Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Trapped In A Forever

At the moment, I find myself keeping time by days where I am happiest.  Hours and minutes are irrelevant.  Others want to cherish special moments.   I want the days to be etched in my mind forever, for as long as I am able to remember them.

Three days ago, I asked her if she loved me.  Two days ago, we spent a night together. 

Yesterday, we kissed. 

Today, I want her in my arms again.  One, to thank her.  Two, for her to fulfill her promise. A promise to help me find the other most important person in my life.

I have a sister. 

The words still leave a peculiar sensation on my tongue, but I know I’ll adapt to it eventually.

In my hands, I’m holding my birth certificate, and my sister’s.  Her name is etched against the manuscript without an error.  The certificate is whole and unblemished, unlike mine. 

Zi Yun. 

I can’t wait to match the name to a face.  A face that I might have seen twenty years ago, ten years ago, or two years ago.  A face that I will see any day now.


* * *


“Hello?  Yes, I’m calling for a Huang Zi Yun.  Thank you.”

She shoots me an encouraging look as I dig my heel into the carpet.  I’ve been sitting here for an hour, my hands rest on my lap and my knuckles white with anticipation.  She’s made the same phone call for the past few days now, in effort for someone to pick up on the other side of the line.

Today is the day.

“Yes,” she continues into the phone.  “I’m a representative for her brother.  Yes.”

I inhale and exhale.  I notice the weary look in her eyes, not vibrant like they were before.   The way her eyebrows are furrowed and nail of her thumb is blunt with concern, tells me that she wants to give up.  But she’s hanging on for me.

“Yes.  I see.  Thank you very much.”

She puts the phone down.  I push myself to stand using the armrests of the chair and scurry to her.  Her expression is quiet, almost disappointed.

I grasp her arm and she sighs tiredly.

I don’t want to push her, but I can’t help it.  “Did they say anything?” I incite.

Her eyes gaze warmly into mine.  Her lips are pressed together in a thin line.  The palms of her hands squeeze my wrist and she sighs again.

“Tao…I didn’t know.”

Her voice is quivering and I’m afraid of bad news. I don’t want failure when I’ve hoped for this for so long.  Not when she’s done so much for me.  Not when we’re this close.


Gradually, a weak smile spreads across her face.  Her arms come behind and secure around the back of my neck.  A feeling of refuge and confidence washes over me with her contact.  I’m grinning.

Her soft cheek presses against mine and into my ear she murmurs, “That a single phone call could make someone this happy.”

I can’t believe my ears.  I find my arms traveling up her sides to embrace her. 

“I didn’t know either,” I murmur as my lips press into her shoulder, “that someone as wonderful as you existed.”

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ninjaalee_ #1
Chapter 33: OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. WHAT?! HOW?! WHY?! IT'S SUCH A CLIFF HANGER!!! I MEAN, YOU NEVER FIND OUT IF SHE GETS MARRIED OR IF HER AND TAO EVER GET BACK TOGETHER AGAIN?! WHYYYY?! ;____; it's such an awesome story and such a shame to have it end like this ;___; PLEASE MAKE A SEQUELLLLL!
kpoplove_exo #2
Chapter 33: Honestly crying right now. I truly enjoyed reading what you wrote. How you ended and finished the story was beautiful. There was so much meaning to everything and I absolutely loved your writing style. I feel strange, crying to myself while reading fanfiction at 12:11 AM. and quite frankly, I don't regret it one bit.
shinee3112 #3
Chapter 33: This was really good, but I can't believe it ended that way, but it was very good!!
Chapter 33: Hope you make at least a one shot sequel. It's so good! You're so good!
Chapter 33: Wahhj I don't wanna see this end. .. but your writing is amazing. Sadly I don't have any stories for you to read. I stopped writing a while ago. But I did enjoy this story
Chapter 33: I loved this story. I wasn't expecting it to end this way but I love it. Do enjoy reading my stories when you have time. I'd love it if Tao and her got together though. I really don't want it to end this way. Maybe a sequel? *_*
Chapter 30: Awwwww don't tell me this is the end!
Chapter 30: i jus wanna bawl like a child! omg that was sad and inspiring at the same time
chabrb #9
Chapter 29: update please ... TT-TT
Chapter 29: Ahh im confused. So the love we share is a lie. My heart wasnt ready