Breaking Apart the Triangle

The Giant Elf

Breaking Apart the Triangle

Chapter one


What do I know about love? I am but a young boy in the midst of adulthood while witnessing three of my closest friends experience a love triangle. It's a cruel thing from all that I have seen because throughout the whole ordeal only one person has been hurt, only one person has been crushed. That person is Xiumin. Luhan plays him like a deck of cards however when he's finished doting on the boy and lavishing him with attention he throws him away to pay attention to the one who truly matters to him... Sehun.

I laugh at Kris as he tries to attempt aegyo, which turns out to be quite an amazing sight as he squishes his already thin cheeks out trying to make them puffy. The other members fall to the floor in fits of laughter however one member is sitting in the chair all by his lonesome pretending to be amused however it's not quite working for him. My ever watchful eyes catch his glimpse towards Luhan who is draped over Sehun's shoulders as the two boys whisper back and forth towards each other. Xiumin's expression darkens and his eyes begin to falter and I know that then is the time to step in and take hold of this situation. If not who knows how the group will be torn apart by these three. I swiftly walk towards Xiumin, not really gaining interest from the other members and I take his hand pulling him off the seat. He looks up and me and squeaks in surprise blushing profusely, but says nothing and follows me into our shared room.

One thing I hate is that the room is small, every night I can hear soft sobs as he curls up into his blanket and covers his mouth with his baozi doll which I have a strong urge to throw away. However it seems to be the one thing that can console the man. As I drag him into the room the first thing he does is grab that godforsaken doll and I sigh in defeat.

“Hyung this cannot go on.” I whisper emotionally. “If you don't... Have you every thought of the effect this would have on everyone? What this would do to the group?” I ask him solemnly as I look up at him with pleading eyes. He turns to look at me eyes full of anger and anguish.

“Chanyeol, have you not thought that I've already come to that conclusion?” He asks with a harsh whisper his voice changing from it's usual softness. “I'm no good anyways. I get no recognition for my singing or dancing, fans think I am ugly and I cannot have love. I want out!” He says and falls to the ground holding his head between his knees. I am truly shocked by his words and go to him wrapping my arms around him tears pricking my own eyes.

“Hyung the other members would never let you leave. You are the one that helps us in times of need. Also hyung you look perfect and we're still at the beginning of our career you have plenty of time to make your self known for your singing and dancing.” I whimper as my big lanky body shakes over the much shorter boy. I just can't imagine Xiumin hyung gone out of our lives. It leaves an indescribable pain in my heart because I know that I might lose one of my precious brothers.

“Yeollie I don't think I can stand it any longer. The only one who really cares and notices what is happening to me is you.” Xiumin says finally breaking down into full blown sobs and I collapse with him holding him tightly in my arms scared that if I let go he would disappear.

Three days later Xiumin finally snapped at Luhan and told him not touch him so familiarly any more because he wasn't comfortable with it. Luhan's face was covered with shock and he was struck speechless because Xiumin was the member he was closest to other than Sehun. All the other members stood there as well staring at the pair, their eyes wide open and their mouths hanging from shock. Xiumin said nothing more and turned around full of confidence and grabbed my wrist and dragged me to our room.

“I.. I did it Yeollie. I finally did it.” He said smiling through his tears, he then let go of me momentarily to grab his baozi doll on the bed and ripped it in half and threw it in the trash.

From then on Xiumin underwent an amazing transformation. He began to focus upon himself and began to show his passion through his work. He took practices more seriously than all the other members and worked harder than anyone. One night I was walking through the company and passed the gym to see Xiumin sweating buckets and still working hard. I quickly took a glance at the machine he was running on and gaped at the time. It said two hours had passed and there the boy was still going. I was amazed and inspired by his dedication. He changed so much emotionally, personality wise and physically. I was amazed that he took my words seriously.

One night I passed Hunhan's room only to hear soft sobs coming from inside, Xiumin was walking quickly to catch up with me but he stopped as well to listen. He shook his head and looked up at me with a small smile on his face as he took hold of my arm.

“They must be fighting again.” He said as we walked to our room. I was surprised that he didn't go to console Luhan and instead continued on as though he didn't care.

“Yeah they must be.” I whispered in a daze and walked to my bed falling down in exhaustion.

“Yeollie you okay? Does your back or shoulders hurt?” Xiumin asked me worriedly as he quickly made his way over and told me to lay on my stomach. I smiled at his motherly nature and did as was told because to be honest my body did hurt from the constant practising. I do not know how Xiumin can withstand it all. Xiumin then sat down on my lower back and began to rub at my shoulder easing the tension out of them. My eyes slowly began to close as the comfort of his touch overtook my senses. With every squeeze and rub at my muscles I could feel the pain and pressure disappear and my body was left feeling refreshed.

“Hyung that feels nice.” I said smiling sleepily my head resting between my hands. I could hear his soft laughter behind me as he let his hands wander over my back to then tickle my sides. I gasped and began to squirm and squeak. One thing about me is that I am very ticklish. However I was incapable of doing anything seeing as the other boy was on top of me. I pouted and turned my head around sticking my tongue out at the older boy. He giggled and leaned over to one side to get a better angle to tickle me at and I took that opportunity to flip him over onto his back and tickle him uncontrollably.

“Y-yeollie... That tickles.” He laughed loudly and poked my tummy and I gave him my evil mischievous eyes.

“Hyung you started it.” I laughed and attacked under his shoulders.

“Pfft well you are no match for my next move!” Xiumin exclaimed and then leaned up to blow behind my ear. I fell over onto the floor breathing heavily as something washed over me.

“Hyung... That felt nice.” I panted and looked up at Xiumin with wide eyes who stared at me with an evil smirk.

“Duh Yeollie it was supposed to.” He said happily and hugged my pillow. “Oooh it smells like you.” He giggled and cuddled himself into my belongings. I couldn't help but smile at the sight. It is amazing to see such a carefree smile upon my friends face.

“Do you want to sleep in my bed tonight?” I asked him absentmindedly and he nodded his head furiously as he jumped off my bed to change into his pyjamas. He then quickly ran back over to my bed before I could lift myself off the floor and curled himself back into my blankets. “Hyung you didn't bring your pillow over?” I asked as I changed into a shirt and some shorts.

“Nah I want to share with my giant elf.” He said smiling however my eyes caught the little pink tint to his cheeks and my own cheeks flushed at his pet name for me.

“Are you making fun of my ears hyung?” I ask pouting cutely as I hold my hands over my ears. He shakes his head quickly and sits on his knees reaching for my hands.

“Of course not Yeollie I love your ears. They are so cute and it makes it easier to do this.” He said as he then shyly took my ear into his mouth softly nibbling and it. I felt shivers of pleasure go down my back and I leaned into him forcing him to lie down with myself on top of him.

“Hyung is this a come on?” I breathe into his neck my voice deepening considerably.

“Yes, absolutely.” The older boy responds and he wraps his arms around my shoulders. “Yeollie I like you.” He whispered smiling happily as his eyes began to water.

I cupped his cheek in my hand letting my thumb brush over his cheek bone and kissed him softly. “Xiuxiu hyung I like you too.” I whisper teasingly as I kiss him again with a soft peck to his lips.

I can feel his body curl up against mine and I wrapped my arms around his thin waist holding him as close to me as possible as he rest his head upon my chest directly above my furiously beating heart.

I can't say when I fell in love with Xiumin, maybe it was before the triangle happened, I just knew that he wasn't allowed to experience the pain of not being loved anymore. He needed someone to shower affection upon him. Sure I always acted like a best friend encouraging him, but that is only because I refused to admit I loved him until I absolutely knew that he loved himself at long last. Now that that has finally happened I can cherish him and love him for all of my life despite whatever obstacles we have to overcome. I will support him, protect him and lastly love him because he is everything I have every had my eyes set upon.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter so far. I tried to make it as long as my imagination could take me so far. I am finally not sick anylonger. Thank the heavens. I graduated as well!!! WOOHOO!!! :D I missed all my readers so much and feel a bit discouraged because I left for a while. But I am back now and ready to finally be the author I was meant to be. I hope people subscribe and comment. I love feedback and I love hearing peoples opinions. So don't be afraid to comment. I don't want hatefull stuff though because I am a person who has feelings. Well it was a pleasure writing this chapter and I really hope you all like it.


♥ Heartonheart ♥

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This is my longest story ever *blush* OMG... O.O


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jantih #1
Chapter 4: I'm also one of Xiumin fan, and I think he have a lot of qualities that people cann't see in him... Don't worry little brother, you still have this noona... Keep fighting!!!
Chapter 7: I never read krisho or suris or idk what their name before lol
But this story is cute actually ;)
Chapter 8: omg so fluffy! loved it! xiumin as an umma is super cute!
Chapter 6: I was shocked when i saw 3 new update from you lol author-nim daebak!
Ho my gosh. I'm in love with this.
This is mcmamlakfjjdkdkdj hits me in my feels so hard. I'm so in love with them in this story. This is just so much fluff. I'm drowning in it. Thankkkkk you soooooo much because they deserve such love. It's so pureeeee <3
Chapter 3: Omg my heart can't accept all this fluffyness....
Xiuyeol please stop ㅠㅠ
Author-nim what are you doing to meee??? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ