The Beginning Of Step One.

The Worst Has Yet To Come....

~Taemin's P.O.V~

"Please..Please, don't have to sit by him." I mumbled, chewing my bottom lip.

Surely enough, guess what seat was the last one? The one that happened to be right next to Kevin.

The sunglasses I had taken off just before I got on the plane, were instanly pushed back to the tip of my nose.

He can't see me like this! Besides, why should it be awkward?

Were clearly over... and we both kind of broke up with each other.

Kind of.

I slowly walked down the plane isle, everyone watching me as I went. 

There were two options.

Option 1: SIt with your ex awkwardly, knowing you cheated on him.


Option 2: Sit with the man who started it all, and ruined your relationship.

My eyes caught gaze a Minho, who's eyes were still as cold as I could remember.

Kevin it is...

"Umm.. Hyung?"

It took all my mental stability to speak. and that was barely above a whisper.

His head was instanly turned from the window. Seeing me, it was as if all of his confedence was gone.

I'm so sorry.

"Uhh.."He cleared his throat"Taemin."

His eyes wandered axiously around the room, I assume praying deeply in his mind that this seat wasn't the only one.left.

"Could I maybe.."

My ex moving his things quickly.


Later in the flight eveything was still awkward. Occasional side glances and butterflies.

I'm stupid.

The worst thing is that I'm pretty sure there's no way to fix what I did.

He still hates me.

"Awe my little baby."

I watched Kiseop babied  his Taeseung, Jonghyun watching jelously from the seat behind them.

I assume they sat separatly on pupose. 

Him being a ert Hyung and all.

I wish Kevin would look at me.

Even a glance would make me feel better.. 

Is he really that discusted, with me? Is he so discusted that he can't speak to me.

I know I probably deserve it, but it hurts.

It hurts like death. 

I deserve death.

~~~~Kiseop's P.O.V~~~

"It worked!" Key squealed quietly.

I couldn't help but grin at the thought of them making up.

Those two.

They ed in my bed.. you don't think  it's got a spell on it do you?

The love bed.

Maybe we should throw them back into that.

"What are we going to do when they get to the hotel?" Asked Key

I brushed a hand through Taeseung's hair.

"They already have a room together. There's no way they'll change. I made sure there were no more rooms for them to take... We filled them.."

Key bit his nails axiously, a habit Diva's don't usually have.

"Yah!" I whispered loudly smacking his hand from his mouth."Quit that, It'll work!"

He pouted

"Ouch ." He crouched down to the baby "Yah Umma is a sometimes, teaching you to hit."

I gave him a playful glare.

"Don't teach my son how to say !"

Key laughed.

"Don't teach my godchild to hit."

Jonghyun sighed loudly behind us.

"Yeobo, didn't you know sighing causes a disease?"

The puppy's ears perked up.

"What disease?" He asked

"The Yeobo-isn't-getting-anything-all-vacation! Be careful I hear it's contangious, Jjongy."

The look on his face proved his oblivousness. He thought it was a real disease, poor man.


Because the plane ride from Seoul to Jeju-do is roughly 35 minutes, I could barely close my eyes when the pilot annouced that we'd be landing.

I looked over to see Taemin and Kevin were already gone. 


I handed Taeseung back to the Manager in left the plane.

How the hell did Kevin and Taemin leave before I did?

Unless they made up faster than I thought...

Of course I was in such a hurry to leave the plane I completley forgot about Jonghyun who hopelessly trudged behind me.

"Were in Jeju-do, hold me now." He said holding his arms out in a hugging motion.

"Uh-Uh" I refused his hugging guesture.

If there is one thing the Almighty Kiseop is not, It's stupid. As in I'm not stupid enough to start a scandal, paparazzi  are everywhere. No matter where we vacation.

Something tells me this vacation won't go so smoothly. Latley, the paparazzi have been on Jonghyun's . We're just so obvious I suppose. I guess that's why i've been strict and neglectful towards him. 

I just know, someones watching us.

Anyways, that's not the focus right now. 

The focus is getting Kevin happy again.

As I approached the counter, the manager recognized me right away.

"Oh Hello Idols." He bowed politely " I will get you Key's"

Key's head turned swiftly thinking someone said his name. 

Kekeke ^^

He handed the first set to Dongho and Soohyun who planned on sharing a room, Eli and Aj, Jonghyun and I (Taeseung secretly of course), Key and Onew, The two managers, Minho, and finally the only pairing left. Taemin and Kevin.

When the Manager of the hotel handed them their room Keys they both looked shocked.

Good. They're nervous...that's a start.


I am so sorry!!! It's to short!!

While I had meant to update twice...Some un-needed 'problems' came to me this weekend...Just to my luck right?

I hope that one day you will forgive me for not updating twice. I feel like I've let you down. 

Oh my dear Gwiyomian, Umma loves you! She really does.. Thank you for holding in there.

Well what do you think? 

I know what I'm thinking.. I'm thinking about how you're going to comment and make Umma smile!

Go ahead! She could use the enthusiasm, latley she needs a lot more support than normal.

But as always...

~May The K-pop Fanbase Be With You~




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_jeonchi #1
Chapter 5: Kiseop....
kpopcream98 #2
*can you make a fanfics of elvin mpreg? Thanks :)
kpopcream98 #3
Hye, can you elvin mpreg..thank you ^ ^
ara_kt #4
Chapter 17: oh. my. GOD!!!!! I'm so HAPPY!! It is a very happy moment. I am so glad they are back together. I can;t wait for the next chapter! Fighting!!
ara_kt #5
Chapter 15: It's ok, the chapters are really interesting and I just can't wait for the next. Fighting!!
kaiah1717 #6
Chapter 14: Can't wait for next chapter ^^ keep The good work!! ^^
cjoysmiles #7
Chapter 14: Who helped you?
kaiah1717 #8
Chapter 12: Awww the baby <3 kiseop
kaiah1717 #9
Chapter 9: Yeah fill the pain u ><taemin u idiot