Can't leave your side: Day 2

Only Chance


- Second day: Luhan's p.o.v 
Sehun and I sat down in class still not speaking to each other. My heart raced and I hated that I couldn't control it. 
My heart and body craved more from him but I knew it was impossible. I can't believe I kissed my best friend. I tried
 to shake it off but I keep thinking about him.Was I just feeling this way because of a fling or because I haven't seen 
him in a while.  I sighed and shook my head letting my frustrations out. The teacher walked in and we all bowed. 

" Did you have fun on your first day?" she smirked and half of the class cheered. 

" I guess this bunch didn't" she stated pointing towards us. 

" We'll let them share since they didn't have a fun time" 

We shook our head but she glared at us. Sooyoung and Suho walked up first. 

" Tell us what happened?" ms. Shin questioned. 

" We got together" Suho said and she smiled. 

" That sounds amazing! Why do you upset Sooyoung?" 

" She and I had a slight problem when we went skydiving" he confessed and everyones eyes widened as the teacher's mouth 
hung open. 

" You went skydiving?" she asked in disbeleif" 

They nodded. 

" You could have killed my sister!" Donghae yelled standing  pulling Jessica roughly up. I looked and noticed that 
Sooyoung tensed up and Suho noticed too.Everyone was shocked at his sudden outburst and confession too notice. 

" Oppa, don't get mad. It was my idea" she said trying to calm him down. 

" Besides the fact that matters is we survived, right?" Suho joked earning a glare from Donghae. 

" Let's settle down. Let's not do anymore dangerous stuff, ok?" ms. Shin suggested and they nodded sitting down.

Donghae glanced towards Sooyoung hurt and gave her, ' we're so talking about this later' look.

" Next" she called making Donghae and Jessica walk up towards the class. Donghae looked a bit distracted so Jessica spoke.
" We went to a orphanage and ran into trouble" 

" What kind of trouble?" ms. Shin asked. 

" Just some loan sharks"

" They didn't do a lot of damage, did they?" ms. Shin asked and they shook their head. 

" What happened to your hand?" she asked causing Donghae to snap out his thoughts and look at the poor girls bruised
" I accidently cut myself when Donghae and I were cleaning" she lied earning a look from the confused guy and a 
nod of understandment from Ms. Shin. 
" Alright. Last but not least" she said referring to Sehun and me. We strod up and walked in front of the class.
 We stood silent as none of us dared to speak. 

" Are you not going to tell us what happened?" Ms. Shin asked. We continued standing in silence. 

" Did something serious happen?" 
" Is it school related?" 
" Do you want to talk to the school counselor?" 
" You guys can sit" she sighed giving up. We walked and sat down not daring to talk. Ms. Shin and the class stared
 at us for awhile before turning to the lesson. I completely zoned out getting awoken by the bell. 

" See you tomorrow" she said giving us a uneasy look. Lunch came and we sat in silence not even bothering to eat.
 We didn't even notice that our classmates sat down at the same table as us. 

" Are you guys not going to eat?" Chanyeol asked dropping a grape in his mouth. 

" Are you guys okay?" Jessica asked concerned. 
" What happened?" Luna wondered grabbing her yogurt cup. 
" Did you get caught in something bad?" Suho questioned taking a sip of his water. I abruptly stood up grabbing
 everyones attention. I walked towards class as the silent Sehun followed. We sat down and everyone else came in 
along with mr. Kang

" You guys are early" he said shocked. 

" What's the reason?" he questioned. 
" Why so serious?" he joked getting some laughter from the students. 
" Are you guys ok?" he asked and Sehun suddenly turned towards us. I glared at him telling him to shut up and he
 sighed looking away. This was gonna be a long day. I sighed. Suddenly the class ended and everyone left leaving 
the two boys alone once again. Sehun and Luhan walked home not bothering to do anything else. 
The two boys watched tv and ate. Luhan hates this assignment. He realized falling asleep. 



Jessica's p.o.v 
Donghae and I took a bus to the orphanage. He ran in dragging me behind. My hand hurt a lot but I didn't want to disturb 
him in this mood. He walked in and everything seemed fine. He sighed and turned walking out with me lagging behind.
 We took a taxi to a different address and he started sweating. He walked up and knocked on the door. A man in a suit 
opened the door letting us in. We walked up the stairs and into the office. 

" You showed up" the man said amused stepping aside from his desk. Donghae smacked the envelope on the table. 

" This covers the debt! Don't come bothering them again!" he yelled turning away. He reached the door when the man spoke.
" Don't you want to hear my compromise?" 

" What compromise?" 
The man smirked.

Suho's p.o.v 
" What do you want to do?" I asked as Sooyoung and I roamed the streets of Seoul. 

" I want to do something dangerous!" 

" Sooyoung, you heard what happened. I would die if I took you some where dangerous."
" He won't know" she stated. 

" Yes, he will" 

" You're not a fun boyfriend" she pouted. I grabbed her waist and pulled her in a embrace. 
" I promise to take you where ever you want to go when we get uncuffed" 

She pouted. 
" I hate this project" 

I smiled. 
" Really because I love it" I said pecking her lips. Seeing her blush made me chuckle. I really like her.
 I realized holding her hand tighter as we continued shopping; hoping this project never ends. 
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Exosmiracle #1
Update already. I made an account just to tell u to update ahjumma :)
Chapter 14: what? No more hancuffs?!?!
Damn that was my favorite part =)
Update soon jagiya <3
Dabigking146 #3
Chapter 14: Även are the next chapter going to come? I must nos what's going to happen!!!*Throws away mobile*
Chapter 9: Um random font change? Lol kidding it's fine but why did Hunhan stop. Oh. Is it that Sehun is secretly dating someone (cough Jongin <3 cough ), huh?
chokochipp #5
Chapter 9: Hahaah lol ~I did the same and then BAP~ HAHAAH
Chapter 8: Lol Handcuffed! Really girl? Where you get an idea like that?
I really like the title!! it's catchy, I think this story will be epic. By the way would you mind checking out my fanfic? thanks before :D