chapter 7: Coffee shop

Your Blood Is My Drug(HIATUS)
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A/N: Yay finally i am getting to the hunhan pairing. ^-^ so yeah that should be enough for you to know what's coming up. Enjoy,Comment,Subscribe and vote pleaaasssseeee i really appreciate it. ^^  p.s the song that's playing in the background at the coffee shop is..... Coffee shop by B.A.P :) ______________________________________________________________ Kris Pov 

Dammit this . I can't even go out at night because of chen and his stupid pack. I'm a freaking vampire and I couldn't go out at night but could go in the daytime for a few hours. Does that even make any sense. so for these next few days I was going to have to act like your regular old vampire. Sleep all day and party all night, well at least until midnight. ! Like seriously? What vampire has a damn cerfew. This was so ridiculous. Just because the wolves first home was the woods doesn't mean they can just take over the place. It was meant for both sides to reside in and even if the treaty was no longer active that part would stay the same. That was the only place I could go to to get away and I wish chen would try and push me out of my own territory.

On top of the fact that I was pissed about this whole situation I was also frustrated because something in me was wanting to see that boy again. I knew where I could find him, but the one place that I could see him again I was banned to go there for who knows how long. But why exactley did I want to see him again? Why was he making me want to just be near him. Surely i wasn't starting to have feelings for him. . What happened to the old me. The heartless prick that only cared about his next meal was how luhan liked to put it. I used to not let humans get in the way of my feelings, I used to have no feeling toward them at all, I just wanted their blood, which I couldn't even drink anymore because that ing y boy was tormenting me. I was just craving him and him only, and it wasn't exactley his blood that I was craving I just wanted him. Things were beginning to be really complicated for me right now and the one thing I could think of right now that wasn't so damn complicated was sleeping. So here I was sleeping my worthless,complicated life away.

______________________________________________________________ Luhan Pov Ever since the talk Kris and I had with Suho I had been less worried about the whole situation. After all Kris told me I shouldn't worry about anything so I was trying. Kris however was acting a bit different. I guess he was a bit down because he couldn't go to the woods often like he had before. Plus there was the fact we had to be back home by midnight if we did go anywhere and we really could only go out in the daytime which really didnt make sense. But i didn't really mind. Sometimes I missed going out to places. My vampire life is so much more different then my human life had been and sometimes i just missed the simplicity of it all. Being able to go out without having to worry about how long I could be out. I just missed the little things. But it's been a year already since i've done anything like that. While Kris was in his room sulking I decided to try and look at the brighter side of things. It has been forever since the last time i had been to the coffee shop. The last time I had been there was on the last date me and Valarie shared together. and besides the comic book store that had been my favorite place to go. The coffee was amazing and the soothing music that played made the atmosphere relaxed and comfortable. I decided maybe it was time I make a little visit back there. Grabbing the house key I walked into Kris's room to see if he was still asleep. Yep of course he was. slipping back out of his room I gently closed his door.Heading back through the living room I started toward our front door. Exiting out the house and locking the door behind me I began to walk to the coffee shop. ______________________________________________________________ Luhan Pov As I entered the coffee shop it was exactley how i remembered it. The delightful smell of the savory coffee. It has been so long since i have had the delicious and bold taste of coffee. It felt good to once again be in a familiar place. No matter if my taste was hindered a bit from being so used to blood now i still wanted to buy a coffee. Going up to the counter i ordered what i used to always have, a medum cup of brewed black coffee, with two packs of suger in it. Taking the coffee into my hands i breathed in the sweet smell. Paying the cashier I turned toward the tables in the coffee shop. I walked over to a two seated table next to the window. I couldn't be out to long but i would have just enough time to enjoy a coffee and enjoy the human life for a moment. Taking a seat i inhaled the heavenly smell once more before putting my lips to the cup to drink. Immediatley the first word that came to my mind when i took a drink was bitter. It was just that and the two packs of suger didn't cover it up to well, but it wasn't that bad. After a couple more drinks i was getting used to it. Blood was bitter too so i guess I've always had a thing for bitter taste. It felt just like old times, the soft music playing throughout the coffee shop, the fragrent smell of different types of coffee and latte's and the peace. It was always so peaceful here, that much hasn't changed. I felt like i could stay here forever but unfortunently i couldn't. I couldn't even stay outside for more then a few hours if even that. That was always a big downside of being a vampire. Taking a few more sips of coffee I leaned back in my seat tilting my head up so that it was facing the ceiling.  I closed my eyes and soaked up the peaceful atmosphere. After I had finished up the rest of my coffee i decided I should probably head on back home before the sun became a problem. Walking over to the trash i disposed of my empty cup and headed out of the coffee shop. As I was turning the corner I caught a glimpse of two people on the other end argueing. It looked pretty serious. I wasn't usually the one to ease drop on people's conversations but i couldn't help it.         I was a pretty far distance and couldn't really hear so tuning in on my vampire senses i listened closely and could now hear there voices very clearly. "Why are you being like this?" "We agreed before that we wouldn't talk to eachother during school." "What? so you can have your way with me when were alone but if we're even in the same room together while your friends are around you HAVE to treat me like ? i don't remember agreeing to that." "Why are you making a big deal out of nothing." "oh yeah it's totally nothing that your boyfriend is ashamed of you." "I'm not ashamed i just don't want people to know." "why not? what's so wrong about it? Don't you love me Kyung Soo-ah? the one named kyung soo had not answered the other boy yet. Moving a bit closer I listened more. "you know it's hard for me." "how? how can it be so hard? why do you have to care what they think?" "Because you might not care if people giv
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next chapter posts today:) hope you enjoy and thank you for the support of my story :)


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Chapter 24: Omg no don't end this now!!!! I love the story<3 I need more:)!!
Chapter 6: I really love this <3 It's taken btw not tooken lol :)
ale123 #3
Chapter 24: Omg! I can't wait to see what happen next now that both couple are together! Please don't end this!
Chapter 24: i read this during science and i was screaming inside like.. AHHHHH!...And when it got to ..i couldent take it so i ask to go the bathroom so i can scream and fangirl... LOL and dont end the story so soon kris and tao just apoligized and they got back in loveee.. so at least 5 or 10 chapter more then they should get married! then the sequel... so yeah Update soon! ^.^
ale123 #5
This seem really interesting! I can't wait to see what happen next! Please update soon :)
Chapter 23: taoris feels are going crazy!....I SENSE A COMMING ON HAHA XD.......Update soon! :)
Chapter 22: Just take your time ^-^
Chapter 22: Girlllll.... you need to slow down. only work on one book at a time! because if you work on 5 differnt books then you might get mixed up then you will get lost. so work with one book then go to the next. :)
Chapter 9: Good story so far for me ^-^ I'll just have to keep on reading :P
basmabibi #10
Chapter 21: Plz tao give kris another chance . I really want to see some romantice scene . Good job author-nim I love your fics ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡