One shot

Only Chance


I made a Hunhan, Baekyeol and Sulay one shot.  It's called ' What is love?' Let me know what you think. Thanks and  Hope you enjoy =)


Love? Though the answer still lingers in the mind, Sehun still can’t understand the complications of love. His life was empty and alone growing up different from everyone else. His family and friends have tried to help him but he was hopeless. He was grateful but that wasn’t the life he wanted. He never thought he would be able to love like others, that is until he met him.   


“ Sehunnie, I’m hungry!”


I smiled. I still couldn’t figure out how this guy was older than me.


“ Then go get something”


“ Sehun, why won’t you do it? I’m tired and I like your cooking.”


“ I’m tired too, okay? Am I your worker, huh? You’re wasting time complaining when you could have made something right now, you know that right? “


He moved away from my face and stared at me giving me the ‘ are you serious you wanna do this?’ look. I gave him the ‘ yes’ look and he stood up. He threw the cushion at my face and I caught it.


“ Fine. I’ll go find someone else to make me food!” he yelled walking away.


“ Fine!”


“ Good!”


“ Good!”










The sound of a door slammed and I flinched sighing. This was how it was everyone other day. We would cuddle and hangout one day then argue and fight the next. It was heartbreaking at first and now it became an everyday habit. I honestly had no idea why we’re together. I love him with all my heart but what’s the point of having a failing relationship? I’ve been trying to ask him if he wants to marry me but we would either argue or be in a fight. My heart burned as the intense feeling came inside. My head started spinning and I felt horrible. I stood up and walked towards his room. I slightly knocked and got no response. I opened the door and felt my heart tighten at the sight of his crying figure. I honestly hated this all the time. I walked over and softly rubbed his back.


“ I hate you” he murmured.


“ I’m sorry. Are you still hungry? If you’re then..”


I got cut off when he looked up and met my eyes. I shivered and felt goosebumps looking at the serious look he was giving.


“ You’re not hungry anymore, are you?” I asked.


“ Sehun, we both know what this is really about, right?” he questioned. I moved away and looked at him shocked.


“ I think we should break up.” he said snapping me out of my thoughts. Tears welled in my eyes as my heart started aching. Why break up when we have been together for so long? He suddenly pulled me in an embrace and that’s when the tears came pouring out. He ran his fingers through my hair as I tighten my firm around him. I didn’t want to lose him.I loved him so much and I always wondered why we fought. I backed up and kissed him. one last time but my heart crushed when he pulled away.


“ I’m sorry” he whispered. I didn’t bother looking at him because I couldn’t handle it. He stood up about to walk away when I grabbed his hand.


“ Don’t go.”

“ I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” he said releasing my grip and walking away. I grabbed my phone and made a call. I can’t live another day without being able to kiss, hug or cuddle with him.





Love? Park Chanyeol never had the time or care for love. Chanyeol was born for one reason, being the heir and that one reason only. He grew up and was homeschooled by the world’s best tutors. Chanyeol grew up with his life all planned out,  shunned from the world he felt lonely. He reached the age of 18 and realized it was his life. He could do whatever he wants, leading to his current job at Seoul star restaurant. He enjoyed working there because of his talent and a certain brunette, Byun Baekhyun.

“ Where is he?!”


“ Calm down man.”


“ What if he got hurt or attacked? How am I suppose to calm down?” Chanyeol asked frantically panting around. Suddenly the sound of a door opened and everyone snapped their head over to see Baekhyun walking in.


“ Thank god!” Kyungsoo sighed walking back into the kitchen.


“ What’s wrong?” Baekhyun asked walking over.


“ Nothing except you’re late.” Chanyeol calmly said before going back to wiping tables.


“ Bipolar much?” Chen scoffed continuing playing on his phone. Baekhyun walked towards Chanyeol apologizing saying he had something important. Chanyeol ignored him and kept wiping the tables. Baekhyun grabbed his wrist and pouted turning his head towards the younger.


“ I’m sorry Chanyeol. Will you forgive me, huh?” he asked nuzzling against my neck. My blood started pumping as my heartbeat increased. Baekhyun looked up and worried noticing the frozen Chanyeol.


“ Are you okay.... Oh I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.” he apologized running into the kitchen leaving a very confused but happy Chanyeol.






Love? Suho had loved one and only one person in his entire life. It hurt a bit when Suho found out that the love of his life was going to marry someone else. He tried to stop but every day his feelings grew. They have been friends since young when Lay moved from China. Suho shivered and and pulled the blankets closer tossing towards the other side of his bed. He started vigorously coughing and sneezed as the bell rang. He staggered trying to reach the door. My head started spinning and I opened the door to be greeted with a smile.


“ Hey.”


I moved aside and closed the door as he entered.

“ What’s up?”


“ I was bored. Yayin was dragging me everywhere.” he complained collapsing on the coach. I walked over and sat down in front of him on the coffee table.


“ She’s probably stressed. The wedding is near so it’s understandable.”


“ But Suho...” he said facing me. We met eyes and my heart ached ready to burst. I gulped and looked up at him bravely swallowing the lump in my throat.

“ Yeah?”


“ I don’t think I want to marry Yayin.”


“ Why do you say that? “ I asked not realizing that I got off the table and was now kneeling by his side, staring at him with hope.


“ I may be in love with someone else.” he confessed. I froze and my heart started pounding again against my bare chest.


“ Are you going to confess then?”


He shook his head. “ I’m scared. I don’t want to ruin what we have right now.”

I cursed at how dense he was. Why couldn’t he see that I love him just as much as he loves me.





“ Maybe I should move on, huh?” he said giving me a quick fake smile which was painful to see. I leaned in and captured his lips widening his eyes. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me closer towards him. I smiled and we continued making out when a phone call interrupted. We pulled away and stared into each others loving eyes when I gestured him to answer.


“ Hello? Okay. I’ll be there soon. Bye.”


He got up and started grabbing his things. I stood up and followed him to the door.


“ Yayin and her parents came over. They’re pissed so I have to go. Sorry. “


“ No. It’s fine. “I said walking him out.


“ Cool. Bye”


“ Bye” I smiled closing the door. I fell on the couch clutching my aching heart. No matter what, Yayin will always be number one priority, huh?


Sehun moved out and stayed with his best friend. It’s been a week and he misses Luhan to death. Sehun wanted to see him, embrace him, kiss him, cuddle with him, go out and do everything they use to do together. Sehun wanted to call Luhan but he knew that it would only hurt him because if he did then why would they break up? Sehun sighed for the millionth time looking at his, which irritated a certain person.


“ Omg! Shut up and go talk to him! I’m seriously tired of your sighing!” Jongin yelled startling the younger.

“ Sorry.” I apologized placing my phone on the table. Jongin softened and kissed my forehead.


“ Don’t worry. I’m sure he misses you too. Why don’t you visit him and ask to be friends? It’s better than not seeing him, right?” he suggested and I brightened.

“ That’s a great idea. Thanks.” I said giving him a quick hug and walking out. Jongin smiled and heard a beep. He looked over and saw that Sehun left his phone on the table.


“ That boy.” Jongin chuckled but froze seeing the table. He unlocked the phone and read the message. He ran out crying and pleading that Sehun was far, trying to control his aching heart.

“ I’m sorry Sehun. I’m so sorry.”


Baekhyun had been thinking about Chanyeol all week and vice versa. Chanyeol decided that it didn’t matter that they’re completely different people. He loved his hyung with all his heart and that’s all that matters. Baekhyun continued giving every customer a greeting and smile when his eyes met Chanyeol’s loving gaze. Chanyeol looked away and pretended to wipe some other tables. Baekhyun’s heart ached every second they got more distant. Baekhyun pulled Chanyeol in the back room the second the door closed and the break bell rang.

“ What the hell!”

“ Tell me!”

“ Tell you what?”

“ Stop lying! Tell me why you’ve been avoiding me?!” Baekhyun asked pushing the younger against the wall.

“ Because I like you! Happy? I freaking like you so much that it hurts!”

Baekhyun released his grip as tears started blurring his eyes. Chanyeol wiped them away and kissed his forehead.

“ I’m sorry Chanyeol.”

“ Don’t tell me sorry. Give me a chance.”

Chanyeol moved over and kissed Baekhyun, giving him all the love and lust he has been longing for. Surprising himself and Chanyeol, Baekhyun kissed back. They continued making out when a voice called out causing Baekhyun to push Chanyeol away. Kyungsoo walked in with Chen & Baekhyun’s head suddenly started spinning. He started shaking and suddenly grasped onto a shelf knocking pots and other appliances down. Chanyeol reached out trying to help but Baekhyun slapped his hands away giving him a look that the younger has never seen before. He stood up on his own and walked out saying he was going on his break, leaving a confused and startled Chanyeol.


It was the day of the wedding and both young men have not contacted each other. Suho’s heart is crushed and in aching pain but he’s not going to let his friend down. He entered and immediately landed his eyes on Lay. He unknowingly his lips. Lay looked so hot in his suit. His hair combed and slightly brushed towards the side. His position and his figure topped it all.

“ Hey.”

“ Hi.” he smiled.

“ You look handsome.” I blurted and he blushed.

“ Thanks. You too.”

“ I know.” I smirked and he scoffed.

“ Show off.”

I chuckled and he smiled. The bell rang announcing the start of the wedding. I have him a quick pat and good luck before he ran off. I walked inside the hall and took my seat towards the back. The pianist started playing his music and Yayin walked in looking stunning. Her dress went down up to her thighs and her white heels matched. Her eyeliner and sparkles matched perfectly with the clip that held her hair straight down her back. My heart ached seeing the sparkle in her eyes the moment Lay took her hands.

“ Xi Yayin, do you take Zhang Yixing to be your lawful wedded husband?”

“ I do.” she said smiling.

“ Do you Zhang Yixing take Xi Yayin to be your lawful wedded wife?”

Lay turned and made eye contact with me. That was the look for help. I wanted to shake my head and yell no but I couldn’t be selfish and stand in the way of his happiness. I faked a smile and nodded. He looked at me surprised and I continued smiling. He sighed before releasing.

“ I’m sorry. I don’t.”



Sehun adjusted his appearance outside by his car when he noticed Luhan walking out of his house. He walked over smiling but that disappeared the second another guy came out behind. Luhan looked up and they met eyes.

“ Se...Sehun?”

“ Hi.” I said giving him a smile.

“ What are you doing here?” he asked.

“ I wanted to talk to you.”

“ Sehun, can we talk another time? I’ve to show my boyfriend Xiumin around.”

“ Wait!” I said but it was too late. He walked away. I broke down on the floor and felt a pair of arms wrapped around me. I immediately knew who it was without looking. He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. I smiled and hugged him tighter.





Baekhyun came back from his break and walked past Chanyeol towards Kyungsoo. The younger was really confused on why his hyung was suddenly acting like this. Did he not love him enough to be open about their relationship. Chen and Kyungsoo went home leaving Chanyeol and Baekhyun to close up. Baekhyun placed the pastries in the fridge and opened the door the same time as Chanyeol. They stared at each other for awhile before Baekhyun coughed and walked towards the counter. Baekhyun finished wiping the tables as soon as Chanyeol walked out. They locked up and walked out silently when Chanyeol grabbed the older’s hand. Baekhyun blushed a deep shade of red and immediately let go walking over to his car. Chanyeol couldn’t handle it anymore and pushed Baekhyun against the wall. The younger gripped his shoulders causing the older to let out a groan of pain.

“ Chanyeol, you’re hurting me. Please let go.”

“ The hurt that I’ve is worse than this. What’s your problem?”

“ I don’t want people to know we’re dating.”

“ Wow! You’re that kind of person, huh? Fine. Let’s not go out at all then.” Chanyeol spat walking away. Baekhyun’s heart ached and everything suddenly went blank. Baekhyun passed out and slowly closing his eyes whispered, “ I’m sorry. I love you Chanyeol,” letting a tear roll down his face.


Suho and Lay walked along the beach’s shore holding hands. A small grin on one’s face and a blush on the other. They walked in silence thinking about the incident that occurred a while ago.

“ I’m sorry. I don’t.” Yixing said releasing his breath.

“ What?!”

Suho stared at him shocked as everyone else froze. This wedding was a big deal. The two largest companies were merging to have a once in a lifetime.

“ What do you mean you don’t?” Yayin’s father asked.

“ I can’t marry her.”

“ Why not. Are you too good for her?” Yayin’s mother asked enraged.

“ No. I’m gay.” he bluntly confessed and murmurs quickly spreaded.

“ Zhang Wu Fan, control your son!”

Lay made eye contact with his father and I knew what they were saying. Wu fan asked if he really loved a guy and Yixing gave a nod. That was it. That’s all he need to trust his son.

“ There’s nothing to control. Love is love whether it be a girl or a boy and I respect my son’s decision.”


Yayin’s parents walked out and Yixing whispered something in Yayin’s ear before her gaze was on me. She smiled and hugged Lay before walking over. She bowed and smiled.

“ Congratulations.” she said before walking out. Congratulations on what? Lay said a few things to his parents before they turned towards me. I walked over and bowed. I’ve been friends with Lay so long but I never got to properly introduce myself so I felt awkward.

“ Aigoo! You’re so cute.” his mother complimented and I blushed.

“ Thank you mrs. Zhang.”

“  Call me mom.” she said smiling and I nodded.

“ Shall we get the wedding started?” his father asked and my jaw fell.

“ What?”

“ You guys are engaged and everything’s already ready.”

“ I understand.”

Lay nodded and we walked towards the altar. The priest smiled and started the ceremony without question.

“ Do you Zhang Yixing take Kim Joonmyeon to be your lawful wedded husband?”

“ I do.” Lay said smiling.

“ Do you Kim Joonmyeon take Zhang Yixing to be your lawful wedded husband?”

“ Yes I do” Suho said smiling.

It ended and they greeted the guest and ended up taking a stroll on the beach.

“ Lay, you know I’ll always be there for you but shouldn’t you go to the person that you love?” Suho asked.

“ Suho, you’re such a pabo.”

“ What?”

Lay pulled his hyung closer and smirked.

“ Pabo, you’re the one I love.” he confessed capturing his hyung’s lips. Suho smiled and embraced the younger. Inhaling his scent, Yixing smiled and melted in the embrace.

“ I love you Yixing.”

“ I love you pabo.”

Suho smiled like an idiot to himself. This is what it feels to be loved back, huh?


“ Sehun. Sehun get up! Sehun, you can’t stay in there forever. Come down and eat!”

“ No! Go away.”




Sehun collapsed back on the bed as his head started spinning. Was that guy the reason we broke up? He wondered confused on if Luhan was having an affair. He started screaming his frustrations out on the pillow and ruffling his hair, not knowing someone had entered.

“ Sehun?”

Sehun looked up and sat straight.

“ Why are you here?”

“ I came to talk about Luhan.”

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows.

“ Luhan? Why?”

He sighed before explaining.

“ The reason Luhan has been arguing is because he wanted you to break up with him but you never did. He loves you a lot and left because he’s not stable or selfish to stand in the way of your family.”

“ What the hell is he talking about?”

Sehun felt his blood boil. What about his family? Did they threaten him or something? How could he suddenly leave over something like that?

“ Read this and hurry. Luhan leaves for Beijing in two hours.” he said handing be the envelope before walking out. Sehun opened the envelope and read the letter. His heart started aching as he ran out, continuing dropping tears everywhere.

“ Yay! I just washed the carpets!” Jongin yelled as I shut the door. I ran and ran gasping for air, clutching my aching heart.













Dear Sehunnie,

It’s Luhan here. I feel kind of embarrassed and upset that I’m writing this to you but I’m scared to face you. I know we never talked about it in a while but I want to explain my feelings. I know you might hate me for leaving you but I love you. I love you Sehun with all my heart. The reason is that I met up with your ex and she said that she gave birth to your child. Her parent’s kicked her out and she ran out of money. You know I’m an angel, right? I have a problem of saying NO. i wanted to say that. No! You can’t have him because Oh Sehun is mine but that would be selfish, right? I know you hate me and will probably resent me which will kill me inside but that’s fine because I made the decision to leave you. I know you hate me but don’t take it out on Seohyun. She’s lost and confused but I know you’ll help her because the Sehun I know is a good person. I’m probably on the plane by the time you read this but I want you to know that you, Oh Sehun are the only one in my heart. Goodbye and take care of yourself.


your bambi =)


Sehun arrived at the gates and looked every where. He noticed the familiar tuff of honey brown hair and wrapped his arms around the male’s waist.

“ Please don’t go. Stay with me.”

He sighed and took a deep breath. I know his heart was aching in pain just like mine.

“ Sehun, you know I can’t. Let go please. You’re making this hard.”

I turned him around and placed my head on his neck. I inhaled his familiar vanilla scent and kissed him, ignoring the sparks and aching pain. I just need Luhan right now. He broke apart and wiped my tears.

“ I’m sorry. Don’t forget I love you.” he said walking away.

“ You bastard!” Sehun yelled making the older stop dead in his tracks.People stopped and started staring. Luhan looked at the younger shocked.

“ Love? You love me? You wouldn’t leave if you really ing loved me?!” he exploded and Luhan sadly smiled, fighting the urge to cry.


“ I guess I don’t know what love is then.” he said in a broken voice before taking another step away.

“ No! You can’t go! I hate you! I ing hate you Luhan! ..... Fine! You can go and rot for all I care!” Sehun exploded walking away. Luhan collapsed on the ground in tears and a pair of arms helped him up towards a hospital.


Chanyeol fidgeted with his hands as he anxiously waited for Baekhyun to wake up. He suddenly felt a movement and Baekhyun’s eyes fluttered open.

“ How are you feeling?”

“ Fine.” Baekhyun weakly said sitting up. Chanyeol handed him a glass of water and the older smiled drinking it.

“ Thanks.”

“ Baekhyun, you’re scared that I’ll hate you because of you have low blood sugar, right?”

The older nodded and the younger kissed his forehead.

“ I’m not a heartless bastard. I love you no matter what.”

“ I know. I was scared of what would happen and how you would feel if I suddenly pass out. I’m sorry.”

“ Pabo, you know I wouldn’t hate you? I would be worried but I won’t hate or ever leave you.” Chanyeol stated embracing the smaller.

“ I love you Channie.”

“ I love you Baekiie.”

Chanyeol smirked and captured his hyung's lips while the other was napping. Baekhyun eyes quickly opened and he smirked pulling Chanyeol next to him on the bed. This was gonna be a fun night.

What is love?


Suho: It’s the feeling when you’re besides the one that makes you smile every second of every day.

Lay: It’s the sparks and butterfly’s you feel when you’re special one does little actions such as hugging, pouting, smirking, cuddling and etc...

Baekhyun: It’s the feeling of knowing you’re not alone.

Chanyeol: It’s the reward of being able to see your lover smile and feel happy.

Hunhan: There are many way’s to describe love. It’s what you feel when with the person that makes your heart flutter faster than normal. It’s the feeling of heartbreak. Something that will not be rainbows and unicorns everyday. Love is something that you have to treasure before it disappears from your eye and remains in your heart. Love is one word that everyone will feel; Heartbreak.

This is my first oneshot so I hope you enjoyed =)   I will continue or make a sequel hopefully when I get twenty suscribers at least for my story " Only Chance"                                                                                           

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Exosmiracle #1
Update already. I made an account just to tell u to update ahjumma :)
Chapter 14: what? No more hancuffs?!?!
Damn that was my favorite part =)
Update soon jagiya <3
Dabigking146 #3
Chapter 14: Även are the next chapter going to come? I must nos what's going to happen!!!*Throws away mobile*
Chapter 9: Um random font change? Lol kidding it's fine but why did Hunhan stop. Oh. Is it that Sehun is secretly dating someone (cough Jongin <3 cough ), huh?
chokochipp #5
Chapter 9: Hahaah lol ~I did the same and then BAP~ HAHAAH
Chapter 8: Lol Handcuffed! Really girl? Where you get an idea like that?
I really like the title!! it's catchy, I think this story will be epic. By the way would you mind checking out my fanfic? thanks before :D