
Only Chance


Chapter 1- Friends?

Luhan's p.o.v

Location: Seoul ( Hospital)

Age: 15 years old


The sky darkened as a young boy ran furiously through the streets of Seoul.The boys hair shifted sides as droplets of rain dripped down his face. The wind blew sending a sensational feeling down the boy’s spine. Time seem to stop as the lad arrived at the hospital. The patients and workers shifted uneasily sensing the aura.




I ran down the hall as sweat continued dripping on my body. I wasn’t going to stop running until I got there. Even if it meant breaking the limbs in my body. I stood waiting for the elevator and several minutes went by.


“ ” I cursed running towards the stairs. I ran up and reached the twentieth floor. I asked the lady at the counter for what room and she responded.


“ 100”


“ Thank you” I said bowing and walking away. My heart pounded and breath calmed down as I walked slowly towards the room. I opened the door and my heart ached. His lifeless body laid on the hospital bed. I walked over and fell on my knees at his bedside. I grabbed his hand.


“ Hey! What are you doing? Why are you sleeping for so long? If you don’t wake up, I’ll tickle you” I teased.


“ Why aren’t you talking back? Please wake up” I begged crying. I felt his hand move and looked up. He stirred and his eyes slowly opened. He looked up and made eye contact with me.


“ Luhan Hyung ?”

I stood up and helped him. I sat down on the edge of his bed in silence.


“ Hyung, why you here?” he asked.


“ Pabo, why wouldn’t I be here for you ?” I questioned lightly hitting his head. He winced in pain.


“ Omo! I’m so sorry. Are you ok?” I asked panicking. He chuckled.


“ You worrying about me. It’s cute” he said. I shyly rubbed the back of my head.


“ It’s because you’re a friend” I said and his smile disappeared.


“ Is all I am to you Hyung, a friend?” he asked. I stared at his pleading eyes hoping I would say something else. My heart started pounding.


“ Of course. We are friends and nothing more, right?” I said and noticed his depressed mood.


“ I guess” he said. I hugged him.


“ Don’t worry. Someday you’ll find the right guy who will make you happy” I reassured.


“ Luhan , thank you for a being my friend when no else would be. I won’t ever forget what you done for me”


“ Why are you talking as if you’re leaving?” I questioned.


“ I am”


“ What?”


“ Hyung, I no live  anymore”


I was confused.

“ I’ll protect you “ I said trying to persuade him.


“ Hyung, I got in this accident because of you” he admitted and my eyes widened.


“ Me?”


“ Luhan, I have liked you since we were kids... Everyday we spent together was fun.  I liked you more and more everyday... I decided to tell you no matter what, but guess what ruined my plan. You got a girlfriend and it hurt. You don’t know .... how much pain I was in. I was stupid to think that I would get a chance... I even followed you on a date which got me hurt after seeing you so happy together. I gave you a chance  but you don't like me so, I finally know how you feel and it hurts//. It hurt hyung” he confessed tearing up.


I felt my heart squeeze tight. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t believe if what was happening was true. I bit my lip. I’m dreaming. Yes! I know I am. There’s no other way, I mean how else could I not know how he felt about me, right? I stood up awkwardly.


“ I’m glad you’re ok because I was worried. I have to go because Sooyoung is waiting outside. I hope you have a good life and wherever you go, I hope you stay happy.  Goodbye, Sehun “ I said.

“ Wait!” he grabbed my wrist. I froze at his sudden touch. It sent shivers down my spine and I didn’t want him to let go.


" Is this cause I have autism?"


I turned around shocked.

" Hey! Don't ever say that again, understand? I would never reject you because of that! Your disorder has nothing to do with how I feel so dont ever bring it up against me again!" I exploded scaring him. I didn’t mean to but how cold he think I was that cruel? We’ve known each other for so long.


“ Then why you doing this? The Luhan I know don't run away! Do you hate me this much? How you feel, huh? Tell me Luhan, please.”

I swallowed the lump stuck in my throat and bit my lip not wanting to cry in front of him. I sighed and turned towards him with an emotionless expression.


“ What do you expect? Do you want me to be calm that I found about your feelings, huh? Oh my god! My best friend is gay and he’s in love with me! I guess I should dump my girlfriend and go out with him, huh? That’s what you want right? Well that’s not how the ing world works Sehun!”


He flinched and his eyes widened. I couldn’t believe what I just said to him. My heart ached as I saw tears forming in his eyes. He prevented them from falling and smiled.


“ I get what you say. It was nice being your best friend. I’ll miss you. You better go before  Sooyoung noona get mad” I nodded and murmured a quick “ bye” before walking outside.

I closed the door and fell leaning my body against the door. I clutched my aching heart. How can this happen? This whole time I thought he only thought of me as a friend. I don’t like him. I don’t like him. I, Xi Luhan don’t like or love Oh Sehun, right? No! I walked outside and fell on the steps.


“ Luhan!”


I looked up and hugged the girl in front of me.

“ Oppa, what’s wrong?” she asked.


“ Tiffany,  I messed up”


“ What happened?”


" Did you know Sehun liked me?" I asked and she chuckled.


" Everyone knew"


“ What am I going to do?” I questioned ruffling my hair.


“ There is nothing you can do”


“ What?”


“ He’s leaving for America tomorrow. There is nothing you can do because it’s late”


“ I’ll tell him the truth!”


“ That you like him?” she questioned.


“ No. I’ll say that we are friends and I’ll miss him” I said and she smacked my head.


“ If you’re not going to confess then don’t even meet him. It will only hurt him more” she said walking away. I stood up and moped all the way to my house. I opened my door and went straight to my room and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning with a clear mind and got ready. I went to the kitchen and started eating some cereal when my mom came in.


“ Why are you up so early?” she asked sitting across from me. I shrugged.


“ Is it because of Sehun?”

I nodded.


“ Are you upset about losing your best friend or something else?” she questioned smirking.


“ Of course it’s the best friend thing”


“ Sweetie, it’s not late. Go and tell him how you feel before you regret it” she confronted walking away.


“ Why do you women always confuse me?”


I looked at my clock and saw that his flight leaves in five hours. I walked out deciding to go on a walk. This is nice. I thought feeling the refreshing air. I entered a cafe and ordered a coffee. I must be crazy, right. No. No. NO! I don't like Sehun! But why can’t I?



I finished my coffee and took a short nap at home. I fluttered my eyes opened to see it was 11: 30

Aish! I’m gonna be late! I cursed running out. Sehun, you can’t leave until I tell you how I feel. Luhan realized that this was the only chance running towards the airport. I started running when my phone rang.


“ Hello?”


“ Luhan, Sehun is leaving! Where are you?” Tiffany yelled.


“ Stall him! I’m coming!” I said turning the corner and bumping into someone.


“ Hey! Jerk!” she yelled as I continued running. I turned around and gave her a quick sorry before continuing running. I arrived at the airport and bolted in.


“ Where is he?” I asked noticing Tiffany. She pointed to a person walking towards the gate. Luhan immediately recognized the brown hair boy as he approached him. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned flipping me over. I groaned as he turned around shocked.


“ Luhan, I’m so sorry” he apologized helping me up. “ It’s fine”


“ Why you here?” he asked staring at me with those beautiful small eyes. I stood staring at those pleading eyes hoping I said what he wanted to hear. I have to do it!


I can’t let him suffer anymore. I sighed.

“ Sehun, I have to send my best friend off, duh!”


He stared at me hurt and my heart ached. I mentally facepalmed myself. Suddenly the airport called his flight and he smiled.


“ I see. Well I should go now”


“ Take care”


“ I will” he said trying not to let the tears escape from his eyes.

“ Bye” he said giving me a quick hug before entering the gates. How could I mess up that chance. Why couldn’t I say those words to Sehun. Yeah, I like you too Oh Sehun.

First update! Hope you enjoyed.  I decided to do the update since I finally found a way to start and because it's my BIRTHDAY =)


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Exosmiracle #1
Update already. I made an account just to tell u to update ahjumma :)
Chapter 14: what? No more hancuffs?!?!
Damn that was my favorite part =)
Update soon jagiya <3
Dabigking146 #3
Chapter 14: Även are the next chapter going to come? I must nos what's going to happen!!!*Throws away mobile*
Chapter 9: Um random font change? Lol kidding it's fine but why did Hunhan stop. Oh. Is it that Sehun is secretly dating someone (cough Jongin <3 cough ), huh?
chokochipp #5
Chapter 9: Hahaah lol ~I did the same and then BAP~ HAHAAH
Chapter 8: Lol Handcuffed! Really girl? Where you get an idea like that?
I really like the title!! it's catchy, I think this story will be epic. By the way would you mind checking out my fanfic? thanks before :D