...Is Enough

Trapped In A Forever

Between heaven and hell, there is this thing called earth.  This is where I stand. 

Between earth and sky, there is this thing called life.  This is where I breathe. 

Between life and death there is this thing called choice.  This is what I have. 

And with choice comes the consequences of desire, forgiveness, hate…and love.  And this is what I’ve been through.

All humans are born with desire.  All humans are taught to forgive.  All humans are shaped by hatred.  But very few know how to love. 

I am one of them.


The air around me is humid, yet not suffocating.  I fling my tight form skillfully through the air, landing in the beam of sunlight shining on the hardwood floor.  One, two, three.  The wind floats slowly through the open window, fanning me with the breeze of an approaching summer.

My right hand grips the long staff, its smooth wood molding comfortably inside my palm.  Despite the draft, perspiration rests stubbornly on my temple and my limbs are burning wearily. 

But I’m shaking with satisfaction.  It’s been over two months since I’ve accomplished such a gratifying practice session.  Three hours, but a wonderfully exhausting three hours.


A few months’ time doesn’t seem like enough, but I’m learning and adapting slowly.  From a life without memories, to a life without love; now I don’t find either of those discouraging.  I dream about dipping my fingers into an oasis, and drawing back when I find the water much too cold.  I’ve swam far enough and retreated to shore before I got too deep.  It doesn’t mean it was a horrible thing to nearly drown in the process. 

But now I’m back.  New, refreshed, and still thinking everyday about that someone who bothered me with musical terms every chance she had.  That someone I said I loved and meant it. 

It’s not easy for Huang Zitao to remain as Huang Zitao, but I’m still trying.


Apart from that, life is…magnificent.  I’ve healed quite a bit since I left the academy, mentally, physically.  I’m well enough to come to practice three times a week without the dread of coming home to a dreary apartment.  I manage to fall asleep every night, though it’s difficult to stay asleep.  I turn on the lights when it’s dark and open the curtains when it’s bright. 

I’ve kept the music book, the letter, and the picture, tucked away safely in the top drawer of the nightstand.  Even though it hurts to see it every once in a while, I don’t mind.

Because of what she’s said before—nothing will last forever, so neither will separation.  I’ve kept these artifacts only to warn myself of what I would be if I wanted to turn around again.  And sometimes, when I open the music book, I can hear her soft voice if I listen carefully.  When I’m lying in bed alone, I can imagine the fragrance of her lips beside me. 

Before we met, I held my breath before I could breathe and closed my eyes before I could see.  She taught me to try things I don’t wish to try, and to reach farther than I could stretch.

But I’m not greedy enough to wish for all of that to come back.   I’m not in pain when I think about never seeing her again.  I’m not desperate enough to worry about every second that passes and how short life really is. 

If I had the chance to live the past again, I wouldn’t.

Because, being love with her, even if it was just once…is all I’ll ever need.

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ninjaalee_ #1
Chapter 33: OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. WHAT?! HOW?! WHY?! IT'S SUCH A CLIFF HANGER!!! I MEAN, YOU NEVER FIND OUT IF SHE GETS MARRIED OR IF HER AND TAO EVER GET BACK TOGETHER AGAIN?! WHYYYY?! ;____; it's such an awesome story and such a shame to have it end like this ;___; PLEASE MAKE A SEQUELLLLL!
kpoplove_exo #2
Chapter 33: Honestly crying right now. I truly enjoyed reading what you wrote. How you ended and finished the story was beautiful. There was so much meaning to everything and I absolutely loved your writing style. I feel strange, crying to myself while reading fanfiction at 12:11 AM. and quite frankly, I don't regret it one bit.
shinee3112 #3
Chapter 33: This was really good, but I can't believe it ended that way, but it was very good!!
Chapter 33: Hope you make at least a one shot sequel. It's so good! You're so good!
Chapter 33: Wahhj I don't wanna see this end. .. but your writing is amazing. Sadly I don't have any stories for you to read. I stopped writing a while ago. But I did enjoy this story
Chapter 33: I loved this story. I wasn't expecting it to end this way but I love it. Do enjoy reading my stories when you have time. I'd love it if Tao and her got together though. I really don't want it to end this way. Maybe a sequel? *_*
Chapter 30: Awwwww don't tell me this is the end!
Chapter 30: i jus wanna bawl like a child! omg that was sad and inspiring at the same time
chabrb #9
Chapter 29: update please ... TT-TT
Chapter 29: Ahh wait...no im confused. So the love we share is a lie. My heart wasnt ready