Chapter 13: We Need To Talk

Your Blood Is My Drug(HIATUS)
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Chapter 13: We Need To Talk   Luhan Pov   "What do we need to talk about?" I said walking past kris heading toward the living room. "Who was that?" "Who was who?" "Don't play dumb you know who." I stopped walking and turned around to face kris. Dammit now there was no escaping it I had no choice but to tell him now. "Oh him...well you see that's -" "Is that sehun?" "Yeah. But how did you know?" "I remember you saying you met a friend a while back." "Oh yeah my friend.." "But you two seem a lot closer then the usual "friends" are, so what exactley is going on between you and him?" "Well-" "I'm listening." "Well were kinda together." "Together as in your..." "Yes we are dating" And here came the explosion. "Luhan are you crazy?! Or just dumb? I thought you weren't going to get involved with a human ever since valarie died." "I know and I tried really hard to keep my distance but the more I got to know him..I don't know just something changed." Suddenly the room was silent. The intense and stern look kris had was as if he was upset. That gaze never leaving his features but the tone in his voice seemed to soften as he began to speak again. "You really like him don't you?" He said  "Yes I do."I said continuing to walk to the living room kris following behind me. Sadly this conversation wasn't going to be over anytime soon so I might as well make myself comfortable. Taking a seat on one of the couches kris took a seat on the couch opposite of me.  "Why?" "I don't know there's just this feeling I get around him that I never even felt when I was with valarie." "So naive.." He said under his breath but I managed to catch the words.  "Always falling Inlove with humans. Haven't you learned the first time that nothing good comes out of getting involved with a human." "You think I can control how I feel? No I can't kris because believe me if I could what happened last night probably wouldnt have happened. " He looked at me one eyebrow raised in a questioning look. "And what exactley happened last night?" "Um that's not important." "Oh god luhan.." "No it's not what you think!" "No no no I'm just glad I was not home." "ANYWAYS! If we can get back on topic here like I was saying I can't help who I fall for." "You're focused on love to much." "So what? What's wrong with loving?" "It's not our number one priority." "And is there a vampire guide on what's our main priority and what's not?" "You have no reason to be getting smart I'm only telling you we have other responsibilities and your just to focused on hopeless romance." "It's not hopeless..." "Well looking at your experience with humans..." "Shut up kris! This time is different." "How?" He had crossed the line now. Starting toward kris I grabbed a handful of his shirt pulling him from off the couch and looked him dead in the eyes. "Kris I'm not an idiot. I know I was careless, I didn't protect valarie at a time when she needed me the most, I wasn't strong back then, but you don't have to keep throwing that fact back in my face!" "I'm not trying to-" Removing my grip from his shirt I backed a bit away from kris. "But things are different now. I won't let anyone hurt sehun. He is special. I see that in him. I really do care for him and I will do everything I can to make sure he's safe. Even if I have to risk my own life." "Don't talk nonsense surely you wouldn't risk yourself for some human." "Nothing I've said is nonsense." Kris stood up, shoving his hands in his pockets he glared at me with his signature aggravation look. He was annoyed no doubt. Sighing deeply he spoke. "Well you make sure you protect him well." Well that was not the response I was expecting. I stood here staring at kris waiting for him to protest and argue but he never spoke. After minutes of silence passed between us he finally spoke. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" "Sorry I was just expecting you to keep argueing and try to convince me to stop this relationship." "Why would I do that?" "Because you hate humans." "I don't hate them I just-" "Well I know you wouldn't give them a second look." "Hey that's-" "The truth. Or what? Have you all of a sudden met someone too?" "I'm not going to get into details about my personal life with you right now." "Then why should I have to tell you about mine?" "Because your my little brother." "I'm not a kid anymore I can handle myself, what you need to worry about is yourself." "What do you mean by that?" "Chen." "Ha I can handle that ." "Maybe." "Actually luhan your the one that needs to be careful you know he's had his eye on you lately...which is why I don't want you going out to the woods either unless I'm with you." "Since when did you become my dad?" "I'll act like one if I have to." "No need for that." "Anyways you stop changing the subject, I'll tell you this, you might be suprised at the fact that I'm not that upset that your dating a human in fact I might be ok with it." "Re-really?" "Yes and no matter what my reason the point is that I am. I can't stop you from likeing a's your choice." And as
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next chapter posts today:) hope you enjoy and thank you for the support of my story :)


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Chapter 24: Omg no don't end this now!!!! I love the story<3 I need more:)!!
Chapter 6: I really love this <3 It's taken btw not tooken lol :)
ale123 #3
Chapter 24: Omg! I can't wait to see what happen next now that both couple are together! Please don't end this!
Chapter 24: i read this during science and i was screaming inside like.. AHHHHH!...And when it got to ..i couldent take it so i ask to go the bathroom so i can scream and fangirl... LOL and dont end the story so soon kris and tao just apoligized and they got back in loveee.. so at least 5 or 10 chapter more then they should get married! then the sequel... so yeah Update soon! ^.^
ale123 #5
This seem really interesting! I can't wait to see what happen next! Please update soon :)
Chapter 23: taoris feels are going crazy!....I SENSE A COMMING ON HAHA XD.......Update soon! :)
Chapter 22: Just take your time ^-^
Chapter 22: Girlllll.... you need to slow down. only work on one book at a time! because if you work on 5 differnt books then you might get mixed up then you will get lost. so work with one book then go to the next. :)
Chapter 9: Good story so far for me ^-^ I'll just have to keep on reading :P
basmabibi #10
Chapter 21: Plz tao give kris another chance . I really want to see some romantice scene . Good job author-nim I love your fics ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡