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The Giant Elf

All I did was cry, I even had to stop it because it was just so heartbreaking... Minseok looks so sad. It just tore every piece of my heart to shreds to see that kind of expression on his face. I am so proud to be his fan and I always will be. He is an inspiration to me more than anyone else, and I will always believe in him.

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This is my longest story ever *blush* OMG... O.O


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jantih #1
Chapter 4: I'm also one of Xiumin fan, and I think he have a lot of qualities that people cann't see in him... Don't worry little brother, you still have this noona... Keep fighting!!!
Chapter 7: I never read krisho or suris or idk what their name before lol
But this story is cute actually ;)
Chapter 8: omg so fluffy! loved it! xiumin as an umma is super cute!
Chapter 6: I was shocked when i saw 3 new update from you lol author-nim daebak!
Ho my gosh. I'm in love with this.
This is mcmamlakfjjdkdkdj hits me in my feels so hard. I'm so in love with them in this story. This is just so much fluff. I'm drowning in it. Thankkkkk you soooooo much because they deserve such love. It's so pureeeee <3
Chapter 3: Omg my heart can't accept all this fluffyness....
Xiuyeol please stop ㅠㅠ
Author-nim what are you doing to meee??? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ