.", she laughed. Baekhyun laughed as he grabbed JC's hand and began walking again. 
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Queenka94 #1
Chapter 11: Please please pleaseee continue this~~!!
ExOtIc43v4 #2
Chapter 11: hehe Baek getting jelly >,<
please update again soon!!!
ExOtIc43v4 #3
Chapter 10: WAHHH.
How diddd you knowwwwwwe?
Please update soon authornim~!<3
Chapter 1: Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
Ahhhhhhh YES i am already in love with this story