09 TFT

The Final Test (Discontinue)

cute-rabbit-emoticon-001.gif   Hi! It's been a while...I've been a bad author for not updating my fic...*hehe*

                     I hope you guys still remember this fic...please do look forward for this fic's updates... ^^




What is the purpose of my life?

I’m born as a death angel destined to be the angel of Hell and obligated by the rules of Satan…

I’ve never thought being a death angel would be so lonely because I can’t be in others’ life…

I’ll bring harms to them –Henry and Jungki…

I don’t know anymore the reason I’m breathing –they say it’s to save my very own life…

My heart used to be in so much pain but the pain slowly turns to numbness…

It doesn’t hurt anymore because I’ve become lifeless…


Eungi longingly stared out of the window to the night sky. The light of the moon made her glow in the darkness of her room. As like any other usual night, she was alone in the room without Jessica. Her hands reached out for the window and she slide it open. The cold night breeze gushed inside of the room. Eungi stepped out balancing herself on the window.

The death angel spread her arms and coldly looked down at the ground –few hundred meters below her height. She jumped with her feet closed together and her arms spread wide open. She cursed at herself for closing her eyes –she was afraid as she got nearer to the ground below and her black wings appear from her back.

She halted. Unfortunately (for Eungi), her petite body didn’t crash or lie flat on the ground. She questioned her foolishness as an angel –celestial being don’t die that easily. Even if she did let herself fall onto the ground within a few second or minutes she would be healed.


She flew away through the night sky along with despair in her heart.


Eungi found herself to be at a very unfamiliar place. She was at a rooftop place. The place even looked very small from the inside and a little bit shabby to be considered as a place to live in. Her face looked paler than it was and her heart felt so painful. Eungi closed her eyes.

Later, Eungi herself inside the house. It was a little bit bigger than she had imagined it –only a simple closet and a small table with a lot of books. In the dim moonlight, Eungi managed to spot a figure lying on the floor –sleeping – wrapped with a blanket.

Her silent steps brought her closer to the figure and she crouched down. He, Jungki was sleeping soundly despite the freezing cold winter night. Eungi reached out her hand and softly caressed his face. He flinched –but didn’t wake up at the sudden coldness from Eungi’s hand. Eungi couldn’t believe how warm his body is and broke when she realized that she will take out the life out of him.

“G-grandma?” Jungki mumbled in his sleep (That’s what Eungi thought).

Jungki placed his hand over Eungi’s and the angel’s eyes widened at the sudden contact. Jungki slowly opened his eyes and Eungi was aware of it. She couldn’t let him see her –not inside of that house. Jungki will surely freak out to find her inside of his house at night and he didn’t even once tell her where he lived. In split second Eungi made herself disappear.

Jungki woke up at the middle of night. A familiar face was looking down at him. And he abruptly closed his eyes again as the bright light inside his room (house) pierced his dark brown orbs. He was bewildered. The bright light where did it came from? And the face that he saw…was he dreaming?

He abruptly got up and walked towards the window. Jungki slide the window and only cold night breeze gushed into the room. His body shivered at the coldness.


Eungi felt a sudden strong grasped on her wrist. It was so strong that she thought her skin could be ripped. Eungi tried to protest and freed herself from the other one’s grasped but only given a cold piercing look. A cold piercing look that only could be belongs to Jessica.

But, Eungi was already immune to the cold look. She used her other free hand to free herself. Jessica clearly was shocked by Eungi sudden aggressiveness. Eungi stood firm and shot a fierce glare at Jessica. Darkness was overwhelming the death angel mind and body. Unfortunately, Jessica couldn’t care less –Eungi had crossed the line.

“What were you trying to do to him?!” Jessica yelled.

“I won’t in your business and I hope you’ll do the same.” Eungi answered giving a sarcastic look at the other.

“What? Then, you should keep your promise, stay away from him. I’m sure you remember it right? It’s ashamed that you got your memories so quickly.” Jessica snickered.

“Yes, ashamed…shouldn’t you be ashamed of yourself instead, you…love that human of yours.” Eungi looked Jessica with disgust.

“At least my feelings are real.” Jessica deadpanned. Eungi clenched her fists. She clearly knew what was meant by Jessica’s words. Eungi’s feelings –love if that what it’s called she could only felt it after she was shot by Yoseob’s cupid arrow. Her feelings for Jungki were fabricated –impure.

“I’ve love him for eighteen years and so it will be in the future.”

“I don’t need to hear your love confessions.” Eungi cut the conversation. Tension was in the air. Jessica gritted her teeth as Eungi remarks were belittling her true feelings for Jungki. Jessica had enough of the criticisms from Jeremy about her love and Eungi just brought her to the edge.

Jessica lifted her hands ready to leave a painful red mark on Eungi’s cheek. To her surprised her intention due to grudge was put to halt when a hand stopped her. Jeremy held her hand and Jessica’s face clearly showed that she wasn’t happy with the latter appearance.

“Enough…” The older one said. Jeremy showed a disapproving expression at Jessica. But, Jessica just yanked her hands off the older one.

Without minding any of Jessica’s childish acts at the moment, Jeremy turned his gaze at the death angel, Eungi. He exhaled his next words “Leave us alone.” He directed the words at Jessica though he wasn’t even looking at the latter. With reluctance, Jessica left the two.

Jeremy locked his gaze with Eungi but she quickly averted her eyes. She hated how Jeremy actually looked concern at her.

“I’ve come for you.” Jeremy broke the silence between them. “You’ve been exposed and you know what the consequences for your irresponsible act, Eungi…Your wings will be tied and I’ll appoint an angel to watch over you. This way you’ll be more cautious of your acts. Remember if you do another mistake you’ll be failed from the final test. You don’t want to wait another century to be a full angel, don’t you?”

With an unreadable expression Eungi look back at Jeremy. “What is my final test actually?”

“You know the rules; you’ll know when you pass the final test. I can’t tell you.”

“This is outrages. Rules? Don’t talk about following the rules with me when you are not even following it.” She made a remark. Jeremy raised his eyebrows as he never expected Eungi to be disrespectful toward him. “Jessica…her.” Eungi paused going back and forth between her words.

“Why didn’t you fail her? She did one of the unforgiveable. Loving her human.” Eungi questioned the older one’s credibility.

Jeremy couldn’t utter any word until a few minutes had passed. “It’s her final test. She has to break the attachment between her human completely without any traces of the human.”

Eungi remained the silence between them and she didn’t show any reaction over the fact that the other angel had told her. She had known too many facts in a day and the new fact just overloaded her head. Now, she knew Jessica’s weakness –it’s Jungki.


Eungi came back to her apartment exactly at five in the morning. She opened her bedroom door and it was only her in the room (as usual). She sat at the edge of her bed and slowly lay back. She sighed as soon as her heavy head hit the soft bed. She closed her eyes from the comfort. In a short time she was drifted into slumber.


Eungi…You are a disgrace for the devils…


A voice echoed.


You should be ‘vanished’…come it won’t hurt…


Another unfamiliar voice.


Come with us, the devils…we’ll eased your pain ‘forever’


A hand was held out in front of Eungi. And she shoved away the hand harshly. She was sitting on a cold floor in the middle of darkness with a bright light shining above her head. She darted her eyes at every corner of the place but despair hit her. She couldn’t see who was frightening and mocking her.

Later, dark and evil chuckles could be heard. She clutched her head and pulled her hair. She prayed for them to stop laughing and mocking her but the chuckles didn’t subsided one little bit. It grew louder and a pair of hands reached out for her.

Eungi tried to scream of help but her words were choked. Her chest moved up and down as she felt intense pressure on her neck. In the mist of the nightmare, Eungi heard another chuckle more prominent, that the one in the background. Eungi kicked off her feet and that made her body jerked backward. The body of the owner of the hands stumbled forward.

It was a total horror when Eungi could saw the face of her choker. Jessica smirked and put another extreme pressure on Eungi’s neck –squishing the air out of the latter. Eungi trashed her head back and forth. She lifted her hands and use what strength left inside her to take Jessica’s hands off. To her dismay she was despicably weak. Her attempted to break free from Jessica’s hold was futile. Terror was shown in her eyes.


Y-you are a D-Devil…


She choked out of her purple lips. Her words only managed to enrage Jessica. It had really enlightened the devil inside the so called guardian angel. Her eyes flickered with fire of grudge. Eungi could only gasp under Jessica’s control. The gripped on was getting stronger and painful, blocking her airway. Eungi’s hands fell limp on her side.

“Eungi!” Someone called out for her. “Eungi! Eungi! Eungi!” A continuous knocking sound followed.

Eungi snapped opened her eyes and jerked her body forward. She groaned when she felt pain in her head. After the pain subsided mildly, she lifted her head and saw her reflection in the mirror in front of her. She squint her eyes to look for any visible hand marks on her neck.


It was a nightmare. A horrible nightmare…



Looking forward for your comments, you



cute-rabbit-emoticon-013.gif to be continued...



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i'm making some changes in the story...Jungki won't die after three months but 'after eight months...' ^^ i'm extending his life *what am i saying...lol*


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seryoung #1
Chapter 12: hmm.. the story is gettin complicated.. but i hope it will be nicer on next chapter :D
Diwata #2
Chapter 11: this one is very nice as usual hehehe.. thanks for the new chapter..
missmongji #3
Chapter 11: Thank u chinguuu.. ^^ for New Chapter.. please update soon.. and merry christmas ^ ^ v..
seryoung #4
Chapter 11: aigoo thank you very much for mentioning me :*
uwaah.. actually i wanted the chaeki moments.. but im used with joongsuk his careness to eungi. :D but now what again? after jessica whats yoona doing?
update soon :D merry christmas :D
emoonsong #5
Chapter 10: I love ff chaeki...Update soon.....author...gumawo.
seryoung #6
Chapter 10: aaah its really been a while ..but i love it.. i could imagine good jongsuk appearence :* but our dandy joongki is always the best :* haha arrgh i really hate jesicca.. she always interrupt chaeki.. they got hard to be together moreover she made it harder.. aaah update soon :* im expecting sweet mellow scene in your story ;) fighting!! :D
Diwata #7
Chapter 9: that chapter was intense.... pity of eun gi....
jsamimi #8
Love this fanfiction! It is getting really good. I am worried about Joong Ki though. Please have a happy ending...
amiehizza #9
Chapter 9: i will wait for your another chapter....

please update soon... :D