Little Hyoyeon

Hyoyeon's Only Wish

Hyoyeon was just finished her photo shoot in a magazine when Junho came.

“Hey.” Junho said.

Hyoyeon just smile. She really misses Junho. She never had a chance to see him again after the party.

The two are both busy with their own career.

“Are you here for a photo shoot?” Hyoyeon asks.

“Aniyo. I came here to invite you for a dinner.” Junho said.

Hyoyeon looks at her wristwatch. It is 6:30 pm.

“Are you busy?” Junho asks.

“Aniyo. This is my last work for today.” Hyoyeon said.

“Then, let’s go.” Junho said.


“Sorry about last time.” Junho said while they are now in the restaurant.

“Sorry for what?” Hyoyeon asks.

“At the party, remember? I wasn’t able to congratulate you.” Junho said.

“Oh that? Don’t mind it. You already gave me flowers so it is ok.” Hyoyeon said. “And besides, Yuki looks like happy to see you again.”

“Don’t mention her name please.” Junho said.

“Why? She is your ex. Aren’t you happy to see her?” Hyoyeon said.

“How about you? Are you happy to see me with her?” Junho asks.

Hyoyeon was surprised of sudden question came from Junho. She wasn’t expecting those kind of questions.


“Did you leave the party because you are jealous?” Junho asks.

‘Not another hard question!’ Hyoyeon thought.

“Silence mean yes.” Junho said.

“A-Aniyo! I-I just don’t like seeing you with her again because……” Hyoyeon can’t continue her words. What will she gonna say?

“Because?” Junho said.

“Oh ok. I am jealous. Happy?” she said.

Junho smiled. “I’m glad you are jealous.”

“It isn’t funny.” Hyoyeon said.

“It is not funny but I am happy. I am happy because you are jealous and it means that you like me.” Junho said.

Hyoyeon pinches Junho’s nose. “Araso. Araso. I am jealous. So, don’t try to get close again with that girl, ok?”

“Ne.” Junho said.

The two smiled and continue their dinner.


After the dinner, Hyoyeon decided to go home.

“Thanks for the dinner.” Hyoyeon said.

“Tomorrow again?” Junho asks.

“I can’t. I have lots of schedules tomorrow.” Hyoyeon said.

Junho pouted.

Hyoyeon pinches his cheeks. “Aigoo… You are so cute.” She said. “Go home now. Drive safely.”

“Ne. Annyeong.” Junho said and left with his car.

Hyoyeon was opening the door when she saw someone move from the dark side.

“Who is there?” she asks.

Then, a little girl came out from the dark.

“Who are you, little girl?” she asks.

“Do you live here?” the little girl asks.

“Ne. Do you know who lives here?” Hyoyeon asks.

“Ne. My mommy.” The little girl said.

“Your mommy? Do you know her name?” she asks.

“Ne. She is Freyja Norse.” The little girl said.

Hyoyeon gasped because of shocked. Freyja has a daughter?


Freyja tiredly went home. She was tired because she joined a variety show which is all about working in a village.

“Unnie, at last you are home.” Hyoyeon said who opened the door for her.

“Why?” she tiredly asks.

“You have a visitor.” Hyoyeon said.

Freyja notices Hyoyeon holding a cup of milk.

“Are you going to sleep after drinking that?” Freyja asks while removing her shoes.

“Aniyo. It is for the visitor.” Hyoyeon said.

Freyja looks at Hyoyeon. “A milk?” Freyja asks.

Hyoyeon nodded.

Freyja senses something is wrong. She quickly gets inside the house and went straight to the living room.

She first saw the flat screen TV opened and the show is cartoons. Then, she saw a little girl watching from the sofa.

The little girl saw her and smiled. “Mommy!” the little girl shouts and runs towards her.

“H-Hyoyeon-ah…” Freyja said.

Hyoyeon was just watching them.


Hyoyeon was now sitting at the one-seated sofa while she is looking at Freyja and her daughter, who happened to have the same name as her.

“Wow! You two are lookalike except for the eyes. I know I’ve seen those eyes somewhere.” Hyoyeon said. “Who’s the father?”

“He’s dead now. He jumped in the cliff after I told him about her.” Freyja said while looking at her daughter.

Hyoyeon gasped.

“Hyo, please don’t tell anyone about her. I, my manager, Uncle Odin, Frigg and Vali are the only one know about her.” Freyja said.

“But why?” Hyoyeon asks.

“I want my daughter to live a normal life not like a celebrity. If the people know about her they will start following her.” Freyja said.

“I understand. I will keep it a secret.” Hyoyeon said.

“Gomaweoh.” Freyja said. “By the way baby, why are you here? Who brought you here? You are supposed to be in America.”

“I’m alone but Yuki unnie waited me from the airport and brought me here. She told me that I was just waiting for you outside your house.” Freyja’s daughter said.

“Aish… That brat again. I knew she will do this.” Freyja whispered.

“Mommy, are you mad because I went here? I’m sorry.” Freyja’s daughter said.

“Aniyo baby. It is my fault why you are in America while I am here. Don’t worry; you will gonna stay here with me from now on.” Freyja said.

“Really?” Freyja’s daughter asks.

“Ne.” Freyja said.

Her daughter hugs her because finally she will be with her mom again.

Hyoyeon was happy to see them. ‘When will I get married? I want to have kids too.’ She thought.

In SNSD, Hyoyeon was the one who wanted to get married soon but because of their work it will be hard.

She decided to leave the two alone and went to her room.


On the next day, Hyoyeon woke up early to prepare their breakfast. She was surprised to see Freyja in a rush.

“Unnie, why in a rush?” she asks.

“I forgot that I have a schedule this morning.” Freyja said while running around getting her things. “Hyo, could you take care of my daughter today? You don’t have a work today, right?”

“Sure no problem.” Hyoyeon said.

“Ok bye!” Freyja said. “Oh! I forgot! If someone asks who she is, just tell them that she’s my niece.”

And after that Freyja left.

Hyoyeon decided to prepare their breakfast.

Then, she saw Freyja’s daughter going out from Freyja’s room.

“Good morning.” Hyoyeon greets.

“Good morning.” The little girl said. She sat on a chair facing Hyoyeon who is busy cooking. “Is my mommy already left?”

“Ne.” Hyoyeon said.

“Hyoyeon unnie.” The little girl called.

“Ne Hyoyeon-ah?” Hyoyeon said and find it awkward. It is awkward to say her name to the other person.

“Awkward isn’t it?” the little girl asks.

“Ne.” Hyoyeon said.

“How about I will call you Hyo unnie while you call me Yeon?” the little girl asks.

“Good idea, Yeon.” Hyoyeon said. “Oh! Do you want to come with me somewhere? I can’t leave you alone here.”

“Ok.” Yeon said.


After breakfast, Hyoyeon and Freyja’s daughter went first in the company to get Hyoyeon’s schedule for next week.

“We will get first my schedule for next week and then we will go to the amusement park. Ok?” Hyoyeon said while they are waiting for the elevator.

When the elevator door opens, Vali and Frigg came out.

“Annyeong Hasaeyo!” Hyoyeon greets.

“Anneong-” the two stops when they saw the little girl.

“Omo! I-Is that?” Vali said.

“Annyeong Hasaeyo Vali oppa and Frigg unnie.” Yeon greets.

“Omo! Why are you here?” Frigg asks. “And why are you with her?”

“Unnie, I already know about her and Freyja unnie ask me to take care of her today.” Hyoyeon whispered to her.

“Ah… I see.” Frigg said. “Where are you two going?”

“I will get my schedule to Loki oppa.” Hyoyeon said.

“L-Loki?” Vali asks.

“Ne.” Hyoyeon said. “Why?”

“You go alone there. We will take her in the coffee shop. Just go there after you get the schedule.” Frigg said and holds the little girl’s hand.

“O-Ok.” Hyoyeon said. She gets inside the elevator. “Yeon-ah, wait for me, ok? I’ll be back later.”

“Ne, Hyo unnie.” Yeon said.


Hyoyeon didn’t take too long in getting her schedule. When she got it she left already.

While inside the elevator, she calls Seohyun.

“Seohyun-ah, where are you?” Hyoyeon asks when Seohyun answers the call.

“I am now in CF filming with unnies.” Seohyun said.

“Is that so? Do you have free time later?” she asks.

“Ne. But oppa said that we need to stay in the dorm.” Seohyun said.

“Ok good. I’ve decided to prepare a dinner for all of you.” Hyoyeon said.


“Ne. I’ll be on your dorm at 6:00.” Hyoyeon said.

“Ok! I’ll tell them.” Seohyun said.

“Ok. See you later.” Hyoyeon said.


Hyoyeon went to the coffee shop where Vali, Frigg and Yeon are. She saw them eating chocolate cake.

“Hyo unnie, do you want some?” Yeon asks.

“No thanks, Yeon-ah.” Hyoyeon said.

“Cool. You made nicknames to both of you. It is awkward to call each other in the same name.” Vali said.

“Oppa, unnie, we need to go now. I will bring Yeon-ah to the amusement park.” Hyoyeon said.

“Ah ok. Enjoy.” Frigg said.


Junho was waiting for Hyoyeon outside the amusement park. She texted a while ago and said that she was on her way now.

Then, she saw Hyoyeon running towards him with a little girl?

“Are we late?” Hyoyeon asks.

“Aniyo.” Junho said but looking at the little girl.

“Oh! Junho, she is Hyoyeon, she is Freyja unnie’s niece.” Hyoyeon said.

“Annyeong!” Junho greets.

“Annyeong Hasaeyo.” Yeon greets.

“Let’s go.” Hyoyeon said.


Junho bought ride-all-you-can tickets for them.

“Yeon-ah, where do you want to ride first?” Junho asks.

“The carousel!” Yeon said.

“Carousel, here we go!” Junho said. Junho holds Yeon’s hand while Hyoyeon holds the other hand of Yeon.

They look like a family and the fans are taking pictures of them.

“Who is that little girl?” “Is she their daughter?” those are the questions of the people that saw them.


It was already night when Hyoyeon and Freyja’s daughter came home. Freyja hasn’t returning home from work so Hyoyeon takes care of Freyja’s daughter until she was asleep.

Freyja returned home late at night. She looks at her room and her daughter wasn’t there. She decided to look at Hyoyeon’s room and she saw the two sleeping on Hyoyeon’s bed. She gently closes the door and went to her room to take a rest.

Sorry for keeping you waiting... Hope you like the chapter and sorry for some wrong grammars

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Chapter 27: This story is amazing eventhough Yuri is annoying sometimes,i still like her role hete^^
Kindheart #4
immmmm a number one fan of hyoyeon
Chapter 26: cute the cute (*^﹏^*)
JunHyoandSpartAce #8
Chapter 26: happy ending for everyone .. awh .. finaly hyoyeon confess her true feelings.. more fanfic about junhyo , please .. hee
Chapter 7: This story is so gooood <3
I want to keep reading but I have to sleep now *-*
I have so much to learn from you!
Great job! ^^
I love it is it so cute