Chapter 3

My Everything

Someone opens the door.

Kyu Na startled and turned behind.Her eyes widen.'D-D-Donghae!'Her mind screams.

Donghae was a bit shocked too.

"Oh! It's you again! Annyeong!"Donghae gave her his warm smile and bowed a little.

Again,being too excited,Kyu Na bows more than 3 times.

Then,Eun Hyuk arrives,"Yah,no need to bow to him,he's your friend too,going to be..,Donghae this is Kyu Na,Kyu Na, you know him"

Eun Hyuk introduced them to each other.

'Ahhh.... that was her name,Kim Kyu Na' Donghae grins.

"Have you finish using the computer?"Eun Hyuk asks Donghae.

"Nae-I mean nop,i haven't finished yet."Donghae changed his mind.

"Alright then,Kaja! I have some work to do"Eun Hyuk said.

Eun Hyuk,Kyu Na and Donghae enter the Lab.

Kyu Na sits beside Eun Hyuk of course while Donghae sits exactly infront of her.

So Eun Hyuk and Donghae started doing their own work.

But on the other side,Kyu Na's frozen.She kept staring at the black screen for 10 minutes thingking what should she do infront of Donghae.

Until Eun Hyuk realized his dongsaeng is not moving.

"Yah,what are you doing infront of the black screen? Turn on the computer atleast,play some games if you really don't know what to do.Aigoo this girl.."He said.


Behind the computer,Donghae smiled.

'Okay,it's going to be just fine,just relax Kyu Na,relax...'Kyu Na took a deep breath and exhaled it.Trying to relax.

'Oh ! i know! what was that chat thingy called again!?ah.. TalkingMe? TalkingTalking? Taaaaalk-----TalkToMe!!That's right!' So she typed T-A-L-K-T-O-M-E.

She signed up her own account.

'Yes,Mystery Guy is on the line !' So she clicked on the Mystery Guy's name and waits for his approvement to chat with.

'Mystery Guy Approved You!' Appeared on the screen.

'Yes!' Kyu Na is happy.Finally,she got something to do rather than sitting there and be in an awkward situation.

So she starts the conversation...

KN : Hye !

MG : Hye ! :)

KN : Sooooo......what's your name? Tell me..

MG : Haha , you know i can't tell you my name,it's a secret that's why my name is Mystery Guy here.

KN : owhh okay..

MG : What's your name?

KN : I can't tell you too.I'll be the Mystery Girl then. ;)

MG : Haha okay..So what are we going to chat about ?

KN : I don't know... hehe

MG : That's weird... don't you have any problem? Love problem or anything that i can help?

KN : Nop.I'm not inlove or anything.

MG : Wow.. usually when girls want to chat with me,all they talk about is Love and their boyfriend and i'll be their doctor...but you are different.

KN : Actually,i'm chatting with you right now is not because i want to but i have to..

MG : Huh? why ?

KN : Because i'm sitting infront of my favourite person/idol and suddenly my brain got totally blank.I didn't knew what to do.

        All i can think of was TalkToMe,so now i'm chatting with you,and pretending that i'm doing something or being busy infront of him. XD

MG : HAHAHAHA.. nice!

KN : Thanks to You !

MG : No problem! Who's your idol anyway?

KN : Lee Donghae ! :D :D :D

Donghae's jaw dropped.He stood up and looks at Kyu Na.

'It's Kyu Na! The Mystery Girl is Kyu Na !' Donghae's mind is about to explode!

"Wahh! What are you two doing? Smiling infront of the screen both of you !I have finished my work!Are you done Kyu Na?"Eun Hyuk stretches his body.

"Nae Oppa!" At the same time typing to the Mystery Guy that she have to go now.

They ended the chat.

Eun Hyuk sent Kyu Na back to her home and went to his dorm too.

As for Donghae,he went ooffline as soon as Eun Hyuk and Kyu Na walked out of the lab.

Donghae went straight to his dorm.Happily.





Hye :D :D

I'll be having my monthly exam this Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday so i won't be updating starting from tomorrow.

I'll continue to update on Friday ! Thank You for reading My Everything !



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mauge92 #1
Chapter 7: Thanks for updating, when fishy came close i and whispered to kyu na i got excited too xDD!
mauge92 #2
Chapter 5: this story is so awesme, i love it
ReNoBby_14 #3
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update Author ^_^
Chapter 2: Please update. Really interesting.
mauge92 #5
seems interesting please continue