Chapter 10: You Tempt Me (Part 1)

Your Blood Is My Drug(HIATUS)
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A/N: warning!! This chapter may be super long so if it is it will be in two parts since I do have to keep up with two couples after all :P but sorry for the sorta long wait here is chapter 10 and I hope you enjoy what I have for you ! ^^ _p.s naughty stuff ahead you have been warned lol_________________________   Kris Pov "Hey little bro." I said sitting on the couch next to luhan.  "Hey kris." "Did you sleep well?" "Yeah you?" "Mhmm I needed the rest. Did you already get your dose of blood or do you want me to get some for you." "No I'm good... Kris?" "Yeah?" "Are you ok?" "I'm fine why?" "You just seem alittle...idk giddy." "Giddy?" "Nevermind nevermind." How was I being giddy. Was it bad just because I was checking up on my bro. Ok maybe it was alittle out of my character but I wasn't giddy. Definently not. "Oh ok so you'd rather me be an ok." Shoving luhan in his side I pulled him into a head lock and started ruffling his hair. "Ouch stop it kris, now your just being annoying." "Say please." "Over my dead body." "Luhan your already dead." "Just let go of me before I kill you." "Again to late for that." "Just freaking let me go!" "Please kris..that's all it takes." "Please kris...." "What was that? I couldn't really hear you." "Please kris!" "Ok ok." Letting him go from my grasp  I reached over to fix his hair. "Now was that so hard." "Your an ." "Where are you going?" "To my room." Did I really piss him off that bad I was just kidding.  "Wait luhan." "What?" "Are you mad? You know I was just joking around." "No I'm not mad kris ok." "Ohkay..." I watched as luhan walked into the next room shutting his door behind him. He knew that I was joking right? He had said he wasn't mad but I could tell he really was. If he was I just needed to leave him alone he'd be fine after awhile. Deciding that just sitting here alone and bored wasnt going to help me any I went into my room to get my phone. I remember I'm supposed to meet up with tao tonight but I didn't know what time. When I reached my room I grabbed my phone from the table next to my bed and sat on the bed. I opened up the new messages and sent him a quick message. K: Hey it's kris. From yesterday. A few minutes passed before I got a reply. T: hey kris:) K: we still on for tonight? T: yeah definently. When do you want to meet? K: it doesn't matter to me...when are you free? T: well my shift ends at 7:30 so we can meet there at 8 if your available then K:I'm available.  T: good good ;) well gotta get back to work ill see you later. K: see you later T:can't wait ;) Well how should I reply to that? Well I guess I could only reply the two words that I was really feeling.  K: me too      I checked the time, it was 7:00 now so I had an hour before I'd be meeting with Tao so I decided to get ready and then maybe check up on luhan before I left just to be sure he wasn't mad at me. Grabbing what I was going to wear tonight which consisted of a white button up shirt with some black skinnies that had chains hooked and attached to them, and black and white docks. I took the clothes and took a quick shower. __________________________ Luhan Pov   Gosh kris knew I hated when he treated me like a little kid. But the whole situation was soon forgotten when I got a new message from sehun.   S: heyy hottie ;P L: heyy hunhun;) S: when are we meeting? Or when do you want to meet? :) L: hmmm how about 8 is that alright with you?  S: yeah that's fine:) L: alright well ill see you then :) S:yes you will ;) Laying my phone down I found myself smiling at nothing. In an hour I would be meeting up with sehun and I'd be lieing if I said I wasn't kinda excited. I had to start getting ready soon. Kris was in the main shower but good thing we had like 3 bathrooms. Grabbing what I was going to wear, a black fitted long sleeve button up shirt, black skinnies with rips and safety pins in them I grabbed the clothes and headed to the other bathroom to take a shower.      After I was finished showering and had put on all my clothes, chains,shoes and had fixed my hair I was confident that I looked alright. I wanted to go ask kris if I looked ok but I don't know if he thought I was still mad at him. I guess asking him would show that I wasn't, which I never really was I was just alittle annoyed then. Grabbing my phone I checked the time it was 7:45 now so I would have just enough time to be on time to meet sehun. Putting my phone in my pocket I stepped out of my room and went to Kris's room. I slowly opened up the door and turned the light on. I was expecting him to be in bed and yell at me to turn the light off but instead I herd his voice behind me. "Looking for me?" " going somewhere ?" "Yeah I'm actually about to leave now." "Oh. Well I just wanted to tell you that I wasn't mad." "I figured you wouldn't be, you can't stay mad at this face." I smiled at his sarcastic remark.  "Yeah don't push it." "So are you going somewhere too?" "Yeah I was about to leave too." "Well isn't that a coincidence." "Where are you going ge ge?" "Just out for awhile. You tell me to get out more so here's me going out.." "True it's about time you finally listened to me." "Mhmm and where are you going to?" "Just the coffee shop." "Alone?" "Well not exactley." "Ahh I see are you going with your 'friend' sehun?" He said using his hands to make quotes over the word friend. "Yes just my 'friend' sehun." I replyed the quotations. "Well have fun." "Yeah you too. Don't get drunk." "What? Why would I get drunk?" "Kris I'm not stupid your going to the club. Have fun though." "Wait how did you know?" "Have you already forgotten I can read your mind you idiot." A smile forming when I saw Kris's I'm stupid look.  "Don't worry kris I only read what I want to know and luckily in your case that's not much." "Yeah yeah just get on out of the house before I strangle you." "Meany." I said sticking my tounge out at him.  "Oh hush you know deep down I love you luhan." "Yeah." So we both exited the mansion going our seperate ways kris was on his way to the club and I was on my way to sehun. __________________________ Kris Pov   By the time I got to
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next chapter posts today:) hope you enjoy and thank you for the support of my story :)


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Chapter 24: Omg no don't end this now!!!! I love the story<3 I need more:)!!
Chapter 6: I really love this <3 It's taken btw not tooken lol :)
ale123 #3
Chapter 24: Omg! I can't wait to see what happen next now that both couple are together! Please don't end this!
Chapter 24: i read this during science and i was screaming inside like.. AHHHHH!...And when it got to ..i couldent take it so i ask to go the bathroom so i can scream and fangirl... LOL and dont end the story so soon kris and tao just apoligized and they got back in loveee.. so at least 5 or 10 chapter more then they should get married! then the sequel... so yeah Update soon! ^.^
ale123 #5
This seem really interesting! I can't wait to see what happen next! Please update soon :)
Chapter 23: taoris feels are going crazy!....I SENSE A COMMING ON HAHA XD.......Update soon! :)
Chapter 22: Just take your time ^-^
Chapter 22: Girlllll.... you need to slow down. only work on one book at a time! because if you work on 5 differnt books then you might get mixed up then you will get lost. so work with one book then go to the next. :)
Chapter 9: Good story so far for me ^-^ I'll just have to keep on reading :P
basmabibi #10
Chapter 21: Plz tao give kris another chance . I really want to see some romantice scene . Good job author-nim I love your fics ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡