Meeting the stranger

Only Chance

Chapter 2- Meeting the stranger

Luhan’s p.o.v

Location: High school

Age: 18

Grade- Senior


Luhan wrapped his arms around the girls waist planting kisses on her as she tightened her grip on my neck. He pushed her against the wall and continued kissing her. He devoured her lips  and she pulled him close just as the bell rang.


“ Sorry Krystal. See you later” I said pecking her lips and walking out of the abandoned classroom.


“ Bye” she said walking away. I smiled entering the bathroom. I buttoned my shirt and fixed my tie. I washed her lipstick mark off and made my way towards the classroom. Mr. Kang was introducing a new student when I barged in. I walked to my saet not caring about her.


“ Anyways. Please take care of Jessica” he said and they all bowed nodding.


“ You can sit next to Luhan” he said pointing towards me. I noticed she stole glances at me as she sat down.


“ What?”


“ You look familiar” she said tapping her chin. Is this girl really using the oldest line in the book.


“ Listen, if you wanna make out then just say. You don’t need to pretend like we have a history” I stated and she scoffed.


“ Did you just scoff at me?” I asked in disbelief.


“ Are you deaf?” she retorted.


“ Just tell me if you want to make out. I don’t like girls with attitudes”


“ Why would I want to make out with you?”


This girl is really getting on my nerves.I sighed and went back to playing on my phone. I stared at her and kinda thought she does look familiar. The bell rang and the teacher told us to stay behind.


“ You guys have after school cleaning duty for talking” he said and we groaned as he walked out.


“ What?” I asked as she glared at me.


“ This is your fault!”


“ You were staring at me!” I stated.


“ You started the conversation!” she retorted.


“ Whatever!” I said walking out.


School ended and I went to get my stuff. Figures that she is in all my classes. I walked in and she was mopping. I grabbed my bag and started walking out.


“ Hey! You have to clean!” she said making me stop in my tracks.


“ I don’t clean”


“ We were both punished” she stated and my phone rang.


“ Excuse me” I said walking out.


“ Hello?”


“ Where are you?” the person on the other line asked.


“ School. I have cleaning duty”


“ Since when did you do  cleaning duty?” he questioned.I sighed.


“ I know. It’s not like me”


Suddenly a cry snapped me out of my thoughts. I ran in and saw her on the floor.


“ Are you ok?” I asked confusing myself if I was worried about her.


“ I slipped”


“ Dude, I’ll call you back” I said hanging up. I pressed her leg putting pressure on it and she winced. I bent down trying to examine the other foot and stared at her face. I stood admiring her face.


“ Luhan?”

I leaned in closer.


“ Don’t you dare” she threatened. I pecked her lips and saw her blush.


“ Hey! You jerk!” she yelled and it hit me.


“ You?”


“ What?” she questioned.


“ You’re the girl I bumped into years ago when I knocked you over” I admitted.


“ You’re that guy”


“ Yeah”


“ Why did you run without helping me?”


I put her down on a table and locked the doors. I sat down next to her and confessed everything that happened between Sehun and me. She was tearing when I finished.


“ That is so sad”


“ I didn’t know you were actually worse than I thought”


“ Hey!”


“ Sorry”

I reached over as my phone rang and slipped toppling on her. I stared at her as she stood frozen.

“ I’m sorry” I apologized getting up. I walked over as someone knocked on the door.


“ What are you doing here?”


“ I heard you have cleaning duty for messing around” she said. I nodded understanding.  

“ Let’s go” she said and I grabbed my bag knowing it’s best not to argue with her. I turned towards the confused Jessica.

“ I’m sorry I have to leave first” I apologized walking out. I sighed at what a great impression I left on her.


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Exosmiracle #1
Update already. I made an account just to tell u to update ahjumma :)
Chapter 14: what? No more hancuffs?!?!
Damn that was my favorite part =)
Update soon jagiya <3
Dabigking146 #3
Chapter 14: Även are the next chapter going to come? I must nos what's going to happen!!!*Throws away mobile*
Chapter 9: Um random font change? Lol kidding it's fine but why did Hunhan stop. Oh. Is it that Sehun is secretly dating someone (cough Jongin <3 cough ), huh?
chokochipp #5
Chapter 9: Hahaah lol ~I did the same and then BAP~ HAHAAH
Chapter 8: Lol Handcuffed! Really girl? Where you get an idea like that?
I really like the title!! it's catchy, I think this story will be epic. By the way would you mind checking out my fanfic? thanks before :D