Apart for but a Moment

The Giant Elf

Apart for but a Moment

Chapter 3


All I ever dreamed of as a kid was to make the one I love smile, I mean just seeing Minseok hyung smile is one of the greatest things I have ever seen. But now was the time I had to be parted from him, I know it won't be long however there is a pain inside my heart because I love him dearly and I can't be there to protect him or hold him in my arms when he is tired or scared.

I wake up early, for once even earlier than Minseok hyung. I lie there running my fingers down his cheek as he sleeps watching the way his eyelashes flutter and he mumbles against my chest. I smile because he is absolutely beautiful and I couldn't wish for anything more. As soon as the light begins to filter through the window Minseok begins to stretch his body out and yawn tiredly. I can't help but laugh at him. The light just starts shining and his body instinctively knows to wake up? Is the boy a rooster? He turns to look at me who is still laughing and pouts cutely.

“Yeollie you're awake?” He asks me and giggles as he leans himself back on my chest and I cross my hands over his midsection.

“Yeah I couldn't sleep well, I want to be with you longer.” I say nuzzling my face inside of his neck wanting to cherish his warmth. I feel him turn around to softly peck my lips and I am surprised to see tears in his eyes. I quickly wipe them away but they keep coming quickly, cascading down his cheeks as he holds onto me tightly.

“I don't want to leave you Yeollie.” Minseok sobbed against my chest and I lifted his head tears beginning to well up in my own eyes. I couldn't do anything other then hold him in my arms trying to still time so that we could still like this even for a moment longer. But reality was not with us because in the next moment Kris came into the room albeit rudely seeing as he forgot how to knock.

“I came to wake up Xiumin, we need to head for the airport soon.” Kris said sympathetically his eyes taking in the scene before him and he sighed sad to see the oldest member of the group saddened so.

“Bye hyung.” I whisper sadly as he hugs me one last time and kisses my lips trying to savour it for all it was worth before he walked to the dorms door with his suitcase and my heart in his hand. As soon as he left I quickly made my way to our room and collapsed onto the bed as harsh sobs wracked my body and the tears unrelentingly fell down my cheeks. It felt so empty in here without him, I felt so empty. All I wanted at this moment was for him to be back in my arms.

A few weeks later I sat at the television waiting impatiently for the show to finally broadcast, they were appearing on Happy Camp yet again and I was dying to catch a glimpse of my Minseok. Sure we talked all the time via phone but it wasn't the same, and neither was this. But I had to see him smile to know that he was alright.

When I saw him my heart leaped out of my chest and a lump came to my throat. His smile was there but the shine wasn't in my eyes. He didn't talk much however the camera loved him, he showed up plenty of times and my heart swelled with pride. He was gorgeous, his hair was spiked up cutely and his outfit outlined his body. My mind seethed in anger as Luhan came over and clung onto Minseok. He was touching my Xiuxiu hyung. I was mad, pissed even. He was doing what he always has done. No wonder fans were so mesmerized by Xiuhan, it was sickening, sure fans liked it but as soon as Exo-M returned back to Korea I knew how it would be. The hate comments, the death threats. Hunhan destroys Xiumin's image. They say he's worthless and that he is nothing compared to Sehun, but boy are they wrong. Sure Sehun is a good kid but he's whiny, needy and troublesome. Some of the things that I loved about Xiumin is that he's helpful, kind, loving, nurturing and he would never say a hurtful word about anyone because he believes that everyone deserves to have a friend. Just thinking about it gets me choked up. Maybe that is why he was perfect for me? He's short, I'm tall however it fits so that we connect perfectly. He's everything I've always wanted and according to him I'm more than he's ever dreamed of. To me he was more than a lover, he was a soul mate.

“Suho I need help.” I mention to the leader a pleading look in my eyes as I get down on my knees holding my hands up to him begging quite efficiently if I might say so myself. He sighed and sat down in one of the chairs.

“What did you do now Chanyeol?” He asked suspiciously but I just laughed.

“I didn't do anything yet hyung, it's about what I'm going to do.” I exclaim excitedly hoping that he would agree to help me with my plans.

“What do you mean Chanyeol?” He says his eyes wandering over my features. “Ah this must have something to do with Minseok hyung. There's that sparkle in your eye.” He says laughing and ruffles my hair like a father would do to his son. “Sure I'll help you.” He smiles down at me and I get up and grab him spinning him around repeatedly excited that he agreed.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!” I scream out loud and my cheery laughter was so loud that all the other members surrounded themselves around us.

Suho hyung and I gathered in his room that night to think up ideas and I sat down on Yixing's bed which was sadly empty and I couldn't help but fidget from the excess adrenaline running through my body.

“Yah! Chanyeol, pay attention.” Suho snaps at me and claps his hands in front of my face and I smile up at him in a daze.

“Okay hyung sorry.” I say after shaking my head a few times.

“So this is what I think. Minseok hyung is a romantic guy, so do something over the top. Take him somewhere romantic for a moonlight dinner and treat him like gold. Don't go cheap, hyung will help you out with this. I know how depressed you have both been without each other.” Suho said smiling and patted my shoulder consolingly and I couldn't help but show him my teary eyes that were shining with gratefulness and admiration.

“Thank you hyung. I'll be sure to make this the best night of his life.” I whispered happy that I can treat my Minseok hyung like he deserves to be treated.

The next week that passed went smoothly and the only thing left was for Minseok to arrive back in the dorm later that evening. I was getting ready putting on the black dress shirt and black tie to go with my dark blue skinny jeans and ran out of the dorm to pick up the flowers I ordered. Roses were so cliche I wanted something that signified what he was to me. I chose a bouquet of blue, white and purple lilacs to symbolize first love, and the purity of our love. I desperately hoped that he would like them. When I arrived at the place where our dinner was to be held I looked around amazed at what Suho hyung had managed to pull off. It was amazing. Here I was standing on a beach filled with gorgeous floating candles and a gazebo filled with light and a small group of four musicians. There was two violinists, pianist, and a flute player. It was magical but even more so was Minseok as he walked towards me guided by the moonlight. His white dress shirt and white skinny jeans made him look like an angel. Every part of him shined. I was mesmerized, the smile on his face made every part of my heart fall even more so in love with him. I could see the tears falling down his cheeks as he looked around him and I quickly gathered him into my arms when he finally reached me and kissed him deeply so happy that the love of my life was finally in front of me again. I took the flowers from the other side of the table and handed them over to him and he gaped at the large quantity and laughed softly before stepping on his tippy toes to kiss me on the forehead and mouthing thank you. He smiled up at me love shining all around him and I took his hand and led him to his chair not forgetting to push his seat in before I sat down myself. Now at this moment was not the time for words. Yes we had missed each other and had plenty of things to say but for now our eyes did the talking and they said more than a million things that could be expressed verbally. I held his hands in mine and just looked at him with a cheesy smile on my face. The musicians began to softly play music behind us and waiters came bearing food. I smiled up at them thankfully, and held up a fork with simple cuisine knowing that Minseok hyung didn't like exquisite foods. I kept it simple going with Alfredo, steak and baked potato. He smiled at me and took a bite of the food that I held out to him and moaned in pleasure as he chewed. I took a bite myself and turned back to give the waiter a thumbs up while Minseok wasn't paying attention. After we finished the meal the waiter brought out liquid caramel cake. Caramel flowed from the inside of the cake onto the plate and I could almost see visible drool coming out of Minseok's mouth at the sight and I hastily fed him some to which he giggled and kissed me and I laughed because he tasted of caramel. After sharing chaste kisses between feeding each other desert I stood up and held my hand out to him.

“Minseok, would you do the honour of dancing with me?” I asked dropping the honorifics knowing that it was the two of us and at the moment we were not hyung and dongsaeng, we were two people madly in love with each other. Tears sparkled in his eyes yet again and I wiped them away lovingly before I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his own around my neck.

“I love you Kim Minseok. I hope you always remember that.” I whispered to him as we danced to the music. It was all so magical dancing under the stars and the floating candles. We stopped dancing after a while and I led him down to a chair swing where we could sit and watch the stars together. I sat down and pulled Minseok into my lap holding him to my chest knowing that I was the happiest man on the earth.

“I love you too Chanyeol. Forever I will love you.” Minseok whispered into my ear and kissed my cheek before snuggling closer against me. It was all perfect and I caressed+ his arm as he was lulled to sleep by the waves on the shore and the soft breeze. He was just perfect, everything I could have wanted out of life.

Oh god so fluffy. *blushes* Mianhe if I disturbed anyone with the intesity of the fluffy romance haha. And I almost cried myself when I parted the two of them. What an emotional blob I am. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I tried to create the perfect fantasy reunion for them as possible. Remember SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT. I would be eternally grateful.



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This is my longest story ever *blush* OMG... O.O


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jantih #1
Chapter 4: I'm also one of Xiumin fan, and I think he have a lot of qualities that people cann't see in him... Don't worry little brother, you still have this noona... Keep fighting!!!
Chapter 7: I never read krisho or suris or idk what their name before lol
But this story is cute actually ;)
Chapter 8: omg so fluffy! loved it! xiumin as an umma is super cute!
Chapter 6: I was shocked when i saw 3 new update from you lol author-nim daebak!
Ho my gosh. I'm in love with this.
This is mcmamlakfjjdkdkdj hits me in my feels so hard. I'm so in love with them in this story. This is just so much fluff. I'm drowning in it. Thankkkkk you soooooo much because they deserve such love. It's so pureeeee <3
Chapter 3: Omg my heart can't accept all this fluffyness....
Xiuyeol please stop ㅠㅠ
Author-nim what are you doing to meee??? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ