Chapter 8: Let Me Get To Know You

Your Blood Is My Drug(HIATUS)
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A/N: hey guys here I am with chapter 8! Sorry for not being able to post sooner but I've had so many ideas for the story plus ideas for upcoming stories so yeah forgive meXD but anyways I hope you enjoy and thanks everyone for subscribing:) and people that haven't please do because there are more exciting and interesting chapters to come :) __________________________ Luhan pov   I woke up and my stomach was aching. I needed some blood. I had forgot to get some before I went to bed last night and I guess now it was getting to me. Pushing myself out of bed I walked into the kitchen to get some of the blood that suho had provided a couple days ago. I took a few drinks and then sat the bottle back in the fridge. I walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. It looked like it was late in the afternoon. Pulling my phone out I checked the time. 6pm! We've really slept that long! We usually get up a little earlier then that. And..! I also forgot that in about 2 more hours I was supposed to be meeting sehun at the coffee shop. Grabbing my phone I walked back toward my room looking for the pants I had worn yesterday. Finally finding them in the heap of clothes that they were in (yeah I wasn't the neatest vampire) I searched the pockets until the crumbled up piece of paper with his number was now in my hands. I quickly punched in his number saving it to my contacts.wasnt I the popular one I only had 4 contacts in my phone. Once it was saved in there I pulled up the new message tab and typed a quick message. L: Hey A few minutes passed and then I felt a vibration from a new text. S: Who is this? Oh crap I forgot I hadn't given him my number so he didn't know that it was me. L: Oh sorry. It's luhan. From yesterday.  S: Oh hey! :) L: hey. So we still having a coffee? S:yeah :) I was starting to think you had forgotten. L: no:) I've just been resting S: This late?? What are you a vampire or something XD L: would you be scared if I was? S: no. I'd think that was totally cool XD  L: haha. Interesting  S: yeah:p so anyways were meeting at 8 right? L:yes S: ohkay. Well I gotta go I'm at work right now. But ill see you tonight.:) L:ok bye :) Well looks like the date was still on. Was this even a date? What exactley was this? Well whatever it was it didn't matter the fact that I was going somewhere and had actually made a new friend was a good feeling. But there was still 2 hours to kill and I had no idea what I was going to do until then. Then a thought came to mind. It's been about a week since suho had told us the news about the treaty and I'm pretty sure things were cleared up by now because there was no new warnings so I guess everything was alright for the time being. So I decided to wake up kris because I was starting to worry about him. He hasn't been up or gotten out for the past 3 days except every once in a while to get some blood and then he would just go back to sleep and personally he was starting to annoy me with his constant sulking. He needed to get out and I was going to make him. Walking toward his room I knocked on the door and got no answer so I walked in and went over to his sleeping area and shook him hard to wake him up. Payback for when he had done the same to me. "Ugh luhan go away I'm trying to sleep."  "Get up moron you've done nothing but sleep for the past 3 days and its time you got up and did something besides lay on your sulking and being melo dramatic." "Isn't that what I'm here for to sleep,be gloomy, and drink blood,that's the vampire life, oh what a wonderful life." "Dammit kris snap out of it." "Ouch why the hell did you hit me?" "Because you were starting to talk nonsense." "What is it that you want anyway luhan?" "I need you to get up off your and put some clothes on and then come with me your starting to get on my nerves with all this sulking." "But I-" "No but's come on we are going out now." "Oh really? And where the hell do you plan on going?" "The woods." ____________________________ Kris pov   "You know we are not aloud to go there right now." "So? It's been a week now and there's been no new news so I'm pretty sure that we are aloud to go now." "But-" "Kris your the one that's always saying you would never let anyone run you out of your territory and that's exactley what your doing now. You're not by any chance SCARED of Chen are you?" "Hell no!" "Then get your up and get dressed." "Ok ok ok." Dragging myself out of bed I put on some white skinnies,a white fitted v neck shirt, and some docks. I ran my fingers through my hair a few times to smooth it out a bit. It not being able to see your own reflection but I was pretty confident that I at least looked decent. Plus luhan wouldn't hesitate to tell me if something didn't look right. I stepped out of my room and waited in the living room for luhan to be ready. When he came out I noticed he was wearing a black buttoned up dress shirt with some black skinnies and docks. Also his hair was slicked  back over to one side. He looked like he was going somewhere important. "Awww Luhan boo did you get all dressed up just for me?" I said batting my lashes with most cringe worthy aegyo ever. "Yeah you wish babo." He said nudging me in the side with his elbow as he passed me. "Ouch. But why are you all dressed up anyway aren't we just going to the woods?" "Yeah and?" "Ohkayyyyy well let's go then."      The walk there was silent. But we would talk here and there every now and then. Finally approaching the woods we walked all the way to the deep part until you got to the big rock that was layed out. We climbed on there until we were comfortably situated and then sat there. We looked up at the sky to see faint specks of the stars that were starting to appear in the sky the more that the sun started to set and just let the silence consume us.  That's just how things were with me and luhan. We didn't need to speak. This place alone was enough to relax us. And it was all I needed to feel at peace for just alittle while. This is what I had needed and luhan could tell that it had been bothering me. I guess I just needed that first push because no matter how badly I wanted to come here I just couldn't get myself to come. But now that I was here I could let all my troubles drift away. Except for one.  "Luhan?" "Yeah?" "What's it like?" "What's what like?" "To be inlove." "Um what?" "What is it like? How did you know you loved valarie how do you know when you love someone?" "Why do you want to know I thought you don't need love." "Can you just tell me luhan." "Ok well first off you can't stop thinking about that person, it feels as if time has stopped everytime you look into eachothers eyes, you feel like no one else is there except for the two of you, and they make you feel this special feeling inside that no one ever was able to. And every touch sends chills up your spine sending you into a frenzy driving you crazy because you know you can't live without there touch" "Whoah that's so....mushy I might puke." "Well you asked." "Yeah." Yeah I did ask. And I wish I never had because everything he had just described is how I was feeling toward that boy. And it WAS driving me crazy I needed to see him again. "But kris?" "Hmmm?" "Why did you want to know?" "Uhh I uh- just curious I guess." "You know this past week you've changed a lot." "Yeah yeah yeah don't remind me
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next chapter posts today:) hope you enjoy and thank you for the support of my story :)


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Chapter 24: Omg no don't end this now!!!! I love the story<3 I need more:)!!
Chapter 6: I really love this <3 It's taken btw not tooken lol :)
ale123 #3
Chapter 24: Omg! I can't wait to see what happen next now that both couple are together! Please don't end this!
Chapter 24: i read this during science and i was screaming inside like.. AHHHHH!...And when it got to ..i couldent take it so i ask to go the bathroom so i can scream and fangirl... LOL and dont end the story so soon kris and tao just apoligized and they got back in loveee.. so at least 5 or 10 chapter more then they should get married! then the sequel... so yeah Update soon! ^.^
ale123 #5
This seem really interesting! I can't wait to see what happen next! Please update soon :)
Chapter 23: taoris feels are going crazy!....I SENSE A COMMING ON HAHA XD.......Update soon! :)
Chapter 22: Just take your time ^-^
Chapter 22: Girlllll.... you need to slow down. only work on one book at a time! because if you work on 5 differnt books then you might get mixed up then you will get lost. so work with one book then go to the next. :)
Chapter 9: Good story so far for me ^-^ I'll just have to keep on reading :P
basmabibi #10
Chapter 21: Plz tao give kris another chance . I really want to see some romantice scene . Good job author-nim I love your fics ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡