chapter 5

fire path


sun rising after a long dark night  spreading its warmth all over the place , that’s what Kyungsoo felt entering his lover’s room  seeing him smile to him ,  he missed this feeling so much although it’s not the right time  to have it yet Kyungsoo loved it …

tears shining on the corners of his eyes , his brain suddenly lightens up , as he made his way to sit next to his boyfriend  .. Kyungsoo managed to hold  his hand up until it was inch away from his soft lips mumbling I love before  kissing his palm and pressing it against his jaw .


loving the feeling of safety he gets everytime Kyungsoo holds him or kisses him Jongin  helped himself sitting with his elbow  , it was a little painful since his back was injured but he didn’t mind … finally making himself in a sitting position , Jongin leaned forward slightly whining because of the pain , he managed to close the distance between his and Kyungsoo ‘s lips .


feeling connected again , although last time wasn’t that pleasing because they were caught .. they both tried not to think about it , closing his eyes , Kyungsoo caged his boyfriend’ s neck between his arms bringing him closer   , melting in each other’s taste they both forgot that they were in a hospital room and anyone could walk in anytime ..


“ Ahem .. “ someone cleared  , feeling their cheeks heating , they both hurried to break the kiss looking curiously at the person who happens to be Jongin’s nurse who was standing infront of them smiling lovingly at  them .. the world is still a warm place as long as there ‘re some people like her in it …

“ I just need to check his injuries to see if they ‘re getting better . I am so sorry to interrupt you “ bowing back to the nurse Kyungsoo excused himself getting out of the room hiding his blushing cheeks with his hands smiling because he now knows that there ‘re still some good people out there ..


Waiting outside wasn’t as bad as he thought  , because as soon as he came out of the room he found his besfriend waiting for him with  that angelic  smile of his  , smiling back at him , Kyungsoo took a seat next to him not taking his hands off his blushing cheeks , Baekhyun undersood the situation and didn’t ask him anything  …


Feeling the need to break the silence Kungsoo remembered to thank his friend , “ Thank you for helping me out Baekhyun “ .


His heart suddenly aches looking at his besfriend smile widely as if all the world problems are solved .. however they weren’t , and that’s what exactly bothered Baekhyun , because he knew there ‘s a big problem that need a solution out there  … it can be the cause of their break up or even  disband , it’s that  Kyungsoo and Jongin were caught doing something that proves their ual oriental which is not very accepted  in that country of theirs …


Tears blocking his sight , his throat tightening , but he tried his best to hold the tears where they were and not show his sadness to his bestfriend and ruin his happiness … however the tears had other plans , as they decided to come out .


Chocked , Kyungsoo moved closer to his friend hugging him tightly , “            Bbaekhyun , why are you crying ?  did something happen ? “


Feeling his heart going sorer than ever , Baekhyun couldn’t find his voice anymore , he just sobbed and sobbed .. they deserve much better , what did they do to deserve this ? they ca+n’t loose in this one ….. no he won’t let this happen .. Do Kyungsoo deserves happiness with Jongin and Byun  Baekhyun is willing to do his best for Kyungsoo to get what he deserves .


Letting himself be free from Kyungsoo ‘s arms , Baekhyun stood up wiping his tears away smiling sadly at his friend , “ No …nothing happened  , it’s        just … I ‘m just happy for you because you didn’t loose Jongin because of ….Sooman  “


“ S-soman ? … Baekhyun how doyou know ? “  eyes wider than ever , Kyungsoo asked .


His heart ached as he remembered what happened and feeling even worse for not  trying to help them out ,  “ I saw what happened , “


Trying  to avoid the scolding of his friend , Baekhyun stood up , walking his way to Jongin ‘s room ,  “ Hey wait for me “ .


This was supposed to make him feel better since he wasn’t scolded by his friend for not stepping up , but it only made him feel worse than he was already feeling .


….“ Come on baekhyun , I thought you were coming in “ Kyungsoo called Baekhyun after entering the room . following him Baekhyun looked over at Jongin who was now sleeping ,  he knew he should go and let them be alone a little bit  , also  Jongin is sleeping so he simply has no reason to be here



After sitting for ten minutes , sharing comfortable silence with Kyungsoo who was looking at the sleeping jongin all the time  . Baekhyun excused himself out .


“ Say hi to the members for me , and please don’t tell anyone where we are okay ? “

Nodding  Baekhyun exited the room leaving the two lovers  alone .


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