chapter 9

fire path


Again today he can’t sleep , Just laying in bed tossing and turning ,then getting up  . Seeing his lover ‘s Sleeping face , he remembers how much he loves him .And how much he is Scared of loosing him  ,He tries to wear all the bad memories they had together in the last few days off . but he couldn’t , he couldn’t because it literally effect them both in all the ways and forever .. . . because it ruined their careers  , but they won’t let it do the same to their relationship …



“ You loved them , do you even remember the nights you spent waiting  for them out side in the cold , just to see their faces ? or how hard you worked so  hard just to have enough money to buy their album ? how can you turn your back to them just like that ? “

 _ Lee hoyon _  the fanclub president   knew he has to do his best to bring the boys back together , and that’s exactly what he was doing , he tried all the ways to convince the fans , and he did … he successfully convinced most of the fans to help him deliver  his message to sooman and let him know that exo’s fan are accepting the twelve boys the way they are gay or not .. to let him know that exo’s fans aren’t homophobic nor close minded . ..because they knew it’s not a big problem to love , it was never a problem to love , being Gay might be different but it’s not wrong , because they’re still human beings and they still deserve a second  chance

However t here were some homophobic fans ,  that chose not to accept them , and decided to promote another idea among the other fans , it was such a selfish and close minded one    ….. which is to just make Jongin and Kyungsoo out of EXO and keep the other ten boys… but of course the other fans didn’t accept it because honestly this might lead to bigger damages also there might be other gay people in exo and in SM in general that are gay , and that would lead them to hide it for the rest of their lives .


Waking up to see his boyfriend ‘s sleeping figure was the best heal to the miserable night he had . looking at every inch of Jongin’s face and thanking GOD for creating such a perfect human being , and thanking  him even more  for letting him be his .


He was always grateful for belonging to Jongin ,he loved the feeling of being his , it made him feel so secured , and safe.


Making his way to the kitchen , the elder  made sure not to make any noise , because he wanted to let Jongin rest as much as he can after seeing the tired look in his face , however Jongin was already awake , he just wanted to act asleep and enjoy the feeling of  being watched by his boyfriend , Jongin always loved being the center of Kyungsoo’s world eventhough he would never admit it , because he generally doesn’t like attention on him . but it’s a complete different thing when it comes to his boyfriend , He  is a complete different person when it comes to Kyungsoo ….


finally !!!

sorry this is so short i ran out of ideas i promise the next chammter will be longer -_-

i hope  i'll earn a comment , i want comments so much <3<3

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