Chapter 7

Lovely Liars

“What am I going to do until 5.” Aaesook wondered as she walked around the city, kicking pebbles as she walked. Aaesook glanced at her watch that read 1:00 P.M. and sighed. “There's nothing much to do before W.R.A.T.H. meetings.”

She continued to walk aimlessly, passing by random shops, restaurants, and buildings. At one point she came across Kyo Jin and Min Hi's school and smiled slyly. “Maybe I should pull a little prank.” She arrived at the front gate where two teachers stood guard, Aaesook frowned upon seeing this. She shook her head, realizing how much work it would actually take to do a simple prank and walked away.


She continued to walk when she came across a huge lot of grass where people of all ages played sports or relaxed in shade. She smiled and took out her phone and texted someone rapidly. In minutes, a tall young man came running.


“Sook! What's with this urgent message? What's wrong?” The tall figure yelled.


Aaesook smiled as she watched her guy best friend sprinting toward her. “Eunhyuk you're slow! What took you so long!”


Eunhyuk's eyes narrowed as he stopped in front of her, crossing his arms, “Excuse me, I came here in 5 minutes.”


“5 minutes too slow for my taste.” Aaesook shot back with a smirk on her face.


“Well I'm here anyway. What was so urgent that I had to run here like my life depended on it?” Eunhyuk questioned as he breathed heavily trying to catch his breath from running.


Aaesook then put on an annoyed face as she looked at Eunhyuk. “I almost died.”


Eunhyuk looked at her with confusion, taken aback by what she said, “What? You almost died? How? What? How were you able to text me?”


Aaesook looked to the floor then looked up and smiled at him widely, “I almost died...from boredom.”


“Are you... seriously kidding me?” Eunhyuk stood there glaring at Aaesook. Aaesook shrugged her shoulders as she smiled at Eunhyuk, receiving a slight punch in the arm.


“You're an idiot.” Eunhyuk remarked as he stood there shaking his head.


Aaesook chuckled, “Not as much of an idiot as you who thought I could be hurt or in trouble.”


“Hey it can happen one day.” Eunhyuk retorted back as he looked around him. “Umm so what were you expecting us to do now that I'm here?”


Aaesook pointed at the grass lot to a group of guys playing soccer. “To play a game against them.”


“Ahh I see.” Eunhyuk nodded as a twinkle of determination formed in his eyes.


“Getting excited?” Aaesook commented as she saw the look in his eyes.


“You know it.” He stated confidently and looked toward her. “You ready to do what we do best?”


“Why even ask? You must not be ready.” Aaesook yelled as she already started sprinting toward the group of guys.


“Woah woah wait for me!” Eunhyuk exclaimed as he ran after her.


Aaesook reached the group of guys just as they were about to start a new game of soccer, Eunhyuk followed close behind. They eyed her oddly as one of them approached her, “Did you want something?”


Aaesook frowned, not liking the attitude coming from the guy. “Well actually I was going to ask if my friend and I can challenge you in a game, but it doesn't seem you guys are worth our time.” She stated bluntly as she turned to walk away.


The guy annoyed by being told off by a girl reached to grab her arm. “Excuse me? I'm sure my friends and I can beat you hands down.”


Aaesook got out of the guys grasp as she glared at him, “I'm sure you wouldn't be able to handle it. But I'm always up for a challenge.”


The guy laughed mockingly as he stared down at Aaesook. “Alright then, let's do it. You and your friend against me and my friend.”


“Don't regret it.” Aaesook said bluntly as she walked toward one end of the field with Eunhyuk.


The guy shook his head in annoyance as he looked toward the rest of the guys. “Hey Lay! Come here and play with me!”


Lay came running forward, bringing the ball with him as he stood next to the first guy. “We're going to play against a girl? Uhh how do you want to do this Tao?” Lay questioned as he glanced toward Aaesook and Eunhyuk who talked quietly amongst themselves.


“It doesn't matter how, this girl is probably just a hot-head with a big ego.” Tao answered with amusement. “Let's just go easy on her.”


Lay laughed, “Sure sure, I don't want to be the reason for a girl to go home crying.”


“Same.” Tao chuckled as he looked toward Aaesook and Eunhyuk. “Are you guys ready?” he yelled across the field to them.


“We've been ready. Hurry up you sloths!” Aaesook replied back causing Tao and Lay to frown as the other guys in the group laughed silently to themselves.


“She's going to get it.” Tao grumbled as he took the ball from Lay, threw it to the ground and kicked it as hard as he could.


In the blink of an eye, the ball had returned his direction, passing right by him with Eunhyuk running ahead, receiving the ball.


Lay and Tao shocked, moved quickly, Lay sprinting toward Eunhyuk and Tao heading toward Aaesook, who, in turn, was already running toward the goal post.


Aaesook looked back to see Tao close behind and laughed, “Did we scare you?”


Tao growled in response as he increased his speed. Eunhyuk by then had kicked the ball toward Aaesook, who easily accepted it and kicked. The ball curved right into the goal post then stopped motionless. Aaesook ran toward Eunhyuk and high fived him, laughing and walking back toward their own goal post.


“Tao, what the heck was that?” Lay mumbled as he breathed heavily.


“Don't worry about it. We weren't ready.” Tao confirmed as he stretched out his body. “We'll get them next time.”


30 minutes went by as Aaesook and Eunhyuk continued to score on Tao and Lay. By the end of 5 minutes the score was 15-7.


“Tao this doesn't make any sense, it's not possible. We need 'him' to play.” Lay complained as sweat dripped down his face, not understanding how the situation could come to this.


Tao wiped his sweat as he responded annoyed, “Well he's not here Lay. I would have asked him to play if he was here.”


Lay sighed as he looked up in exhaustion, then smiled. “Well we can as of now, look who decided to come.”


Tao looked toward his direction as he saw a small blonde male walking with hands in his pockets toward the dumbfounded group of guys.


Both Tao and Lay headed toward the group of guys as well. Aaesook and Eunhyuk on the other side of the field looked at them confused. Aaesook looked at where the two were headed then noticed the blonde head. “Luhan.” Aaesook whispered as she let out an amused chuckle.


“Huh? What did you say Sook?” Eunhyuk asked looking at her as he breathed steadily.


“Oh nothing.”


After some talking, Tao returned with Luhan next to him. Tao smiled confidently as he faced Aaesook and Eunhyuk. “We have a sub, if you don't mind.”


Aaesook smirked as she looked at Eunhyuk, then Tao, and finally Luhan. “I actually do mind. This isn't very fair considering we don't have subs.”


“That's not my problem now is it?” Tao retorted, his smile getting bigger and bigger.


Luhan then looked at Tao and sighed, “I don't want to play right now.”


Tao looked at him confused, “What? Dude you said you would.”


Luhan smiled, “Yeah for sure I will, but not now.” He looked toward Aaesook and gave her a charming smile and even a slight wink.


Aaesook looked at him with disgust, “What do you mean not now?” Aaesook questioned.


“I'd rather challenge you when you're at full energy, it will be..more fun.” Luhan stated calmly as he pointed to Tao. “You were able to beat him easily with full energy.”


Tao frowned, “What the heck man.”


Luhan ignored him as he continued to talk, “ You look pretty worn out right now too. I want to see your full potential. What do you say to playing a game sometime in the future?”


Aaesook smiled and nodded her head, “I'll agree to that. It seems like he knows how to play fair.” Aaesook commented, giving accusing glances at Tao.


Tao rolled his eyes as he walked away, leaving Luhan with Aaesook and Eunhyuk.


Eunhyuk glanced over at Luhan, “Umm what day do you have in mind?”


Luhan looked toward Eunhyuk, acknowledging his existence for the first time. “Why? Do you have a problem with any day?”


Eunhyuk laughed slightly, “A bit, I have a job I have to go to some days.”


Luhan nodded, “Well no problem, I'm actually a bit busy too. I have a few dates with some lovely ladies.” He laughed as he emphasized the last sentence in arrogance.


“Dates? Ladies? Plural?” Eunhyuk questioned in shock and looked at him oddly. Luhan smiled, opening his mouth to answer when Aaesook suddenly interrupted.


“Well anyway, we'll just be going. The day of the challenge will be settled whenever both of us come here. Is that alright?” Aaesook said wanting no further interaction between Eunhyuk and Luhan, thinking it might interfere with her assignment later.


Both males nodded their heads in agreement, “Sure. Whatever the miss wants.” Luhan smiled as he walked away, hands in pockets.


After he disappeared, Eunhyuk looked at Aaesook curiously, “What's up? You seem very..umm, thinky.”


Aaesook laughed, “Thinky? Really?”


“What? You are being..thinky. Geez.” Eunhyuk commented as he stretched his arms.


“I just don't like playboys, you know that.” Aaesook replied as she started walking toward the entrance of the lot.


Eunhyuk nodded his head in agreement, “True. What do you want to do now?”


Aaesook eyed the buildings around the lot to find many restaurants and smiled, “Let's go eat.”


“Now I completely agree with that.” Eunhyuk laughed as they walked into the restaurant together.



“Ji Eul, when does Kyo Jin end school again?” Ha Ni questioned as they stood at the entrance of the school, waiting for the last bell to ring.


“Around 3, so in about 5 minutes.” Ji Eul confirmed as she glanced at her watch.


Ha Ni sighed, not liking doing nothing at all. She looked around as people walked around, crossing the street and just loitering around. She suddenly eyed an old man who had dropped his groceries in the middle of the busy sidewalks. People walked by him swiftly, avoiding making eye contact of any sort. Ha Ni frowned and ran toward the direction.


“I'll be right back Ji Eul!” Ha Ni exclaimed as she got to the old man and helped him pick up his things. The old man smiled at Ha Ni's kindness, thanking her warmly and giving her one of the apples he had bought for her troubles.


Ha Ni returned to a smiling Ji Eul. “You're so kind Ha Ni.” Ji Eul said as she gave her a tissue to wipe her hands and the apple if she wanted.


“Nahh. Helping others should be a normal thing. I love helping others.” Ha Ni stated firmly.


Ji Eul nodded, “I agree. It's too bad it's not a normal thing.”


“I know right?” Ha Ni sighed. Just then the bell had rung to indicate that school had ended. Ha Ni smiled. “Finally.”


They saw Kyo Jin and Min Hi walking out together and waved to them, which they returned with smiles and waves as well.


“You didn't have to wait for me. We could have met at HQ.” Kyo Jin said but smiled at both of them in appreciation for their thoughts.


“We wanted to pick you up. You are helping us with our assignments.” Ha Ni smiled brightly.


Kyo Jin laughed, “It's no big deal.” She looked toward Min Hi. “Do you want to come discuss with us?”


Min Hi shook her head, “Nope! I have to do my homework and then meet up with Jinho! We have a lead on her assignment.” She jumped up and down excited as she started walking toward her home.


“Wait! What about the stake-out for Sehun at 5?” Kyo Jin questioned as she slowly started to get further and further.


“Start without us! Jinho sent a text didn't she?” Min Hi exclaimed back but disappeared before either of them could reply.


Ji Eul looked up in realization, “Min Hi's right, Jinho did send us a text.”


“Yeah. And Min Hi seems to be a lot better than yesterday.” Ha Ni mentioned as she looked toward the direction Min Hi had left.


Kyo Jin nodded, “She is, but she still gets these random angry spurts that she won't explain about. Luckily food will make her feel better.”


“I'm sure everything will be fine in the end.” Ji Eul said quietly, still worried about Min Hi.


Kyo Jin smiled, “I'm sure too. Let's head over to HQ then so we can talk about our assignments alright?”


“Okay!” Both Ha Ni and Ji Eul replied in unison as they piled into Ha Ni's car and headed toward the cafe.


They arrived and went to the back where the lounge (HQ) was and settled in there.


“So what are we going to talk about?” Ha Ni asked as she fidgeted with her fingers, eager to see how things will go.


“Haha, well since all our assignments are all businessmen, I thought the best way to get close to them was to join the business.” Kyo Jin confirmed as she took some papers out of her bag.


Ji Eul looked at Kyo Jin in shock, “Join the company? Isn't it a really big successful company?”


Kyo Jin looked up from the papers and smiled at Ji Eul, “Yup. Do you happen to know anything about your assignment Ji Eul?”


“Oh..I.” Ji Eul stammered, looking down in embarrassment. “Not really. Besides his name.”


“Don't worry Ji Eul, it's not a problem if you don't know. I'll help you.” Kyo Jin assured as she handed her a paper, as well as Ha Ni.


Ha Ni stared at the paper, a bit shocked at what she was looking at. “Kyo Jin? What is this?”


Kyo Jin laughed as she took out a paper and placed it in front of her, “Your graduation certificate from Seoul University.”


Ji Eul and Ha Ni glanced at Kyo Jin then at each other. “We didn't.. graduate from Seoul University though.”


“I know, but to get into a big company like Samsung we need to be smart.” Kyo Jin smiled as she continued to take out papers and sort things.


“Sa-Samsung? Our assignments are from Samsung?” Ji Eul questioned shocked, worry overtaking her.


“Ji Eul don't sweat it! You're going to do awesome.” Kyo Jin smiled as she grabbed her hand to calm her. Ji Eul tensed then relaxed at the contact, slowly calming down.


“So how are we doing this Kyo Jin?” Ha Ni asked, wondering how she'll be able to pull this off.


Kyo Jin took a deep breath and pointed at the documents, “First off we need to prove we are capable of being in a company like Samsung. These documents are not the ones we'll use just yet. The W.R.A.T.H. organization is finalizing stuff for us. As well as our resumes.”


Ha Ni looked at the document dumbfounded, “So..we have to lie about being graduates of Seoul University and lie about the things in our resumes and lie that these documents are real when this is probably illegal and...”


“Ha Ni, Ha Ni calm down. I know you don't like lying..but this is the standard we have as W.R.A.T.H. members.” Kyo Jin stated calmly.


Ha Ni nodded, understanding the situation. “Sorry, it's just....I can't.”


“I know. It will be hard Ha Ni.” Kyo Jin admitted, “But I know for sure you can do it.”


Ha Ni nodded again as she took a deep breath, reading over the fake documents to truly take in and to know them inside out, dedicated to fulfill her assignment.


Kyo Jin looked to Ji Eul who was also staring at the documents with the same anxiety as Ha Ni had but a lot more physically calm than Ha Ni.


“What are you thinking about Ji Eul?” Kyo Jin asked as Ji Eul looked up silently and smiled.


“I just realized that we're all supposedly really smart then. I'll have to open up more won't I?” Ji Eul replied with a small insecure smile on her face.


“Basically.” Kyo Jin nodded.


“Woah Kyo Jin, that means you're a genius. You're only 18.” Ha Ni exclaimed in surprise. “We have to hide the fact you still go to high school!”


“Yup. It's going to be tough, but I'm sure we can do it with the help of the organization and the other members.” Kyo Jin responded with confidence. “I've done this enough times to not worry about those kind of things.”


Ha Ni patted her on the back, “You're really mature about all this Kyo Jin. I'm really glad you're my partner!”


Kyo Jin smiled in return, “I'm glad too.”


Ha Ni laughed as she looked back at the documents as another thought overcame her. “Hey Kyo Jin, how are we going to convince them that we know what we're doing?”


“Yeah we don't know anything about our assignments work or stuff.” Ji Eul added.


“Well we got a lot of studying to do now don't we?” Kyo Jin exclaimed energetically.


“Jinho, Jinho it's finally time! We can finally find information!” Min Hi squeaked with excitement as she sat in the car waiting to arrive at the studio.


“Mhmm~ I'm pretty excited too. I really hope we can get something out of this.” Jinho confessed as she drove.


Min Hi clapped to herself, “I'm sure there will be something! These kind of opportunities don't come very often you know?”


Jinho laughed, “Very true. You seem really happy today.”


“Do I?” Min Hi giggled, “I didn't notice.”


“You don't notice a lot of things.” Jinho teased as Min Hi stuck out her tongue at her.


“We're here!” Min Hi exclaimed loudly as the arrived at the music studio. They both got out of the car to see many other people crowding around the studio.


“Seems like word got out that the famous 'Byun Couple' was going to record here.” Jinho muttered, thinking it might be a bit harder to find information.


Min Hi looked at the disappointed Jinho and slapped her in the arm, “We won't get anything done with that attitude! Be confident!”


Jinho laughed, “Sure sure alright.”


As they walked toward the huge crowd of people, a man and a woman bumped into them, causing Jinho to fall forward with Min Hi catching her quickly.


“Oh my! I'm terribly sorry!” the woman shouted, reaching out to help Jinho up.


Jinho shook her head, “No no it's fine. Don't worry about it.” She turned to find a very attractive couple, however, they had many of their faces covered up with sunglasses and hats.


Jinho looked at them curiously when suddenly the man spoke up, “You fall very gracefully.”


Jinho stepped back in shock and glanced at Min Hi, who tried to stifle her laughter. “Pardon? I'm not sure if I heard you correctly.. I fall gracefully?”


The woman laughed as she nudged the man in the arm, “Don't scare the girl dear!” The woman proceeded to take off her sunglasses and hat, “Hello, I am Mrs. Byun.” she smiled at us warmly.


Jinho and Min Hi stared wide eyed at the couple, not knowing what to say. The man did not take off his glasses and hat but extended his arm for a handshake.


“If it's not obvious, I am Mr. Byun.” he responded playfully as both Min Hi and Jinho shook his hand. “I didn't mean to scare you if I did. My choice of words were quite weird.”


“Dear, there are no choice of words to make that sentence sound any less awkward.” Mrs. Byun responded in motherly authority. He shrugged his shoulders as he let out a light chuckle.


Mrs. Byun faced Jinho and Min Hi again and smiled, “You two are very beautiful, would you guys mind helping us out?”


“Wi-with what exactly?” Jinho stammered, still recovering from her shock of actually meeting thee 'Byun Couple.'


Mrs. Byun laughed slightly, amused by their reactions but not shocked since it was something that happened often for her. “I wanted to ask if you two would like to star in our music video for our new single.” She asked sweetly and smiled, showing a very cute eye smile.


“We've been having a lot of trouble finding a lead for our music video. Hiring an actress makes the actions so unnatural and posed, we we're thinking of having normal girls take part.” Mr. Byun elaborated with a very eloquent and soothing voice. “Which is why I commented about your falling. It was very natural.”


Min Hi laughed, “It was natural because it was real.” Mrs. Byun smiled at her remark and found her very cute.


“We would really like to have you guys be a part in our music video. I think the two of you would make it amazing!” Mrs. Byun pleaded.


“Our son would probably feel a lot more comfortable as well. He doesn't really like professional actresses.” Mr. Byun added as Mrs. Byun nodded in agreement.


Jinho looked toward both of them with full interest now, “Your son?”


They laughed and nodded, “Why yes he will be the lead male role! We want to incorporate him, he is so talented but not well known.”


“I think we'll accept the offer!” Min Hi yelled out suddenly with excitement as Jinho stood smiling and nodded her head.


“Yes, we'd love to help you out with your problem.” Jinho confirmed.


Mr. Byun and Mrs. Byun looked at each other with joy, “Thank you so much you two! We'd love to contact you soon but we're very late for our appointment. Would you mind calling us instead when you are free?” They handed both of them a card with their contact information, waited for our 'yes' and proceeded toward the music studio.


Jinho stared at the card in her hand then at Min Hi, “Min Hi...What just happened?”


“I think it was my positive attitude.” Min Hi beamed as she stared at the card. “We're going to be in the music video Jinho!”


Jinho nodded her head and smiled, “And more importantly, we're going to be in a music video with Byun Baekhyun.”


“It's 5:45 guys and he hasn't come yet, this is a fail stake-out.” Aaesook grumbled as she lay on the couch reading a book.


Ha Ni looked at Aaesook and sighed, “You're not even doing anything Aaesook, Ji Eul is doing all the work.”


Aaesook glanced at Ha Ni then back at her book, “Is it my fault Ji Eul is the only one that knows what Sehun really looks like?”


“No, just be more appreciative and cooperative please.” Ha Ni sighed as she opened up a book on software engineering and studied it's details.


“Ha Ni how are you doing with understanding the information?” Kyo Jin asked as she looked up from doing her school homework.


Ha Ni smiled, “It's good! It's not that bad if I just read it a couple of times.”


At that moment, Ji Eul walked in, dressed as a waitress of the cafe. “He hasn't come in yet.” She said quietly as she put down the menus she was holding.


“He was here around 6-7 PM last time the incident happened. I'm sure he'll come soon.” Kyo Jin assured as she gestured Ji Eul to sit down. “Take a break, I'm sure you don't have to be out there every moment.”


“You're doing a good job!” Aaesook yelled out randomly from her position on the couch, still reading her book as she said it.


Ha Ni looked toward Aaesook and smirked, “Way to be appreciative.”


“You're welcome.” Aaesook replied as she laughed a little. Ha Ni rolling her eyes in half annoyance, half amusement and Aaesook's way of encouragement.


Minutes passed of them just talking or working when Ji Eul decided to go back out to look for him, believing that he will come soon. After she left it was quiet and went back to how it was originally.


“I kind of wish we can start our assignments already. I already have enough information to start on my assignment.” Aaesook mentioned as she put her book down.


“You know it's only been about 3 days since we've gotten our assignments though right?” Kyo Jin stated as she busily worked on her homework.


Aaesook sighed, “Well, a lot has happened in the past 3 days. More than I've ever had in past assignments and we haven't even started the assignments yet.”


Ha Ni nodded, “I actually agree, I mean this is my first time in W.R.A.T.H. but it does seem like a lot is going on. I mean I already met my assignment in person!”


“Same.” Aaesook acknowledged.


“Well maybe we can talk to Mi Young and Hwanhee about letting us start earlier. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind.” Kyo Jin suggested calmly.


Ha Ni and Aaesook both nodded in agreement as they continued what the were originally doing. In a couple of minutes, Jinho and Min Hi walked into the room, bringing in an excited and happy atmosphere.


“Hey guys! We're here! We didn't miss anything right?” Jinho laughed as she positioned herself on the couch.


Ha Ni shook her head, “Nothing at all. You guys seem like you won the lottery.”


Min Hi beamed at her, “Nahh but we did get great information and a great chance!”


“A chance? For what?” Aaesook asked curiously.


Min Hi shook her head and put a finger to her lips, “Shhh. It's a secret. You guys will find out later.” She skipped toward the couch as she plopped herself down with glee.


“I'm so excited now I want to get started on the assignment already!” Jinho yelled energetically.


“How funny, we were just talking about that.” Ha Ni mentioned amused.


“It's only been a couple of days and we're already starting to think alike. I think that's a good sign guys. Kyo Jin commented happily.


Aaesook glanced at everyone then frowned, “Not to ruin the mood, but even if we want to start..Min Hi hasn't found anything on her assignment yet.”


“Ahhhh...right.” Everyone agreed as Min Hi pouted.


Ha Ni walked over to Min Hi and comforted her, “It's okay Min Hi, that's what this stake-out is for right? Something good will happen. Be positive!” Min Hi smiled and nodded her head slowly.


Jinho laughed, “Min Hi that's the exact same thing you told me and something amazing did happen.”


Suddenly Ji Eul walked in with a big smile on her face and shouted, “Min Hi! He came! He's sitting near the door, in the red shirt!”


Min Hi's face immediately lit up as she got up and exchanged the waitress outfit with Ji Eul and proceeded outside.


“Wow.. Isn't that ironic.” Aaesook commented just as Min Hi walked out the door.


“Great timing Ji Eul.” Jinho chuckled as Ji Eul smiled at her, sitting down to take a break from all her spying and working.


Min Hi walked out of the room swiftly and quietly, closing the door behind her. As soon as the door had closed shut her happy face hardened as she entered the cafe and searched for the very guy who broke her friends heart. The pain and hurt from the night before was coming back as she tried to restrain herself from bursting into angry tears. The pain that was hidden from her momentary joy returning ever so slowly.


She found him sitting with his friends next to the door, wearing red, just as Ji Eul said. She wiped the tables around them, trying to listen in on their conversations.


“Hey Sehun. I heard another girl confessed to you today after school.” A baby faced looking male sitting to his left spoke as he nudged Sehun in the arm.


Sehun shook his head, “Yeah. It was really awkward Suho. I don't understand what girls see in me.”


Another guy to his right, one with big animated eyes laughed, “What is there not to like? Loosen up!”


Sehun smirked, “Say's you Kyungsoo, the nagging mother of our whole group.”


Kyungsoo crossed his arms, “Someone has to keep some order in our group of friends.”


Sehun laughed as he looked around the cafe, noticing Min Hi looking in their direction but decided to ignore her. Min Hi also caught his glance toward her as she looked away in a natural manner, picking up some empty cups left by previous customers.


Did he see me?” Min Hi thought as she busily cleared the table, wiped it, and took the things to the kitchen. She returned swiftly to her place near the group of guys, trying not to be as noticeable.


“Sehun why don't you try getting a girlfriend. I think it would be better than sulking around all the time.” Suho suggested as he drank his coffee.


“You know as much as I do why I can't do that.” Sehun countered as he let out a sad sigh.


“Besides going to an all guys school, there really isn't anything else.” Kyungsoo commented, trying to persuade Sehun into Suho's suggestion.


An all guys school?” Min Hi questioned softly as she took in all the information. Walking back and forth, taking orders from new customers as she did so.


Sehun let out another sigh, “You know the other reason Kyungsoo. And it would be too much of a hassle anyway. We wouldn't be able to see each other much and she'd probably get mad.”


“There's always after school man, why do you have to be so negative.” Suho mentioned putting his arm around his shoulder. “Don't let that stop you.”


“Whatever. I don't know. I don't understand how girls even notice me anyway when they don't even see me around.” Sehun mumbled as he played with his fingers.


“Girls have their ways. We have a public school right across from ours anyway. Seoul High School I think.” Kyungsoo stated. “What a boring school name.”


Suho laughed, “How about ours then? Seoul Boy's High School? The only difference is that we have the word Boy in it.”


Kyungsoo shrugged, “I don't know. Just leave me be.” He pouted as Suho laughed at him, Sehun also chuckling a bit by his friends weirdness.


They continued to talk about other things that Min Hi thought was not very useful for her assignment. She decided that it would be best for her to return to the HQ and headed toward the back door.


“Wait, excuse me?” A voice rang out that caused her to turn her head toward the direction. The caller was Sehun.


What..does he want.” Min Hi wondered as she put on a smile and approached them. With every step, her built up sadness and anger slowly emerged. Panicked, Min Hi walked slowly toward them, trying hard to hold it in.


“Hi. Sorry, can we get some more coffee?” Sehun asked politely, smiling sweetly toward her.


Min Hi nodded her head as she walked off to get the pot of coffee, her hand shaking with anger. She returned to the table and plastered the smile back on her face. Kyungsoo, Suho, and Sehun conversed with each other energetically as Min Hi poured each of them another cup of coffee. Then all of a sudden a cry of pain was heard as Min Hi stepped back, dropping the pot of coffee and watched Sehun get up, his hand red from the hot coffee, his pants turning dark from the liquid.


“I-I'm terribly sorry!” Min Hi yelled, running to get napkins and a towel.


Sehun chuckled awkwardly, “No, it's alright. I'm okay.”


Min Hi ran toward the counter and grabbed a towel when a hand stopped her. She looked up to see Nakita staring with soft eyes at her.


“Min Hi, go to the lounge. I'll take care of this.” Nakita assured as she took the towel from her hand and pushed Min Hi toward the back.


Min Hi mouthed a 'thank you' as she ran toward the back and through the door, finding the rest of the girls shocked at her sudden entrance.


“Min Hi? What's wrong? Did something happen?” Ha Ni asked worried as she got up from her seat to go comfort her.


Min Hi ran up to her and hugged her tightly, not letting her go. “I-I can't do this. Not with him. I-I can't.”


Kyo Jin got up patted her back, “What are you talking about Min Hi? Is everything alright?”


“What do you mean you can't?” Aaesook questioned.


Min Hi sniffled and cried, burying her face into Ha Ni's shirt. “Ca-can't..too much.”


Jinho walked up to Min Hi and also patted her back, “It's okay Min Hi, we'll work things out. You can do this.” Ji Eul watched from afar, not able to go close and comfort her from fear she wouldn't be of any help. She stood in worry from afar.


Min Hi shook her head against Ha Ni's chest, continuing to cry. “No, no I can't....I hate him.” 



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