I'm the One to Blame

I'm In Love With A Wolf

(Zico's PoV)


I glared darkly up at the pale, cold hearted woman befor me-


She jumped down off of the tree, landing on her feet and kicking up dirt in the process. "Well, well isnt it Zico himself. Came back for me didnt you?" she smirked.


"SooYun we need to talk" I said ignoring her ignorant remark, "Sorry but..I'm not here for talk, Im here for her" she narrowed her piercing red eyes at Miyung-


"Bringing her to the Guchugahm wont solve anything for you" I said trying to block Miyung from her view, "It'll do EVERYTHING for me!" she snapped.


"Do you really think Dakota will let you off the hook if you bring him Miyung? He'll kill you once you hand her over!" I shouted at her irritably, "Aaaw JiHo..I didnt know you cared so much about me" she put her hands to her chest and gave me a cute pouty face-


 I rolled my eyes in disgust, "No..Im just trying to point out how stupid you're being! You always DO befor you THINK! That isnt how it works SooYun!" Everytime I spoke to the stubourn my voice rose-


"Well thats how I WORK ZICO!" Her calm smart- tone turned into a furious one, "Now if you dont mind" she said and in a blink of an eye she swiped behind us and had Miyung's hands twisted behind her back, "I have a wolf to turn in-" befor we could speak she was gone..And so was Miyung-


(Kris' PoV)


I literaly felt my heart drop when I saw SooYun disapear with Miyung..."Where is she going?! We need to get Miyung back!" Chanyeol freaked out.


"I know, I know! I'm a proffessional at this kid, we'll find her..I promise" Zico said trying to calm him down.


"Lets hurry befor she gets too far" Zico said then he began to walk in the direction SooYun went.


(Chanyeol's PoV)


My heart feels like its being stabbed over and over again..My stomach churned and churned with nervousness..God Im going out of my mind!


I felt sweat dripping down my neck and forehead.."Its the bond....Miyung is too far..too..far.." befor I knew it I hit the floor and out-


(Kris' PoV)


"Kris!!" I heard Baekhyun call, I stopped immediately and hurried over to where I saw Chanyeol passed out on the floor-


"Chanyeol? Chanyeol wake up!" I shook him, but nothing..I lifted him up onto my back and we walked forward from there-


"Damn..Why are you sweaty man?" I said to him even though he was passed out. "M-Mi" he mumbled, I sighed "I know..Im worried about her too buddy.." I frowned.


"Shhh! Do you hear that?" Tao said..All of our ears then prepped up when we heard sudden rustling noises and swift movements-


We all observed the trees carefully...




Out of no where vampires came in our direction-


I already saw that some of us were already in our wolf forms while Zico pulled out his wooden stake gun-


I sat Chanyeol down against a tree and quickly turned into a wolf within seconds and charged at the nearest vampire-


(Narrator's PoV)


Blood and destruction was everywhere, they fought until the very end-


"Wait! Wait!" Cried a vampire, the wolves made a big circle around the one vampire, teeth pointing out of their mouths and growls escaping their snouts as they glared at him with their piercing colorful eyes.


"I-I can help you find SooYun!" he quivered in fear, "Bull!" Kris barked.


"N-no no! I will I swear!" he coward, "We cant trust him Kris!" Tao snapped, hungrily staring at the vampire-


A frown came across Kris' face, "What more can we do though?" his voice sounded hurt in the others minds.


Chanyeol was awake through the whole fight..He seems worried now after Kris made that comment-


 "If you even DARE slip up ONCE I swear to God I will tear your limbs one, by one SLOWLY!" Kris said darkly, "O-ok, ok!" the vampire gulped.


"Move!" Zico nudged the vampire with his crossbow and the wolves slowly followed behind-


"I can walk now..Thanks" Chanyeol said as he saw Kris' wolf form approach him, "You should be in your wolf form too..Just incase" He heard Kris' voice in his head, and in seconds the tearing sound of clothes came into earshot and Chanyeol was a wolf as well-



They've been walking for hours, and Kris is growing impatient-


 "Ive had enough of this!" he snapped then he jumped ontop of the vampire and pinned him to the ground. 


 "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!" he barked aggressively in the vampires face, "W-We're almost there! I-I swear!!" The vampire said, he was on the verge of tears-


The others snickered in the back as the vampire became more of a cry baby. "Calm down, now..Who is it that missed me so much?" said the devious voice of SooYun.


Kris immediately came off of the other vampire and turned to SooYun, "Im done with your damn games! Where the hell is Miyung?!" Kris shouted with rage.


"Why is it care so much, Kris?" he voice became very comfortable, too comfortable for Kris' liking.


 But Kris didnt answer, but Chanyeol was listening closely...


"Dont try to hide it anymore, Kris..Dont you think its about time everyone knows?" she smirked at Kris as she paced back and forth.


 "I dont know what you're talking about" Kris lied..Worry soon filled in his stomach..


"Oh. You dont? Then I geuss I can recall that kiss you had with Miyung in the forest the other night?" she grinned widely with satisfaction in her tone-


Chanyeol suddenly felt a rush of anger and hurt inside of him...


Kris' big blue eyes widened with what she just said.."Dont try to say you didnt Kris.." she said befor Kris could protest.


Kris quickly turned to find Chanyeol in the crowd..But he wasnt there-


Kris' worries became ten times worst..He had Miyung worrying him and now Chanyeol-


 "Damn you SooYun!" Luhan barked as he went to charge for her but she ran away befor he could reach her.


 "We'll find them Kris...This isnt your fault" Suho said to comfort him.."Its all my damn fault" Kris thought to where the others couldnt hear him.


Then they set off back on their hunt for Miyung.


 Heyy!:D A little drama here, SooYun is something isnt she? haha:P please Comment/Subscribe! :) Gamsahbnida! 

I also started a new fic called "Together Until the End" if any of you are interested! :D its another supernatural-ish story of mine ;P


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Mariam8808 #1
Chapter 40: pleeees update sooon ><
Lulubabexom #2
Chapter 40: AAAHHHH!!!!what will happen next?!OMG!please update soon!
//banging my head on the table cause of dem feels
YourPrincessV #4
update please :(
Chapter 39: Oh nooo !! Chanyeol !! Where is he ?!! Where did he go ?!! >O<
maneeex3 #6
Chapter 39: Omg omg what happened to chanyeoool?
brixenne #7
Chapter 38: Do study well author-nim ... but don't abandon us! LOL
maneeex3 #8
Chapter 38: aww.. its okay fighting !
Chapter 38: It's okay, I'm waiting here, so take your time and study well :DDD
maneeex3 #10
Chapter 37: whats happening to her? omf-