Chapter 6: Never Catch A Break

Your Blood Is My Drug(HIATUS)
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A/N:so my perspective on vampires will be alittle different then your typical vampire.For me they can walk in daylight but the longer they stay out the more exhausted and drained they feel.And if there out for too long then they could die. i get this perspective sorta from the movie the lost boys with a mix of my own prefrence on vampires :) anyways just thought id tell you so you know why these vampires are out in the day time :P



The woods. This is the one place i knew i could come to to get away from all my troubles. i knew the perfect spot. i walked all the way to the back part of the woods where there was thhe least amount of sun. I kept walking til you got to this big area with a large rock that you could sit on.i would come here and just sit there when i needed to think about things. Usually i come at night so i could look up at the stars, and not have to worry about the sun, but i needed to think or maybe not think and just relax right now. Climbing onto the rock i propped myself on it until i was comfortable. I shut my eyes and began to drift off into thoughts that would get my mind off the one thought that has been driving me crazy for the past 2 days....the boy at the club.

*crack*snap* my eyes darted open as i herd the sounds of cracking branches and snapping of twigs. Someone else was here. I climbed off the rock and listened for the direction the sounds were coming from. But no more sounds came. I started to turn the direction i had come heading out of the woods.

CRASH. That was when i collided with someone and fell over from the impact. damn how could i not have seen that coming. As i was getting up to atleast a sitting position i saw the person trying to come near me to see if i was ok but i couldnt make out the face that well.

"oh no! are you ok? im so sorry, i shouldve been looking..are you hurt?"

The person kept throwing out sentence after sentence.

"yes i'm fine don't worry...."

but my words were lost as my vision was becoming more clear and i looked up and was now staring straight into the face that i never thought i would see again. The raven haired boy with the pale soft skin, that dark stare that was so intense but at the same time soft and relaxed. But that neck, i could never forget that neck that had practically drove me mad.He was wearing a black fitted long sleeve shirt,some black and white skinnies,and white docks. he had studded braclets and chains and that choker. That damn choker. I could tell that he too had realized it was me from that night because his stare was that of shock and a little suprised.



Here i was staring back at the guy id seen only 2 days ago. The guy i thought id never see again. Now that i was seeing him for the first time up close he was actually very hansome. he had blond-ish/brown hair, deep brown eyes, his skin was very pale and looked soft and touchable, and full lips. He looked like a character from the manga i read. He was the mysterious one that you knew nothing about but you felt a special connection with them anyway. That's how i feel toward him. I dont know anything about him at all except the fact that we had danced together at a club, Yet i feel something pulling me toward him. I had been lost in these thoughts that i had forgot i was still holding onto his shoulders from when i was checking to see if he was ok,and that he ws staring at me with a curious look. Taking my hands off of his shoulders i stood up and held my hand out to him.

"Again i'm really sorry."

"Don't be." He said as he took his hand in mine and i helped him up. One thing i remember about him was definently his hands. they were always as cold as ice.

"So i didn't think id see you again."

"What do you mean?"

"You're the one from the club right? we danced together...but then you just left all of a sudden."

"Yeah sorry for that...i just had something come up."

"It's fine after all it was just a dance." It was silent for a minute.when i noticed that he wasn't going to speak i did instead.

"So do you come here often?"


I guess he was thinking about something because I had caught him off guard with my question.

"To the woods." i chuckled lightly. "because i come here almost everyday and i've never seen anybody else here during the day."

"Well i usually come at night, It's more peaceful."

"Really you come at night? sometimes i do...sometimes ill come just to look at the stars. But i haven't seen anyone out when i'm out here."

"I guess we come on different nights."

"Well maybe i'll catch you out here on one those nights."




Am i actually having a conversation with a human right now? More importantly why am i having a conversation with this boy right now? Even more importantly why was he the only thing that that has really been on my mind these last two days? all the alarms in my head were telling me i shouldn't get involved with this human but i couldn't help it. I know that it was wrong that i was feeling this way toward a human but it somehow felt...right. Just as i was about to say somethig else a voice came into my mind. it was like they were tryin to get a message to me through there mind. the voice sounded like luhan's voice.


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next chapter posts today:) hope you enjoy and thank you for the support of my story :)


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Chapter 24: Omg no don't end this now!!!! I love the story<3 I need more:)!!
Chapter 6: I really love this <3 It's taken btw not tooken lol :)
ale123 #3
Chapter 24: Omg! I can't wait to see what happen next now that both couple are together! Please don't end this!
Chapter 24: i read this during science and i was screaming inside like.. AHHHHH!...And when it got to ..i couldent take it so i ask to go the bathroom so i can scream and fangirl... LOL and dont end the story so soon kris and tao just apoligized and they got back in loveee.. so at least 5 or 10 chapter more then they should get married! then the sequel... so yeah Update soon! ^.^
ale123 #5
This seem really interesting! I can't wait to see what happen next! Please update soon :)
Chapter 23: taoris feels are going crazy!....I SENSE A COMMING ON HAHA XD.......Update soon! :)
Chapter 22: Just take your time ^-^
Chapter 22: Girlllll.... you need to slow down. only work on one book at a time! because if you work on 5 differnt books then you might get mixed up then you will get lost. so work with one book then go to the next. :)
Chapter 9: Good story so far for me ^-^ I'll just have to keep on reading :P
basmabibi #10
Chapter 21: Plz tao give kris another chance . I really want to see some romantice scene . Good job author-nim I love your fics ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡