House-warming Party

Hyoyeon's Only Wish

Hyoyeon was nervous while they are on their way to 2PM’s dorm.

After few minutes they are now at the front of the 2PM’s dorm. Hyoyeon presses the doorbell.

After a while, Nichkhun opens the door.

“Oh! Hi, sister-in-law!” Nichkhun greets.

“H-Hi!” she said.

“Junho is still sleeping. Do you want to see how he sleeps?” Nichkhun asks.

“H-Huh? A-Aniyo. You can wake him up.” She said.

Nichkhun holds her hand. “Oh come on! You must see him.” Nichkhun said.

The two went towards the bedroom where Junho is sleeping.

“Uhmm… Why is Junho sleeping on the floor?” Hyoyeon asks.

Junho was sleeping on the floor; the blanket was wrapping around him.

Chansung enters the room and wakes up Junho.

Junho woke up and stood up.

“Eeehhhh!!!” Hyoyeon screamed and covers her face with her hands.


When Junho stood up, the blanket fell on the floor and Junho only wears his boxer shorts.

Junho was surprised and he quickly took his blanket and covers his body.

“I think I should let sister-in-law wait for you in the living room.” Nichkhun said.

Nichkhun led Hyoyeon towards the living room because she is still covering her face.

“Sister-in-law, you can stop covering your face now.” Nichkhun said.

Hyoyeon slowly put her hands down.

“Omo! Sister-in-law is blushing.” Junsu said.

“Aniyo!” Hyoyeon lied.

Then, Junho came out wearing pants and t-shirt.

“Sorry about a while ago.” Junho shyly said.

Nichkhun and the others are laughing from the side.

Junho glares at them. “Shoo...” he said to them.

“We are not animals that you can shoo away.” Chansung said.

“Aish! Can’t you see we need some privacy?” Junho said.

“Oh… Ok. We will just stay in our room.” Wooyoung said. “Sister-in-law, just feel at home.”

Hyoyeon blushed.

“I didn’t come here because I want.” Hyoyeon said after Nichkhun and the others gone.

“Really? That is disappointing.” Junho said and act like he was disappointed. “Anyway, what brought you here?”

“They ask me to come here.” Hyoyeon said pointing at the staffs.

“Oh ok.” Junho said.

“And also, they want to know what are our plans today.” She said.

“We are going to buy-”

“I already told them about it.” She said. “Can we start our plans now?”

“Ok.” Junho said.


The two are arguing whether they will go to the mall or just in the market.

Hyoyeon wants in the market but Junho wants in the mall.

“Let’s play rock, paper, scissor.” Junho said.

“Ok.” Hyoyeon said.

The two played. Junho wins because of rock.

“Aish! Alright!” Hyoyeon said.

The two went to the mall.

They bought lots of things for the kitchen. After that, they bought lots of foods for the house-warming party tonight.

They left all their bought in the car then they went back inside the mall to eat.

Then, Junho brought Hyoyeon in a jewelry store.

“What are we doing here?” Hyoyeon asks.

“We are married but we don’t have a couple rings.” Junho said.

“What is the use of that?” Hyoyeon asks.

“To make our married look real.” Junho said.

“We don’t need a couple rings.” Hyoyeon said.

“But I want too.” Junho said.

Hyoyeon sighed. ‘Why is he always done whatever he wants?’ she thought.

She sat on the bench while Junho is busy picking a couple rings.

Then, Junho chose a couple rings. It was simple but beautiful.

“Miss, I like this couple rings.” Junho said to the woman.

“You can put your name in the rings.” The woman said.

“Really? That’s great.” Junho said.

“Just wait here, sir.” The woman said.

After a while, the woman came back with the rings.

Junho looks at the rings and he smiled when he saw their names in the rings.

After paying the rings, he went towards Hyoyeon.

Junho sat on the side of Hyoyeon. He holds Hyoyeon’s left hand.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Just stay put.” Junho said.

He took out the ring and put it on Hyoyeon’s finger.

After that Junho shows his ring on his finger. “Do you like it?”

“No.” Hyoyeon said.

“But you wear it.” Junho said.

“You wear it to me.” Hyoyeon said.

“But you didn’t remove it.” Junho said and laugh.

‘He is so cute when he laughs.’ She thought. ‘Omo! What am I saying? Kim Hyoyeon, stop admiring him!’

“Can we go home now?” she asks.

“Ok!” Junho said.

Junho stood up and holds her hand.

The people are looking at them.

“They are look so good together.” A girl said.

“Hyoyeon unnie must be lucky.” Another girl said.

“Yeah. Even though she isn’t pretty and from a group of s.” Another one said.

Hyoyeon heard it and she can’t help but to get annoy.

She intentionally wraps her arm on Junho’s arm.

“Baby, thanks for this beautiful ring. I love it!” she said.

“Huh? I thought you don’t like it.” Junho said.

“I’m just kidding. The truth is I love it.” She said.

She is looks at the girls. They are jealous of her.

“Ok. Let’s go home?” Junho said.

“Ne. I can’t wait to see you eating the foods that I will go to cook.” She said. ‘Take that, girls!’ she thought.


Hyoyeon became cold after they got home.

“Junho, can you cut these carrots?” Hyoyeon said.

“Say please.” Junho said.

“What?” she asks.

“Say please and also where is the baby gone?” Junho said.

“Oh that? I call you baby to annoy the girls.” She said.

“Is that so? I thought you already liking me.” He said.

“Whatever.” She said.

The two are almost finishing cooking when their visitors came.

“Unnie!” Yoona said in a cute voice. She is with Tiffany, Sooyoung and Eunhyuk.

“Annyeong Hasaeyo!” Hyoyeon shouts from the kitchen.

“Hyoyeon-ah, can I live here?” Tiffany said. She likes the color of the house.

The three girls are busy looking the whole house while Eunhyuk went inside the kitchen to help Hyoyeon.

Junho felt jealous to see Hyoyeon close to Eunhyuk.

“Baby, your handphone is ringing.” Junho said when he heard her handphone.

“Baby? Your endearment is baby?” Eunhyuk asks.

“Ne. She calls me that when we were in the mall.” Junho said.

Hyoyeon took her handphone and answers the call. “Sunbae!” she said. She went back to the kitchen.

Junho notices the handphone keychain on Hyoyeon’s handphone.

Then, Eunhyuk’s handphone rang.

“Yoboseo?” Eunhyuk said after answering the call. He went outside.

Junho notices Eunhyuk’s handphone chain. It is the same with Hyoyeon’s handphone chain.

“Junho, can you wait for Freyja sunbae outside the house so she knows where we are?” Hyoyeon said.

“Ok.” Junho said.

After Junho gone, Tiffany, Yoona and Sooyoung came in the kitchen.

“Unnie, can we help?” Yoona asks.

“Sure.” She said.


Junho went outside. After a while, the 2PM boys came with Freyja’s car following them. Freyja is with Doojoon.

The house-warming party started.

‘Two of my rivals in Hyoyeon noona’s heart are here in the party. Why did she invite them?’ Junho thought while looking at Eunhyuk and Doojoon.

“Let’s play a game.” Taecyeon said.

“What kind of game?” Yoona asks.

“Dare game!” Taecyeon said. “We will going to spin this bottle and whoever the bottle points she or he will do the dare.”

“That is fun.” Freyja said.

They remove the things on the table and the only one left is the bottle.

“Ok! Let’s start!” Taecyeon said.

He spins the bottle on the table.

“Ok! Ok! The bottle is spinning! Who will be the lucky person who will first to do the dare?” Eunhyuk said just like he is in a show.

The bottle is spinning slowly until it stops.

The first person who will do the dare is Junho!

“Alright!” the people shout.

“Now Junho, you will go to pick a rolled paper here and you will do what it says.” Nichkhun said holding a bowl and inside of it are lots of rolled papers.

Junho took a piece of rolled paper and reads it.

“Eh?!!!” he said.

The boys look at the paper.

They all shout of happiness.

“What is it?” Tiffany asks.

“Kiss your wife.” Wooyoung reads.

They all scream of excitement.

“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” they all shout even Freyja joined too.

“Aish! That isn’t right!” Hyoyeon said.

“Don’t be so K.J., unnie!” Yoona said.

“Junho, kiss her.” Sooyoung said.

“I’ll kiss her only in her cheek.” Junho said.

“No! You should kiss her on her lips.” Tiffany said.

“Yeah! You two had a relationship when you were in high school and kissing is simple between you two.” Junsu said.

“I am not going to do it.” Hyoyeon said.

“You won’t do it? I’ll do it.” Junho said. “Hold her!”

“What?!” Hyoyeon was shock when Sooyoung and Yoona hold her.

Junho kisses her on her lips but it was just a smack.

After that, the people around them are screaming.

“Kyaahhhh!!!” Tiffany screamed.

Hyoyeon and Junho are both blushing.

Hyoyeon looks at Eunhyuk and she saw him looking away.

Freyja saw Doojoon go outside. And she knows why.

The house-warming is fun and they all enjoy. The filming of WGM is finish too for that day.

“Sunbae, thank you for coming.” Hyoyeon said.

“I enjoyed so much.” Freyja said. “Doojoon, I’ll drop you off in your dorm.”

“Ne, sunbae.” Doojoon said.

“Doojoon, thanks for coming.” Junho said.

Doojoon just nodded and gets inside Freyja’s car.

“Junho, we are leaving now.” Taecyeon said.

“I thought we are going home together?” Junho asks.

“We and the SNSD decided that you and Hyoyeon will go to stay in your house.” Junsu said.

“What?!” Junho and Hyoyeon said.

“That’s right. If ever you will come in our dorm you won’t be able to get in because we won’t let you.” Sooyoung said.

“Aish! That’s unfair.” Hyoyeon said.

“And we already talked to the WGM staffs and they agree. They will go to film it.” Nichkhun said.

“Have fun in your first night in your house.” Yoona said and they all went to their vans.

“Yah! You can’t do this to us!” Hyoyeon shouts.

“We already did! Bye unnie!” Yoona shouts before closing the door of the van.

Junho and Hyoyeon didn’t have a choice but to go back in their house.

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Chapter 27: This story is amazing eventhough Yuri is annoying sometimes,i still like her role hete^^
Kindheart #4
immmmm a number one fan of hyoyeon
Chapter 26: cute the cute (*^﹏^*)
JunHyoandSpartAce #8
Chapter 26: happy ending for everyone .. awh .. finaly hyoyeon confess her true feelings.. more fanfic about junhyo , please .. hee
Chapter 7: This story is so gooood <3
I want to keep reading but I have to sleep now *-*
I have so much to learn from you!
Great job! ^^
I love it is it so cute