Junho-Hyoyeon-Doojoon in a concert?

Hyoyeon's Only Wish

“Sunbae, what is it you want to talk about?” Hyoyeon asks Freyja.

“It is you who is Junho’s ex, right?” Freyja asks.

Hyoyeon gasped of surprised.

“H-How?” Hyoyeon asks.

“Years ago there was a girl left alone in the 3rd floor of the school building while the others are watching the cheerleading competition on the ground. Then, that girl threw a paint ball to her classmate who is having a cheerleading dance at that moment.” Freyja said.

Hyoyeon’s eyes widened. “Omo.”

“I guess you didn’t know but I am your senior.” Freyja said.

“Really?” Hyoyeon can’t believe it.

“Yeah. You won’t recognize me because I am just an ordinary girl that time. Busy in studying and nothing else.” Freyja said.

“How do you know that it was me?” Hyoyeon asks.

“Easy. I was hanging out under the big tree in school when the cheerleading competition is happening. I accidentally saw you in the 3rd floor saw I know that it was you.” Freyja said.

“But why you didn’t tell to the teachers about it.” Hyoyeon asks.

“I have my reasons why I didn’t do that. From that day on, I always watch you from afar so I know that you are Junho’s ex.” Freyja said.

“Sunbae, can you keep it a secret?” Hyoyeon asks.

“No problem.” Freyja said. “Now, I will have my 3rd concert. It will be a world tour concert and I want you to come with me in the concert.”

“Me? But why me?” she asks.

“I want you because you are a talented person and my fans surely love it.” Freyja said.

“I don’t know. It is a big opportunity to me but I need to ask my manager first.” She said.

“Ok. But don’t tell to others yet.” Freyja said.

“Sure.” She said.

“Let’s go back inside?” Freyja said.

Hyoyeon nodded.


At the coffee shop…

Freyja’s manager and SNSD’s manager are in the coffee shop to talk about the plan in Freyja’s concert.

“You want Hyoyeon to join in Freyja’s concert?” Woondoo asks.

“Not me but Freyja. She really likes Hyoyeon to be in her concert.” Freyja’s manager said.

“Why is she likes Hyoyeon to be in her concert?” Woondoo asks.

“I don’t know.” Freyja’s manager said.

“Ok. I will tell about this to the directors of SME.” Woondoo said.

“And I must say that if ever Yuri interfere about it, don’t let her. Freyja doesn’t like her for what Yuri did last time.” Freyja’s manager said.

“Araso. I will make sure that she will not interfere here.” Woondoo said.

“Good.” Freyja’s manager said.


2 days after…

Freyja just receives a call from her manager and she was happy that finally SME agree that Hyoyeon will be part of her concert.

“Just as I expected, all my plans are working. If it will continue like this, it will be easy for me to get Hyoyeon out of SME.” Freyja said to herself. “Hyoyeon deserves much fame unlike when she is in SNSD. She is always last because SME always looks at the looks of their artists not the talent. She deserves to be known who she really is and what she can do.”

Her Persian cat meows.

Freyja took the cat and lightly rubs the fur. “Am I right Mayura?” she asks the cat.

The Persian cat just meows.

“Sooner or later someone will live here with us. I know you will be happy to see her.” She said to her cat.


Hyoyeon was delightful because she will perform in Freyja’s concert.

That day she is going to Freyja’s practice room.

“You work hard so Freyja will be happy.” Woondoo said to Hyoyeon.

“Ne, oppa.” Hyoyeon said happily.

SNSD’s manager parks the van at the front of Freyja’s studio building. It is where Freyja do her music and also the dance.

“I’ll come back later to get you.” Woondoo said.

“Ne.” Hyoyeon said. “Drive carefully.” And she gets off from the van.

Hyoyeon went inside the building; she was surprise to see Junho and Doojoon waiting at the elevator.

“Oh! Annyeong Hasaeyo!” Hyoyeon greets.

The two greet her.

“Are you going to see Freyja sunbae?” Hyoyeon asks.

“We are here to practice for her concert.” Doojoon said.

“So, you two also pick her to be in her concert?” Hyoyeon asks.

“You too?” Junho asks.

“Ne.” Hyoyeon said.

“Wow! This will be great!” Doojoon said.

At last the elevator door opens and the three went inside.

“I thought I was the only one.” Hyoyeon said. “But this will be fun because I am not alone.”

“Freyja sunbae called my manager asking if I can participate to her world tour concert.” Junho said.

“Doojoon, did sunbae called you too?” Hyoyeon asks trying to avoid Junho.

“Ne.” Doojoon said.

‘Why is she not talking to me?’ Junho asks himself.

Then, Hyoyeon’s handphone rang. She quickly answers the call.

“Ne sunbae?..................I’m in the elevator with Doojoon and the other one…………………………we will be there in a minute.” Hyoyeon said to Freyja in the handphone.

‘Why can’t she mention my name?’  Junho thoughts.

At last they reach the floor where the practice room is.

When they enter the room they greeted the people.

“So, I guess you already know each other, right?” Freyja said to them.

“Ne.” the three said.

“So, today we will practice first our sing and dance performance. We will practice first the dance, ok?” Freyja said. “Do some stretching first and after 5 minutes we will start our practice.”

“Ne!” the three said.

Freyja faces her back-up dancers. “Is the choreographer coming? She is late for 15 minutes.” She asks the back-up dancers.

“She will be here any moment now.” One of her back-up dancers said.

Then, a girl came rushing through the door. “I’m sorry I’m late!” the girl said.

“It is about time.” Freyja said.

“Sorry.” The girl said.

Hyoyeon stops doing some stretching at the front of the wall when she heard a familiar voice. She turns around and she saw her high school friend.

“Kira!” she called.

The choreographer looks at her and she was surprised.

“Hyoyeon!” Kira said. The two hugs each other.

Freyja smiled. She knew that it will happen.

“It’s been a while since we last see each other.” Hyoyeon said.

“It’s when we graduated.” Kira said.

“What are you doing here?” Hyoyeon asks.

“I’m Freyja unnie’s choreographer. I and she are always team up in making dance steps every time she has a new song.” Kira said.

“That’s good to hear. I know how you love dancing too.” Hyoyeon said.

“What are you doing here?” Kira asks.

“She is participating in my concert.” Freyja said.

“Really? That’s great!” Kira said.

“Can we start now?” Freyja asks.

“Ne.” Kira said. Then, she saw Junho looking at them. “Omo! Lee Junho?”

Junho smiles at her. “I’m glad you remember me.”

“How can I forget you when you are Hy-“

Hyoyeon quickly covers Kira’s mouth. “Stop saying about the past. Someone might know it.” She whispered to her.

Kira nodded. “Mian.”

“Let’s start practicing.” Hyoyeon said.


Eunhyuk, Shindong and Donghae decided to visit the SNSD in the practice room.

“Annyeong Hasaeyo!” the boys said.

The SNSD greet them.

“Where’s Hyoyeon?” Eunhyuk asks.

“She is preparing for Freyja sunbae’s concert.” Tiffany said.

“Hyoyeon will be participating in Freyja sunbae’s concert?” Donghae asks.

“Ne. She is very lucky.” Yoona said.

“Freyja doesn’t know how to look talented idols. I am better than Hyoyeon.” Yuri said.

“Bitter.” Tiffany whispered.

“I know that Freyja sunbae did not mistake to choose Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon is very talented and I know she will do great in Freyja sunbae’s concert.” Eunhyuk said.

“I wish Freyja sunbae choose me also to participate in her concert.” Shindong said.

“That will never happen. Freyja sunbae always choose the idol that has looks and talented.” Yoona said.

“If Freyja is like that why did she chose Hyoyeon?” Yuri interferes again.

“You should call her sunbae.” Tiffany said.

“And Hyoyeon is beautiful and talented.” Eunhyuk said.

“Why are you always praising Hyoyeon?” Yuri asks Eunhyuk. “Did you have feelings for her?”

“H-Huh? Aniyo. I was just saying what I thought.” Eunhyuk said.

“We need to go now.” Shindong said.

“See you later.” Donghae said.

“I think Eunhyuk oppa likes Hyoyeon.” Yoona said to Tiffany.

“Aish! Why is everyone likes her?” Yuri irritated said and left the room. “What is something about her that the people like her? I should do something to hate her.”

Then Yuri thought of something.

“Maybe if I search her background, I might find out something.” Yuri said and smile evilly.

Thank you for the comments guys! Love it! I'll update more soon...

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Chapter 27: This story is amazing eventhough Yuri is annoying sometimes,i still like her role hete^^
Kindheart #4
immmmm a number one fan of hyoyeon
Chapter 26: Kyaaaaaa.....so cute the story.....wah...like junhyo.....so cute (*^﹏^*)
JunHyoandSpartAce #8
Chapter 26: happy ending for everyone .. awh .. finaly hyoyeon confess her true feelings.. more fanfic about junhyo , please .. hee
Chapter 7: This story is so gooood <3
I want to keep reading but I have to sleep now *-*
I have so much to learn from you!
Great job! ^^
I love it is it so cute